Read Tin Universe Monthly #6 Page 13

  ‘Jack Boggs wasn’t in town when Jean was killed, was he?’ Karen brought up the subject out of the blue.

  ‘No, he left right after he visited Fox. I also found out that they have a solid lead on who killed Jean Green and the suspect is so far away from Jack Boggs I’m sure he had nothing to do with it.’

  ‘I guess I was thinking too much into things?’

  ‘Man, you would never let me get away with a sentence like that.’


  ‘Did you know Jean at all? I had seen her around but never spoke to her.’

  ‘I think we had a class together once. She was one of the older cheerleaders who helped out with Gail’s squad when she cheered.’

  Jeff rubbed his eyes trying to rub the tired out of them.

  ‘I never want to lose you.’ Jeff

  Karen snuggled up next to Jeff on her bed, ‘No problem there. Most people hate me too much to get near me.’

  Jeff put his head on Karen’s.

  From the direction of her bedroom door and the hallway came a sisterly voice, ‘No snogging!’

  ‘Do you want a sister?’

  ‘Mom! They’re snogging!’

  ‘Nope, I’m fine without one.’

  Gail stuck her head into the room, ‘You know if you really wanted to snogg, I wouldn’t tell.’



  Gail was running across the F.K.H.S. section of the Ryan-Mart parking lot at breakneck velocity in the direction of her sister and Jeff, who in their own points of time were standing by Karen’s car when she spotted Fox, stopped dead, changes the course of her rush and almost tackles Fox in her excitement.

  She likes Fox.

  She found a new friend.

  Fox, ‘Am I being mugged? Please sir, take my wallet and take my husband but spare me my pearls.’

  Gail looked sternly at Fox.

  ‘I like the way you dress so don’t be silly. Silly really doesn’t suit you.’

  ‘Yes ma’am. Goth shall stop the silly.’ Fox said with a salute and a braking smile.

  ‘I have news.’ Gail.

  ‘Share my brain wizard friend.’

  ‘Guess who has been added to the dance committee?’

  ‘Roger Moore?’


  Fox, ‘I feel really old right now.’


  A conversation between two people, long distance charges would apply but they don’t in this case.

  ‘Are all of your plans finalized and ready for the dance?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Good, I will keep in touch. This is a simple little first move so don’t screw it up and you might get the chance to move up.’

  Joanna put down her cell phone and pushed the button on the main houses intercom system.

  ‘Ms. Osip?’ beamed from the intercom box.

  ‘Butler I need to talk with you.’

  ‘On my way from the stables now Ms. Osip.’

  Joanna lifted herself from her desk chair and walked over to her bedroom window. She knew day one of her true life was coming. Having to push down her excitement at what was coming was almost overwhelming but just another thing she would overpower.

  A knock hit her door.

  ‘Come in Butler. We still have many things to check and recheck.’

  ‘Yes, Ms. Osip.’

  In a Paris airport, in a private room reserved for a select few in the world to use you will find a room decorated with a few computers, a television setup, and clocks showing time dates from around the world.

  Sitting in one chair in the room was a grey haired gentleman wearing what resembled a Victorian era undertaker’s outfit, ‘Are her people going to be able to handle this assignment?’

  Sitting across a large table from the man was a young woman with a scar, ‘He has faith she can. Plus Travesty is there to help her.’

  ‘I hope that faith is not just blood given. What about Ryan?’

  ‘His people seem to be staying out of things so far.’

  ‘How much rope is her father willing to give her?’

  ‘Enough to rope a star or her own throat.’

  ‘His own daughter?’

  ‘He is everything we know him to be. I have eyes watching her as she makes her moves. She has a lot of potential but I will say now on my mission that an American cabal will not jeopardize this. I promise you father.’

  The older man grasps the hand of his daughter which was reached over the table for him to take.

  ‘Those who are unwilling to grasp for the future must be left behind.’


  Gail and Jeff where spending some time hanging out in one of the local comic shops browsing through the back issue bins in the back of the store.

