Read Timtown Page 28

  “It didn’t make much sense. I mean with the technology involved, how could he lose you?”

  “Why do you think we’re at odds?”

  “Because he’s trying to take over,” Sims said sternly. “Look, Tim, I don’t know that much about this place, but from what I’ve seen, I can speculate. There is a whole lot of information here, information that could be used for evil purposes. I shudder when I think about some of those assholes on the outside getting their hands on this place. I know Arty thinks, or wants us to believe he is trying to protect us, but I think that he is terribly misguided, for lack of a better word. I don’t think Arty’s human anymore, to tell you the truth. I’m sorry I said that,” Sims added quickly.

  “I’ve ah, I’ve tried to talk to Arty about the same thing, you know, but he won’t listen. You’re the first one that seems concerned. As you know, all the rest seem to agree with him. They either don’t care, or he’s got them buffaloed.”

  “Is there the possibility that he could be on the up and up, and be right about us needing the protection?” Sims asked.

  “No, no one could possibly get in here, without somebody letting them in, and I’ve got that covered,” Tim said.

  “How can you be positive?” Sims asked.

  “Mr. V gave me the position of Number One. It’s how they used to administer this place back when the original owners were here. Anyway, Number One has certain privileges that no one else has. For instance, that’s why no one can eavesdrop in on this conversation.”

  “What about this Et? And, who the hell is that anyway?” Sims asked. He was still worried about Arty, after Arty had threatened him, and he wanted to be careful.

  “He’s my personal computer.”

  “Another computer! How can you be sure this one is not connected to Mr. V?”

  “Because, Arty is all pissed off. He doesn’t know where I’m going, or what I’m doing. He has no way of communicating with Et.”

  “But, how can you be sure of that?” Sims asked concerned.

  “Because, I’m Number One, and that’s the way it’s set up.”

  “I just want to be careful; I don’t want Arty knowing about this conversation.”

  “Don’t worry, Et protects any conversations I want him to, and that’s also how I’m able to just disappear at will. It’s Number One’s privilege.

  “What’s Arty’s position in here? How much weight does he pull?” Sims asked. “Besides being arrogant as hell, how much can he really do?”

  “He’s assigned himself to the Number Two position. He has free run of the place, as you can see, but he can be pretty much stymied by me. That’s what has him so pissed off.”

  “What about the rest of us?”

  “Geez, you know, I hadn’t even though about it,” Tim apologized.

  “Well, I wish you would,” Sims stated. “We should at least find out where we stand. I’ll tell you Tim, I’m about ready to get my family out of here and take our chances on the outside.”

  “Arty really has you that scared, huh?”

  “The only difference between you and me ‘is’, I’m vulnerable and you’re not. Correct?”

  “I don’t get what you mean?”

  “You’re just as concerned about the way Arty is acting as I am, but he can’t hurt you. He can swat me and my family like flies and there is nothing I can do about it. Don’t you think I have a reason to be frightened?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  “No, you can’t all the time. What if Arty gets mad and just decides to do something, when you’re not around. I haven’t seen too much of you these last few days, you know.”

  “Arty wouldn’t dare do anything to anyone; Et is in contact with Mr. V, continually. I’d know about anything that happened,” Tim guaranteed.

  “That’s what I’m worried about, Tim. What good is it, when he’s already done it? It’s too late then, isn’t it?” Sims whined. “And, just what could you do to stop him anyhow? You sure as hell can’t physically stop him, and I don’t think threatening him will do much good either.”

  “I don’t know Hal, I just don’t know. This thing is getting out of control, I have to agree.” Tim hesitated. “I know you’re right. Shit, I’ve been worried as long as you have. What the hell is wrong with the rest of them? You know, I think with all the others in here treating Arty like a goddamn folk hero and savior, it’s gone to his head.”

  “No, Tim, Arty’s not likely to be influenced by that. He’s the one promoting his own image. He wants them to think like that. You and I are the only ones that he’s given up on. Oh, and Margie, she’s seen through his little facade too. He threatened her just this evening. I think she’s ready to head outside too.”

