Read Time Storm Page 5


  In deep space, and at an earlier point in time, the Time Platform roared along through time and space, the immense amount of power flowing into it from the fusion reactor back on the planet Orion pulsated all around it. It had scooped up many things as it had journeyed back through time to the far side of the galaxy, and even more as it made its return journey back to Orion, and it was bringing it all back with it. The Time Platform rushed forward in time, back towards Orion, soon it would lose most of this power but not until it had reached Orion.

  Chapter Six

  One Week Earlier, the Year 2494

  The Time Machine

  The President of The Government of Earth, Ronald Michaels, was sixty years old but he looked older. Today he was thinking about the Time Machine, and he had just left his Minister of Defence who would cover for his planned space flight aboard the Space Cruiser Revenge. He would be away for just fourteen days whilst the Government of Earth was closed for its annual holiday. He was supposed to be going on a short holiday to the far off resort planet of Almyra; in fact he was going to the planet Orion.

  One hour later and Archbishop Nicholas Collingswood, who led The Church of the Universe, watched as the space cruiser Revenge left Earth orbit. He was a tall dour man who was now filled with intolerance for anybody else`s views that differed from those of his own, he hadn`t always been like this, but power changed people. In fact he had climbed to his position as the leader of his church through ruthlessness, vigour and later in his life through intolerance, and also by attacking all those who countenanced tolerance of differing viewpoints to the point that no one in his Church dared have an opposing viewpoint.


  8.00 am June 21st the Year 2494

  Back on Orion, Bishop John Sinclair was for the moment unaware of the chaos going on around him. This morning he was standing at the windows of his temple on Orion; everyone thought of him as a kindly man and he was, but he was also a sad and lonely man. He liked to look down at the people walking across large paved square in front of the temple, busy in their everyday lives. At the moment the square was almost empty, almost except for a young mother with her family, but as he stood at the window looking down at this young family all his old nightmares returned to haunt him, almost like a premonition of the troubles that were soon to come to Orion. Years before he had lived on the beautiful but tragic mining planet of Altera, the planet had been colonised by a confederation of industrialists with mining interests. The events had begun at a similar window, a similar square, a similar planet. That square had been filled with the bustle of everyday life, and amid it all a young mother with her family. The scene was as clear to him now, as it had been on that fateful day when the family had stopped to look up and wave to him, the youngest one shouting out a greeting of some sort that couldn`t quite penetrate the walls and glass of the temple. He knew he was shouting out to him, his father the one person the whole family trusted with their safety, trusted beyond all else in the newly emerging group of planets ruled from Earth. He had known that he should not have felt so much pride in his family, but he had prayed that god would understand and forgive him this one sin. Tears streamed down his face as he recalled all that had followed this happy family scene, for it had only been seconds later that the first blast had come.

  He had not understood immediately what had caused the sounds, not until he saw the looks on the faces of the people in the square; it was the blast of an explosion. Once more he was back on Altera on that terrible morning. He witnessed again the terror that appeared upon the face of his wife as she turned towards him crying to him for help, her eyes clearly showing the bewilderment that had so suddenly and terrifyingly come upon her. Then the second blast hit her and the children, throwing them through the air like so many leaves caught up in an autumn storm. Blast followed blast; he stood there transfixed in agony as he saw the buildings around the square collapsing upon the people, upon his family who had been amongst the first to be touched by this horror. Slowly his mouth opened as a strangled scream escaped his lips; he called to his wife, the disbelief clear in his voice. “Karla, Karla.” The word echoed about the room as he ran from it to the world below. Immediately outside the temple a burst water main sent forth its torrents of water drenching the rescuers as they rushed towards the tragedy that was still unfolding. Water streamed everywhere making the attempts at rescue even harder than it already was. Alarms and sirens filled the air but he didn`t hear them, just the silent screams of his family, now lying dead beneath the rubble. The rescue teams soaked by the water, and all covered in dirt and blood, dug franticly through the rubble in search of the injured and the dying.

  It had taken so much time for his pain to subside down to mere sorrow, but lately with the successes at the science complex the local population had begun to complain, it was due to the sudden increase in the numbers of new colonists coming to Orion. The nightmares of the revolt on Altera had returned to haunt him, for this had been the complaint of the Alterans. His nightmares took him back to Altera, he was once again digging through the ruins with his bare hands, and then he was cradling his wife`s head as his tears washed away the dirt from her face, her dead eyes looking up deep into his were filled with questions that he would never be able to answer. Why oh why hadn`t he seen it coming, why had he not protected her and the children? Once more he was looking into the peaceful faces of his children, covered in a mixture of Karla`s and their own blood as they lay beneath her protecting body.

  The planet of Altera was empty now except for a few miners, for the industrialist who owned the largest of the mining firms had quickly turned the planet into one huge fully automated mining operation, only a few men were required, and none of them locals. It was funny how it had come about so quickly, so soon after the end of the troubles.

  Bishop John Sinclair`s biggest fear was that the discovery of time travel on Orion would bring about the same carnage, but then he had never realised just what had happened on Altera, never found out the facts behind the carnage. It was because of this that he contacted the President of Earth constantly, to request that the Time Machine be taken back to Earth. This would drastically limit the number of people wanting to come to Orion and stop the unrest from growing on Orion.

