Read To Alaska for Gold; Or, The Fortune Hunters of the Yukon Page 14



  Randy and Earl found Dyea but a small settlement. There was one storewhich had been established for some time, and half a dozen others whichhad sprung up to accommodate the miners and adventurers who were pouringinto the place. The total white population did not number a hundred, butthere were a very large number of Indians,--men, women, andchildren,--all anxious to obtain employment as pack-carriers over themountains.

  The steamer had anchored some distance from the beach, and it was nolight work to get the packs ashore in the heavy sea that was running.Four small boats were employed for the purpose, and more than one bundlewas lost overboard in making the transfer to land.

  "There goes one of my packs!" suddenly sang out Dr. Barwaithe, as asmall boat loaded high above the gunwales capsized just as the shore wasstruck. A wild scramble by the miners was made to recover their goods.The doctor would have gone into the icy water also, but he could notswim.

  Several Indians who were watching the scene rushed up to the medicalman. "Get heem fo' one dolla!" said the largest of the redmen, and thedoctor made the bargain on the spot. At once the Indian and his helperleaped into the surf and swam toward the pack, which contained thedoctor's clothing and bedding, and was becoming rapidly water soaked.They reached the pack as it was about to sink, and after ten minutes ofhard work brought it out on the pebbly shore.

  By the middle of the afternoon all hands found themselves encamped alongthe half-dried-up stream back of the settlement. Here there were nearlya hundred tents of miners and prospectors who were not quite ready toattempt the trip over Chilkoot Pass.

  The Indian who had rescued the doctor's pack stuck to the medical manfor the job of transferring his goods over to Lake Linderman, stating heand his companions would do the work for fifteen cents a pound.

  "What do you think of that rate?" asked Dr. Barwaithe of Foster Portney,while Randy and Earl looked on with interest.

  "I don't know but that it's fair enough," was the reply.

  "But wouldn't it be better to take horses from here and use Indians onlyover the pass? You know we have about thirteen miles to travel beforethe pass is reached."

  "We had better take the Indians from here," put in Captain Zoss. "Thar'sno tellin' if we can git 'em further on, eh?"

  "Yes, and we might as well get used to walking it from here, too," addedMr. Portney. "It will do Randy and Earl some good, not but that Iimagine they can tramp as well as any of us."

  "We've tramped for many a mile through the Maine woods, when we were outhunting," said Randy. "By the way," he went on, "I haven't seen any gameyet, outside of a few birds."

  The big Indian, who rejoiced in the name of Salmon Head, was waiting foran answer, his squaw and two boys standing close by. The squaw was atall, thin woman of forty, whose face was painted a greasy black down tothe tip of her nose, the balance of her countenance being left itsnatural color, yellowish red. The boys were sturdy lads of perhaps tenand twelve, as used to carrying heavy burdens as their parents.

  The bargain was struck with Salmon Head to have the goods of the entireparty packed over from that spot to the shore of Lake Linderman forfifteen cents a pound, the work to be accomplished within the next fourdays, weather permitting. The boys had expected to carry some of thegoods, but at this Foster Portney shook his head.

  "You couldn't carry over forty or fifty pounds and maybe not that overthe Pass," he said, "and I would rather pay the price and have youreserve your strength. You can each carry a knapsack filled with food,in case you wander from the trail, although don't let this happen if youcan possibly avoid it. The best rule, in going over any pass, is to keepat least two other members of the party in sight constantly."

  In spite of the close proximity of the snow-capped mountains, the nightwas a comparatively warm one, and no inconvenience was experienced bythe party in their tents. They had two, one belonging to Mr. Portney andthe boys, the other being one Captain Zoss and Dr. Barwaithe hadpurchased at Juneau for mutual comfort. The tents were put up end toend, and being both water and wind tight were almost as good to sleep inas a cabin.

  The outfits had been carefully parcelled out to the Indians, Salmon Headcarrying a load of over a hundred and twenty-five pounds, his squawcarrying a hundred pounds, and the sons loads of about half that weight.Relatives of these Indians carried the remainder of the loads; for theseChilkoot people, like other redmen, believed in keeping all they couldin the family.

