Read TimeShifter Part 2 Page 4


  She didn’t want to go back, going back was not an option; she just wanted him. “Yes – no going back.” She murmured huskily.

  His mouth fastened on hers, his relief at her acquiescence palpable, drowning her in another long, mindless kiss. One hand skimmed her waist, easing under the elasticised sweatpants and cupping her backside, lifting her higher onto his thigh. Gripping at his bunched shoulders, Chloe realised she wanted his T-shirt off, wanted to feel his chest against her breasts, skin against skin.

  “Your T-shirt,” she breathed. “Take it off – please.”

  In one smooth move he pulled the T-shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor, both hands returning to her hips, shoving her sweats and underwear down to her knees. Chloe stiffened; her scar, she’d completely forgotten about her scar! Would it repulse him? He had caught a glimpse of it the day before, still anxiety spiked through her. What if he wouldn’t want her anymore? But Zak seemed trapped in a haze of lust; with a deep groan he cupped her backside, caressing each naked cheek with those rough hands. Easing his leg back between her legs, Chloe’s moist, bare sex spread against hard muscle, covered by the rough cotton of his jeans. Her scar, his reaction to it, evaporated from her mind, everything replaced by this driving force. Sweet waves of pleasure engulfed her, followed by a momentary flush of embarrassment. She was so wet down there, what must he think of her?

  “Zak – I don’t – I can’t -.”

  “Oh baby,” he breathed heavily. “Don’t ask me to stop – please – not now.”

  Her shame evaporated at his words, he wanted this, wanted her just as much as she wanted him. Snaking her hands up his smooth, muscled arms, burying her fingers in his hair, she brought his mouth back to hers. Parting her lips, inviting another of those deep soul-searching kisses, pushing everything, except him and what he was doing to her, from her mind. She could feel his smooth, muscular chest, damp with sweat, against her throbbing breasts, her nipples tight and aching, while his tongue entwined with hers. Chloe had no idea that her backside could be so sensitive; the sensation of his hands circling and squeezing the rounded globes sent spasms of delight down between her legs, to that moist pulsing sex, rubbing fretfully against his hard thigh.

  She moaned in distress when he ended the kiss and withdrew his leg from between her legs, digging her nails in to keep him close, she sobbed in frustration.

  “Easy,” he breathed against her mouth. “I’ve just gotta get these damn jeans off.”

  The jeans, yes, she wanted them off, wanted to feel the whole, hard length of his naked body against hers. “Let me do it,” she whispered, emboldened by his words.

  Dropping her drowsy eyes to the button of his jeans, Chloe gulped a breath of air at the bulge between his thighs. You can do this. Her hands trembled as she pushed the stud free and warily jerked the zipper downwards. Zak groaned as her knuckles brushed against his swollen his erection and she lifted her wary gaze to stare up into his hooded eyes.

  “Don’t stop. God!” He chocked as his throbbing flesh spilled out and into her waiting palm.

  Fascinated by the smooth pulsing shaft, Chloe circled the glistening moist head, Zak sucked air between his teeth, thrusting himself against her hand. It was so thick, she could barely close her fingers around it, so hot, and alive, instinctively she moved her fist back and forth, captivated by the rock-hard muscle enclosed in silky, smooth skin.

  Zak’s groan echoed through the room, his hips jerking against her hand. “Chloe, God – don’t -.”

  She stopped immediately, paralysed by the torment in his voice, but he covered her hand in his much larger one, encouraging her to continue.

  “Do you like it?” Chloe asked softly, still unsure.

  “Like it!” His hand enclosing hers squeezed tighter, continuing the smooth rhythm. “Too damn much, Chloe I need to be inside you – I can’t take much more of this.”

  Inside her, the idea should have frightened her; instead his words caused her deep inner muscles to clench, aching for more.

  “Yes, do it,” she urged. “I need you – inside me – now.”

  He stepped out of the baggy jeans, kicking them aside and lifted her in one smooth move, setting her down on the stool where all this madness had begun. Her shirt was spread wide, exposing her torso, sliding off her shoulders and hanging over the stool, leaving her feeling more naked than ever. Chloe ran her hands from his neck to caress the damp skin of his chest, fascinated by the contours of hard, masculine muscle, so different to her soft, female form.

  “Beautiful.” Zak caressed her knees, gently easing them apart and sliding his hands to her upper legs, her scar!

  Chloe instinctively pushed his caressing hand away from her left leg, trying to cover it with her hand, but he dragged that shameful hand away.

  “Don’t,” he ordered her. “Don’t cover it; you’re beautiful, every inch of you.”