  Chapter Seven

  June 21st the Year 2494

  The Jungle

  The Time Platform had arrived back in the vicinity of the planet Orion, now it seemed that it had only to travel across the Player star system, that was home to Orion, and move forward in time a few days to reach the planet and the town of New Eden. Once there it would destroy the entire science complex and all the people, buildings and countryside around about it, for when everything the platform was dragging hit the planet it would also hit and destroy the fusion reactor. That was a moment ago, a moment later the technicians of the fusion reactor had undergone a different sort of blast, a Bragg blast. The difference was immediate, as the sudden reduction in the amount of power feeding into the Time Platform meant that it could no longer hold on to all that it had stolen during its rampage through time and space, and some of it escaped in the depths of the Player star system. It was here that most of the enormous space storm evaporated almost as if its violent rampage through space and time had exhausted it. At last the Time Platform reached Orion, and as the platform moved across the surface of Orion it had almost lost its massive magnetic field. It was now that what remained of its deadly cargo began to drop from its embrace to crash onto the planet below. Much of its cargo was dropped into the large oceans of Orion to be never seen again, but as the clock ticked on some of it crashed down upon the single large continent on Orion. Minutes later and reports began to come in from the villages throughout Orion, reports that at any other time would have been unbelievable. `Objects` they were told were falling out of the sky, and they appeared to be coming from out of large multi-coloured storm clouds that had suddenly appeared, and which were growing ever larger as the people watched across
all of the land mass on Orion.

  Many things appeared in the skies of Orion, such as huge rocks, that had been dragged from asteroid fields. These now crashed down onto the planet causing widespread local damage amid a massive thunder storm that had followed the platform on its journey home. Some other things rushed through the atmosphere of Orion, such as a storm of meteorites that burnt up in the atmosphere of the planet, and one small aircraft, battered and falling fast towards the ground below.


  Tyler was on the verge of losing consciousness when the fresh air of Orion rushed into the plane bringing him around. With his muscles on the verge of surrender to this House of Hammer universe, his mind about to flee this world of horror, the only thoughts now running through his mind were that the battle was over, the storm has won. However, it was not over, for like a cork from a champagne bottle the Miles Finch burst forth from the clouds and there was light, natural light, normal light, light that was not supernatural light, but unfortunately it did not completely fill the sky.

  Ahead a towering cliff face devoid of any vegetation had exploded into instant existence, while Tyler, hoping more for a small runway froze with astonishment before screaming out an expletive. For those who don`t know Surrey it can be firmly stated that this sort of natural creation is not present there. As Tyler sat there momentarily stilled in a state of shock, he realised that the craft was falling, falling towards the ground below, a ground filled with a waiting jungle! However, there was no time to wonder about the presence of the jungle in the middle of the Home Counties, for with a failing engine and no airspeed to speak about, pondering such matters was not high up on the list of priorities. As more and more jungle filled his field of vision he did the only thing he could, he pulled back on the joystick with one hand while shaking Masters roughly with the other in an attempt to bring him round. Then in a moment of final desperation he began screaming madly at Masters.

  “Masters, Masters, wake up will you, we are about to die damn you.”

  However, when it all seemed over, and as if to answer his silent prayers, Tyler was given a new shot of hope, Masters had finally come round thanks to the fresh air filling his gasping lungs. Masters awoke to see death moving towards him at an increasing rate of knots. “My God.” Was all he had time to say before grabbing hold of the joystick and helping Tyler to pull back hard and at the same time giving the engine the extra something it required.

  The Miles Finch`s engine began to roar again, and the plane slowly began its climb away from the ground. But the battle was not yet won, for with the cliff face looming ever closer it was in the lap of the gods as to whether they would live through the next few moments. They could now plainly see every detail of the rocky cliff face fast approaching them. Time and space were fast running out, and just as it seemed as if time had indeed run out, blue sky suddenly appeared before them as the cliff face disappeared from view. The aircraft had somehow managed to find an updraft of warm air and gain enough height to clear the top of the cliff and get them to safety. Tyler and Masters both screamed with delight, but it all seemed premature for a loud thud rang through the plane as the plane shuddered. It was as if it had been mortally wounded, the underside of the plane had hit a particularly solid piece of the vegetation that covered the top of the cliff top, doing untold damage to a lower portion of their now stricken plane.

  Smoke began to pour out from beneath their speeding aircraft, and all they saw around them was ‘wall to wall’ jungle which spread out like an Amazonian rain forest. One thing was certain; this was not England, well certainly not the England that they had left behind only a short time ago. Tyler looked over to Masters.

  “This cannot be real, surely we must have died and gone to hell” Masters looked over at Tyler and smiled.

  “Well it seems very green to be the fiery depths of Hell, Mr Burrows, more likely one of us is having a nightmare, and if it is you will you please wake up.”

  Tyler gave a half grin to Masters at this attempt at humour at so grim a time, but he himself was seriously doubting his own sanity in this nightmare world of theirs. Captain Masters though seemed to be more at ease than Tyler, but then he hadn`t been conscious when he had journeyed through the mother of all supernatural storms.

