Read TimeShifter Part 1 Page 2

  His head jerked at the sound of her cell phone’s ring-tone coming from the lounge. In an instant he had left the bedroom and returned with her bag.

  “Answer it,” he threw the bag onto the bed beside her.

  Chloe stared at him unable to move.

  “I said answer the damn phone. Now!” He grabbed the bag and found the phone, pushing it into her numb hand. “Just act normal Chloe. I don’t want to hurt you, but believe me I will if I have to.”

  Her fingers were so shaky it took her a few seconds to locate the answer button then; finally, she held the phone to her ear. “Hello, “she croaked, and tried again. “Hello.”

  “Chloe, is that you?” It was Inspector Bennett from the police station and Chloe felt a wave of relief wash over her – but it didn’t last. Zack was crouched down beside the bed looking at her with warning in his cold eyes.

  “Yes Inspector, it’s Chloe here,” her voice sounded strange, but she managed to keep it steady.

  “Chloe, we have a problem, a big problem,” he sounded stressed, but she would have given anything to change places with him right now. “That damn foreigner has done a Houdini on us, he’s escaped!”

  Zack’s pale eyes did not leave hers. It was strange but looking into those eyes was the only thing that was keeping her from falling apart.

  “I don’t understand,” her voice sounded better and her gaze held his like a lifeline in a stormy sea.

  “The foreign prisoner,” the Inspector said impatiently. “He escaped, early this morning. It’s impossible… Impossible! But he’s gone.” She had never heard the man sound so lost. He was usually a quietly confident person, who took his job and his responsibility to the community very seriously. “We’ve got all our men out searching for him, so he won’t get far. I just wanted you to hear it from me first.”

  “That’s very kind of you Inspector,” Chloe felt almost calm as she continued to stare into those hypnotic eyes, which were looking quite pleased with her.

  “Chloe,” the Inspector sounded desperate now. “Is there anything, anything at all, he may have said to you that could be of any help?”

  Zack’s eyes were suddenly cold and hard again, and Chloe’s damp palm tightened on the cell phone at her ear. “I’m sorry Inspector,” she heard herself saying. “I can’t think of anything right now.” She drew in a trembling breath. “I’m really sorry.”

  Inspector Bennett sighed. “It’s Ok, just a long shot, but if anything comes to mind, and I mean anything, please call me straight away, Ok.”

  “Of course, Inspector.”

  The call ended, she let the phone fall onto the bed beside her.


  Zack picked up the phone, pressed the disconnect button, dropping it into the front pocket of his jeans. She looked pale, fragile and terrified and he wanted to comfort her but that was impossible, so he stood up and took a step away from the bed instead.

  “How did you find me?” her voice cracked, dry with fear.

  He raked his fingers through his hair, trying not to look at her long, honey toned legs, he’d noticed the long scar on her leg and wondered about it briefly, but the cream, satin gown was flimsy and soft, clinging lovingly to her slim curves. Scarred or not, she was so beautiful she made his bones ache.

  “Zack, how did you find me?”

  Her voice dragged him back to his senses and her frightened eyes made him feel guilty for his wandering mind. “Your address was in the file,” he shrugged.

  ‘How did you get to the files? How did you manage to escape?” Her voice was rising with each question. “Why did you come here, to my home?”

  Zack was getting tired of her questions, tired of feeling guilty for invading her space and scaring her like this. “Look, I just need somewhere to lie low for a day or two, I’m sorry I picked your place, but I didn’t have much choice.” He knew he sounded abrupt and he didn’t want to frighten her anymore than she already was, but he was damn tired and maybe it was better to be hard on her, keep a distance between them.

  “So you’re not going to tell me how you escaped?’ Her gown was sliding open, offering him a glimpse of her lacy bra and honeyed cleavage.

  He turned away, concealing the physical effect she was having on him. “No, not right now. I’m hungry and tired and I need a shower. How about we start with something to eat?”


  Chloe’s kitchen was small and compact. She could hardly move without brushing against him and it was difficult enough just having to think straight, never mind having to make him something to eat. He was leaning against the counter, lean muscled arms crossed over his chest, looking quite relaxed, but she knew that he was watching her every move and there was no chance of escape. At least not at the moment, but he’d mentioned taking a shower, maybe that would be her chance…

  She rinsed her trembling hands under the tap and dried them with jerky movements, before opening the fridge. “I was planning on doing some shopping tomorrow morning,” her voice faded as she stared into the fridge with unseeing eyes.

  Less than an hour ago her life had been quite normal, mundane even. And now – now she had no idea what tomorrow might bring. She felt her eves well up with tears of self-pity, but she would not cry.

  He came to stand beside her, bending his head to stare into the fridge. “Why don’t you pour us some cold water and I’ll see what there is to eat.”

  He knew. He knew how she was feeling and somehow this angered her more than anything. “Don’t you dare try and normalize this!” she stepped back from the heat of his body, unable to breath with him so close. “There is nothing normal about this situation. Nothing!”

  She strode towards the sofa at the other end of the room and dropped down onto it, pulling her trembling knees up to her chin, the gown covering her legs. She would not cry, she told herself again and stared back at him defiantly instead. She’d survived a lot in her life and somehow she would survive this.

