Read Time Travel Romance - Medieval Love: Reunited by Dagger Heart Spell Page 6

  Chapter 6 – Silver Box

  Elise sat up in bed, determined to start at the beginning again, and try and figure out why would these two lunatics, Blackstone and Lydia, be living in a house this size, clearly role playing some fantasy of an era past, and why would they employ Mr. Smith to contract her services? It certainly wasn’t to obtain the silver box as Mr. Smith mentioned, because Blackstone who had contracted her services through Mr. Smith, already had the damn silver box!

  Elise then remembered the fluffy pink towels, the satiny robe; and all the potions and toiletries in the bathroom that were clearly meant for a woman’s use. Yet, Blackstone had no wife, or did he? Elise was getting all confused now. Was it that they were expecting her, and those items were meant for her use? That’s why there was no security anywhere on the grounds, or the house itself. She didn’t need to break into the house. They had allowed her to enter; and it was all a bizarre set up to lure her here where they could trap her and brainwash her into believing that she was the reincarnated soul of Blackstone’s slain beloved.

  Elise felt like she was going mad just thinking about these possibilities, and she once again suddenly remembered the dream, yes, the dream! Oh, how much she had desired Blackstone, and was magnetically pulled into the depths of his deep green eyes. Every time she looked into his eyes, she had this feeling that she somehow knows him, yet if that’s the case, she can’t for the life of her remember where she has met him before. There was a strange pull of desire towards this elusive man who was holding her captive in his home that she couldn’t deny, and the entirety of the situation was driving her crazy. Maybe it was the house, and the house was haunted. Never one to dismiss ghostly activity, perhaps there were paranormal forces at work her, and maybe these people are all really ghosts. Well, if that were the case, then she would have to be a ghost too, because ghosts don’t tie people to beds, or physically pin them down in driveways when they are trying to escape…...or, do they?

  With these thoughts going round and round her head, Elise failed to notice that someone had entered the room and was standing in the doorway silently watching her. She sat up, startled to see Blackstone leaning against the frame of the door watching her intently. “Lydia told me she shared my story with you.” Elise nodded, though the look on her face clearly told him she didn’t believe a word of it.

  Elise stared at Blackstone, his deep green eyes almost guiding her trance-like against her will. Maybe she had been hypnotized, and that would account for all these strange turn of events, and perhaps this was all an illusion of her mind. There was no doubt he was a strikingly handsome man, and his rugged warrior physique and alluring eyes and stare could quite possibly enrapture even the most guarded of female hearts. Could those eyes of his have hypnotized her after the knock to her head, and the only real spell going on in this place was the hypnotic spell to her conscious awareness?

  Blackstone walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress, dangerously close to Elise’s body, and Elise could again feel that his close proximity was having a strange effect on her. “Elise, my pretty little mouse, I can understand that you might think this story is pure fantasy, and that we are all crazy.”

  “Oh, so you can read my mind as well then Mr. Blackstone?” Elise retorted in a smart, yet nervous way.

  Blackstone smiled at her, "Hmm, well maybe. Listen, I have a proposition for you my pretty one, and it’s one that I think you will find quite agreeable. I ask that you come to my bedroom, open the silver box where it lay on the table and take out the dagger that rests inside. This is absolutely all I ask of you, and you will be free to leave afterwards if you desire. I will even pay you the remainder of your fee. I just can’t let you leave before you try, and I promise that this will be my only request of you."

  Elise stared suspiciously at Blackstone, her mind absorbing his request. Is opening the silver box and taking out the dagger all she had to do to escape this mad house? She was understandably skeptical. After all, why would Blackstone free her when he had gone to so much trouble in the first place to locate her and commission her services. Maybe this too was a trap, but perhaps if she agreed it would offer her another opportunity to escape. Elise decided to play along with his plan, “Alright, I agree” she said giving Blackstone a defiant look.

  Blackstone smiled, as if she had just promised to bear him a child, “I give you my word, that after you have opened the box and retrieved the dagger you are free to go, if you wish.”

  Elise was eager to get this mind-bending charade over with so she could collect her payment and take a much needed vacation! “Fair enough, let’s go and get this over with.”

  Blackstone gently helped Elise up from the bed and across the floor, whistling to the huge dog to move away from his guard post by the door so they could exit the room. He led her down the hallway to his bedroom, stopping at the door to allow Elise to enter on her own. "Okay, so now you are being a gentleman, after what you have put me through in this house?” Shaking her head at the madness of it all, Elise entered Blackstone’s bedroom and walked over to the silver box lying in the center of the table, just as she had last seen it.

  Elise suddenly felt strangely apprehensive, fearing what would happen once she opened the box. Would more madness ensue? She reached out her hand slowly, her fingers just brushing the top of the box. Elise frowned with curiosity, and then allowed her fingers to run down the sides and top of the box. She jumped back, releasing her fingers, startled by the fact that the box was actually emitting heat, and it was pulsating beneath her touch, almost like a beating heart, thump-thump, thump-thump.

