Read Tin Universe Monthly #20 A FIRST SHOT FIRED, Part Two Page 1

Tin Universe Monthly #20 A FIRST SHOT FIRED, Part Two

  Copyright 2016 Brian Williams

  The sale of this book without its cover….well, is, sort of, impossible since it really doesn’t have a cover but let us go through the legal spray out anyways. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as “unsold and destroyed.” Hands up to you who have books like this in your collection? Now that I put my hand down we can continue with the credits and copyright and legal and stuff that people just don’t ever pay attention to unless it is pumping their own horn.

  An Original Publication of System* Publishing, a Tin Universe book published by System*Publishing, a division of System*Productions, Melbourne, Florida. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead or living dead, is entirely and very much so in the coincidental.

  Written by Brian C. Williams

  Edited by Brian C. Williams

  Any Additional Photography by Stainless Photography

  Cover Digital Work by 74 Images

  Tin Universe Monthly #20

  BREAKING NEWS: Speaker Of The House says he thinks we should think about recreating The House Committee On Un-American Activities, “It may be one of the few ways to save lives in this ungodly nation.”

  BREAKING NEWS: Husband accidentally shot his wife, a returning soldier, who tried to surprise him by coming home early.

  BREAKING NEWS: Mummy Chesters, once arrested and not convicted for killing 12 black teenagers walking home from school, is once again arrested for violent actions.

  A First Shot Fired

  Part Two

  It’s been two weeks since The Friday Riots.

  That’s what the media is calling it anyways.

  These days every news story has to have an event style title. It needs to be something networks can create a logo around. Something to make their show intros sparkle and pop.

  Urban legends have already grown out of those events saying the police killed Chris Friday and hid the body. They think the government, and the police, probably buried him somewhere near one of the many national parks in Montana.

  The popular internet conspiracy is the government had come in and taken Chris off to one of its secret prisons. Maybe even some place in the U.K. or South Korea out of the gaze and interest of American eyes and ears.

  But the boring truth is Chris has been in a cheap hotel eating delivery pizza and watching news reports about a Beyond Human man in North Carolina who had been keeping six women prisoner in his house, burning them with his hands, and sexually assaulting them.

  The media have been plum orgasmic as the facts have rolled in on that story. It was the first story to bump the riots out of the headlines and something else will replace it soon enough.

  We can only care about one thing at a time in America and nothing is ever in proportion.

  Chris was waiting in that hotel room thinking over a scheme that was offered up to him to think about. Anytime someone makes an offer to you, an offer that is full of insanity, you have to think it over.

  Not thinking over insane things is just insane in itself.

  There are magazines and newspapers scattered about the hotel room still open to stories that had caught his mind such as a series of pipe bomb explosions in Florida and a commuter train derailment in upstate New York (responsibility claimed by the terrorist group The Laughing Child.)

  The Laughing Child has declared a Jihad but that alone should tell you they are full of crap because Jihad does not mean Holy War. That’s something western culture has appropriated the word and changed the meaning to Holy War.

  Even nonwestern culture extremists have started to use it with that meaning. It actually means struggle. Now if you wanted to use a term along the same lines that might get closer to Holy War, maybe Jihad Lil Saif would be better.

  That means Struggle By The Sword.

  At least I think it does.

  If I remember right.

  Though come to think about it maybe they meant for it to mean Struggle?

  Anyways, as you’ve probably noticed I tend to go a bit tangential at times.

  Back to Chris Friday.

  With the last delivery of pizza and newspapers Chris also got two envelopes. This is how Sergeant Luke communicated with him in secret while he was at the hotel.

  One of these envelopes was labeled- Yes, the other No. One contained longitude and latitude coordinates and money to rent a jeep from the rental place down the road from the hotel.

  He left the No envelope in the hotel room, scratched out the No and wrote Tip on it.

  FYI, it would be found and split among the cleaning staff. It contained plane tickets to San Francisco and five thousand dollars cash.

  BREAKING NEWS: Paris streets are being filled with hundreds more military sets of feet as troops are being deployed in search of Beyond Human terrorists days after attacks all over Paris killing 36 people.

  BREAKING NEWS: Australian Navy retrieves from the seabed the remains of something that fell from the sky two weeks ago.

  BREAKING NEWS: US prosecutors threatened by some within military after saying they should bring criminal charges against CIA Director Fug Berlin.

  JANUARY 2014

  From: Fox

  To: Jeff

  I did read through your notebook…sorry, I was being nosey. I actually read it more than once… a few times actually, then I searched online and found that you had posted other poems on websites and I read through those also. I’m speechless and flattered. I don’t think a man has ever wrote things down on a grocery list for me…more or less song lyrics or poetry. Thanks for not getting angry with me for reading them… I’m not sure how to describe… or what to say…

  BREAKING NEWS: Mexico military takes into custody 26 police officers and they are being held in connection with the kidnapping and murder of seven journalists.

  BREAKING NEWS: Conservatives say they will make sure in the future no one will be able to strikes and “lazyingly walk off their jobs”

  BREAKING NEWS: “Unnatural” storms coutinue to batter Scotland forcing the government to call a curfew on all travel within borders.

  From: Fox

  To: Jeff

  where have you been? I have been here. But you haven’t, well, me and Karen have talked about getting a place together, wouldn’t that be crazy. We were looking through the papers today. It feels right, though I would rather she just moved into my house but understand why she doesn’t like that idea.

  BREAKING NEWS: An inquiry begins after the death of Beyond Human infant during a church service in North London.

  BREAKING NEWS: Man is able to stand after being in wheelchair for most of his life as his child walks towards him after meeting Beyond Human homeless man. Russian officials say a search is on for the homeless man.

  BREAKING NEWS: Someone is destroying derelict buildings in West Belfast and leaving messages behind about “Modern World Needs To Crumble.”

  From: Fox

  To: Jeff

  I think I remember a little talk about “No wakie” Saturday night soooo please if you don’t have a ride tell me, I really don’t mind taking you home. NO NO WALKIE toooo far…mmmmkay? I almost called you last night just to see how things were going and talk a little more about what you wrote in the letter to me yesterday. It was getting so late knowing you didn’t sleep the night before…with my luck I would have woke you. First you can always talk or ramble to me anytime. I underst
and that you have a situation when it comes to talking about your family. My family history isn’t actually streamlined normal. I’m here to talk if you need to. I can’t believe you slept on the couch, you’re so silly. Trust me if I hadn’t of left when I did you would have been watching me sleep and hearing me snore maybe…*laugh*…