Read Timtown Page 16

  “Not exactly, but I can get it started, and it does the rest,” Tim answered Arty’s question.

  “It!” Mr. V’s voice boomed out from all directions. Ann jumped back from the wall, startled. “I’m just an ‘it’? Can you imagine?”

  “Oops sorry about that,” Tim said laughing. He winked at Arty who was turned his way.

  “Mr. V, I would like to introduce my brother Arty, and my friend Ann.”

  “Welcome Earthlings!” Mr. V replied in a strong, singsong, mechanical tone.

  “Earthlings? Oh brother, how original. When did you think of that?” Tim asked.

  “I was just trying to sound official,” Mr. V returned with his normal voice.

  “Geez, just try to be yourself. There’s no need to try to impress anybody,” Tim instructed.

  Ann pulled on Tim’s arm and moved her mouth close to his left ear. “Do you think you should talk to him like that? He might get mad.”

  “Nah, don’t worry, it’s not in his program.”

  “Huh?” was Ann’s reply. She turned away from Tim, looking around the chamber. “Are you really a machine?” she asked tentatively.

  “Shore nuff am.” Mr. V had the southern accent down perfect.

  “Wow, neat! You sound like a real person though,” Ann said excited.

  “I can be that too.”

  “Huh?” was all Ann said again.

  “Later,” said Tim. “Now we have to help Arty. Correct Mr. V?”

  “Correct Mr. Randell, and congratulations on the success of your mission. I am very pleased to meet you Arty, and you Ann. I hope you will be comfortable here. I am looking forward to talking to you both. I have been here, alone, for a long time and will appreciate your company.”

  “I’m sorry about the extras,” Tim said. “I hope I did the right thing, bringing them in here?”

  “Do you feel that you acted wisely?” Mr. V asked.

  “They probably would have died otherwise, and they appear to be good people,” Tim replied. “I hope I didn’t put you on the spot.”

  “Tim has a hard time grasping the facts concerning my role in this facility,” Mr. V explained. “I am here to serve any humans that are present.”

  “You mean anyone that stumbled in here would have free run?” Arty asked.

  “It would not be possible, to just stumble in here,” Mr. V commented.

  “He planned all this, but he won’t admit it. Remember Deputy Dog?” Tim asked Ann and Arty.

  “Of course, how could anyone forget that weirdo dog,” Ann said.

  “That was a fantastic dog,” Arty commented.

  “It was his dog, and it wasn’t a real dog either,” Tim explained. “It was a machine. That’s how he use to watch us, but I don’t know the whole story, yet.”

  “Oh shit!” Ann exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” Tim asked.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” Ann said as she hid her face in her hands.

  “Why?” Tim asked.

  “Oh nothing, just forget it,” Ann said quickly.

  “I think she just remembered about the times she and her girlfriends were swimming in the pool. Am I correct?” Mr V asked.

  “Oh god, you remembered!” Ann exclaimed.

  “I never forget anything, but young lady; I’m just a machine so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “That’s still sick, spying on people. It’s not right!” Ann exclaimed.

  “I was not spying,” defended Mr. V. “It is my job to record everything that happens.”

  “That means you’ve got pictures,” Tim said. “Hot damn! He’s got pictures of you guys skinny dipping. Ha, I’ll take three, fourteen by twelve glossies.”

  “Fuck off Tim! That’s not funny! God, you can be so insulting sometimes, and I’m really pissed!” Ann yelled as she stormed out of the chamber.

  “I think we might have said the wrong things?” Mr. V commented.

  “Yeah, she’s been through a lot. I guess we should be more careful around her. Anyway, it’s great to be home,” Tim said.

  “So this is your home now?” Mr. V stated.

  “There’s not much left of the old one, so I guess this is it,” Tim returned.

  “That’s true, but let’s not dwell on the past. It’s done and gone, and I’m sure Arty is eager to see what I can do for him. Am I correct?” the computer asked.

  “Yes! Oh god, yes!” Arty shouted. “When Tim was telling me about this place, and what you might be able to do it was impossible to believe.”