  She didn’t believe him, but when he began running his fingers along the raised, pink skin, caressing it with his fingertips, Chloe felt a sob rise in her throat. No one but her had touched it since she’d left the hospital, and it was impossible for her to believe his words after all these years of shame and hiding.

  She stared up at him horribly self-conscious, the bright light of day allowing her no place to hide, but he was not even looking at the scar beneath his caressing fingers, instead his glazed eyes were fixed at the apex of her thighs. Filled with a mixture of relief, and embarrassment, Chloe dug her nails into his chest, preventing her hands from shooting down to cover her nakedness, her sex spread wide and vulnerable to his piercing gaze.

  “Beautiful,” he repeated, his palms sliding to her inner thighs, his thumb brushing against her moist, swollen flesh.

  Chloe’s whole body jerked at that faint caress, bewildered, as sharp, hot lust overwhelmed her. She squirmed beneath him, not sure whether to close her legs or spread them even wider apart. The decision was taken from her when Zak knelt down and pressed his open mouth right there, against her aching flesh. Chloe went wild; it was wrong but it felt so good, like her body was going to explode from her skin.

  “No! Zak – what -.” She jerked and thrust, exquisite sensation drenching through her, twisting tighter and tighter, as his strong grip held her thighs apart, his hot tongue relentless, circling and licking long strokes from her clitoris down to the very core of her. Chloe cried out, her body continuing to writhe beneath his tormenting mouth. It was too much, she tried to close her legs against him, gripped chunks of his long hair, struggling to pull him off her, but he was ruthless and immovable, leaving her no choice but to let go.

  She wanted this, though she pulled at his hair; her hips thrust against him, unable to resist the mindless pleasure his mouth wrung from her sensitized flesh. A knot of tension began building, his tongue moving faster and harder, sucking at her flesh. Her legs lost the will to fight and her hands were no longer pulling at his hair, quite the opposite, she was holding him against her, sobbing moans echoing in the room, until finally her body convulsed into an earth-shattering climax. Wave after wave of exquisite pleasure engulfed her; his mouth and tongue relentless, continuing to push her on and on as she cried out his name in a long moan.

  As Chloe’s body trembled and shook in the aftermath of orgasm, Zak blew softly against her wet, quivering sex, then he began pressing soft, moist kisses along the insides of her thighs.

  “It’s been a long time for you hasn’t it?” He murmured against her quivering skin.

  Chloe just nodded her head, unable and unwilling to answer him. A long time, if only he knew!

  Shaking hands caressed his head, threading her fingers through his thick, silky hair. Slowly he rained kisses along her belly, circling her navel, Chloe’s eyes were drooping closed, when suddenly she realized he’d stood up. Looming over her, he cupped her swollen breasts, breathing hard, like he’d just run a marathon, his lower body resting heavily between her thighs.

  “Zak.” Her voice
sounded low and husky, her mind trying to fathom what had just happened.

  She lifted her gaze, glazed golden eyes staring up at him, his chest rising and falling as he lowered his mouth to hers. His lips were slick with her arousal, she could taste her subtle muskiness on his tongue and as she shifted her hips she could feel his heavy erection rubbing against her moist, pulsing sex. Though the orgasm had left her boneless and weak, she knew there was more to come, and she wanted him as mindlessly satiated as she was. His deep, soul-seeking kiss drove all thought from her head, fisting his hair in her fingers she clung to that kiss. Zak’s hands travelled from her breasts down over her stomach to settle between her spread thighs. He lowered his eyes to where their bodies met and Chloe followed his gaze. Gulping, she swallowed hard; inexperienced as she may be; she just knew that he was much bigger than the norm.

  Gripping his hugely erect shaft in one fist, he positioned himself at her opening, his whole body, even his hair, damp with sweat.

  “Zak – please -.” She chocked on her words. “Please – don’t hurt me.”

  His eyes flew up to meet hers; dazed with lust, he frowned. “I would never hurt you.”

  Chloe cupped his face in her hands. “I – I know, it’s just – you’re so big . . .”

  He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers. “I’ll take it slow, I promise. If you want me to stop just say so.”

  Chloe nodded, closing her eyes as he tilted his head and moved into another of those kisses that rendered her helpless. Zak’s hand fisted into her hair as he deepened the kiss, stretching her neck back into an arch, Chloe felt herself getting sucked down into another whirlpool of lust by the hunger in his searching mouth. Between her legs she felt the blunt head of his burning erection as he ran it up and down her slick flesh, then it was there, at the very core of her; huge and unyielding he eased himself into her. His damp, trembling body told her how much this was costing him, as he gently pushed into her tight body. Her inner muscles quivered, wanting more, needing him inside her and her fears evaporated as she lifted her hips, inviting him in, her sensitized nerve-ends stretching wide to accommodate him.