  Usually the journey to Lake Linderman was made in two stages, the firstfrom Dyea to the entrance to Chilkoot Pass, and the second over the Passitself and down to the lake, which may fairly be called the southernheadwaters of the Yukon River. This course was to be pursued by thepresent party, and bright and early on the following morning theystarted out on what was destined to be the most perilous trip of theirlives. Captain Zoss went ahead with the Indians, while the boys andtheir uncle and the doctor kept in a bunch behind.

  At the start, the trip was along the bottom of a deep canyon, on eitherside of which arose mountains and cliffs for the most part covered withsnow and ice. Down in this canyon flowed what is called the Dyea River,a mere mountain torrent, dashing over rocks and crags and here and therebroadening out into a shallow flow over sand and pebbles. Walking wasrough, for at times they had to leap from one great rock to another orelse let themselves down, to wade through water and sand up to theirknees. The wind had calmed down, yet once in a while it sent upon them aflurry of fine snow from the distant mountain tops.

  "We are not getting ahead very fast!" puffed Randy, as he and the otherscame to a halt on a flat rock to rest. "We've been walking for threehours, and I doubt if we have covered more than five miles."

  "I heard at Dyea that the thirteen miles to the entrance to the Pass isconsidered a good day's journey," said Earl. "I'm rather glad I'm notcarrying that load Salmon Head has strapped to his back."

  "It would take me a week to get that load up," said Randy. "I can'tunderstand how those boys get along."

  "It's a matter of training," said Foster Portney. "I dare say either ofyou can cut down a tree in half the time that those Chilkoots can doit."

  On they went again, the trail now growing steeper and more barren. A fewstunted firs lined the canyon, and here and there could be seen ahalf-dead vine twisted about the fir branches, and that was all, so faras vegetation went. And this was coming summer time!

  "It must be dreariness itself in winter," remarked Earl, to his uncle,as they trudged along side by side. "I never saw anything so desolate,not even in the wildest parts of Maine."

  "It is this desolate look which has kept men out of Alaska, Earl. Manyhave known of there being gold there, but they preferred to remain downin the States, where living, at least, was more certain and congenial.You'll find, my lad, that you will need all your nerve and backbone towithstand what is before you. Perhaps I did wrong in urging you to joinme."

  "No, you didn't--I'm glad I came, and so is Randy, and we'll getthrough," answered Earl, hastily. "Oh, look!" he pointed to where aflock of birds were circling far overhead. "Shall I give them a shot?"

  "No! no!" cried Foster Portney, hastily. "I forgot to tell you. Iarranged with the Indians that no shot should be fired on the tripexcepting some one was in trouble and needed assistance. I'll inform theothers." And he halted for the others to come up.

  Captain Zoss provided the dinner at about one o'clock, all hands takingit easy on some clear rocks in the sunshine. As may be supposed, thefare was a plain one, yet to Randy and Earl nothing had ever tastedbetter, for climbing and the bracing mountain air gave them enormousappetites. They could have eaten more than was provided but understoodthat from henceforth until further supplies were assured, rations wouldbe dealt out with a sparing hand.

  As soon as the dinner dishes had been cleaned and repacked the journeyto Sheep Camp, as the stopping-place was called, was renewed. The trailwas now steeper than ever, and more than once the stream of water had tobe cros
sed. Every one was suffering from wet feet, but as all had onseveral pairs of heavy socks, this did no further damage than to renderthem cold in their nether limbs. As the trail grew rougher the Indians,who knew every footstep, forged ahead, and the others were allowed toshift for themselves.

  It was about the middle of the afternoon that Randy and his uncle werewalking one behind the other, with Captain Zoss and Dr. Barwaithe justin the rear. The captain had been relating one of his experiences inmountain climbing in Colorado, to which all had listened with interest.The story was finished, and they were congratulating themselves thatthe end of the day's tramp was close at hand, when Randy suddenly lookedaround in alarm.

  "Where is Earl?" he asked.

  "Earl!" exclaimed Mr. Portney. "Why, he is ahead, isn't he?"

  "No, he dropped behind, to fix his boot," was the quick reply. "Earl!Earl!"

  The cry was repeated, and the others also took it up. Then they waitedfor an answer, but none came. Earl had disappeared. They waited for fiveminutes for him to make his reappearance, but he did not come; and thenthey started on a search for him.