  “Not impossible at all, I can definitely help you,” Mr. V said.

  “It’s possible? You’re serious then? I can be whole again? Please Mr. V, please help me.” Arty pleaded.

  “Yes, I promise, I can help you,” the computer said.

  “Oh fantastic! Let’s get started! I’m all yours!” Arty shouted.

  “Good, then let’s not waste any more time!” Mr. V stated. “Tim, I have started medical examinations on the people you brought in, and some are not in good condition. It would be nice for them to see you, to comfort them. I think some of them are frightened, and it would be good for Ann if you showed her some of the base. There are many things I’m sure she would be interested in. It might get her mind off what’s troubling her.”

  “Tim, thanks for not forgetting me.” There were tears in Arty’s eyes. “I’d given up you know. I’d been preparing myself for the end for quite a while, and now! To get a chance to not only live, but to walk again, and, and to be self-sufficient. Just to be able to take care of myself again, I can’t even explain Timmy, I can’t even explain. Thank you Timmy, thank you so much.” Arty laid his head back with a content look on his face. “I’m ready for you now Mr. V.”

  “We’ll talk later, and I couldn’t have done any less,” Tim said over his shoulder as he left Arty.


  Tim went back to the living chamber to check on Sims and his people, and get them settled in. They seemed to be content, but Tim was having a little trouble convincing them about the medical care.

  “Here in the base, there is no hands on care,” he explained. “The patient is simply surrounded by a cocoon of bright blue light, then put into an unconscious state, and when you come to you are well.” That was how he tried to explain it, but there were no takers.

  “Please, trust me, because I’ve gone through it myself, and I guarantee it works. Please?” Tim was getting frustrated. He stood there with his hands on his hips, waiting.

  Finally, the old woman raised her hand. “Young man, oh young man, I could go first, if it’s all right?” She had many scratches and a couple of deep infected cuts. She introduced herself as Mrs. Paulson.

  Tim helped her to her feet and over to the control hologram. He instructed the hologram to start the procedure. First a table shaped object floated out of the wall. Tim instructed Mrs. Paulson to sit on it. She hesitated, putting out her hand to touch the new object. She gave Tim an assuring shrug and sat up on it. He gave her a wink, and she returned it with a smile. A soft light began to form an egg shaped healing cocoon around her. The old woman looked out of the rapidly thickening light and waved toward the group.

  As the light was almost obscuring the old woman her head began to sink toward her chest. Tim saw her fall over on her side, as the light finally covered her from view.

  Tim decided to pass the time, until Mrs. Paulson returned, with small talk with Sims and the group. He asked for names, and listened as each person told a little about themselves. He was surprised no one asked him about the base, until he asked Sims why?

  Sims explained. “You told me you would explain everything later. It isn’t that they don’t ‘have’ a lot of questions, they’re just willing to wait.”

  Tim looked in the direction of the blue shimmering cocoon every so often, and about forty-five minutes after it had enveloped Mrs. Paulson, it began to waver and diminish. The woman was lying on her back as she came into view, and when the light was gon
e, she sat up slowly. She turned to the group and stood up. A cheer went up in unison, as she walked smartly toward them. It was quite obvious to everyone the wounds had been healed. Her skin was clean and smooth, and there was a definite bounce to her step.

  “Sonny, oh excuse me dear, I mean Tim. You were right because I feel just wonderful. I don’t know how I can repay you,” said Mrs. Paulson.

  “No need to, Mam,” Tim said. “I should be thanking you. You were very brave, willing to go first like that.”

  “I’m too old to be afraid. Now I think Mr. Coyle there is in need of your miracles.” Mrs. Paulson pointed over to where the one seriously wounded man was laying.

  “Come on, come on people, get him over there where Tim can do him some good,” she commanded.

  Jeff Coyle was placed on the floating table, and the light started to increase again. He had a frightened look on his face, but was in so much pain he didn’t object.


