Read Timeless Trilogy, Book One: Fate Page 11

       “No, we never really know, but chances are he’s not wasting his time watching the house during the day when Kris isn’t here. I’ll get started in the morning, after she leaves.”

       “What about a trace on her phone?”

       “It’s already in place, thanks for mentioning it. I forgot to tell Kris about that. We’ll only monitor calls that could be Damien. We click off immediately after determining that the call is personal or business so her privacy is not violated.” Dylan could see that Nick was relaxing, just a bit. “We’ll get him. And we’ll keep her safe in the interim.”

       “All of that sounds reasonable, but I can’t help but worry. I just found her again. I have no intention of losing her to this psycho or to anyone else.”

       Dylan heard the warning in Nick’s voice and considered telling the man that he had nothing to worry about from him. He was swearing off women, or at least serious relationships, for the foreseeable future.


       The conversation with Cassie didn’t go as well as Kris had hoped. Cassie was much too intuitive where Kris was concerned and she knew that she wasn’t getting the full story.

       “I promise I’m safe and I really can’t tell you much more than that. It is serious, yes, but the police are all over it. Just take care of yourself, please. Not that you’re in danger,” she tried to assure her, “but as a precaution.” Kris wanted to tell Cassie about her protection detail, but Dylan was running the show. As long as her friend was protected, she could keep that detail to herself. “Please don’t mention this to Roni or anyone else, for the time being. Dylan doesn’t want anyone knowing about this. He feels that it will be easier to catch the creep if he doesn’t know we’re trying.”

       “Okay, I won’t say anything. To Roni or anyone else. Just take care of you, please. I need my best friend.” Cassie smiled into the phone, trying to hide her concern. She knew Kris had enough to deal with without worrying about her friend’s reaction. She changed the subject.

       “You’ve barely mentioned Nick. Spill.” Of course she wanted to know about Nick, but she really wanted to give Kris something else to focus on.

       “Nick is pretty wonderful, actually. But then he always was.” Kris smiled, knowing what Cassie was doing and perfectly willing to oblige. “He cooks now. Really well. And he builds things, like with wood and his hands.” She paused, wanting to keep this precious new beginning between her and Nick for a while longer. “I really like him, Cass. But we’re taking it slow.”

       “I get it. Simmering can be a good thing. I just don’t want to see you get hurt again. But doesn’t it seem like fate? I mean, the man dropped from the sky right next door. Of all the gin joints, you know?”

       I’ve been thinking the same thing, but I’m afraid to call it fate. What if it’s just a cruel joke? What if we find that we’ve changed too much or that we’re not really compatible any longer? I can’t let my feelings go crazy until we see if there is still potential. Just because I loved him like mad ten years ago, doesn’t mean that he’s the man for me now.”

       “You’re wise beyond your years, Kristina.” Cassie tried to lighten the mood. “Just don’t wait too long before getting to the good stuff. Life’s too short.”

       Kris laughed. “I’ll try not to drag it out,” she told her.

       “Call or text me every day next week, just to let me know you’re okay please. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll come out there, no matter what this Dylan character says.”

       “I will, I promise. Don’t worry Cassie. I’m gonna be fine.”




       Damien split his computer screen so he could watch the men in the kitchen and Beauty in the bedroom. Something was going on. Why did the cop come back for dinner? Damien wished he had installed a camera with sound, and made a mental note to do just that. For the time being, he was satisfied that Kris was separated from the men, though he knew it wouldn’t last. The neighbor was turning into a giant pest, but luckily that would be resolved soon.

       Damien had narrowed down the hideout location to two abandoned houses in a seamier section of Charleston, not too far over the bridge from Mount Pleasant.  There was also an empty warehouse next to the bay that would be more convenient, but he was concerned that the cops patrolled that area too often. He planned to watch each location for a day or two longer before making his decision.