  This is one of the few places Karen and Jeff don’t go together. It’s not that Karen does not read comics but she hates going with Jeff and Gail because they will spend hours upon hours just looking at stuff.

  ‘It’s not Wednesday, what are you looking for?’ Gail

  Jeff, ‘Back issues of the first time they rebooted the Pulpy comic.’

  ‘Who buys periodicals anymore?’

  ‘I’m sending them to an online friend in Russia in trade for a Russian Avengers novel.’

  ‘I thought they only read pirated stuff in Russia.’

  ‘That’s a pretty judgmental statement from you.’

  ‘Facts are facts. One of the largest areas of pirating media in the world is in the former Soviet Union.’

  ‘Don’t know why they want to pirate our comics. Not like any of the big two publishers have any cool Russian superheroes.’

  ‘There are a few.’

  ‘A few which are always misused.’

  ‘Are you arguing Russian superheroes? Your geek is bigger than anyone else’s ge…and I’m sorry I get around comics and I get nervous wanting to read everything and sometimes I say something really too double meaning for someone my age to sa…’

  ‘Hush Speedy Brain Busiek.’

  ‘Hey, stop that. I have enough names people call me.’

  Jeff pulls out a handful of comics from a long box and turns back to Gail who was inspecting a t-shirt rack, ‘You want anything because I’m buying?’

  Coma Girl’s eyes turned anime.

  It’s a warehouse, which is perfect as always for meetings of the not so nice guys and gals. “Gals”? I don’t know if that fit but, guys and ladies, didn’t really fit in my brain either?

  A grouping of around thirty or more, black dressed, masked, and were standing in the middle of the empty warehouse waiting for instructions and orders.

  Then like in so many movies the speaker stands above them on a bit of scaffolding in the shadows. To one side of her was her families Cup-Bearer and for a long time to come he wouldn’t be that far from her side because he has made his choice to the future.

  ‘No screw ups,’ Spoke the female voice from the shadows, ‘Not one of you is a human being that anyone will miss if you die tonight. Not one of you is a human being that anyone cares about. You want to change that, tonight is step one. Tonight you can move a little closer to being more than a pound of flesh.’

  Mr. Gibbons was reading a book on his iPad; while sitting in the back of a low quality coffee house. It has become a once per week routine he has taken up. Spend one day to read one book each week. Before in his life he never had much down time. Now he wants to fill in some gaps.

  Today though the routine is broken by the sound of a voice he knows all too well coming from in front of him, ‘Can you tell me why you had to meet me in person?’

  Without looking up Mr. Gibbons spoke, ‘Because I miss the sunshine you always bring into a room Envision.’

  The man sits down across from Mr. Gibbons, ‘The coded email let you know what you mission state is currently.’

  ‘Yes, but…’

  ‘You are a veteran of black ops and you called me here; which is sure to endanger you, letting others kn
ow your whereabouts. Care to explain that?’

  ‘Maybe I just wanted to meet someone face to face from my real life.’

  Envision stands up, ‘Just watch things for now. Our focus has shifted for the moment to other things.’

  Mr. Gibbons shrugs his shoulder as the man walks away and goes back to reading his book. Yes, he has been at this game for a very long time. And he knows perfectly well what he is doing.

  This late night ends as some late nights end within a larger than needed by anyone bedroom as a solo toast of Asbin is made to an individual future.

  ‘Mine will begin with this.’

  Man she is really started to get comfortable in that skin of the super villain.

  The Asbin is downed in one and Joanna walks over to her closet, which is the size of most people’s bedrooms and ponders what she will be wearing to her talk with Carol.

  The talk will be about his need to change his attitude about plans for the Football seasons homecoming night.

  The current plans are just stupid beyond measure.


  The setting is the gymnasium. The gymnasium is a location of many future bad high school memories. With wide ranging uses from gym classes, basketball games, volleyball games, and then there are the dances.

