Read Tin Universe Monthly #23, A FIRST SHOT FIRED: Part Five Page 1

Tin Universe Monthly #23, A FIRST SHOT FIRED Part Five

  Copyright 2016 Brian Williams

  The sale of this book without its cover….well, is, sort of, impossible since it really doesn’t have a cover but let us go through the legal spray out anyways. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as “unsold and destroyed.” Hands up to you who have books like this in your collection? Now that I put my hand down we can continue with the credits and copyright and legal and stuff that people just don’t ever pay attention to unless it is pumping their own horn.

  An Original Publication of System* Publishing, a Tin Universe book published by System*Publishing, a division of System*Productions, Melbourne, Florida. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead or living dead, is entirely and very much so in the coincidental.

  Written by Brian C. Williams

  Edited by Brian C. Williams

  Any Additional Photography by Stainless Photography

  Cover Digital Work by 74 Images

  Tin Universe Monthly #23

  This reality came to become known as The Tin Universe or The Tin for short by means of a traveler called Record.

  Record was and is to be a explorer, one of the legendary Nine Travelers along with…wait, no one knows who all of them are…oh, what the Hell, there’s no guarantee no one is ever going to read this, along with Mash, Delta, The Storm, Oseike, Parchment, Serenity, Green, and Shock.

  Now since I rewrite this intro every time I’ll probably never mention this again.

  And speaking of the intro, moving on.

  Record was lost at the time when he stumbled upon The Tin Universe and then got sidetracked and got extremely drunk with a group of Caspery scouts during a scientific expedition to a moon, not our moon, but a moon. He was depressed at being lost and when asked about all the places he had travelled he went on a rant and when he got to where he had found himself he said, “…and then you have this tin bit place.’

  This Earth on which the stories of these stories take place is much like our own but there are differences in a few noticeable ways. Different in the sort of ways brothers are different from one another and sisters are not. The way cats are different from one another but dogs are not.

  BREAKING NEWS: Study finds most people in the U.S. think it’s up to them to be armed and ready to fight crime and not the government. What does that say about faith in police?...

  BREAKING NEWS: Terrorist group The Laughing Child hacked into U.S. government sites and leave message: THE SUPREME COURT DIES SOON…

  BREAKING NEWS: Tests at dead U.S. Congressman’s house return results positive for human remains in the bathroom…



  A weapon by definition is a mechanism of attack or defense. It’s an instrument for harming or exerting control of another person or animal.

  Though people are animals, just animals who like Cramabulls.

  Ok, that was a cheap like rhyme but I’ve never said I’m not beyond such things.

  A warrior’s weapon whether chosen by the warrior or by a father or weapons smith are like picking out your arms, legs, eyes, ears, and most importantly your teeth at a life store.

  Modern minds when they hear the word weapon automatically think killing, drawing blood, but a pen in the right hands can be a most powerful weapon as putting words in a particular order to give off a view or idea.

  The written word can topple evil dictators. You can shift lines of politics with one word. The way in which we control our world, the way in which our world tries to control us is through words.

  Love given can be a weapon also and love taken away an even more powerful one. We want with everything within us to think all forms of love is good but within love, what makes up love is lust, loneliness, arrogant posturing, and friendship.

  Hunger can be a weapon too. It has been used by governments and empires throughout history. The starving man is the controllable man. Controllable to be a weapon to be used and also controllable in this enemy who hasn’t signed up will self-destruct.

  Lies can be a weapon. Lie to your follows about your shared enemies and they will knowingly go along to keep going as they think is the right course.

  Truth is one of the ultimate weapons for both positive and negative change. Truth is more than just the other side of lies, truth is both truth and lie and also lies are both lies and truth.

  Sergeant Luke has been thinking about what weapons Chris should use to approach their mission. He has held thoughts through ideas of Chris not carrying any weapon at all but that is impractical and rather short sighted in its stupidity.

  Then he wondered whether they should never use modern weapons and though older weapons will be the weapons of choice discarding modern weapons completely would be an egotistic play at trying to make a statement.

  Until he hooked up with Sergeant Luke Chris had never even picked up a weapon in his life. His father was both a terrorist and a peace officer but taught his children to use their minds as their weapons, to defend, to serve, to fight.

  Chris had never even picked up a gun or knife outside when cutting onions until he teamed up with Sergeant Luke.

  In one of the testing rooms that Sergeant Luke has converted into a weapons room he’s helping Chris choose what he will go into combat with. What he will rely on. What he will take a stand with.

  Chris wants things that are both symbolic and useful, both powerful in use and powerful in how people will see him.

  ‘I’m going to select some weapons for you. The final choice is yours because you will be the one holding them in combat but maybe I can open your eyes to things you wouldn’t have thought of,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘I appreciate the suggestions. I really haven’t thought much about what I’m going to be using all the time. Seems like a long ways away,’ Chris

  ‘Not really. Soon you will be through basic and ready to bust heads,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘You make it sound so artful,’ Chris

  ‘Combat is a dance. A deadly dance. Ready to pay attention?’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Sure nough,’ Chris

  Sergeant Luke gave him a questioning look.