       It occurred to him that the same hideout could be used for his special time with Kris. He liked to take his Beauties away from the comfort of their homes, to a cozy spot that was theirs alone. He was toying with the idea of having Nick watch as he spent time with Kris as further punishment for his interference. There was much to consider and many preparations to complete, but anticipation was one of his favorite pleasures.




       Kris came back inside the house after saying goodnight to Nick. She locked the door and set the alarm. Dylan had already ‘left’ and returned through the back, as planned. He was in the kitchen, pouring coffee. 

       “I apologize if I’m interrupting things between you and Nick.” Dylan saw the look of concentration on Kris’s face as she sat down at the bar. She shook her head no when he offered coffee.

       “No need to apologize, I appreciate your being here. Maybe I’ll actually sleep tonight.” She didn’t want to tell Dylan that she knew there was little chance of that happening. As exhausted as she was, the thought of someone trying to kidnap her in the middle of the night terrified her, no matter how capable Dylan was at his job.

       “Good. You look like you’re dead on your feet.” Dylan winced. “Sorry, wrong choice of words,” he said sheepishly. “But you do look tired.”

       “I am. I think I’ll head on up. Do you need a blanket and pillow? Would you like to sleep in the guest room?” She sighed heavily. “I’m not sure how this works. What’s the protocol?”

       “The protocol is that I stay up, down here, all night long. Thanks for the offer, but a blanket and pillow might make me too comfortable.” Dylan grinned. “I have my laptop, iPod and several audiobooks to keep me entertained. Don’t worry about a thing, just get some rest.”

       “Okay. Thank you, again. Good night.” Kris found her cell phone and turned to go upstairs.

       “Good night.” Dylan waited for her to climb the stairs before turning out all of the lights. The soft glow of his laptop was not visible from the outside; all of the curtains were closed. He settled in for a long night.


       Kris’s phone rang as she closed and locked the door to her bedroom. Pegasus was already ensconced on the bed, and she felt better with the door locked. Not that she was worried about Dylan; she liked and trusted him, even though they had only just met. She wanted as many layers of protection as she could get, especially overnight.

       After checking the caller id, she smiled and answered the phone. “Hello you. Can’t sleep?”

       “Probably not, but that’s not why I’m calling.” Nick smiled at the smile in her voice. “I miss you.”

       “How could you miss me already, you just left?”

       “I missed you the second you closed the front door. Can’t help it. What are you wearing?”

       Kris laughed, just as Nick intended. “I haven’t had time to change, thank you very much, so I’m wearing the same thing as when you left.” Kris grinned, “Maybe you can help. What’s considered appropriate sleepwear when one is being guarded by a hunky FBI agent? A teddy and boy-shorts, or a negligee?”

       Nick growled into the phone. “I’m thinking sweatpants and an oversized sweat shirt. Save the rest of that stuff for when ‘hunky’ leaves and it’s back to you and me.” He knew Kris was teasing him, but her comments h
it home that he wasn’t the one protecting her.

       Kris felt the change in Nick’s attitude over the phone. “Hey,” she said softly. “I miss you too. Let’s hope this is over quickly and we can get on with our lives.” After a second, she continued. “I still want to fix up Dylan and Cassie after all this is done. Don’t you think that would work? They’re both so nice and stable.”

       “Sounds awfully boring to me, but I’ll defer to your experience. If you think they’ll be good together, why not?”

       “I wonder what Dylan’s story is, why is he still single?” She thought a minute. “Do you think he’s gay?” She had dismissed the possibility before, to tease Nick, but now she seriously considered the possibility.

       “Hard to say, but I doubt it. I saw the way he looked at you. Gay men don’t usually check out a woman like that.”

       “You’re so full of it. If he did check me out, I’m sure it was purely professional. You’ve staked your claim pretty clearly.”

       “Glad you think so. It was my intention, after all.” His lowered his voice meaningfully. “I was serious before when I told you how I felt. I don’t intend to lose you again. Fate led me here, right next door to you. That’s not something to ignore.”

