Read Time Travel Romance - Medieval Love: Reunited by Dagger Heart Spell Page 4

  Chapter 4 – No Escape

  Elise waited a full fifteen minutes or so after Blackstone’s footsteps faded away before she allowed herself to relax. She eased herself off the bed, gave her body a good stretch to get the circulation going again, and went to examine her surroundings and find a possible escape route. Blackstone must be absolutely mad, if he seriously thought she was going to remain here as his ‘guest’ or captive. He may be handsome and have a magnetic presence, but he is holding her hostage, Elise thought! She first began searching for the tools she had brought with her, but there was no sign of them. They had obviously been taken away from her while she was unconscious. Elise decided her first plan of action was to rummage through the cupboards and drawers. Maybe she could find a hairpin, a key, or even a weapon.

  As she stood back and began looking around the room as a whole, Elise started to ‘see’ it properly for the first time. The walls were painted dark maroon, the door and surrounding wood were made of mahogany, the drapes red and made of heavy velvet, and they hung from floor to ceiling. Rushing over to open them, and check the size of the window, Elise was shocked to discover how small it was, almost ornamental. Unless she could shrink herself to the size of a child’s doll, there was no way she was escaping out of that. The room looked like someone wanted it to look like a castle, and with no chance for escape. She was betting that ‘someone’ was Blackstone.

  To the right of the window there was another door, and a glimmer of hope surged through her as she eagerly pushed it open. The door led into a large bathroom suite with unfortunately, no windows, which meant no immediate means of escape. Elise picked through the various bottles, and potions lining the vanity top and wall shelf, noticing how well the room was stocked with female toiletries and cosmetics. There was a pile of soft fluffy towels arranged neatly in a corner cabinet, pink no less, and hanging on the back of the door was an exquisitely embroidered white lacy silk robe. Elise ran her fingers down the smooth material, wondering where the lady of the house was, and what she would think if she knew her husband was a kidnapper!

  Walking back into the bedroom, Elise resumed her search for some means of escape while fighting the feeling of mounting frustration. What would Mr. Smith do if she wasn’t able to escape and bring back the silver box she was commissioned to return? Would he even send anyone to look for her? Elise somehow doubted that would be the case, but then again, she had never been in a situation like the one she presently found herself in. As usual, she would just have to rely on her own initiative to get her out of this. After all, Elise certainly wasn’t a stranger to adverse situations.

  Catching sight of her reflection in the full length mirror, she walked over to it, and inspected her appearance closely. Hmm, not bad considering what she has been through. Her thick brown hair fell loosely and slightly tangled around her shoulders. Her deep brown eyes looked back at her, slightly tired, and she noticed a flush beginning to spread across her cheeks. Elise also realized she was beginning to feel slightly weak, and feverish, and knew that some type of illness was taking hold in her body.

  Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching the door once again. Great, her captor was back to torment her. He probably had worked out a form of punishment as he had promised her earlier. Well, she would be ready. Sitting down on the bed, Elise waited with baited breath, as she heard the sound of a key being turned in the lock.

  The door swung open, and this time, it was not Mr. Blackstone, but a female who Elise estimated had to be aged somewhere in her late fifties. The woman had a pleasant face, and was wearing a kind of pinafore, as if she had been at work in a kitchen. She was also bearing a tray laden with various food items. "Here you are Miss. I’m sure you are hungry, so I’ve prepared a light meal for you. And, if there is anything else I can do for you, just let me know." “My name is Lydia, by the way. I am the housekeeper for Lord Blackstone.

  Lord Blackstone? Elise wanted to burst out laughing. This situation was becoming more ludicrous and surreal by the minute. Here she was , sitting on a beautiful four poster bed, being attended to by a housekeeper, who was asking her if there was anything else she required, while she was simultaneously being held against her will.

  Elise stared at the woman incredulously. “Well actually, yes, there is something you could do for me Lydia. You could let me go."

