Read Timeless Trilogy, Book One: Fate Page 9

       Kris was frowning, realizing how much a creature of habit she was. Just then, Pegasus rubbed against her leg. “Hey boy, did you decide to wake up?” She scooped him up in her arms, and he immediately began purring.

       “Have you considered getting a dog? As alarm systems go, they can be infallible, especially with the right training.” Dylan watched her cuddle the cat closer.

       “A dog is out of the question. Peg would never have it. Any other suggestions?”

       “Always, and I mean always, activate the alarm and lock the doors when you’re here and when you leave. This guy is probably harmless, most of them are. They get off on the fear factor. But on the outside chance that he’s intent on causing you harm, you have to be alert and use every security measure at your disposal.” He checked the safety and placed the gun on the table. He placed his card alongside it. My numbers are there, call me anytime. I live nearby and I can be here pretty quickly, if I’m home.” He stood to leave.

       “Thanks, that’s very generous of you. Hopefully, he’ll fade back into the woodwork and this will all be a bad dream.” Kris knew better, but tried to lighten the mood.

      “Let’s hope so.” Dylan shook her hand, then Nick’s.

       “Thanks for coming out, sorry about giving you a hard time before.” Nick appreciated that the detective was willing to go above and beyond.

       “No problem.” They were standing on the front porch. Dylan looked out toward the ocean. “I’m gonna walk around a bit before I leave, but it’ll be hard to find anything in the dark. I’ll come back tomorrow and do a more thorough search of the area.”

       “Thanks.” Kris and Nick spoke simultaneously. Kris continued, “Have you lived around here long?” She was morphing from victimized citizen to friendly neighbor.

       “No, I just moved here a few weeks ago from Virginia.” Dylan didn’t offer that he had transferred from the FBI, effectively destroying a promising federal career.

       “Well, welcome. I hope you enjoy it here.” Kris thought of Cassie; this tall, gorgeous lawman might be just her type. “If you or your wife have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ve lived on SI for only three months, but I’ve been in Charleston for ten years. Restaurants, shopping, doctors, lawyers, you name it and I either know about it or know someone who does.”

       “Thanks, Ms. Collins. I’m not married, and so far I’ve been finding everything I need. But I’ll keep your offer in mind.” Dylan tried not to cringe at the word married.

       “Please, call me Kris. After all, we’re practically neighbors.” Kris felt Nick move closer and put his arm around her. Staking his territory, no doubt. Men could be such idiots. Like she would look twice at anyone else. “And this is Nick.”

       “Okay then, neighbor, call me Dylan.” He recognized Nick’s protective claim. Don’t worry, buddy, he thought, getting involved with a woman is the last thing I want. “I’ll be out here tomorrow morning. Don’t shoot, okay?” Dylan smiled at Kris, then at Nick.

       Kris smiled warmly in return. Nick, not so much, his was only polite. “Goodnight, Dylan. Thanks again.”

       “Goodnight; and you’re most welcome.” They stood on the porch, watching as he made his way to the car.

       “Let’s get you inside,” Nick kept his arm around Kris as he turned her towards the house. “There’s a nip in the air.”

       “There sure is,” Kris grinned to herself, thinking of Nick’s primal male reaction to Dylan. If he only knew. She shook her head.




       Damien watched the scene with the cop play out with increasing anger. First the bastard interloper and now the bastard cop. Two new men in her life. And where had she gotten a gun? At least he knew now that she had one. He made a mental note to find it when he completed the camera setup.



  Chapter Twelve


       Dylan started running the name Kris had given him through the database as soon as he got home. His computer skills were second only to his nose for trouble. He knew without a doubt that trouble with a capital T had found Kris Collins. Having access to the kinds of information he needed at home had been a necessity as a field agent. Now he was grateful that his former boss, Nate Banks, had kept his clearance levels active after he’d resigned from the bureau. Nate was convinced that Dylan’s defection to a small town and self-demotion to police detective was a knee-jerk reaction to personal information that surfaced during their last case. Allowing his clearance levels to stand was one way that Nate tried to keep him in the loop, believing that Dylan would come to his senses before too long.