  “We will have to find somewhere to land, and fast, for we don`t have all that much fuel left Mr Burrows, and I think that the plane is very badly damaged from the sound the engine is making.”

  As if to reinforce this view the engine began to cough and splutter again, and the nose of the plane dipped sharply towards the waiting jungle.

  “The engine doesn`t sound too good to me, will it last long enough to get us down safely?” Tyler cried out in desperation, panic was beginning to grip him by the throat once again, and he now found it hard to breathe as he searched desperately for the vanished airstrip, and his vanished world. He still tried to dismiss the absurdity of the images that his eyes were sending to his brain, to concentrate on searching for a piece of flat ground large enough for them to land safely. All he could find though were more insane questions without any sane answers. Feeling his reason and courage fast slipping away he somehow managed to find the strength to stop him from turning into a crying cringing coward. Tyler swallowed deeply and gripped the armrests firmly, and he thought of his father who had been a decorated soldier, Tyler didn`t want to die a cowards death and sully his father`s memory, rather the opposite, and so slowly his sanity returned.

  “The name is Tyler, Captain Masters; I think we can be on a first name basis for the remaining time that we have left to us.” Masters agreed.

  “George Masters, Mr Burrows, or Tyler that is, my name is George Masters and I can only hope that the engine will last long enough to see us safely through.”

  Masters had thought for a moment that Tyler would become a problem, but now he saw that he must have been wrong. No sooner were the introductions over when the engine began to splutter with renewed energy. They looked fearfully at one another.

  “It was nice to have met you George Masters.” Tyler began but Masters cut in saying.

  “It`s not over yet Tyler, look, look, over there, a meadow.”

  In front of them a pocket handkerchief sized meadow slowly grew as they approached it until Tyler was sure it would suit their needs just nicely, when in fact it would stretch Captain Masters` skills to the limit.

  “Oh thank you God, thank you, yes.” His mood had improved immensely now that Fate had thrown them a chance. “Yes it seems to be nice and flat George, can you land there?”

  The Miles Finch answered the question for them when it`s engine finally gave up the battle, thus forcing Captain Masters to use all his skills as a pilot just to keep the plane airborne long enough for them to reach the meadow, and the hoped for safety that it offered.

  “Looks like I will have to Tyler.”

  The meadow was not very large by any standards, but it was maybe just large enough, and it did look flattish, anyway flat enough for their desperate needs, anyway what was the point in worrying now when the Miles Finch had made the choice for them? The aircraft skimmed over the tops of the trees, Masters had no need to lower the wheels of the Miles Finch as it has fixed wheels, Masters just hoped that they hadn`t been damaged when they had hit something as they climbed over the cliff face. The stricken aircraft was now falling quickly down towards the waiting meadow and it needed all his skills as a pilot to keep the nose of the plane up, and then they were clear of the trees and over the meadow. Masters had almost brought his beloved aircraft down onto terra firma, but it was still not all over, for the jungle was rushing towards them from the far end of the meadow, but he finally got the craft down and they now bounced along this short improvised runway. In fact there followed a series of bumps and bangs that jarred their entire bodies causing Tyler to once again swear at this world in general, and to this place in particular, but Captain Masters needed all his concentration just to keep them alive. The craft was down though, wit
h the long grass of the meadow flattening out beneath them, and leaving a long crushed strip as the plane rushed along through it at what seemed a suicidal speed. Either side of them their view was blocked by the tall grass, giving the appearance that they were moving through a long green tunnel where the wall in front of them was rushing along ahead of them, as if to stop them from running over it.

  Masters had got their speed down to a more sedate rate when the grass in front of them disappeared, and ahead of them appeared a massive rock wall with a large cave inset into it, and they were approaching it far too fast.

  “I don`t think we can stop in time.” screamed Masters.

  Then Fate took another hand in the events when one of the wheels struck a large boulder shearing it from the plane and spinning the aircraft so that it finally came to a rest with a large crash that almost destroyed the rear of the plane. The plane had ended its days at the back of the large cave that they had been tearing towards just moments ago.

  Tyler had hardly had the time to react to all the events, they had all happened so quickly, so he did not bother to try as he slowly let out a sigh.

  “Well George, it was not what I would have called a really smooth landing but… I suppose it will do.”

  Both of them broke down in a fit of laughter, after all the stress of the last hour it was nice to be down in one piece, and finally safe.

  They both opened the doors of the plane and stumbled, or maybe it was they fell to the ground, happy to feel something firm beneath their feet. Tyler sank to the ground his legs no longer able to hold him, but thankful to be able to touch something so solid after their mad flight through hell. The cave went some six metres into the rock and so they were almost at the entrance. The sight that met their eyes was an improvement on what they had gone through, but not that much better, it being so unreal in itself. Ahead of them Tyler saw their improvised runway of flattened grass running some four hundred yards through the tall elephant grass. To either side of the cave the jungle fell silent after the roaring of the plane and the large crash as it had come to its final resting place, silent as if waiting to see what would happen next.