Read Tin Universe Monthly #13 Page 1

Tin Universe #13

  By Brian C. Williams

  Copyright 2014 Brian C. Williams


  The Tin Universe

  The sale of this book without its cover….well, is, sort of, impossible since it really doe not have a cover but let us go through the legal spray out anyways. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as “unsold and destroyed.” Hands up to you who have books like this in your collection? Now that I have put my hand down we can continue with the credits and copyright and legal and stuff that people just do not ever pay attention to unless it is pumping their own horn.

  An Original Publication of System* Publishing, an Tin Universe book published by System*Publishing, a division of System*Productions, Melbourne, Florida. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead or living dead, is entirely and very much so in the coincidental.

  Written and Edited by Brian C. Williams

  Cover Digital Work by 74 Images

  Photography by Stainless Photography

  Author Photo by Nancy Collins

  Tin Universe Monthly #13


  This reality become to be known as The Tin Universe or The Tin for short by means of a traveler who called himself Record.

  He was lost at the time when he stumbled upon this and then he got extremely drunk with a group of Caspery scouts during a scientific expedition to a moon, not our moon, but a moon, because he did not like being lost.

  The Caspery are sort of like space police but with less kink nightstick stuff.

  This traveler was depressed at being lost, thus all the drinking, as I already said, keep up, and when asked by one of the Caspery about all the places he had travelled to he went on a rant. It was an epic long rant and at the end of that rant when he got to the point of talking about where he was currently he said, “…and then you have this tin bit place.’

  And it stuck.

  Like a bad nickname usually does.

  The universe in which these brief glimpses take place is much like our own but there are differences in a few noticeable ways. Different in the sort of ways brothers are different from one another and sisters are not, the way cats are different from one another but dogs are not.

  And then there are some things that are tragically very much the same as in the world we live in but maybe with a little vision cockeyededness.

  BREAKING NEWS: A secret meeting has been exposed that consisted of some of the richest individuals in America to form a group to try and get the minimum wage eliminated from law…

  BREAKING NEWS: One of the top genetic scientists is found dead in his home but interesting, in his basement was a private lab where he had been creating lungs. With science…

  BREAKING NEWS: A group of U.S. Congressmen leading charge to make Beyond Human information leaks an act of treason, including reporting on leaked information…

  BREAKING NEWS: Coal ash found in North Carolina river said to contain an element that is said to only be found in meteors and is considered deadly. The governor says, “It’s safe to drink the water. I don’t but I like bottled water myself.”…

  BREAKING NEWS: Meteorologists point towards data that shows a massive storm is due to hit in the very near future in the southern states of the U.S., centering more than likely in Tennessee…

  BREAKING NEWS: Six armed men where threatened by teenager blaring something with a beat from his car. Six scared heavily armed men win…

  BREAKING NEWS: Italian officials say reports of a Beyond Human killing police officers is false and callous reporting…

  Some people see their families, their legacies, and their children as tools to a goal. To these types of parents raising a child is sort of like breaking in a new baseball glove or more aptly it’s like working the kinks out of a prototype racing car.

  When Joanna Osip was 16 years old her father hired a driving instructor to take up his family stakes, uproot his life in total, and leave his home behind to come and live with them so he could teach her how to drive.

  It was her father’s sweet sixteen gift to her.

  There was also a party but it was before the MTV sweet sixteen craze so it was just a normal rich celebration of being richer than some small countries and pointing it out to others.

  But it didn’t have any pop stars singing or cakes the size of cars.

  Once when Joanna was even younger her father found out she was having problems learning how to knit. She wanted to learn because her mother was always knitting and he was always in favor of his daughter learning a new skill set.

  After he yelled at Joanna for over an hour after seeing the little progress she was making her father found out from her that her teacher spent most of their lessons smoking on the balcony outside his daughter’s bedroom while talking on the phone.

  Thus came a lesson.

  The next day after her father spoke with her Joanna noticed the teacher’s hand was bandaged with a small red circle of blood pushing through the top and the palm side of the dressing. She also never took her phone out of her purse again during a lesson and mentioned that she had quit smoking.

  The point is the Osip’s are not a family of pandering to their own weaknesses or settling when it comes to obtaining things whether they are possessions or knowledge.

  Osip Industries was the business but the family was treated very much the same. Osip Industries actually had a view when it came to hiring that would be considered pretty liberal these days. They hire the best they can find for a job need, they pay you what you deserve as one of the best at your job, and they also expect you to then preform like one of the best at your job.

  Everyone needed to be trained to be the best of every facet to get the most productivity out of each individual be it employee or family member.

  “Knowledge is a power that even the rich and powerful must work for.”

  And you might ask- what if you proved incapable of learning at a master level? Employees get fired and their reputations smeared and even families have a way of showing each other where the door is.

  And this wasn’t just a case of a father who wished for his daughter to learn how to drive a car but trucks, motorbikes, ATV’s, and many other forms of land vehicles also. Another skill set that she would have that would strengthen the company, the family, and herself.

  In that order.

  And aircraft would come later.

  One thing the Osip’s weren’t was stagnant rich people.

  Joanna even at that early of an age saw this as her father testing her to see how she would react to certain situations. To see how much of her mother she had in her. How much of the company was in her. How another person’s pain moved her way of thinking.

  And the hiring of the driving instructor was to see if she could do things that most think come naturally to a boy. Now that sort of thinking is total bullshit but that’s the thought process he had for a lot of things involving his daughter.

  A lot of people misinterpret his dealings with his daughter as him wanting to have a son. That has never been the case. He has always wanted her to have the ability to stand above any situation or person, be them male or female or any other way of gender identification.

  The driving instructor was a former world famous and highly successful X-Games medalist who had fallen into to some hard times since the death of his wife, who had been ravaged by a very rare form of cancer.

  Grail Rust Haver, the Grail Rust part was a nickname, his real name was Roy.

  Everyone just called him Grail by the way.
br />   Because it’s his legal name now.

  Roy Haver grew up in a small town in West Virginia. A town that had one industry mining and one interest football. Roy had no desire to go down deeper and deeper into a mine or have professional football delusions so he took up motocross racing.

  His family was too poor to afford to buy him a bike so he did what any good West Virginia kid would do. He took a trip to a town about seven over from his own and pushed one out of someone’s barn late one night and drove it home.

  While his father was still slaving away as part of a dying industry and his mother was drinking herself away as part of a thriving industry, Roy was spending every moment he had throughout his high school years at a local independent