Read Tin Universe Monthly #17 Page 7

Tin Universe #17 And The Covers Of The Tin Universe

  Interview with Brian C. Williams and Stephanie Hamlin

  Question: First Brian, could you tell me a little about the thinking behind the covers for the main Tin Universe Monthly issues?

  Brian: When I decided to prelaunch the monthly series one of my personal rules for doing it was I needed to make the covers more fulfilling for the viewer and myself. I’ve always loved fake propaganda stuff for movies and books so I researched a lot of real propaganda posters, ads, and flyers. The N.S.A. was probably baiting to my search history during those days :) With there being a very political slant to the Tin Universe stories as events effect the world and world events effect the stories I thought it would be a good theme for this year. I also think it works good to foster more creative ads in that the ads for each release are the posters posted at different places to hint even further at the political climate of the world of the stories. I created almost all of the covers over a four day period last year, the exception being the cover for Tin Universe Monthly #17. I had a cover and created this one as an alternate cover a few months ago getting the chance to work with a friend but loved it so much I trashed the other one.

  Question: With recent violence did you ever think about using a different cover for Tin Universe Monthly #17 or using this cover for another issue since the covers aren’t directly connected to the story inside?

  Brian: No. If I ever believed this message was needed then I would be doing a disservice by delaying it. I would ask when aren’t women being told by some rich fucking white guy what’s best for their lives? What day would be best so these men aren’t made uncomfortable?

  Question: You have to admit, it could be triggering?

  Brian: I’m not dismissing it might make people uncomfortable. A friend told me the other day she thinks “triggering” is now being used to censor things that need to be talked about like violence against women, breast cancer, and war crimes. I’ve seen that some but personally I look at it like watching some documentaries. I’ve been shook pretty hard by some documentaries that brought back up some fucked up stuff that’s happen to me but I honestly I ask tagging things triggering, isn’t that shielding things you want to be exposed? I read the book Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers and there is a scene in that book that triggered a memory I had from high school and I was basically crying for days because it. I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack. It shook me so hard my nerves were shot and I couldn’t focus on anything, including breathing, but personally I would never want any kind of label on that to “protect” me.

  Question: Will the propaganda covers for Tin Universe Monthly continue past this year?

  Brian: I don’t even know if the series will continue or not. Around Oct. I will look at download stats, response, and what my life is like at the time to see if it will continue. I do want to say I’ve never before had this much fun writing and creating in my whole life. But as to the covers, right now my thinking is for each year to have its own theme. I have some ideas about next year’s theme but its all pretty much up in the air.

  Question: Stephanie, if people are here they probably know a little about Brian. Do you want to tell us a little about yourself and how you got into modeling and photography?

  Stephanie: Modeling and photography are fairly new hobbies for me. Several years ago, a friend of mine who is a photographer, approached me about doing a few head shots. I thought I was savvy enough to take very glamorous, professional photos. They came out well but I needed a lot of prompting. I enjoy it because most people assume its not really a skill- you look at the camera and the photo happens. Completely opposite. It requires lots of talent on both ends of the lens.

  Question: How did you two end up working together on this cover?

  Stephanie: Brian and I corresponded months ago about the cover. He was interested in some photos I had taken of myself and I was thrilled! He's always been a good friend so it wasn't even a question.

  Question: I’ll ask this of both of you starting with Stephanie. I’ve seen a couple people comment that this cover glorifies violence against women, what do you think about that notion?

  Stephanie: Social visibility of issues such as domestic violence are integral to eliminating it. I want to believe that our society has a propensity towards less domestic abuse but the truth is social tolerance of these issues is a parallel disease. Domestic violence and violence against women is an "iceberg phenomenon" - what we see is only the tip and the majority lies below the water line.

  Brian: I think sometimes we fall into a trap that is a whitewashing redirection of an issue under the trip of it being too harsh to shine a light on. Don’t you just find it questioning that torture porn movies aren’t glorifying violence against women but if a movie or a piece of art tackles the issue in a real way IT’S TOO MUCH TO HANDLE. That redirection is done with forethought and planning.

  Question: With violence against women so much in the media’s attention right now, where do you think art exists in the fight to keep this subject burning in people’s minds?

  Brian: Art is a weapon. People hate when I say that but it is and should be used as such. The media is paying attention now because it’s trending and that’s the sum and total of how much the mainstream media truly cares about the societal approval of women being constant targets of violence. If CNN really cared about tackling this issue they wouldn’t be so much of the problem. It would be a focus every day for them, but now it’s just a blip, but those who do really care and this must include artists must listen to the voices speaking, learn, and use their own voices to make a stand. Art as a pill works wonders, art as a blunt weapon wakes people up.

  Stephanie: Art is valuable because its an important medium to everyone in some way. The goal is to inform and sensitize the public to the seriousness of violence towards women and in family situations, promote knowledge and understanding, and eliminate the norms that perpetuate violence in our society. Its terrifying to the degree we allow this to happen to women and blame them for it later.

  Question: Some would say art and entertainment is part of the problem?

  Brian: It is and that’s why it should also be part of the fight to end this mindset. It’s like when people say men are part of the problem. Yes. We are the major part of the problem and that’s why we need to first shut the fuck up, second listen and learn, and then third be a part of fight to change things.

  Stephanie: Absolutely. Its fighting fire with fire. Our culture is inherently sexist and in order to reverse that; men can be feminists but its difficult work. They're so afraid of being emasculated by the word so they say " human rights" instead. Sorry guys, we can just say "Let's talk about making things better for the human race" when women are the ones losing their rights. It has to be about women.

  Question: Do you think there is going too far when it comes to subject matter like this on the cover?