       Dylan knew that was not going to happen, but hey, access to information always came in handy. He made a pot of coffee while waiting for the computer to complete its scans. Sleep was never easy; he knew it would be impossible at the moment. May as well get some work done.

       Stepping out onto his deck, coffee in hand, he felt the coolness of the salty ocean breezes. He’d always loved the beach, felt invigorated by the sounds and smells of the sea. Finding a house to rent long term only one row back was a stroke of luck. Seeing Kris and Nick’s places tonight made him want ocean front even more than he already did. He planned to get the lay of the land before buying anything; the only thing he was sure of was that he wanted an unobstructed view of the Atlantic. Because of Katherine’s death, he could afford anything he wanted.

       The thought of his former wife left him colder than the ocean winds. Why hadn’t she changed her will? God knows, the marriage had died long before she did.  They had been divorced for three years before she died and were barely speaking to each other when she was taken. No matter how they felt about each other, he had moved mountains to find her. But he was too late.

       “Enough,” he whispered forcefully. Shaking off the memories, he went to check the computer’s progress. What he found chilled him to the bone.




       “Looks like Dylan is here,” Kris was filling coffee mugs while Nick turned the bacon. She saw Nick stiffen and stand just a bit straighter. She grinned before pasting on a sweet smile and placing his coffee on the counter beside him. “He sure is a looker. I wonder where he works out.” Kris made the comments sound innocent.

       “Hmmph” was Nick’s only response. Kris kept going. “I’m surprised that he’s not married. Man like that would have women falling all over him.”

       “Maybe he’s gay,” Nick sounded hopeful.

       “Trust me, he’s not gay.” Kris moved to the living room window, transparently peering out at Dylan. She felt Nick bristle all the way across the room.

       “Why, are you interested?” He turned from the stove, fork in hand and a scowl covering his handsome face.

       “Absolutely.” Kris watched his eyes narrow and thought she heard him growl. “I’m thinking about setting him up with Cassie.” It took a minute for that to sink in, then Nick relaxed and grinned at her.

       “Cassie, huh? That sounds like a plan. Why don’t you invite her over?” We’ll see if Dylan can come back for dinner.” His eagerness to pair up Dylan with someone else was almost too obvious.

       “Maybe I will. He’s coming in, and he doesn’t look happy.” Kris met Dylan at the door.

       “Morning,” she gestured for him to enter. “You look like you could use some coffee.”

       “Morning, thanks, that’d be great.” Dylan followed her into the kitchen. “Morning Nick, bacon smells good.”

       “Have a seat, there’s plenty.” Nick decided that he could be magnanimous, now that he knew what Kris had planned.

       “Don’t mind if I do.” Dylan smiled up at Kris as she handed him a steaming mug. “Did
you folks get any sleep?” The question was innocuous, but Dylan had reasons for asking. When he told them what he suspected, he doubted any of them would rest until Damien was caught.

       “More than you, from the looks of it.” Kris noted the dark circles under Dylan’s eyes.

       “I don’t suppose you found anything outside.” Nick asked as he placed strips of bacon on a plate covered with paper towels. With deft movements, he poured off most of the grease in the pan and then filled it with blended eggs.

       Dylan and Kris both watched him as he quickly began stirring the egg mixture into fluffy yellow clouds. After sprinkling a little crushed rosemary into the pan, he turned the heat down and turned to face Dylan.

       “No, nothing. But I’m not surprised.” Dylan knew he had to tell them, but he wasn’t sure where to start. Nick was sure to blow, best to just let him finish up at the stove. Besides, the eggs smelled almost as good as the bacon. Dylan couldn’t remember the last time he ate. Maybe lunch yesterday.

       Kris was taking toast from the toaster and stacking it on another plate. He watched her walk to the fridge and take out a bowl of fruit. She placed both on the bar in front of Dylan.