  ‘It’s from The Last Dragon,’ Chris

  ‘Are you sure?’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘In the Twitter age getting a quote right isn’t important,’ Chris

  Sergeant Luke punched a button on a remote control and rising up from the center of the rooms flooring rose a huge table with a number of weapons sitting on it.

  ‘For your melee weapon I’ve chosen a Chinese meteor hammer,’ Sergeant Luke

  Chris grins a cheesy grin.

  ‘No they are not made of meteors,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Are you su…?’ Chris was about to ask

  ‘Moving on. You hold the Chinese meteor hammer by one of the balls and throw it at your enemy and the chain will unfold. Good for catching someone off guard. We can also put explosives in the balls if need be. Maybe also rig it to release gas or liquids,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Never heard of it before,’ Chris

  ‘There are stories of warriors ripping forests apart using these,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Did you study ancient weapons in the Army or something?’ Chris asked

  ‘The Marines and yes,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Being all you can be?’ Chris

  ‘Yes,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Cool,’ Chris
  Sergeant Luke ignored him and continued with the next weapon, he’s getting use to Chris’ quips, though it was a surprise as he got to know Chris’ personality better, ‘For your ranged weapons I think a collapsible bow and a gas cartridge loaded knife thrower. Maybe a sword also. I think we need to get your use to using all kinds of weapons so we can match weapons to mission.’

  ‘I don’t know if I will ever get use to using weapons,’ Chris

  ‘Strange that because you’ll a natural at learning,’ Sergeant Luke

  Chris was looking at one of the swords on the table.

  ‘Weapons are simple things to use right once you learn how to use them,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Simple forms of killing,’ Chris stated calmly but with a little worry in his voice.

  ‘These weapons are a good way to stop and disable without killing. I’m going to teach you how to go to that option first,’ Sergeant Luke

  Human are the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. There has never been any animal with the capability for destruction that humans have. But also there have never been any animal with the capacity to create change for the good.

  BREAKING NEWS: Governor’s mansion gate set ablaze in Virginia…

  BREAKING NEWS: Commissioner of American professional football league says talk of naming a team The Niger’s could be inspirational to the community…

  BREAKING NEWS: All dogs and cats run away in small Alabama town…


  It’s basically a puddle of mud into telling a story as a paranormal investigator, professor, and secretly a ghost, interview private investigators he can use to do leg work for him and protect those who may end up in harms way because of him.

  Though the pick may want to consider a new line of work.

  It’s told in comic book script form by the way.

  Just in case you haven’t noticed.

  PAGE 1

  CAP.1: Kentucky

  -A cab is driving down an old dirt road.

  -You’re looking at the cab camera looking at the driver’s side of the vehicle.


  ‘Not many drivers will take fares to The Old Evarts Home.’


  ‘And why’s that?’

  -The drivers messing with his rearview mirror trying to get a better look at Ryan.


  ‘That home haunted mister, but old George here ant scared of nothing.’

  -Ryan’s reading a bible.


  ‘It’s the nothing you should be afraid of.’

  -Ryan’s putting his bible in a wooden case. The parts of a sniper rifle and an Army issue pistol are in the case also.

  PAGE 2

  CAP.1: Ryan Mcgriff is a man who has seen many things as a soldier and as one of the top private investigators in New York…

  -The cab stops in front of the Evarts family home.

  CAP.1:…But in the future he’ll see things that would make a preacher cuss.

  -The cab speeds off leaving Ryan standing in a cloud of dust. Ryan’s holding his gun case in his right hand and a suitcase is beside his left foot.

  -Professor Mackler’s assistant Carolyn greets Ryan and shakes his hand on the porch of the house.


  ‘We’re eager you took us up on our offer Mr. Mcgriff.’

  -Ryan and Carolyn are walking through a hallway in the house. Ryan’s carrying his gun case and his suitcase.


  ‘I’ve heard a lot about you and Professor Mackler from Rico.’


  ‘Well, Rico has told me quite a lot about you too Mr. Mcgriff.’

  -Carolyn opening the sliding door to an office.


  ‘This will be your office. I hope you’ll like it. If you need anything feel free to ask.’

  PAGE 3

  -Carolyn is opening a window in the office. Ryan’s sitting his suitcase down.


  ‘How did you and Rico meet?’

  -Ryan’s putting his gun case on the office desk.


  ‘You wouldn’t believe me.’

  -Carolyn standing by the window.


  ‘I’d believe anything you told me about Rico.’

  -Ryan’s leaning against the desk.


  ‘There was this 70 year old rich tycoon who thought his wife was having an affair.’

  -Carolyn sitting on the window aisle with a big smile on her face.


  ‘You mean…Rico and the old man’s wife. I wish the Professor was here to hear this.’

  PAGE 4

  -Upstairs a closet door in the attic all of a sudden catches fire.

  -A white energy balls begins to float out from the doorway.

  -The ball turns into a seven foot tall white rod.

  -The rod has turned into a man in a black suit and tails with a cane and top hat. His eyes are closed.

  -A close-up of the man’s face. His eyes are wide open. Their solid black.


