Read Tin Universe Monthly #13 Page 3

once again.

  Sharon wanted with everything she had to move out of the way. Wanted to fight back or at least even get a missed swing in but she was barely able to even keep to her feet.

  Everything about her existence was screaming for her to fall down. It was taking everything she had, all her strength to remain standing; so she fought to do that more than anything else as each blow came down striking her.

  In the face opening up a deep gash from one eye into the mouth. Sharon’s mind went to a line of thinking that this was probably what a big piece of meat felt like as you gashed it open to stuff some garlic in for flavor. The brain working as the brain sometimes works the blood flowing into her mouth gave out a garlic taste.

  Another blow took off a piece of an ear but honestly she barely noticed the impact to her ear nor felt when a bit went missing. Everything that was still working the way it should work within her was screaming that death was coming. All the things that weren’t working within her the way they should have been were screaming FUCK FUCK FUCK.

  It took one blow to each side of her neck, one in the back of the head, and three in secession in the chest to finally bring Sharon to her knees but to be honest before she fell to her knees she had no idea she was still even standing.

  Lessons were being learned on this day.

  One of the Osip family’s personal security team came into the garage. He took the riding crop from Joanna as he had been ordered to do. He walked calmly away from the scene and out the backdoor of the garage which opened out into the beautiful rock garden that Joanna’s mom had created that now was kept up by one of the best gardeners in the country.

  The security guard dropped the crop at his feet and pulled his wallet out of his pocket. He looked at a photo of his family knowing this would give his daughters a chance at a good college and keep the rent paid for the rest of the time his family wanted to live in that small one bedroom apartment.

  Another security guard walked into the rock garden following the plan and shot his friend in the side of the head.

  Well, friend was stretching it. The guy had been a pain every day since joining the security team, always bringing his stinky cheese sandwiches to work so no one like him.

  And if you think that is harsh, then you’ve never had a job and had someone put fish in the break room microwave.

  During police inquires he testified he found the other guard while he was beating Sharon and felt he had no other choice as the man had a crazed look in his eyes.

  Sharon wouldn’t be able to recall any memories from that day but she always wondered, always back in the back spaces of her brain, she wondered about Joanna.

  Everything about Joanna’s life is a lesson, that’s what being a Osip is about, and those lessons have stretched and touched the lives of so many others but everything about all of our lives are lessons.

  The difference for an Osip, for Joanna is that they are usually very much about pain. The youthful part of her life was about teachings her father taught her to see if she would be ready for future chances for power.

  Someone who had worked for the Osips once told a friend, “That family does things to each other that will churn your stomach so imagine what they will do to strangers… or don’t. Matter of fact don’t imagine that unless you wish to have nightmares.”

  Several years later after that day in the garage and Joanna was building up her own network outside her father’s grasp and control, or so she thinks. He was always watching and allowing her to stretch out and learn from failure and success and judging how her course was going.

  She has advanced so far so fast that if he could feel pride for how his daughter was moving in her life he would but it isn’t pride but judgment.

  But she is always still learning and one of her people always has eyes and ears on lines that are outside the normal and a package had been coming from one of those lines he had gathered a suspicion about and the package was intercepted.

  A day came when she was sitting in her room thinking about what was taken from another and put into her hands.

  One of her early lessons from her father was, “If others want something desperately, you may wish to take it.”

  And that is just what she did with this package.

  Joanna planned to research the dagger’s history when she finished what she was currently working on which involved her enemies and a mysterious crime.

  For the moment she would keep the dagger in one of the secret floor safes she had had built into her room, even outside the gaze of her father and his spies that she knows he has watching her to see if she is holding up the family name.

  To the Osips life was a chess game.

  Daggers are if anything else good ways of ending a game.

  And high school is a good place for daggers also, especially for someone like Joanna Osip.

  BREAKING NEWS: In Seattle a driver drives through a barricade killing three protestors as they protest a company trying to develop technology for the government to track Beyond Humans…

  The Dead Of Nechiansmere are always at a point near malnourishment whenever they are denied a meal. And after being denied the chance to eat the destiny of one of the potentials to the powers of The Pledge they are feeling starvation and have set a new meal plan for a children’s hospital.

  The armored ghost like corpse creatures moved everywhere they went looking like a cross between a nightmare that a mouse would have the night before trap death and child trying to describe death to their cat.

  There are lots of lost and unclaimed destinies in children’s hospitals. Everyone wants to think when young people die young it was a life lived and that was good enough but it isn’t. It’s not good enough and the curse of many of the diseases that attack the young didn’t come into the world naturally, they were sweated out of the skin of a sick God because the old didn’t appreciate the gift of youth.

  A destiny cut short is a destiny cut short and that’s what sick children are. Some beings eat what would have been from these shorten lifespans, be it creatures like The Dead Of Nechiansmere or old Gods who missed the bus or even more pathetic, old Gods who forgot to clean up before leaving.

  One ward of the hospital was filled with children suffering from a newly identified form of cancer being called The Eaten by some in the medical establishment who have a turn for the dramatic. Named thus because of its ability to rapidly spread but then rest before slowly destroying every inch of the patient with extreme levels of pain.

  The stages of The Eaten starts with Stage One: Fever and is followed with Stage Two: A body ache that moves from one point to another all over the body. And Stage Three: The slow destruction of every inch of bone and skin.

  The Dead Of Nechiansmere walked the halls of the hospital taking in the smell of The Eaten like someone walking into a very well perfumed restaurant. They used a blinding spell to keep their presence invisible to anyone over the age of 9 years.

  There is no spell in existence that can keep someone younger from seeing because they, even if blind, have eyes for all of creation.

  The doors and walls of Ward-E had been decorated by volunteers and hospital staff in artwork, poems, and photography’s from patients, well-wishers, and family.

  The double doors to the ward opened and these powerful hungering beings entered and they moved in silent like the absence of sound. The children who could see them tried to scream but their vocal cords had already been eaten away.

  One of the first things The Eaten starts to destroy in Stage Three.

  Each member of The Dead Of Nechiansmere picked out a meal and was standing ready by a bed to feed on the days that could have been but before they could eat they received a summons to travel to a gathering and they would have to stay hungry for a while longer because this summons was based on bargained out rules and they could not say no.

  They left the ward and those children who were travelling until death now would be travelling with nightmares to add to their pain.

p; BREAKING NEWS: Famous Chef Daniel Stripes in leaked footage says we should murder Beyond Humans in their sleep. Will this affect his business?...

  What hasn’t been said about airports? All writers try to be clever but like many things too much description can end with it looking like you are just trying to be clever.

  People have mentioned the ghastly attempts at making airports a more pleasant space to lay your eyes upon. Talked about the strong suits of humanity with modern art but all that has done is deepen peoples dives into psychosis and seeing the short coming of humankind when they find themselves at an airport.

  Many a traveler has ranted how no matter the size of an airport and how much you planned out your activities you will always ended up walking forever to get to your gate and never get to your it in time to relax or get the thoughts that you are flying in a most ineffectually antique of an aircraft which is liable to have a fatal error at any moment out of your head.

  People ramble on when the subject of airport food comes up, though the same food they’ll eat at the mall trip after trip. The truth is shit food is shit food but atmosphere can add or detract from the enjoyment of anything.

  I personally love shit food.

  And worst of all are the people who spend a lot of their lives in airports travelling.

  Those people.

  None of them seem quite as human as you and I and not one of them that I’ve ever seen looked anything, even a