Read Times Hearts Page 2

A small silence etched, as the rush of air into Isabella’s lungs as she exhaled after he had concluded his reading.

  ‘I wrote that soon after I had seen you for the first time’ he smiled.

  Isabella placed a cold hand above her heart trying to steady its rapid beats.

  He continued. ‘I hope that you like it at least somehow.’ I know it is not much but when I saw your beauty as did many other courtiers that day, I knew I had to know you...And I thought that as the Queens lady in waiting my chances are rather thin to meet you.’

  ‘Well you have met me and I am much amused by your poetry and I am flattered that you should consider me worthy of your note.’

  He took her hand and kissed it. Smiled and bowed graciously. When he looked up, his words sent warm goosebumps coursing through her.

  ‘I am forever your humble servant M’Lady.’

  From the window that looked down onto the gardens, the King looked out across this meeting playing out before his eyes. He would have this man removed from court, to be out of sight of the woman he had set his own eyes upon. No suitor was going to stand in the King’s way. What the King wanted...the King got!

  He called his privy servant and pointed towards the window...’Remove that man known as Lord Danton of Leffonbridge before the meeting in the great hall commences. Be discreet and tell no one but the Duke of Holdings of his whereabouts. Put him to work in the garrison in the county of Sussex that should do it. He can lead there, far away from the palace and what I want!’

  The servant nodded and retreated from the room in a bowing position whilst walking backwards. ‘Much was to be done and paper work would follow, thought the King, and I can have her all to myself.’

  Misery had been beset upon Danton, for in the hour after he left Lady Beaufort; he had been swiftly escorted to a horse, and surrounded by the King’s guards. There was no time for any goodbyes, no letters, nothing. He had wondered at the expedient of which this had suddenly arisen, the papers he carried appeared with the Kings own seal. He should not question the Kings own decision but here he was doing that. Was it something more than just leading the garrison in Sussex? He would write to Isabella when he would arrive at the garrison.

  Isabella stood in the shade of the oak tree. The day was crisp yet sunny. She had heard not a word from Lord Danton or even laid eyes upon him. There were mumblings around court that he had been assigned to somewhere in the north. It must have been of great haste as not one word had reached her. Caught in her daydream and thoughts of Danton, Isabella had not noticed the stealthy approach of the King in her direction. Her thoughts were only broken by a course cough...

  Isabella fell to a curtsey. ‘Your Majesty!’

  He took her hand to bring her back up, his large hand dwarfing her own. Before her stood the King, and up close he appeared old and tired. Some dark shadows had formed under his eyes and some crease lines at the corner of his eyes. His striking grey eyes beheld her own.

  The sun came out from behind the clouds, illuminating, almost setting fire to his copper hair, lending to a certain sense of etherealness about his majesty.

  ‘Lady Beaufort, ’ He addressed her. ‘May I have the pleasure of your company for this afternoon’s walk about the gardens?!’

  Isabella was quite aware of that she would be in the Kings company for the duration of the afternoon, and was quite taken aback by the request, as it was during this time she would be waiting on her Majesty. Her duty to the Queen was first as this was her job, and not to a companion to the King about these gardens! What was she to do?!

  ‘Your Majesty, I beg your forgiveness but I have duties this very afternoon for her Majesty and I...’

  He interrupted her

  ...’No No, that is all taken care of...’

  She was surprise and let out a small breath of shock, which wasn’t heard by the King. She hoped indeed it was good with the Queen. She did not want her work to be in jeopardy or be on the receiving end of the Queen’s wrath!

  With some inner reluctance still present, she nevertheless, took to walking beside the King, as they strolled through the sprawling gardens, lined with miniature mazes and shrubbery.

  He asked her many questions about how she liked the court and what did she think of the new annex for the royal family and guests, which was currently being built next to the palace.

  All the time she was thinking of Danton and why had she not heard from him!

  The next few weeks seemed to pass very quickly. The Queen, for some reason, shuffled those in her service and Isabella’s rank amongst the ladies of the chamber had quickly risen, for she was now the Queens chief lady-in-waiting. Somewhat surprised at her elevation, and because of her new station, she was allowed extra time off from her duties. The King had not let up on his interest in her. Taking daily walks about the gardens with some of his court walking at some convenient distance behind. They were never alone, which suited Isabella. She hated scandal, but she was concerned at the amount of attention the King was lavishing on her. The gifts of pearls and jewel encrusted brooches were too much for her. Although she accepted them, she never wore them; they lay in her room, in a locked chest. He had enquired as to why they were never adorning her sweetness. Her excuse was that she was afraid that she might lose them. To which he would laugh in a low guttural tone, then taking her hand to which he pressed his cold lips to kiss.

  ‘I love how you take care of the gifts I have given you, but it would please me more if you wore them, at least once, to show that you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed giving them to you.’ he spoke directly and hinted it would displease him if she didn’t.

  This troubled Isabella a lot. If she were to wear the jewels, she had no doubt that they would stir unwanted attention, and perhaps cause the Queen distress and perhaps result in anger. The jewels were far above her station, even though she had her own jewellery, none were as ornate as what the King had given her.