  ‘A 60 year nap gives you a burst of energy.’

  PAGE 5

  -An hour later in the kitchen. Carolyn and Ryan are sitting at the kitchen table. Carolyn has a cup of coffee in her hand. A beer is sitting in front of Ryan on the table.


  ‘When do I get to meet the professor?’

  -Carolyn’s holding her coffee cup up in front of her face with her elbow on the table.


  ‘The professor will meet with you tomorrow morning in your office.’

  -A house worker named Nadine is refilling Carolyn’s cup.


  ‘You better be going Nadine. You shouldn’t be driving these roads at night.’


  ‘Thank you Miss.’

  -Carolyn stands up.


  ‘I better be going to bed. I’ll review you on some of our case files in the morning after you meet the professor.’

  PAGE 6

  -Nadine is driving down the road. The spirit is sitting in the back seat of her car.



  -A heartfelt Scream. The car stops in the middle of the road.

  PAGE 7

  -The Professor is sitting hovering in the air above Carolyn who’s lying in bed reading book. The book she’s reading is Strangers In A Strange Land.


  ‘I don’t like it.’

  -Carolyn lays her book on a nightstand beside the bed.


  ‘I had him checked out professor. The man won a purple heart in the Gulf War and he worked for 8 years as a private investigator for New Stone Investigations. The biggest private investigations service in new York.’

  -The Professor lowers himself on the bed beside Carolyn. His hands are behind his head and his feet are crossed.



  PAGE 8

  -Carolyn’s looking at her book. The books upside down.


  ‘My dear. I do believe you’re jealous.’

  -Carolyn watching the Professor fly toward the bedroom door.


  ‘I’m hungry. I’m going to get something to eat.’

  -Carolyn lays her book on her lap.


  ‘Save your energy. You have a meeting with Mcgriff in the morning.’

  BREAKING NEWS: U.S. government today said it would treat whistleblowers when it comes to Beyond Human operations as spies and traitors to the nation…

  BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court today in a non-official statement says there is a question whether freedom of speech can exist in a safe country…

  BREAKING NEWS: Politician in Great Britain proposes only high earning citizens deserve to be able to use public transport…

  APRIL 2015

EWS: Woman drowns her baby in the sink after seeing commercial saying parents should keep watch for traits of Beyond Humans…

  BREAKING NEWS: Someone is defacing royal art all over the U.K. Government officials say its anarchists, youth are starting to call this the work of the urban legend Jackup…


  KAREN: I keep getting things from Travelocity about deals to the UK. I'm sad now :(

  FOX: I know. I keep getting them about trips to Canada a few years ago, one of the reasons I changed my e-mail address then.


  KAREN: you forgot your phone in the car

  JEFF: oPPS :)

  KAREN: Just in case you were wondering :)

  JEFF: I wonder about lots of things

  KAREN: Wait, how are you texting me?

  JEFF: Wonders


  FOX: can you call me?

  JOANNA: If I must.


  KAREN: Ok, well I just took some pills and will probably start getting ready for bed soon. I feel like shit and am stressed and depressed :( I hope your night goes better.

  JEFF: I wish I could do something to cheer you up. You geek cheer me up :)

  KAREN: I don't know if you really could do anything :(


  KAREN: So my mom just called me all crying and everything. She had an doctors appointment and the person was rude to her and called her a hypochondriac and said she was in denial of her depression and makes needless appointments. Even though the woman didn't have her records last time and made the appointment.

  FOX: For fucksake.

  FOX: Your mom should report that lady. That's bullshit to say that to someone. Even if someone is an hypochondriac hospitals still have to see them and treat them just in case something is wrong. That's just bullshit. I'm sorry for your mom to have to be treated that way.

  KAREN: That's what I told her. I said report her to her supervisor and then get a doctor somewhere else for consistent care.

  FOX: Yea, that's just bullshit her telling your mom that stuff.

  KAREN: Yep. Quality care right there.


  JEFF: No Panic Mode,

  JEFF: No Panic Mode.

  JEFF: Go into my Doctor Who collection and pick up the big green books and read the cover DON'T PANIC sister. I know it is really easy to talk yourself into reasons why you cannot or should not do something, I know this big time because I do it daily but let us just for shits and giggles say you are not perfect. Just for example now. We will distance ourselves from reality for a bit while I put on my healing gloves. Don't mind the stains, You really don't want to know. But anyways if you are not perfect then you can fall, fail, and stumble through things. What does that make you? Human, Bitch! Now me being here and you being there I'm able to say things such as this and hope maybe a few nighttime PM's will keep me from getting my ass kicked later but I believe one problem you have is that you think if you slow down, fall, or stumble a bit or even fail you are falling short in your life when in fact the one thing that bugs you about this the most is that when the stumbling or the falling happens you have to sit up, dust yourself off, stand up, and then think before going on and you hate that. You want things to happen along a line. Your line but I'm rambling now and have probably pissed you off beyond recognition but if you are hating me about now just take comfort in the fact that I was just yelled at by every member of the asshole family during a conference call. Let’s talk about ME :)