       “Would you mind taking these out to the table on the porch? I’ll bring the coffee. We can discuss everything over breakfast.” Kris felt the apprehension rolling off of Dylan. She knew that whatever he had to say was not something she wanted to hear. She turned to stack plates, napkins and cutlery onto a tray. Nick was scooping the eggs into a large bowl. He too had felt Dylan’s anxiety.

       By the time they were all seated with plates piled high, Dylan had decided to tell them everything he knew. Years in the FBI had taught him to play things close to the vest, but Kris and Nick deserved to know what they were up against. But it wasn’t exactly mealtime conversation.

       “This looks great, thanks for letting me crash your morning.”

       “Don’t be silly, you’re welcome here. We appreciate your taking time on a Sunday morning to help find my stalker.”

       Nick noticed how Dylan blanched slightly at Kris’s words. Nope, he thought, this wasn’t going to be good. Diving into his breakfast, he resolved to be patient. Maybe Dylan wanted to talk to me alone, he thought, and not scare Kris. He didn’t want her scared either. He could wait.

       The squawking of the seagulls fishing for their own breakfast provided a convenient distraction while the three ate in companionable silence. Kris decided to put her plan into action, and maybe lighten the mood.

       “Are you working tonight, Dylan?” She asked conversationally.

       Surprised by the question, but grateful that she didn’t mention the elephant in the room, Dylan answered immediately. “No, I’m off for the next two days. One of the perks from pulling a double on the weekend.”

       “Great, then you can come over for dinner tonight. Nick’s trying to impress me with his cooking skills. He can impress you too.” Kris’s smile was so inviting, that Dylan could only accept.

       “If these eggs are any indication, I’m already impressed. Thanks, Kris, I’d love to come. I haven’t had time to meet many people since I’ve been here, so I don’t get out much except to work.” Dylan was sincere; he liked these two instantly, even though Nick was a bit too territorial last night. But who could blame him? Kris was a beautiful, charming woman. The man was lucky to have her. Nick had been better today, not as protective, so maybe he considered Dylan warned. Looking at him now, Dylan saw the hint of a smile and wondered what that was about.

       “Great, it’s a date.” Kris looked a little like the cat who ate the proverbial canary; Dylan started to sweat. What were they up to? I’ll find out soon enough, he thought.

       Before long, the plates were empty and fresh coffee filled every mug. Dylan couldn’t put it off any longer.

       “Did y’all hear about a kidnapping and attempted murder late last year in Ohio? Caroline Vicars was abducted from her home in the middle of the night; she almost died before anyone found her. The case was gruesome enough to make national news for a day or two.” Dylan waited.

       “Was she the one they found in an old mine shaft?” Nick’s brow was creased; Kris had gotten still.

       “Yes. It was just a fluke that those hikers took shelter in the cave during a sudden storm. They found her barely breathing.” Dylan left out the part about her being beat to a pulp along with the other sordid details of her condition.

       “What’s that got to do with Kris?” Nick’s expression was fierce.

       “The FBI believes that Caroline is the last in a long line of victims, twenty that we know of, all kidnapped from their homes in the dead of night. All of the women were stalked for weeks prior to their abductions. All but Caroline are dead.” Dylan heard Kris gasp as she reached for Nick’s outstretched hand. He was up and kneeling beside her, pulling her close as he glared at Dylan.

       “And you think the same maniac is after Kris?” he growled. “Why haven’t you people caught him already?” Nick’s eyes were blazing fire, but his gentle protectiveness towards Kris was palpable.

       “I can’t say for sure, but it’s a very strong possibility. Caroline is still in a coma and has been since she was found. She had filed a report about a stalker, the night before she was abducted. Several of the other women had also filed reports, but until the FBI was brought in, the similarities that lead to a serial stalker were not obvious. Caroline was abducted in Maryland, but found in Ohio. Crossing state lines made it a federal case. All of the other women were killed in their home state. No two women were killed in the same state. In each instance, local police considered it a singular crime.” Dylan paused, waiting for questions. Nick and Kris both waited for him to continue. Kris looked like she was in shock; Nick looked like he wanted to kill someone.