  “Oh don’t do that guys. I still don’t think Arty’s that dangerous. I just worry about what kind of shit he’ll get us into. I’ve been thinking about leaving too, and I don’t want the Army, Navy, Air force, and Marines outside the door waiting for us.”

  “That’s uhm, part of it too as far as I’m concerned. Did you know that Arty has another flight planned?”

  “No, I didn’t, when?” Tim asked excitedly.

  “In the morning, and this time he’s going with Jake. Jake’s really excited about it all. Arty has been championing him the hardest. I think Arty wants his military experience, to tell the truth. Also, Arty’s been playing on Jake’s emotions about what happened to his wife. Jake still blames himself, and Arty has been able to work him into a sort of mean state. It doesn’t fit Jake at all.”

  “Thank you. Ah, look Hal, I appreciate your information. I’m going to figure out how to guarantee your safety, so just relax and stay the hell out of Arty’s way. Keep Margie out of trouble too, but don’t go discussing what we went over here. Arty will be listening. When I can, I’ll get back to you. When he takes that flight will be a good time. Give him a big send off. I think his ego is still intact in that tin can and growing by the moment.”

  “I agree there,” Sims said, as Tim transported him back to the forest. Tim immediately transported himself to Donnart-Ele-Io and contacted Et.

  “Um, there’s a flight scheduled by Arty?” Tim asked.

  “Yes, in approximately nine hours and twenty minutes. Two in the flight.”

  “That’s approximate enough, I guess. What are they flying?” Tim asked.

  “TT Fighters,” the computer said.

  “The same ones used on the first flight,” Tim asked.

  “One was flown by you the first time; the second one is brand new.”

  “What’s different about this one? What makes it new?” Tim asked.

  “Most of the systems are improved, and it incorporates wing warping instead of flaps for control surfaces, and it has a new weapons system.”

  “Orville and Wilbur would be proud,” Tim commented.

  “Yes, it is technology coming full circle,” the computer agreed.

  “What’s the difference with the weapons system?” Tim asked.

  “It is modified to extend its operational range.”

  “Oh, Arty’s planning a long range attack then?”

  “He’s not informed me of any attack.”

  “Has he informed you of any plans at all?” Tim asked.

  “No, he has not filed a flight plan.”

  “Jake Walters is going with him?” Tim continued.

  “Yes, that is the plan.”

  “Is Jake’s plane any different from when I flew it?”

  “It has a weapons system installed,” the computer answered.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “It is not advisable to make this flight at this time.”

  “Why not?”

  “Much activity on the outside. The planes will surely be seen. It is not advisable to leave at the scheduled time of day. Night would be more prudent,” Et said.

  “Have you advised my brother of this?”

  “Mr. V has, yes.”

  “What did Arty sa

  “That his advice was noted, and that it was not needed.”

  “Do you have an opinion on the purpose of this flight?”

  “Arty said it was to test equipment, but Mr. V assured him it wasn’t necessary,” Et said.

  “Do you think, maybe, he might be counting on being seen?” Tim laughed as he asked.

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Are you asking that as Mr. V, who has returned to Stage-Seven, or as a hypothetical Eighth-Stage?”

  “He might be playing a game, is my inclination as Stage-Eight.”

  “There you go, you’re speculating based on intuition, and he’s definitely up to something because you said it. Now, what equipment would need testing?”

  “Arty has been concentrating on long range recognition and targeting. Mr. V confirmed to him that the equipment would work as specified, but he wanted to test anyway.”

  “And, how come I wasn’t informed about all this?”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “From now on, I want a continual update on anything and everything that Arty does. You got that?”

  “Yes, I would like that because Mr. V has been instructed to discontinue his link with you.”

  “Who instructed that?”

  “Your brother.”

  “You mean, I cannot find out what Arty’s doing from Mr. V anymore?”