  The King could not contain his joy when he met in the early hours with his council. His step was lighter, his demeanour less sour and the cloth of the garments he wore, were of cream, a colour which he wore infrequently and only when his toil was light and unburdened.

  His thoughts were of her, the Lady Isabella. He wished for this day and this day was going to happen. Plans had been made in his mind, to kiss her but this time not only on the hand, but to kiss her sweet lips and for her to promise she will be his...his alone...

  In another part of the palace:

  During the early hours as she readied herself for her duties, and holding a beautiful sea of pearls brooch in the form of a tall ship, with which she pinned under dress collar. It was slightly covered by the lace. She hoped it would not be noticed yet noticed by the King.

  Suddenly, frantic knocking sounded at her door and a thin male voice cried out... ‘M’Lady!’

  She opened the door, to a man who appeared to have travelled a long way. His clothes were covered in road dirt and dust and beads of sweat formed on his brow, which she noticed as he removed his hat and bowed to her.

  He then handed her a sealed letter and said ‘It is urgent. ‘It’s the Duchess, M’Lady’...’

  Isabella felt all the colour drain from her face, as she tore the letter open...

  She then grabbed her cloak, notifying her maid that she must inform their majesties of her departure and that her mother is illness. She was going home to Bowen Hall.

  When the King heard of Isabella’s absence from the palace, he flew into a rage, breaking some china pots and knocking down unlit candle sticks. Hastily he summoned his council to set a plan to visit Bowen Hall but this was scuppered on account of the Spanish who were threatening invasion of England. Furious, he remained locked in his chambers and dealt harshly with those that crossed him. He set about writing letters to her and hoped that his affections would be returned in kind. It was all he could do, for now.

  Isabella, remained at Bowen Hall for more than two months in which such time
she befriended Richard Hertsworth, the Duke of Brisslington. Daily she had received the Kings somewhat amorous letters. She would reply, but it was getting more and more difficult to do so, as she realised her affections lay not with the King but with Richard.

  Richard had fallen for Isabella and knowing he was in competition for her affections along with the King, he felt it was more up to her whom she wished to be with.

  It was in no doubt that she wanted to be with Richard, so he laid a plan for her to leave England overnight and sail to Denmark where he would meet with her and plan to marry, after Isabella’s mother, the Duchess, had fully recovered her health.

  Indeed several weeks later... Isabella sailed for Denmark, but while she was still travelling, she was not informed of the death of the Duke. Killed by the Kings own guard, at the request of the King. How dare he take what was rightfully his. But his affections for her were now overshadowed by a new interest that had arrived at court, one Lady Catherine Howard.

  She had never been to Denmark before but had heard much of its beauty. Along with her maid and two others, she stayed at a chateau in the hills overlooking a small lake. It was so very different from England, she was miles away from her family and from those she had known all of her life.

  She waited more than a month for the Duke to arrive. She sent word out but nothing came back. Her father was unable to visit, yet his letters bore little comfort, especially all these miles away from home. She had learned that the King was no longer interested in her and that the Duke was killed in action, some month ago.

  There was nothing to do now but to go home, but her father insisted for her own safety and for respect of the family she should remain in Denmark. He said a friend would visit soon.

  Isabella may have been lady-in-waiting to the Queen of England, but her she was tending to flowers growing in the tiny garden of the chateau.

  The sound of horses’ hooves made her glance back up. A carriage was approaching, which made make her way back inside. The maid rushed towards the door, to greet the visitor.

  Waiting in the drawing room, she managed just to tidy a few stray wisps of her hair that had broken free from a hair comb.

  Booted footsteps could be heard on the wooden floor. The door opened, the maid was about to announce who it was, but he pushed past her,

  He took his hat off and bowed to her.


  She felt goosebumps coarse her skin in mild shock.

  ‘..Danton!’ she gasped in surprised disbelief. ‘Lord Danton’ she repeated!

  He looked up and smiled. ‘Yes, M’Lady, it is I.’

  ‘What brings you here, all this way from England?’ She beckoned him to take a seat.

  ‘I thought that would be obvious M’Lady.’ He placed his hat on the small wood table to the side of the chair.

  While I was away doing the Kings bidding

  I heard rumours, rumours from the court. People talking. Gossip. That the king had placed you in esteem and affection what the King wanted the king usually got no man can stand in his way what was I to do.

  ‘I had not heard a word from you all this time’. She said.

  'I wrote you many letters I never heard anything back from you. I guess our letters were intercepted by someone, maybe someone from the king's court?!'

  I didn't give up hope but I could not compete with the king it was he who sent me away I was just ordered to the garrison surrounded by his guards I left that day all this while I never stop thinking of you

  Isabella smiled she remembered the note he had written for her it seems like many years ago a lifetime ago.

  He looked down and then looked up at Isabella his face was taut he bit his lip whatever was on his mind it was serious he hesitated and after some moments all the while Isabella smiled at him which gave me hope and some courage for now he must say what must be said...

  And in that moment of courage Isabella knew, for what he said was long overdue for that is where her heart truly lay, in Dantons arms. An hour later after much talking they held each other. Soon she would return to England, just one last time and then return to make her home in Denmark with Danton, where they lived in quiet contentment raising two children who became part of the Royal Danish family.