Read Tin Universe Monthly #16b 2014 Memorial Day Special Page 1

Tin Universe #16b 2014 Memorial Day Special

  Copyright 2016 Brian Williams

  The sale of this book without its cover….well, is, sort of, impossible since it really doesn’t have a cover but let us go through the legal spray out anyways. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as “unsold and destroyed.” Hands up to you who have books like this in your collection? Now that I put my hand down we can continue with the credits and copyright and legal and stuff that people just don’t ever pay attention to unless it is pumping their own horn.

  An Original Publication of System* Publishing, a Tin Universe book published by System*Publishing, a division of System*Productions, Melbourne, Florida. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead or living dead, is entirely and very much so in the coincidental.

  Written and Edited by Brian C. Williams

  Beta Reader Melinda George- Harold

  Cover Digital Work by 74 Images

  Photography by Stainless Photography

  Photo Credits also include: No known copyright restrictions on the following: "Image taken from page 331 of 'Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. [With plates.]'" by The British Library

  "Image taken from page 214 of '[Cassell's Illustrated Universal History.]'" by The British Library

  2014 Memorial Day Special

  This place is called the Tin Universe. Try to get over it; it is Memorial Day after all.

  BREAKING NEWS: Policeman who gunned down 11 year old Beyond Human while she was sleeping is given Cop Of The Year award in New York City…

  BREAKING NEWS: 27 foot great white shark nicknamed by local as Hyacinth is spotted by surfer in Ormond Beach, Florida…

  BREAKING NEWS: The search is still on for political activist Chris Friday…

  Five individuals, the members of The Pearl, sat on top of an apartment building thinking they are ready to fight the enemy.

  Also ready to throw up but that’s not unusual for big game nerves.

  The Pearl are a small group of people, formally a book club, engaging in fleshly and psychosomatic fights against the historical but secret subjugation of our minds. They do this by using curses they were gifted with during a touch with another reality, curses they were gifted with at birth, musings about words, and vehement considerations.

  With puke building up at the back of some of their throats maybe they aren’t quite ready and that’s kind of proved because within seconds they were blinked to Mount Sinai, then The Bahá'í Gardens, then The Edicule Of The Holy Sepulchre, and quickly they were losing before things had even started.

  Their enemy was pulling an old concentration trick of manifest reasoning and trying to rip them apart by pushing them from one location to another without even a tip of the hat to the rest of creation.

  It was like trying to crawl under the fence and sneak in the backdoor of a theatre for the second showing.

  Second after second was split up into partial second and they were shoved into the gap in between each one.

  Instant of a moment after instant of a moment was fucked off.

  And these trips weren’t the tourist devotee routes if you weren’t getting the hint of it not being a pleasant experience.

  There was Mount Athos with its constant rain of teeth. Outside it was the hidden waters that circled lost thoughts as if those thoughts tasted like honey.

  The Pearl didn’t get to see any of that because this was travel by psychotic episode.

  Then you had St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral and its words of random chatter from The Tomb.

  I’ve always wanted to see The Crypt Of Nontrinitarianism with The Coward Children who protect the Hell Keys.

  But before being scattered across Ethiopia, The Pearl’s conversationalist and plotter Lick talked the words being used against them into placing them firmly and safely within The Mahabodhi Temple.

  He was a truth silver tongued Dwarf.

  D.Q. and the other members of The Pearl spun around at the sound of clapping to see a single person standing at the front entranceway of the temple.

  ‘Very cleaver imp,’ said that single person standing at the front entranceway of the temple.

  ‘Fuck you,’ Lick responded.

  Theridiidae sat down very close to them, ‘Children at play. I so like it when children play.’

  ‘Why?’ Rub asked to push the dialogue forward.

  ‘Because it’s a shooting gallery and one of the few times I get to have fun,’ Theridiidae answered fully understanding his place in all of this.

  The Pearl found themselves thinking like unironed pearler beads before falling apart with such pain that many of their relatives died just because of the blood connection with them but D.Q. was well warm inside and able to put them back together again as a good leader does in these situations.

  ‘You’re not going to kill us that easy. We are here to stand in front of you until our time comes to an end. And that ant now,’ D.Q. followed her words with her own mock clapping.

  ‘Maybe. Or maybe you standing against us will be just one more thing that makes us stronger. One more thing that makes us more powerful for our holy day,’ Theridiidae

  ‘Then more days to come,’ stated Cut, the groups soldier.

  ‘So we are the evil and the good fighting us are what- serial killers? shape shifters? madmen?’ Theridiidae

  ‘Consider us the chemical weapons of this war,’ Cherry, the team’s enforcer got in the last word before things went crazy travel days again.

  BREAKING NEWS: In the Eastern Ukraine reports of an Angel battling gunfire from men in Russian military uniforms keep hitting the news feeds…

  BREAKING NEWS: Did a librarian in Baltimore spontaneously combust into flames? Cameras may have captured the first firm proof of Spontaneous Human Combustion but the government has taken the footage into custody…

  BREAKING NEWS: “Are we really the third rock from the sun or is that just something liberals want us to believe?” says dumbass

  Time can loop.

  Time can eddy.

  It can go forward or backward.

  Time can swirl.

  Time can even get stuck.

  I like to think of time like the layers of the skin of existence. It’s a really big organ that we can sometimes think of as an abstract concept when it is in fact as real, as solid, as alive anything else in existence.

  We take time for granted for its benefits and weaknesses.

  Just remember skin isn’t armor, skin bleeds.

  Well, some peoples skin is like armor but let’s not nit the pick when I was trying to be all poetic there.

  Time can destroy everything and none of it means anything and it can create nothing and that nothing may be the most important event in creation.

  But sometimes time also plays Ferrets Thief Bag and gathers moments together with a reason only known to the ferret like time creature that picks these moments from the time stream.

  Let’s study one such Ferrets Thief Bag gathered and placed into a bubble hidden within a sun.

  Hidden within a giant hole in the sun to be percise.

  These holes are on the sun’s corona and are darker, lower in density, and colder than the rest of the surface plasma of the star. They are one of the sources of a certain type of solar wind that gusts and carries solar particles out into our magnetosphere and beyond. This causes auroras and geomagnetic storms on Earth.<
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  And some weird dream shit from time to time.

  When these coronal holes are seen through ultraviolet light they just look like dark spots to human eyes which see them as plasma voids.

  But there are also those who see them as huge clock faces.

  With a moment of time hidden within this specific hole, within this specific Ferrets Thief