       “Once the FBI was involved, profilers did a routine check for similar cases across the country. There are twenty cases with the same MO, spanning the past twelve years. Not all of the women reported stalkers, but of the ones who didn’t, family and friends corroborated the similarities. Each woman received a single rose once, then a dozen roses each week. Each woman received phone calls on her cell phone in the middle of the night. Each time the caller referred to her as ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or simply ‘Beauty’.  Each woman met a man named Damien just prior to receiving the first rose.” Dylan sat back, indicating that the story was complete. He purposely left out the part about the ordeal each of the women endured at the hands of this killer. If Caroline woke up with her memory intact, she may wish she were dead.

       Neither Kris nor Nick spoke for several minutes, both digesting what Dylan had told them. He waited, knowing they needed time to process. Nick was the first to break the silence.

       “I want round the clock protection for her.” His voice was deceptively quiet.

       “I’m already on it. I called a friend at the bureau to tell him that Damien is likely active in the area. He was out on another case, so I left a detailed message. I wouldn’t be surprised if a team shows up here tomorrow.” Dylan looked closely at Kris; the shock on her face was turning to gritty determination.

       “Wouldn’t a team of FBI agents crawling all over a sleepy little island be a bit obvious? If this guy’s been operating for 12 years, he’s smart enough to cover his tracks and to stay out of sight while they’re here. Doesn’t it make more sense to trap him? He’s already coming after me, but he doesn’t know that I know anything about him. I could be the bait.”

       “There’s no way in hell that’s happening.” Nick looked down at Kris, his face like a thundercloud.

       “Not a chance.” Dylan spoke the same time as Nick. “This guy is good, which is why you will not be bait. Though you’ve got a point about the team. I’ll discuss it with Nate when he calls back, but know that you wi
ll not be involved in capturing Damien.” Dylan’s normally soft, southern drawl was take-no-prisoner’s stern.

       “I’m already involved.” Kris said softly. She knew better than to argue with the both men. She had to think. Dylan’s phone startled all of them.

       “Nate, glad you got back so soon.” Dylan greeted his friend and ex-boss.

       “Yes, I’m with her now. I’ve explained everything that I know.” Kris and Nick watched as Dylan listened. “I see.” His eyes became hard as he looked back at both of them, still listening. “That might be a problem. Hold tight, if you can. We may have an alternative. Can I get back to you in an hour? In the meantime, I’m on it.” Dylan listened for a few more seconds, then disconnected the call.

       “They want to send in a team, but I agree with Kris that a group of agents swarming all over the place would be counterproductive.” Dylan looked gravely at both Kris and Nick. “If he saw them and backed off while they were here, Kris wouldn’t be any safer after they left.”

       “Why couldn’t they stay until he was caught.” Nick knew the answer, but he wanted to make Dylan say it.

       “Resources. As soon as the calls, roses and whatever else stops for a few days, the team would be off to another case. They can’t justify waiting for him to surface. The only way to catch this guy is if he doesn’t know that we’re onto him.”

       “You’re not using her as bait.” Nick stood, ready to battle.

       “No, not as bait. As a lure. There’s a difference. He may not know it, but we now have the upper hand. We know who he is and we know how he operates. We can give Kris round the clock protection, without him realizing it. But I need your cooperation.”

       “No!” Nick was almost shouting.

       “Yes,” Kris spoke directly to Dylan as she reached for Nick’s hand. “Think about it Nick, we can’t let this creep move onto some other unsuspecting woman. And I can’t live, always looking over my shoulder or wondering when the next phone call will come, or worse.” She reached up and held his face between her hands. “I want to do this. I have to do this. Don’t make it harder than it has to be. Help me.”