Read To Be Beside. Page 5

  Chapter 5 – Sunday Morning October 31st Halloween 1841

  The next day; Sylvanus was up early because he couldn’t sleep. Most of the night, all he could see when he closed his eyes was the face of the girl who died in his arms.

  By 8.00 he was wandering the beach and sending prayers and hopes for her soul. Although Sylvanus was not outwardly religious he succumbed in times of stress and always carried his own religion with him.

  He threw several stones into the sea and sent several wishes for her peaceful return to this earth and for Annie and her return to his company.

  As he walked east he soon passed the fisherman’s landing where they brought their boats up onto the beach.

  There were several sailing boats and rowing boats already returning with the mornings catch.

  Sylvanus was hoping at 9 o’clock he would see Henry the eighth return triumphantly with his breakfast mackerels but his demeanour was feeling rather deflated and let down this damp and misty morning.

  Sylvanus wandered up the beach and past the Chain pier almost all the way to Black rock before returning to the landing. Sure enough as 9 approached a coaster fishing vessel returned clearly named Henry VIII.

  ‘Henry, well done. Did you catch my breakfast?’ Sylvanus shouted.

  ‘Ahhhh Sylvanus the Londoner isn’t it? Yes I have mackerel onboard and skate and some sole it’s all yours for the right money. You can even help me winch the boat up if you like.

  Several fishermen crowded round to help connect the boat and then walking round the capstan, chanting and hauling the boat high and dry across a wooden trackway in the pebbles. Sylvanus helped on one end of the capstan and enjoyed the ‘Whey haul away’ song that went with the work.

  Henry quickly jumped off the bow to help as soon as he was on dry land.

  Once well clear of the waves and positioned according to his instructions Henry scampered back on board to collect the three baskets of today’s catch.

  ‘Now you can be my first customer of the day, what would you like Sylvanus?’

  ‘How about two mackerel for breakfast and a sole for this evening’s meal?’

  ‘Very wise Sylvanus and as you can see nothing could be fresher.’ Said Henry flapping the mackerel in Sylvanus’ face.

  ‘Look at them lovely bright eyes won’t ya.’

  Sylvanus handed over a hand full of money and happily took the fish in paper back to the hotel breakfast room.

  ‘Could you have the Mackerel prepared for my breakfast and the sole for tonight’s evening meal? I believe you should also eat the most local produce and this could be no more local and fresh.’

  ‘Certainly Sir. Would you like a drink or anything while they are being prepared?’

  ‘Yes please that would be wonderful. Some coffee and some toast would start my day off well.’

  ‘Certainly Sir.’ said the waiter hurrying off to the kitchen.

  He returned promptly with coffee and toast and then some time later with two beautifully prepared and presented mackerel.

  A little while later the waiter was caught by Sylvanus as he passed. ‘This is magical young man. The fish tastes like it was still alive half an hour ago. Oh it was.’ He chuckled. ‘Please send my congratulations to the chef. Truly wonderful.’

  ‘Thank you Sir. I will pass it on.’

  Sylvanus planned to enjoy some more of Brighton that day and perhaps he hoped to see Annie again.

  After writing some letters to family and friends Sylvanus contemplated his time in Brighton as he gazed with defocused eyes from his window.

  He returned to the bar around midday.

  Once again the new young man was on duty.

  ‘May I have a gin please young man?’

  ‘Certainly Sir.’

  Sylvanus received the gin and said.

  ‘So is Annie not here today?

  ‘Ah no Sir. As I said I only started yesterday but apparently she does not work here any more hence my position.’

  ‘Oh I see. Do you know where she has gone?’

  ‘No Sir. At her home I imagine.’

  ‘Do you know why she left?

  ‘No Sir; I am sorry, all I know is I have taken the position vacated by her. I am sorry.’

  ‘Don’t worry I am sure I will find her if I am meant to.’

  Just then the two policemen entered the bar.

  ‘Ah Mr. Kent I wonder if we may ask you a few more particulars.’

  ‘Er yes if I may ask you some.’

  The officers looked a little confused again but continued.

  ‘Perhaps we could go somewhere more private?’

  ‘How about the far corner there, nobody is in earshot.’ Replied Sylvanus

  They drifted over to the far corner of the ornate bar.

  ‘Now what do you need from me now.’

  ‘Could you tell us precisely which doorway the lady came from?’

  ‘Well I remember it was painted a dark colour. I think I can show you if you allow me to accompany you to the location.’

  ‘Yes that would be good Mr. Kent.’

  ‘Do you know who she is yet?’

  ‘We have no idea yet Sir but there is a theory that she may be a lady of the night. There is a lot of that sort of thing that goes on in that part of town.

  Did you say you recognized her?’

  ‘There was something faintly familiar about her although not in that way I would assure you.’

  ‘We are thinking it may be a pimp who was annoyed that she may have been withholding money from him, we found a large amount of cash on her person.’

  ‘Interesting. She was dressed to look like a lady of the night but I believe her clothing was of the very best quality as if it was a fancy dress or masquerade.’ responded Sylvanus in attempt to help as much as he could.

  ‘An interesting assumption Mr. Kent. Do you have any other theories on her death?’

  ‘Not at all but I do have one question before I assist you further. Yesterday you said that you had heard of Annie the barmaid here. I wondered what you heard.’

  ‘Only that the manager notified us of a possible theft. No charges have been filed so for the moment it is just for the record.’