  “Not directly, but you can get the information from me. I cannot be disconnected from the system.”

  “Does Arty understand that?”

  “Yes, he was informed. It made him extremely annoyed.”

  “I’ll bet. Is there any way he can successfully cut me off.”

  “Cut you off from what?”

  “Can he do things in the base, without me knowing about them?”

  “If he doesn’t need Mr. V, yes, but to use the central computer for anything, he must activate it, and then you will be informed.”

  “Can you locate Arty right now?”


  “Transport me there right now,” Tim commanded.


  Tim wasn’t sure where he would end up, but he figured it would be either in the control chamber or one of the manufacturing areas. Arty was almost constantly designing or constructing something.

  Tim was surprise as he materialized in a multicolored fog. He did not recognize this place. It was not completely odd to go somewhere in the base without knowing where he was because it was that big, but this one was strange. The sky was filled with soft, swirling, strands of clouds, unlike anything he had ever seen. The strands shifted colors as they lazily moved in all directions around him.

  “Mr. V, where am I?” Tim finally asked.

  “Where Arty is,” the computer returned.

  “I know that, but where is this place, in what part of the base?”

  “I’m not sure, I have no record of it.”

  “Is it in one of the holograms, like with the dinosaurs?”

  “Yes, similar.”

  “Where is Arty?”

  “I’m right here.”

  Tim turned to face the sound of Arty’s voice, but there was no one there.

  “All right, stop playing games,” Tim growled.

  “Are you the only one allowed the privilege?” Arty returned with a condescending tone.

  “I don’t play any games.”

  “You disappear right in front of my eyes, and go to that secret place, is that not a game?”

  “That’s not my intention, but I see your point. We need to talk.”

  “It’s your dime,” Arty said.

  “I was hoping it could be face to face.”

  “You don’t agree with what I’ve done to myself, why should you require to see the bastardization to discuss something. I think this will do fine.”

  “Okay, okay, I get your point,” Tim said. “I was wondering about your planned flight. Do you think it’s wise? I mean, Mr. V says there are a lot of military planes flying around outside, and it would be wise, to maybe, wait until it’s dark, or something.”

  “Afraid I will accidentally bump into something, considering the skies are so full?”

  “Look, let’s cut the crap. You know as well as I do that they are looking for us. When you open the ‘rather’ large door to fly out of here, somebody’s going to see that, and then they are going to try to come rushing in. What then?”

  “That will be your problem, Timmy Boy. No excuse me, it will be up to you the ‘Number One’, to keep the base secure, or give it up. That’s your decision.”

  “You know I can’t give it to anyone. Christ, do you know what kind of mess that would turn out to be?”

  “I can surely imagine. Then it will be up to you to keep it secure, until I return. You see how much simpler it would be if I was in charge? I could handle it, without all the stress it is causing you. Then you could go about all the things that make you happy. Worrying about all this is taking its toll, Little Brother.”

  “That will never happen Arty; I will never allow this facility to fall into anyone’s hands.”

  “Ooohhh, aren’t we the idealist. Has it ever occurred to you that you might be handling the situation all wrong? After all, sixteen year olds do make some mistakes, don’t they?”

  Arty’s trying to bait me. He hopes making me uncomfortable with my decisions, will in turn cause me to question them.

  “It won’t work Arty. I’m not entirely sure what I should do, but I know I must keep this facility out of the wrong hands.”

  “Well, do what you must, but I don’t understand your total disregard for all of your friends, ‘you’ brought in here.”

  “I watch out for them, constantly,” Tim stated. I wonder if Arty is setting the tone for a threat?

  “They will tire of this place, and this situation. Sooner or later they will desire to go outside, and then what?” Arty laughed.

  “I don’t know?”

  “Ah yes, the, I don’t know thing. Incidentally, there has been some discussion, no, much discussion about going outside. As a matter of a fact, your friend Ann brings it up quite frequently. She has also shown an interest in flying the TT Fighters.”