  Elise glanced back to where Blackstone was standing expectantly in the doorway, her eyes outwardly conveying her trepidation. "It’s alright my little mouse, I won’t let anything hurt you" he said in a gentle, yet protective voice." Please, for me just open it.”

  Biting her lower lip nervously, Elise let her fingers close around the clasp on the front of the box and gently drew open the lid, half expecting something to come flying out at her. Nestled inside the box on a pillow of red velvety fabric, was a stunningly ornate dagger. Elise stared at it in awe. Was this dagger really a thousand years old? Did it really carry the energies of the spell Lydia had relayed to her in her tale? Elise’s fever had seemed to break, so it wasn’t her imagination that the box, or dagger, or something else was actually pulsating with energy when she had first laid her fingers upon it. Gulping down her fear, Elise finally reached down into the box and carefully lifted out the dagger, as she swore she heard the sound of Blackstone gasping softly as she did so.

  As her fingers slowly closed around the hilt, a lifetime of memories flooded her being, and Elise’s whole body trembled as her mind, heart and soul integrated the energies of recall and knowing. Recall and knowing that had escaped her for the past one thousand years. Elise felt herself being transported back to a place and time which bore no resemblance to this era. She could feel her heart begin to vibrate and tingle, as if it were being awakened after a very long slumber of darkness. Elise acutely felt the presence of her beloved Lord permeate her memory. Memories of their very first meeting they had on her way to the village, to the fierce love that had grown between them as he had courted her, to their impending wedding, and then on to that fateful night in which she snuck her way into his castle and bedroom quarters to retrieve his dagger. The very dagger that took her life that night by his hand and the very dagger she now held in her own hand.

  The memory of the overwhelming love Elise had felt for him when her Lord asked her to marry him re-entered her heart, along with the knowing that her soul would only belong to him eternally. Lydia wasn’t mad after all. Elise knew now that she was indeed the maiden whom Lord Blackstone had been searching for the past one thousand years.

  As memory after memory flashed through Elise’s mind, her entire being was now recalling and reliving that fateful night, the night that took her life, and stole a life of love and happiness from both her and her belo
ved Lord. Elise gasped and cried out in pain, as once again she felt the dagger slicing through her chest and plunge deep into her heart, the heart that belonged to her beloved Lord Blackstone. Crying out, the dagger fell from her grasp onto the floor and Elise stumbled forward. Blackstone rushed towards Elise to catch her as she fell, wrapping his strong arms around her as a tear fell from his eye onto her cheek. "Oh my beloved, I have waited so long, so very, very long to feel you in my arms once again, where you belong for all eternity.”

  Elise felt herself melting in the arms of her true love, the man who owned her heart and soul, and whom she had given her very life to. "Andris, the pain, was so intense my love. Oh, how can this be, we are again reunited as one!" He held her close, feeling her body relax little by little as the pain slowly left her body, knowing that soon it would be just a distant memory in her mind, a memory that would be overwhelmed by their eternal love for one another.

  Blackstone gently stroked the hair of his beautiful beloved as she lay in his protective arms, her face and eyes marveling at the events that had just passed. As he felt his beloved’s heart beating against his own in his chest, he knew that he need not fear her ever leaving. More tears fell from Blackstone’s eyes, as he silently thanked the Universe for once again finally reuniting him with his beloved, as well as Lydia, who was the reincarnated soul of Elise’s priestess sister, and Mr. Smith, who was the reincarnated soul of Elise’s father.

  As he murmured soft soothing words in her ear, Blackstone lifted Elise into his arms and gently laid her down on his bed. “The pain and emptiness are no more my beloved. You have released me to love you again."

  Elise, lifted her face up towards Andris, staring once again into his deep mesmerizing green eyes, desperately wanting to consummate the love, she knew they shared. Elise’s body reeled with ecstasy as she felt his lips hungrily seeking hers, kissing her with such passion that it literally took her breath away. She began tearing at his clothes, unable to stop herself as love and desire completely took over all of her senses.

  Later that evening, Elise woke up, suddenly startled. Had she just awaken from a beautiful dream? A soft moan from the sleeping figure next to her, sent waves of joy surging through her. She wrapped her arms tightly around her beloved Andris, feeling for the first time in her life that she belonged somewhere, here, forever by the side of this man. This is who she had been searching for, and thanks to Mr. Smith, she had found what her heart was ultimately searching for once again. Elise closed her eyes as she placed her head against Andris’s chest, love surging through her as she listened to the rhythmic beating of her beloved’s heart.

  Available Books by Author:

  Medieval Love: Reunited by Dagger Heart Spell (Time Travel Romance)

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