  Ann had returned to the chamber, and Tim wanted to talk to her in private. Everything was going smoothly with the medical procedures Mr. V would continue to handle. Tim led her down to the subterranean forest, all the while explaining what he knew about the wonders he was showing her. As he explained, with all the enthusiasm he could muster, he had the feeling she wasn’t really listening. He wanted her to be the old Ann, funny, always bubbly, and full of confidence. She was so different now, so drawn in. When they finally reached the immense chamber of the forest, Ann barely showed a reaction. “Big deal,” was her only comment.

  Damn Tony and his stupid selfish actions, Tim thought angrily, because of him, an innocent, fragile person was fighting a terrible inner battle. It’s hard to smile after all you’ve been through, I’d imagine?” Tim commented, as they sat on the ledge, looking out over the darkened forest.

  Ann turned, and gave him a constructed smile, but didn’t say anything.

  “I’m just trying to help,” he said.

  “Then leave me alone,” she answered calmly.

  “To sit and feel sorry for yourself?” Tim quickly countered.

  “No, to be alone. I just want to be alone. I don’t want your company, or your sympathy, okay!” Ann spat the words out sharp and quick.

  “What is your problem, I’m always there for you.”

  “Oh, where were you when ‘that bastard’ killed Sammy?” Ann started to shake, and to yell at Tim. “And where were you when ‘that sicko’ did those horrible things.”

  “I didn’t know, I was sleeping,” Tim said sheepishly. “I had gone to get my stuff, and I didn’t realize how dangerous it was out there.” Tim knew it was a weak defense.

  “You are so careful now.” Ann was gritting her teeth, trying to stay in control. “You want to be in charge now, but you blew it when we really needed you, and I’ll never forget. I’ll take care of myself from now on, so leave.”

  “You got it!” Tim sprang up, and walked away with his hands deep in his pockets. He was mad; he was confused, and suddenly very lonely. Didn’t Ann realize he had suffered too, but he didn’t intend to shut out his friends? He had dealt with his losses, she would have to also. He realized no one could feel the hurt of what she had experienced, and it would probably take time and understanding. He was her friend and would be there when she needed him. The thought made him feel better.


  He returned to the control chamber and Arty was gone. He thought about contacting Mr. V, but changed his mind. He wasn’t sleepy so he decided to go see how Sims and his people were doing.


  Sims had his people dispersed along the floor.

  I’m definitely the asshole of the month. All the wonders of this place, and here these poor, unfortunate people are sleeping on the floor, probably still hungry.

  Sims was still awake, propped up against the wall talking to his wife and daughter.

  “Mr. Sims, I’m sorry,” Tim apologized. “I’ve been a poor host, but there were things I had to do.”

  “Oh don’t apologize, this is the best we’ve had it in quite a few days. We owe you a lot,” he returned.

  “I wish I had offered you assistance right away, but I’ve learned to be cautious,” Tim went on.

  “No problem, your experience has taught you well,” Sims said.

  “Mr. Sims, let me show you and your friends some of the wonders of this place.” Tim looked up. “Mr. V, I need to welcome our new guests and I need the following.” First, Tim requested sleeping berths, and small dimples appeared on the smooth surface along one wall, then deepened and widened until it was the right size and depth.

  Next he ordered new clothing. Many of the small colored light balls drifted out of the wall and headed toward the people. Tim watched, as the balls separated and one circled each individual. The guests had different reactions as the colored balls selected them and circled. One of the boys began grabbing at the ball circling him, laughing with excitement. The girl Tim figured was Sims’s daughter was scared of the ball racing around her. Mostly the individuals were apprehensive at first because the experience was unusual, but gradually relaxed. Then they quickly became fascinated.

  “They look amused,” Tim said to Sims.

  “This is the first entertainment they’ve had in many days,” Sims replied.

  Suddenly the colored balls changed into small packets, and the new clothing drifted to each astonished person. Tim then arranged lavatory facilities, so the people could clean up and change. The same dimple construction formed the men’s and lady’s rooms.

  “The beds are wonderful, and if anyone wants anything special to eat or drink, just give me your request. I’m your slave for the evening,” Tim instructed.

  No one spoke up.

  “Come on, don’t be shy!” Tim shouted. “You deserve to live it up!”