  “Like hell, I’m not going to let her go out in one of those things!” Tim shouted.

  “She is spending many hours in the simulator. Probably is as good, or better, than when you first tried the real thing.”

  “I don’t care, she’s not going, and don’t you go egging her on.”

  “I will do what I think is best. I’m sorry; I have to prepare for my flight. I wish we had more time, but maybe later.”

  “Bullshit, you aren’t going. I’ll see to it that no one leaves this place until it is safe!” Tim shouted again.

  He waited and waited for Arty to respond, but there was just silence, and the continuing swirling clouds. Tim continued calling for Arty, but it became evident Arty wasn’t going to respond, so Tim transported himself to the flight line.


  There were the two fighters, apparently ready to go. Many of Arty’s little robots were zipping around the planes, doing this and that. He moved back behind the flight line and into one of the chambers there because Mr. V told him Jake was there.

  “Hi Jake,” Tim said as he walked up behind the man. Jake was seated, reading something on a hologram.

  “Oh Tim, came down to see us off, hey?” Jake said with a smile. “I still don’t know why you don’t want to go along?”

  “I was never really asked.”

  “Oh, Arty said he has hinted at it, but you showed no interest.”

  “That’s true enough. I just don’t think it’s a good idea. There are too many planes out there, all looking for us, I imagine.”

  “Yeah, they sure are determined. The TT Fighters made a real impression on them the last time,” commented Jake.

  “Do you think it’s wise to be going out again, I mean especially in the day time?”

  “Oh, what the hell, there’s not too
much they can do about it. I don’t see any harm in it. If they see me, I’ll just fly away.”

  “That will only make them more determined than ever,” Tim pointed out.

  “Oh, I’m sure of that, but, hey, look, Tim, we can’t stay cooped up in here forever. Sooner or later we are bound to be discovered, if we haven’t already, so we might as well get it over with.”

  “What then?” Tim asked.

  “Oh, then I guess you and Arty will have to negotiate some sort of deal? You leave us alone, and we will do the same, that sort of thing.”

  “Do you really think they’ll go for something like that?” Tim said with a doubtful tone in his voice.

  “They pretty much will have to, won’t they? After all, we do have the bargaining position,” Jake commented.

  “You were in the Navy, do you think they will just give up and leave us alone?”

  “I was just a man doing his job and wasn’t part of the decision making process. But, yes, if they can see no way to force us into something, I should think, they will have to back off.”

  “It’s going to cost some lives, before it comes to that point?”

  “Probably, but everything has a price,” Jake said.

  “You would be a part of something like that?”

  “Tim, I flew fighter jets. I’ve already been a part of something like that. Do you think I didn’t realize what that meant? To ease your concern for my morality, and so I can be sure I can get into Heaven, I promise, I will just fly away, like I just told you.” Jake ended the statement with a gesture of one hand to simulate a plane turning away.

  “What about them seeing the runway? When it’s open, it’s big, and they’re going to come rushing.”

  “That’s up to you, I guess? That’s what Arty says.”

  “Thanks, you go out and joy ride, and I’m left to clean up the mess.”

  “Oh for gosh sakes, Tim, ease up a little. You make it sound so serious. If I thought my going out flying was going to cause anybody in here any real danger, I wouldn’t go, I guarantee. This place is secure, no one can get in. Arty assured me of that. Is that correct?”


  “Well, then?”

  “Have a good flight Jake, and make sure you just fly away, okay?”

  “I will, because I have nothing against those pilots. I was one of them, remember.”


  Tim returned to Donnart-Ele-Io and confirmed what he already suspected. He could not stop the flight without physically confronting Arty. Also, Et could not give him any information on how Arty’s mechanical body functioned, or what it contained. Et informed Tim that Arty had just recently removed the records. Tim realized that he had made a mistake by waiting. Tim was also curious about the strange place Arty had met him. Et traced the transport and could find no recorded location.