  Brian: Yes but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tackle the subject matter. When did artists get to be such cowards? You might make a mistake? You might get yelled at? You might end up being wrong? Well, ok, I guess you should just sit on your hands then? That’s why nothing gets done in the world, people use the excuse of but, but, but. I’m sorry but if you’re not tackling diversity or violence against women in you art because you might make mistakes then your real fear is you might have to rethink things and learn something and look at the world in a different way.

  Stephanie: I interviewed for a job once and a phrase the hiring manager used has resonated with me: "Feelings are okay, actions are not." So fuck it. The topic is difficult to digest so the artists shouldn't be all daisies and ponies and glittery hearts when addressing it?

  Question: Do you think there’s a difference from a woman doing this type of art and a man?

  Brian: Yea, that’s kind of… well, should go without saying. It goes back to the whole educating thing. When you tackle any subject matter you educate yourself but your education con
tinues also after the art is done. Sometimes intent fails so be open to seeing that. Be open to listening. If you aren’t open to further education then you are truly only doing it for shock reasons.

  Stephanie: Some Nancy Grace will always be around to criticize it though. I think educating is key. This is where societies have traditionally failed in this arena.

  Question: Should we expect more covers like this in the future?

  Brian: The propaganda covers will continue until the end of the year. As I’ve said I think this cover is my favorite. It has a lot to do with working with a talented friend but also because it was just a good pairing of a really good in your face photo that inspired what I put with the image.

  Question: Any projects we should be looking for upcoming from either of you?

  Brian: I’m just one delusion of grandeur after the other.

  Stephanie: That's why my hair is so big. Its full of secrets.

  Note From The Author

  What I learned While Writing This: I wrote this during a month which had me in the middle of a three week process and back and forth of whether I had a job or not ending with ?????; so my memories with the story involve that and the response about the cover also. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is actually from something a baseball coach use to tell us “Act like you’ve done it before” when it came to getting too up or too down or being afraid during a game.

  Update to first paragraph: I have one more interview about the job but it really looks like I’m going to get that job but all of these interviews and trips made me miss my deadline this month so I decided to give Tin Universe readers something special…well, I think it’s something special. Here in #17 you get eight stories including short stories, vignettes, and even a TV pilot script written and released in 2012 and collected as SUSHI WRITING WITH CROWD EDITING 2012. 30,000 words in one collection that’s normally on sale for $1.00usd but here you get it for free. A trip across other realities connected to the Tin Universe as a begging sorry for missing the deadline with the story I meant for this month.

  Thanks for reading,

  Brian C. Williams

  Other Stories by this author

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series

  {Yearly middle grade series}

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #4 *COMING 2016

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #5 *COMING 2017

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #6 *COMING 2018

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #7 *COMING 2019

  Tin Universe Monthly

  {Monthly series that birthed the Tin Universe. More adult stories on a sort of, not so sort of monthly basis}

  Tin Universe Monthly #1

  Tin Universe Monthly #2

  Tin Universe Monthly #3

  Tin Universe Monthly #4

  Tin Universe Monthly #5

  Tin Universe Monthly #6

  Tin Universe Monthly #7

  Tin Universe Monthly #8

  Tin Universe Monthly #9

  Tin Universe Monthly #10

  Tin Universe Monthly #11

  Tin Universe Monthly #12

  Tin Universe Monthly #13

  Tin Universe Monthly #14

  Tin Universe Monthly #14b 2014 April Fools Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #14c 2014 Easter Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #15

  Tin Universe Monthly #15b Extra Stuff In April Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #16

  Tin Universe Monthly #16b Memorial Day Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #17

  Tin Universe Monthly #18

  Tin Universe Monthly #19

  Tin Universe Monthly #20 A First Shot Fire, Part Two

  Tin Universe Monthly #21 A First Shot Fire, Part Three

  Tin Universe Monthly #22 A First Shot Fire, Part Four

  Tin Universe Monthly #23 A First Shot Fire, Part Five

  Tin Universe Weekly

  {A 2015 experiment in micro fiction. The series will return but for now these stories will be incorporated into Tin Universe Monthly… When it comes out}

  Tin Universe Weekly #223 *RETURNING 2017

  Tin Universe Tales

  {This series of full length novels will be self-contained stories focusing on a certain part of the Tin Universe}

  Tin Universe Tales #1 *COMING 2017

  Tin Universe Presents

  {A every other year Tin Universe story collection. Will feature stories set in the Tin Universe from all genres and all possible ways of storytelling.}

  Tin Universe Presents #1 *COMING 2018


  Tin Universe Monthly #1

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1

  Tin Universe Monthly #2

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2

  Tin Universe Monthly #3

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3

  Tin Universe Monthly #4

  Tin Universe Monthly #5

  Tin Universe Monthly #6

  Tin Universe Monthly #7

  Tin Universe Monthly #8

  Tin Universe Monthly #9

  Tin Universe Monthly #10

  Tin Universe Monthly #11

  Tin Universe Monthly #12

  Tin Universe Monthly #13

  Tin Universe Monthly #14

  Tin Universe Monthly #14b 2014 April Fool’s Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #14c 2014 Easter Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #15

  Tin Universe Monthly #15b Extra Stuff In April Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #16

  Tin Universe Monthly #16b Memorial Day Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #17

  Tin Universe Monthly #18

  Tin Universe Monthly #19

  Tin Universe Monthly #20 A First Shot Fire, Part Two

  Tin Universe Monthly #21 A First Shot Fire, Part Three

  Tin Universe Monthly #22 A First Shot Fire, Part Four

  Tin Universe Monthly #23 A First Shot Fire, Part Five

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