  He broke their kiss, dragging air into his lungs. “You ok?” He choked.

  Chloe lowered her hands to his slim hips, digging her nails into his skin. “Yes, don’t stop – please.”

  Sucking air through his teeth, Zak thrust himself into her. A burning sensation gripped her hard between the legs, but the discomfort didn’t last, giving way to an increasing, swell of pleasure, and she spread her legs without thinking, wrapping them around his thighs. He withdrew a little and Chloe grabbed his buttocks, certain that he was going to stop, but he just thrust in even deeper and her body began shaking at the intensity of his penetration. It was different to before, more intense, more intimate, their bodies at one with each other.

  Zak thrust one again, and her body rose to meet his.

  “Dear God, Chloe.”

  His was deep inside her now, his pelvis rubbing against her clitoris, her fingernails digging into his taut buttocks. “Do it Zak, please, just do it!”

  Finally, he began to move, pulling back and pushing in; slowly at first, but as her shaking body rose to meet him, his rhythm increased. His hand fisted in her hair, dragging it back almost painfully, his face buried her neck where she could hear him gasping with each desperate thrust.

  Chloe’s thighs spread wider than ever as he rammed into her, winding her up tighter and tighter, her heart bursting in her chest. She felt impaled, every muscle in her body taut with tension, gasping for air. Then his hand slid in between them, his thumb searching and finding her swollen clitoris, rubbing and circling it while continuing to thrust himself into her. She cried out, shocking pleasure pulsing through her, loosening her muscles, inside and out. She could feel his pleasure, sensing that he could feel hers too. He let go of her hair and gripped her thigh, long fingers digging into her flesh as he rammed himself into her. Wild and rough as it was, Chloe egged him on with her moans, their frantic coupling peaking fast. Her damp body exploded seconds before his, muscles tightening and convulsing around him, then the hot, liquid heat of his seed spilling into her; drenching, hot, waves of exquisite release exploding through her.

  Zak slammed into her one last time, then gasping, slumped heavily over her, bracing himself on either side of the stool, his body weak and trembling in her arms.

  Chloe moaned as her inner muscles quivered around him, caressing his moist back with shaking hands, loving the feel of hard, contoured muscle beneath smooth, tight skin. She’d never realised how beautiful a man’s body could be until she’d seen his. Never really realised a man’s body could be beautiful. His face was buried in her neck, breathing raggedly, his boneless body a wonderful, heavy weight on top of hers; she ran her hands down to his taut buttocks, loving this feeling of intimacy between them.

  A while later, as their breathing slowed, Zak lifted his hand and cupped the side of her face, Chloe felt his thumb circling her mouth, sliding inside the soft, moist skin of her bottom lip. Her tongue snaked out, lazily to circle the caressing intruder, when he pushed in deeper she began to suck on it, in and out, her mind imagining it was another part of his anatomy. Finally he pulled his thumb out of her mouth, smearing the warm saliva around her lips, before lowering his hand and rubbing her taut nipple with his moistened thumb.

  As the minutes passed Chloe’s brain began to slowly function. She tried to stop it, tried to hold onto this feeling of blissful satisfaction. But now that her craving body was satiated, the haze of lust clearing, her brain began working again. You’ve just had unprotected sex with a stranger. He’s escaped from jail; taken you hostage and you’ve just had sex with him. You’re not even on the pill, you could be pregnant!

  Chloe’s hands moved from his back to his chest, trying to ease him off of her.

  “Sorry,” he said, still a little out of breath. “Am I squashing you?”

  Chloe quelled a hysterical bubble of laughter; if only that were the problem!

  “No – I just need to get up,” she shifted her body as he lifted himself slowly off of her. Her damp skin clung to his, not wanting to let go, but relentless thoughts were entering her brain, uninvited, but there nevertheless. He lifted his torso away from hers, hands gripping the sides of the stool, staring down at her. Chloe avoided his gaze, they were still joined in the most intimate manner and her body seemed reluctant to let him go, but she ignored it. Resting her palms on his ridged abdomen, she pushed gently but purposefully. She needed to get away from him - from his overwhelming presence, she couldn’t think straight around him. She had to get out of this room and process the possible repercussions of what she’d allowed - no encouraged - to happen.

  “I – I need to take a shower, Zak,” her voice trembled, but there was nothing she could do about it and, mercifully, he eased his body out of hers and stepped away.