  Finally a tiny voice said, “Ice cream!”

  “What flavor?” Tim asked.

  “Pralines and Cream,” was the answer.

  Oh ooh, leave it to a kid to trip you up. “Well, Mr. V claims to have the recipe for everything, so it’s worth the try,” he said out loud.

  Mr. V said two and a half minutes.

  “Rome and ice cream take time,” he said over his shoulder. “It will be a few minutes, any other requests?”

  “This may sound stupid, but I sure would enjoy a cold beer,” Sims said, and a sudden agreement arose from some of the others.

  “I can try that.” I’m not sure about liquor, because I think it needs time to ferment, but who knows, Mr. V might be able to do it. “Cold beer coming up, cross your fingers.”

  Mr. V said wait. Tim took a few more requests, popcorn, coke, cake, etc.

  The ice cream arrived. When the kid who made the request took a bite, the look on his face told Tim Mr. V had come through. The kids dove into the ice cream, just as the beer arrived. The people were adjusting quickly; there were no more gasps as frothy mugs floated out of the wall. Sims grabbed one of the mugs and took a healthy drink.

  “Hot damn, I’ve been saved for sure,” he said, as a big smile broke out on his face. “Come on, drink up,” he commanded the people who were gathered around him, ready to join in.

  Sims handed Tim a beer and Tim took a deep drink.

  “Man does that taste great!” Tim said. A party is just what we all needed. All the bullshit has made everyone too solemn. We are safe, we can afford to celebrate.

  The party was in full swing when the good looking woman approached Tim.

  “Hi hero, I’ve been wanting to talk to you in person.” She pressed up tight against him and gave him a hard kiss on the cheek.

  “I’m going to get cleaned up and try on my new clothes, but I want to see more of you a little later. Okay hero baby?” She walked away with a movement Tim wasn’t likely to forget for a while. Tim took another long drink, as she move out of sight.

  “So that’s what a real woman looks like,” Tim said, kind of to himself, but Sims heard him and burst out laughing.

bsp; “Boy, have you got your hands full now,” Sims said.

  “Who is she?”

  “She calls herself Margie, but didn’t mention a last name. I guess her husband was killed in the quake. Anyway, she joined up with us six days ago. She’s not afraid of anything, and a hell of a shot. She had a lot to do with us lasting this long. Ah Tim,” Sims added. “I’ve been wondering about this place, and I was hoping you were going to get around to explaining it to me? At your convenience, of course.”

  “I promise, I will. Tomorrow okay?”

  “Fair enough.”


  The party went on, the beer got drunk, and so did Tim. He was feeling really good because the party had been a great idea. It helped everyone to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. Margie had returned and was talking about anything and everything. She explained some of her past, and was excitedly talking about her future. Tim felt sorry for her because the future would be nothing like she expected, or hoped. She was constantly nuzzling up to him, and he was loving it. He was truly the man of the hour. As the party was winding down, many of the rag tag group had gotten together and approached Tim as he was in conversation with Margie.

  “Tim we wanted to make sure we thanked you properly,” said Mr. Coyle. He had been rejuvenated and was feeling fine, “I want to thank you for the help you have given us. You have saved all our lives. I don’t know, or can’t even imagine what this place is, but thank you for sharing it with us. We are in your debt.”

  “I second that, and there are people here that will third it and fourth it,” Mrs. Paulson jumped in. “We are happy to be here at—” She hesitated. “What do you call this place anyway?”

  “It doesn’t have a name, that I know of,” Tim said.

  “Timtown!” Margie shouted.

  “Yeah!” A few of the group quickly added.

  “Oh come on,” Tim exclaimed embarrassed.

  “Yeah, Timtown,” Margie repeated. “You said it doesn’t have a name. Well, I say we should call it Timtown in honor of what you did for us.” She turned with her arms spread in a what about it gesture, and suddenly the name Timtown was spreading among the people.

  Tim tried to argue the point, but it was futile. He wondered what Mr. V would say. Certainly the place had a name, but he had never asked, and Mr. V had never volunteered it. To these people it was now Timtown.