  Karen, ‘Remember the time we went around to all of the neighborhood homes selling the school raffle chances putting the people’s names down on the billing address but abandoned houses down for shipping the prize?’

  ‘That’s how I got my first CD player.’ Fox

  ‘Or the time we went to the base and went through all the mail boxes at base housing stealing birthday cards while everyone was out watching fireworks?’

  ‘I bought some comics with my cash from that day.’

  ‘Do you remember when we babysat that bitch Jessica Mothhouse’s sister Sherlin and after her parents stiffed us we snuck back into their house and with a permanent black marker turned Sherlin into a faithful match of the one eyebrowed baby from The Simpsons?’

  ‘You know I saw Sherlin years later. She is the most glamorous lesbian I have ever met in my life.’

  ‘Don’t look at me. Not like I put some sort of gay mark on the girl.’

  Karen and Fox could have talked on and on for hours but Jeff jumped into the conversation, ‘Where was I during all of this?’

  Karen raised her eyebrows at him, ‘Off dorking every day after school watching Doctor Who.’

  Jeff and Gail were jokingly shaking their heads in unison, ‘Always with the Doctor hating.’

  Gail laid back down as she had been on the bottom level of the gym bleachers tired from three hours of work helping decorate for the Second Week Dance.

  Above her spread about the bleachers just as exhausted as her are not only Fox, Jeff, and Karen but also Jason Torch and Kaya Pinelli, who are just as tired of hearing about Karen and Fox’s good old days of friendship as Jeff and Gail are.

  At the moment as all of them are ready to relax an inch, into the gymnasium walks Joanna and Lisa to remind them who are working with or in Joanna’s words “for.”

  Gail pops up her head, ‘Hey, it’s the Fuhrer and her Gerbils.’

  Everyone on the bleachers burst out into laughter, which was shut into silence when Joanna and Lisa stepped in front of them on the gym floor.

  ‘How does she do that, create instant silence?’ Jeff

  ‘It’s the eerie chill that follows her around,’ Karen

  Joanna stood silent until everyone was placing their attention in her direction and then she spoke when she felt the silence called for it, ‘It would seem that somehow you miss begotten bunch managed to get everything right despite being who you are.’

  ‘Misbegotten bunch?’ Kaya

  ‘Who says misbegotten bunch?’ Jeff

  Joanna turns around and Gail could have sworn she clicked her heals, and walks away leaving Lisa tapping a pen against her clipboard, ‘Mr. Carol says all committee members must attend the dance or face being expelled. I say best of luck to all of you in finding dates at the last minute.’ With that she leaves to trail after Joanna.

  Gail gets up with a befuddled look on her face, ‘Am I even allowed to date?’


  They are all gathered at the Busiek house to talk and make quick plans for the dance. Well, except for Jason and Kaya because they got in with dances are against their religion and Jeff really wishes he had thought of that lie.

  Jason and Kaya are going to spend the night piled into the back of a Sysuki Esteem parked outside an all night folk concert.

  ‘There is no Flying Nun way I’m going.’ It’s Karen, ‘Nobody is forcing me to dance.’ She proclaimed, and boy did she proclaim, you would have thought she was shouting out an official proclamation from Queen Elizabeth herself with her tone and posture, ‘I will not be a duck in a row for Joanna’s entertainment.’

  ‘No one will be forcing you to dance,’ her mother said while passing through the kitchen where Karen, Jeff, Gail, and Fox where gathered.

  Gail was sitting on a little cutting table beside Jeff who was sitting on the edge of the kitchens double sink, ‘Sis, I think this is cool.’

  ‘What about dates cool girl, it’s required?’ Karen

  Jeff leans in to Not whisper privately to Gail, ‘You see dating your sister would require us paying her date hazard pay.’

  Fox puts her arm around Karen, ‘I’m brave enough.’

  Karen turns to her, ‘This would cause even more rumors to spread.’

  Fox kissed her on the cheek, ‘Plus I’m straight.’

  Jeff notices Karen’s face show a little sadness that only a best friend would notice.