       “That’s funny, Cassie also thinks it’s fate that brought you here.”

       “Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you want. Seems to me like the universe is speaking loud and clear. Who are we to turn a deaf ear?”

       “Maybe you’re right. Time will tell.” Kris felt the same as Nick, but she couldn’t commit to anything while this madness was happening around her. Still, she was really grateful that Nick was back in her life. “I’m going to try and sleep now, you should too.”

       “Yes ma’am. Sweet dreams.”

       “Sweet dreams.” She smiled as she hung up the phone.

       She was ready for bed in a matter of minutes. Placing her phone on the bedside table, she climbed in next to Peg. The sounds of the sea were muffled tonight; Dylan thought it best that she sleep with the window closed. She could still hear the waves, crashing onto the shore. She tried to make her mind blank and just listen to the music of the sea. Against all odds, she was asleep in no time at all.




       Damien quickly powered up his computer so he could watch Beauty as she slept. His errands had taken longer than he anticipated, so he was late getting back to her. He had already driven by the house to check to see if the lights were out, but he knew they would be. She was always in bed by this time of night, or morning, whichever you preferred. “It’s two a.m.; do you know where your Beauty is?” He whispered almost gleefully.


       The sound of the phone ringing jarred Kris from a deep sleep. Groggily, she looked at the screen to find the dreaded ‘Restricted’ notice of the incoming call. She sat upright and punched the button to answer the call.

       “Why are you calling me?” She let her anger and fear mesh together in one simple question.

       “Because you’re mine.” A gruff voice whispered to her.

       “What do you want?”

       “We’ve already had this discussion.” The whispery growl answered.

       “Who are you?” Kris was almost to the stairs, heading for Dylan. He had heard the phone ring and met her at the top. He stood beside her, lending strength if she needed it. From the looks of things, she did.

       Damien had watched Kris bolt out of bed and run from the room. He cursed to himself that he hadn’t placed cameras in the hallway yet.

      “Again, asked and answered.” Damien replied in the same gravelly whisper. He waited for Kris to appear downstairs, where she would be visible to him again. She disappointed him.

       “Stop calling me.” Kris knew she needed to keep him talking for at least twenty seconds, but his voice made her skin crawl and it was all she could do to hang on to the phone.

       “Soon, my Beauty, soon. Dream of me.” Damien clicked off.

       “It was him.” Kris told Dylan, unnecessarily. He was already dialing the FBI tech responsible for monitoring the calls. He saw that Kris was shaking like a leaf; he put his other arm around her for comfort, nodding at her in acknowledgement.

      “Did you get it?” He barked into the phone only seconds later. He frowned. “Okay, get back to me.” He hung up and looked down at Kris. “He was using a cell phone, so the trace will take a little longer. We should hear something soon.” He paused. “Do you want to go back to bed?”

       “As if I could sleep,” she huffed. “No, I’ll wait with you.” They both went back downstairs. “Can we turn on a light?” She asked.

       “Sure, why not. He knows that he woke you. Maybe the light will keep him hanging around.” Dylan flipped the switch. “Would you like me to make you some hot tea?” He offered.

       “No thanks. I’ll just sit and wait with you.”

       “Can you tell me what he said?” Kris repeated the short conversation. “He’s probably still playing with you, so to speak. For some psychopaths, anticipation is part of their fun.”


       Damien watched with delight as the light came on in Kris’s living room. He couldn’t wait to see her, but wondered what had taken her so long. As soon as he saw the cop enter the room, he swore. “That bitch. She’s trying to trap me.” He immediately turned off his cell phone and shut down the computer. Like a thief in the night, he left the relative shelter of the covered garage beneath a house one block away from Kris. Driving quickly to the main road, he turned towards the bridge that led him into Charleston where he could disappear.