  He was still standing by the open fridge, one hand on the door and the other pushed into his jeans pocket, where he’d put her cell phone earlier. “I’m sorry I got you involved in this Chloe.” Her outburst seemed to have had no effect on him. “But there’s something I have to do and it’s more important than you, me and just about anyone else on this planet.”

  She laughed, almost hysterically. “Do you realize how crazy you sound? What are you trying to say; you’ve escaped from jail so that you can save the world?” She regretted her words immediately; it was not a good idea to challenge someone who was delusional.

  “So tell me Chloe,” he closed the fridge door gently. “Even if I am crazy, how did I manage to escape a locked and barred prison cell? How did I go through the files and find your address without anyone seeing me, and lastly,” he straightened up and spread his arms wide. “How did I get into your apartment without breaking any locks or windows? This place is pretty damn secure, how do you think I got in here?”

  Chloe opened her mouth - and then closed it again. She hadn’t had time to think about how he’d broken in here. He was right, her apartment was very secure, she’d made sure of that; past experience had turned her into someone who was more security conscious than was probably necessary. There was the heavy metal security gate as well as the tough old wooden door, which had two strong locks on it and all the windows had sturdy burglar bars on them. In fact, it was the security of the building that had been the main reason she’d taken it.

  “Never mind,” his rough-edged voice interrupted her frenzied thoughts. “Have you got any bread? I’ll make us a something.”

  While her mind searched frantically for answers, he made up a large plate of cheese and lettuce sandwiches, serving her a few wedges on a side-plate. Then he sat forward on the sofa opposite, eating hungrily from the large plate on the coffee-table.

  “This is good,” he said between bites. “Even better than the food at the police station.”

/>   She stared at him. “You enjoyed the food at the station?”

  He was such an enigma. She’d watched him while he made up the food and he’d seemed quite relaxed and confident in the kitchen, nothing like what an escaped convict, a man on the run, should be.

  “Mmm,” he actually smiled at her, a real smile, and Chloe felt her tummy flip. “Where I come from this food, this place,” he looked around the room slowly, his eyes interested. “Everything is pure luxury.”

  “This apartment?” she put her plate on the table; there was no way she could eat right now. “But it’s nothing special, and it’s really small. The low rent was the main attraction.” And the security - which had not kept him out.

  “Maybe you don’t realize how lucky you are,” he said, making her feel guilty and curious at the same time. Where did he come from, how had he escaped and how had he managed to get into her apartment?

  She looked down at the table, resisting the temptation to stare at him. When he picked up the glass of water her eyes gave in and she watched the strong muscles of his brown throat work as he emptied the glass. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and, having finished the pile of sandwiches, lay back on her sofa, looking quite satisfied.

  He caught her glance. “What?”

  “Nothing,” she shrugged. “You must have been very hungry, that’s all.”

  “Yeah, and you ate nothing,” he smiled and her stomach did another flip. “I must be losing my touch in the kitchen.”

  God, it would be so easy to give in to his effortless charm, but she steeled herself against it. She remembered what he’d done to the two policemen and felt the dread return to her body.

  “Why did you hurt those policemen?” She watched his smile disappear and told herself she was glad. “Vuyo said you snapped the one man’s arm like a twig.”

  “I had my reasons,” he said softly. “I could have killed them if I’d wanted.”

  Chloe believed him. “Why? Why would you do that? They’re probably married with families – children.”

  “Really?” He frowned. “Well I suppose that’s possible,” his voice sounded almost casual as he stared straight at her. “They wanted to have some fun with me, in the shower. Sexual fun – if you know what I mean.”

  “No,” Chloe choked, a sick feeling in her stomach. “I don’t believe you.” She didn’t know those particular policemen, but surely not….

  “Suit yourself,” he shrugged his broad shoulders, and looking at his lean bronzed body, the harsh, masculine beauty of his face, Chloe believed him. Even men, some men anyway, would find him hard to resist.

  He was looking at her, watching the different emotions flicker across her face, as though he could read her mind.

  “I’m sorry - I mean, if that’s true - then I’m sorry.”

  “It’s no big deal. Hopefully they’ll think twice before they try that on anyone again.” Zack stood up in one fluid movement, his feline grace reminding her of a panther – dark and dangerous.

  He held out his hand. “I need a shower. Care to join me.”


  Zack’s mouth tightened at the expression of shock on Chloe’s face, although the idea of showering with her was more than tempting.

  “Take it easy, Chloe, I was only joking, but you will stay in the bathroom, while I shower. I can’t risk the chance of you trying to leave.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. It was the first time he’d really touched her, besides earlier when she’d panicked, and her hand felt small and fragile in his. He wanted to feel that hand on his body, his chest, his stomach and lower down…

  “Come,” he ordered, real fear in her eyes draining the lust from his body. She was scared; and so she should be . . .he had to keep reminding himself. She didn’t know he would never want to harm her, how could she?