  Lydia looked slightly uncomfortable as she hurried back over to the door, “I hope you enjoy the food I’ve prepared Miss.” And with that she was gone, and the sound of the lock being turned gave Elise her answer.

  So much for that then, thought Elise as she picked over the food, feeling herself grow increasingly weak. After eating some of the food brought to her by Lydia, Elise lay back on the bed, head pounding, and exhaustion washing over her entire body as she fell into a fitful, feverish sleep.

  Elise opened her eyes, realizing with shock, she was not in her own bed, and was being held captive against her will. It wasn’t a dream she was having, it was reality! Not knowing how long she had slept, or what exactly was happening to her, was unnerving. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Elise stood up and was prepared to get herself out of the room and house where she was being held, even if it meant smashing the door down. A wave of dizziness swept over her as she stood up and made her way over to the door. Elise grabbed for the door handle to steady herself, and took a moment to make sure she wasn’t going to pass out.

  Banging on the door with both hands, Elise began shouting. ”Hey let me out, somebody get me out of this room now!! You can’t keep me here!” Finally after minutes of continuous banging and shouting, her efforts were rewarded, and she heard the sound of footsteps quickly approaching

  The door swung open, and Lydia gently tried to guide Elise back towards the bed, “Shush, please no more noise Miss.” Seizing her opportunity, Elise pushed Lydia out of the way, and burst out of the door into the hallway running blindly on, with no idea of where she was going. Elise heard the frantic cries of the woman behind her, “Wait, stop please; stop! “ Lord Blackstone! Mr. Smith! Help me please!”

  Elise heard doors opening and the sound of male voices, shouting. “How could she have escaped?” and “Where do you think she could hide?”

  Elise flew down the grand staircase, almost losing her balance as another wave of dizziness washed over her, and sweat soaked her skin. Flying across the hall she tried the front door, but it was locked. The voices were coming closer, so she fled into the conservatory and searched frantically for a hiding place. Throwing herself forward, she slid behind the huge sofa just as a figure came hurrying into the room. “Find her quickly. We cannot let her escape. Are all the doors locked Smith?”

  Elise was startled to hear the word Smith twice now in the span of a couple minutes. She first heard Lydia scream his name as she made her escape from the bedroom, and now his name was spoken again. Smith was a very common name, but Elise was suddenly wondering was this Mr. Smith none other than her mysterious employer? Her heart was pounding so hard she felt sure that whoever was in the room with her, they could hear it sound even from her place of hiding. Elise felt clammy and hot, wishing she was tucked safely in the comforts of her own bed, rather than lying on the floor in some strange place hiding from a bunch of lunatics!

  Suddenly she heard the sound of Blackstone shouting, “We have to find her now! Lydia you go re-check upstairs and Smith and I will search down here.” Elise curled up tighter, hardly daring to breathe, wondering if she was in fact in an asylum, cursing herself for actually taking this assignment in the first place.

  Gradually the voices became distant, and Elise determined it was now time to make her escape. She inched slowly out from behind the sofa, scanning the area swiftly. Seeing no one in the vicinity, Elise made a dash across the room. Her feet slipped and slid across the polished floor as she made her way through the kitchen heading straight for the back door, and her freedom she hoped. Flying past the kitchen table, Elise heard the crash
of china behind her, as her feverish body knocked into it. Reaching the door, she wrenched it open and in one swift movement was outside scuttling across the gravel driveway not caring who could see her. Elise knew she could outrun most people anyway once in the open. And, as long as her weakened body would support her, that’s exactly what she intended to do.

  “Elise stop!” The man called to her, his voice all-too-familiar. Elise slowed her steps slightly and turned her head in surprise, instantly recognizing the voice. That brief moment of hesitation proved to be her downfall, and Elise tripped on an unseen branch tumbling over onto the gravel, feeling the rocks bite into the skin of her palms and knees as her body fell to the ground. Struggling to get to her feet, she was enveloped in dizziness, and crashed down onto the driveway.