  Gail jumps down from the cutting table, ‘I have it! Karen and I can go together and we can leave early before she gets violent saying it’s my bed time and so that takes care of her anti-social meter.’

  ‘And me?’ asked Jeff.

  ‘You tag with Fox.’ Gail answered.

  Everyone saw Fox’s face turn red. To break the tension Jeff threw out a joke, ‘I get the sexy one.’

  God Jeff that was stupid.

  Fox’s face turned even redder.

  Karen threw a severe look in her best friend’s direction.



  The gym was decorated in blue and purple, the school colors of Franz Kafka High School, The Fighting Polar Bears.


  The drink tables were lined with all kinds of fruit punches, sodas, and bottled waters. Lines started for a cue for these tables about as soon as the gymnasium doors opened. More than a few whispers could be heard such as things like leaving for a real party as soon as they have load up on chasers.

  The same wide range of selections can be found on the snack tables but with even longer lines and bit more pushing and shoving. A couple of large football players have been put in charge of keeping the lines in order and that is turning out so well.

  I must point out in all fair reporting that there are a few vegetarians gathered in a corner pissed that there is only one plate of fruit and one of veggies. But that table is really small, without much of a line, and sitting under one of the ventilating ducts that blow out from the heating system. All of the shaved baby carrots taste a little like the cotton from an air filter now.

  But then again it’s only the vegetarians causing any sort of fuss. And that’s an official school view on the issue.

  It is quite the sight to see the banners hanging from the rafters. Suspended by thin fishing line was purple boxing glove wearing polar bears. Don’t think too hard, it has nothing to do with Franz Kafka. Stringers, streamers, all party store fun, and there you have the decorations.

  Jason and Kaya thought about buying some semi-nice decorations for the dance at the local party store, Party Presents, but since they got out of having to attend the dance they just picked up some stuff for themselves and made the actual decorations themselves by
hand using scrap paper from art classes.

  All I’m going to say about what they picked up for themselves at the party store is this list and you can make from it what you wish: a couple dollar CDs for mood music, a LED mister fogger, fog juice….Yes, fog juice, I didn’t make that up, God, give me some credit, and wedding cake candy.

  Like the Queen of the proceedings at a table setup on one side of the gymnasiums stage, higher than the masses, was Joanna Osip and as her current accessory was future frat emo boy Paul Hunt, who was sitting beside her with his Baby Pomp hairdo looking pretty asinine.

  Lisa was on the other side of the table from both of them feeling abandoned. Tonight was going to be a very special night for her self-confidence but her date no showed after texting that she would be there and fabrications remain concealed, but there is power in hidden secrets if you take ownership of them?

  Self propaganda aside this secret is starting to eat away at Lisa and if she was able to be honest with anyone about it, it was pushing her away from everything she cares about in her life. She understands the no show but a “no show” is never just a “no show” when it comes down to someone you love so much.

  Joanna is not completely unaware of the piano strings running along Lisa’s heart but she simple doesn’t care enough to address the issue. Right now she’s watching over everything like a hawk and Lisa was trying to fight back a smile, having taken a little plur to change her mood. She was amused as Paul tried to talk or make contact with his date to only have a finger shushed in his face, a slap for trying to touch her intimately, and even nails dug into his hand when he tried to hold hers. This was going to be Lisa’s entertainment for the night and she fucking needed it.

  The gym was crammed full with students and teachers trying to entertain themselves as the latest pop, bluegrass, acid jazz, frevo, hip-hop, rock, dub, nortec, country, alternative; engineered music played loud over the gymnasium’s P.A. speakers.

  Nothing to dance to though, just people milling around doing milling.

  Victor San, the captain of the football team was dancing with his long time girlfriend Lea Hertz, she was a college student attending Yale studying to become a disgraced high level corporate head or politician.

  Lea gave a glance up at Joanna as Victor and her passed the stage on their way to the photo area. At one time they were friends. At one time they were friends in a phrase that is used a lot in the world and used for many reasons.