       Fuming as he drove, he began to revamp his plans for this Beauty. The police were protecting her, so she must feel safe. That could work to his advantage. He was not concerned about outwitting local cops; rather he took it as a minor challenge. At least he knew they hadn’t yet found the cameras. Otherwise, why would they be stupid enough to let him see them? No, these local yokels would be no problem. In fact, it could even be fun.


       “We lost him,” Dylan heard when he answered the phone. He was within a mile of your location, then he just disappeared.” Dylan swore, startling Kris.

       “I want an agent on the ground tomorrow night. At least we confirmed that he’s close by when he calls. Work on pin pointing the location of his call. That will give us an idea where to wait for him.”

       “Will do. Later”

       “Did they get him?” Kris asked hopefully.

       “No, but he was close by. Something spooked him; he turned off his cell so we have no way to track him.” Dylan was frowning as he tried to understand why Damien would leave so suddenly. Maybe he got what he wanted with the phone call, he thought. Psychopaths have to sleep too, I guess. He looked down at Kris. “Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I doubt he’ll be calling again tonight.”

       Kris felt like she was crashing, coming down from the adrenaline rush of the call and the anticipation of his capture. “Okay, I think I will. Thanks for being here. It made everything easier.” She headed for the stairs. She only made it halfway.


       Stale, dank air with a pervasive odor of mildew and rotting fish tinged with fresh blood assaulted her nostrils. The man in the chair had stripes of duct tape encircling his chest and blood trickling from a jagged cut on his temple. His head was tilted to one side; his hands were behind his back. More tape imprisoned his legs to the chair legs; a dirty, used-to-be white cloth covered his mouth. Wavy blue-black hair was matted with splotches of dark red; his eyes were closed.


       Dylan watched as Kris froze in mid-step, heard her breathing become shallow. He strode quickly to her and saw that her eyes were o
pen and unfocused. “Kris” he grabbed her arm and called her name. Nothing. No indication that he or she was even in the room. He waited. He had seen this before.

       Kris gasped as her vision cleared, leaving a gaping hole in the center of her soul. “Nick,” she whispered frightfully. She swayed and would have fallen if strong arms hadn’t caught her and held her close.

       “What is it?” Dylan asked. He knew Kris had just experienced a vision as well as he knew his own name. The signs were unmistakable and impossible to fake.

       “Nick.” Kris said again, this time with desperation. She tried to escape Dylan’s hold. “I have to warn him.” She was starting to sob. The clarity of the vision and the feelings it left behind was the most frightening thing she had ever felt. “Let me go!”

       Dylan removed his arms, but reached for her hand. “Wait, tell me what you saw.” He demanded.

       Kris tugged her hand free and put both hands over her face, trying to control the after effects of seeing Nick that way. She knew down to her toes that he was in danger. She quickly relayed the image to Dylan. “I have to warn him,” she said again as she headed for the door.

       “Why don’t we call him? You shouldn’t go running off into the night.” Dylan was already searching for Nick’s number on his phone. He had the foresight to program his and Kris’s numbers into his phone earlier in the evening.

       “Where is Kris?” Nick answered the phone after only half a ring.

       “She’s right here. She wants to speak to you.” Dylan held the phone to Kris.

       “Nick? Are you okay?” She had stopped crying, almost as fast as she started.

       “Yes, are you?” Nick could tell that something was wrong, not that the middle of the night phone call hadn’t already alerted him to that fact.

       “Yes. I need to see you.” Kris told him. He heard the urgency in her voice.

       “I’m on my way.” He hung up. Within minutes, he was knocking on the front door. Dylan let him inside. Kris was still standing in the center of the room, anxiously wringing her hands together. Her heart slowed down a little when she saw Nick’s face.

       Nick covered the space between them and bundled her in his arms. “What is it Krissy? What’s wrong?” he asked softly. Kris was white as a sheet, with fear oozing from every pore. He rubbed her back soothingly and felt her arms go around him.