  She followed meekly behind him into the bedroom, and he stopped at the long mirror by her wardrobe seeing his reflection properly for the first time since he’d arrived in this strange world. He rubbed at the stubble on his chin. God, he looked like hell. No wonder she was scared of him. Somehow his hair had grown on the journey over here. He’d felt the difference in the prison cell, but he hadn’t realized just how long it now was. Too damn long for his liking.

  “Do you have a razor I could use?” he asked, and she blushed, leaving him puzzled by her obvious discomfort at his question.

  “Um – yes – I think I have some spares in the bathroom,” she answered, avoiding his eyes.

  He frowned, wondering about the razors. Did she have a man who stayed over? He’d searched the place thoroughly before she’d arrived back and there was no sign of a man living there. The thought of her having a boyfriend was not a pleasant one. He didn’t want to think of her sleeping in that bed with another man beside her. His hands clenched into tight fists, it was none of damn his business, but he had to know.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?’ he tried to keep the tension out of his voice. “Someone special coming round for the weekend maybe?”

  She was looking wary now and he cursed himself for allowing his emotions to show. “It’s Ok Chloe, I won’t hurt him. I just need to know what to expect.”

  She moistened her dry lips. “I don’t have a boyfriend. And I don’t have any – man coming round for the weekend. Ok?”

  He didn’t bother answering, but the tension eased from his gut. She didn’t have a boyfriend, maybe she was lying, but he preferred to believe her.

  His gaze moved back to the shabby guy in the mirror. “I don’t suppose you have any clean clothes that might fit me?” he pulled at the white shirt that clung to his body. “I’d hate to have to put these back on after a shower.”


  Chloe remembered a box of clothing, which she had collected to take to the township next time she visited. The people there were always more than happy to receive good quality, clean clothes – even if they were second hand.

  She opened one of the wardrobe doors and pointed to the top shelf. “There’s a box of clothes up there, can you reach it?”

  His movements were effortless and he set the box down on the carpeted floor.

  “You’ll probably find some jeans and t-shirts in there,” she said as he hesitated; waiting for her permission. For an escaped convict his manners seemed better than most men she came across.

  The clothes were packed neatly in the cardboard box and he crouched down, going through them with interest. “There’s a lot of men’s clothes here,” he mused, and Chloe felt her hackles rise.

  “I collect clothes for families in the – poorer areas,” she said tightly. “I already told you I don’t have a boyfriend!”

  “Ok. Ok, take it easy,” he pulled out a black T-shirt and held it up. “I think this will do fine, now I just got to find some jeans that’ll fit me.”

  It didn’t take him long to find a faded pair of Levi’s. While he was going through the clothes Chloe’s mind was racing ahead. He wanted to have a shower. Was there any chance she could sneak out while he was in the shower? Just the thought of it made her heart race. She would have to get the door keys from her bag – or even better grab her whole bag - open the door and the security gate, then run like hell. Was there a chance she could pull it off? She doubted it, but she was willing to take the risk.

  “Yeah, I think these should fit,” Zack’s voice brought her down to earth with a bump.

  She stared at him, eyes wide with guilt, though why on earth she should feel guilty God only knew.

  “You Ok,” he straightened up to his full height and Chloe stared at his brown throat, unable to meet his eyes.

  “Considering that I’m being held hostage, I guess I’m doing Ok.”

  She could sense that he didn’t believe her, just stared at her with those piercing eyes. Then finally he reached down and unbuttoned the faded shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders.

  Chloe’s mouth went dry.
r />   He had a beautiful body, his bronze skin gleaming in the afternoon light. Not an ounce of spare flesh on his lean frame, which was almost hairless except for a silky line that arrowed down his flat stomach to disappear beneath the baggy, low-slung jeans. She forced herself to look away, staring fixedly at the shirt now lying on the carpet where he’d dropped it. She had never been particularly interested or excited by a man’s body. Even before the accident, at eighteen she’d only just started flirting with boys, so this reaction was completely new to her. This knot of heat in her lower stomach, spreading downwards and leaving her feeling weak and hot all at once.

  His hands moved to the button of his jeans and her body jerked into action.

  “Wait!” She screeched. “Don’t you dare get naked in front of me!”

  Zack’s fingers stilled, but the look he gave her was more puzzled than anything. “You expect me to shower with my jeans on?”

  Chloe drew a trembling breath. “No, of course not,” she said, suppressing her frustration. “But can’t you at least show me a little respect? You can take off the rest of your clothes in the shower – please.”

  He seemed genuinely perplexed. “Hey, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to disrespect you.” He raked his fingers through his hair and Chloe watched the muscles ripple beneath his smooth glossy skin. “Look, Chloe, where I come from taking off your clothes in front of others is no big deal.”

  “Even in front of women?”


  “Even women you hardly know?’

  ‘Yes,” he sighed. “Besides, where I come from there’s not much room for privacy.”

  “Where do you come from Zack?”

  His face shuttered. “It doesn’t matter,” he paused. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you anyway.”


  The bathroom was a misnomer. Like the rest of her apartment, it was small and compact. Literally a basin, toilet and shower with a frosted glass door. It could barely fit one person, let alone two, Zack noticed, but didn’t really care. Right now all he wanted was to strip off and feel cool water washing the sweat and grime away.