Read Tin Universe Monthly #9 Page 4

  *on pleading knee* Please.

  Fox was living with her mother in Canada and that’s when she found her life getting really weird. She moved back to bury her mother in the place she was born and to also try and bury her past for a new beginning.

  To put all the weird that had entered her life away.

  But she has found out the change was just a change of one weird for another.

  She’s also trying to mend her friendship with Karen from a childhood incident that involved her estranged father. And estranged is stating it mildly. Hated, reviled, detested, loathed, and Karen’s mother just calls him, “…a motherfuckingpieceofshitwaste.”

  Karen and Fox have worked out a lot of those issues from that time and the feelings which were created by all the years in-between.

  Course the mending started with Karen blooding her nose and blacking an eye but that was so The Past Forward.

  Go read if interested, links at the end of this document.

  Fox hopes this trip will help smooth things between them even more. It seems like it’s been one mini crisis after the other since she returned; so they haven’t really gotten the chance for many real big sit down and drink all night and talk sessions.

  Janet Busiek is dropping them off at O.I.A. in Orlando to catch their flight to Knoxville with Gail, Karen’s younger sister, tagging along for the drive. The ride has been a complete noise disarray of shouting sisters, trying to calm things friends, and mother threats to kick some ass.

  Gail came along so she could brag about the trip her and her parents would be taking to Boston roundabout the same time but she was also riding along with a further agenda of talking her mother into a stop on the way back at the Orlando Mall. Gail claims the mall is historical for some reason that everyone tuned out while loading their bags into the car.

  Karen, Jeff, and Fox are sitting in the back of the Busiek families new Ford Focus with Gail pulling shotgun beside her mom yapping to no one really all the way about the history of Orlando, strange facts about Walt Disney, and how many planes crashed last year in the U.S.

  As I’ve stated before Gail is not your typical 16 year old young lady.

  Though she is typical in how much enjoyment she gets from bugging the shit out of her older sister.

  A few years ago she had an accident that put her into a coma. When she awoke from that deep coma she did so with talents which have made her a sort of complete recall human computer.

  Though a very glitchy computer with a beta version of its software running.

  Any information that has passed or passes through her life she absorbs completely with understanding and total recall. Ok, not with total understanding but she has within her basically the ability if she can harness it to connect absolute comprehension of all knowledge.

  And there are a lot of people who would like to control her abilities to their goals.

  Gail’s older sister and her friends are starting to see other little weird patterns about the things she knows and what she can do. She has already gone through many strange tales but it is nowhere, nowhere near her finishing point.

  You may have heard of her, some call her Coma Girl.

  Karen calls her lots of things.