  This left Sylvanus confused as to why she may have been accused of theft where is she? did she just want his money or was there more to it.?

  ‘Well officers, Brighton is certainly turning out to be an exciting town to visit. It seems that at every turn there is murder and intrigue and I have only been here 2 days.’

  The policemen nodded.

  ‘May we attend the scene of the crime now Sir. Perhaps while there you would describe your exact movements and actions.’

  ‘Yes I would be glad to.’

  They left the hotel and walked inland a little and East a few lanes before they reached the scene of the night before murder.

  There was still blood on the pavement where she died and a few flowers strewn in the area by some well wishers.

  ‘Well I was walking this way from the Mannequin club.’ Said Sylvanus

  The officers waited at the scene for him to demonstrate. He walked down from the North past the blood and continued until alongside two doors.

  ‘This door is the one I was passing then it flew open and the girl raced out. I was about here and she bumped into me before heading back where I had come from. I continued maybe three steps and then heard her blood curdling scream.’

  As Sylvanus said the words the spine chilling feeling returned to him and he could feel the blood draining from his face as it had from the wound in her chest.

  ‘Did you see anyone?’

  ‘No, well not before the scream, but it was very dark and I was intent on reaching the beach.’

  ‘It still seems a strange thing for a gentleman to be doing in these dark alleys and twittens to head this way.’

  ‘I am a strange individual officer. I can assure you of that.’

  The officers nodded in agreement.

‘By then I was reeling a bit from the collision and cast a glimpse over my shoulder before continuing on my route. I saw nothing but the girl heading away from me.

  It was moments later that I heard her scream.

  I image the assailant was coming from there, behind me, and she had run into him and his knife.

  As I turned I saw her drop to his feet and he turned and ran North in the other direction from where I had come.’

  ‘So he either followed you this way or came out of the doorway too and stabbed her.’

  ‘I imagine so. Then I ran to her side and bent down to see if there was anything I could do. I glanced up in the direction he had gone but I saw nothing.

  It was then I sat down and cradled her in my arms. I could feel the life ebbing out of her body. I felt so helpless. She looked so scared deep into her eyes. I could see she wanted to talk but all the managed was a sort of ghostly haaa….. sound as the last air left her body.’

  ‘Her heart and lung was punctured by one skilful knife wound with a small bladed knife. Whoever killed he was an expert or very lucky.’

  ‘Or she was very unlucky.’ replied Sylvanus.

  ‘So is there anything else you can remember now you are returned to the scene?’

  ‘Not really, just the helplessness I felt as she died in my arms.’

  ‘And you are sure you have never seen this woman before?’

  ‘If I have I cannot recall who she is or where I saw her. As I mentioned her face looked slightly familiar but I cannot be more specific.’

  ‘Well I have to tell you that although you are the only witness you are also under suspicion as you were at the scene at the time of the murder so we have to ask you again not to leave the town without informing the police and getting our permission.

  This is a very nasty case and the Sergeant wants it sorted out as soon as possible before the name of the town is tarnished.’

  ‘But I assure you officer I was merely a witness.’

  ‘Could you go back to precisely where you were when you saw the murderer and look back across at us two while I play the murderer and the other officer the deceased on the ground.’

  ‘Oh why do I always have to be the deceased.’ said the officer on the ground.

  ‘Now what do you see. Does the scene look familiar?’

  ‘Well interestingly enough I think the murderer was a little smaller than you officer. I am not sure how large you are but definitely smaller than you. Would you run away up the alley like they did?’

  With that the officer turned and ran a few steps and walked back.

  ‘Definitely someone more slight than you and much more dainty at running more like a gazelle.’

  ‘I will not take that as an offensive remark but just a statement of fact Sir.

  You; I repeat, are a witness and our only suspect thus far. I hope you understand.’

  ‘But officer what motive do I have?’ replied Sylvanus.

  ‘There are strange folk around who need no motives like normal god fearing beings. Some do such acts for entertainment. Some, because they have some grudge against women or mankind and some because they can. I hope you understand our position.’

  ‘I imagine I do, but I also tell you that you are wrong and if nothing else I intend to prove it.’

  ‘Well you are free to go and find any evidence you can so long as it doesn’t mean leaving Brighton ‘

  Sylvanus went back to hotel and wrote down all he could remember about his trip so far in an attempt to solve the crime. Everything about everyone he could remember seeing since he left London and since he arrived in Brighton in case any of it made any sense. There was no way that he was having this crime pinned on him and if Annie was anything to go by it seemed as if the police here were just interested in pinning a crime on someone it didn’t matter if it was their fault.

  By the time he had finished his memoirs of the Brighton trip it was time for him to go down to Dinner. As he descended the stairs he realized that it was Halloween. The festival of summer’s end, the night when demons and ghosts come out to play.

  He handed over his letters to the reception for posting the next day. He has chosen not to worry his family with any fears about his impending situation but just detailed the niceties of Brighton life.

  He headed in to the restaurant for Dinner and sat in his usual table beside the window. He was definitely not in the mood for the Mannequin club tonight just a quiet evening trying to understand what was happening.

  ‘Ah Young man I believe I have a very nice freshly caught Sole on my menu for tonight which I supplied myself.

  I believe I will have the consommé as a starter and another nice bottle of that Chablis like I had last night.’

  ‘Certainly Sir I will get chef to prepare the sole. I believe he has it in his cold store.’

  ‘Very good.’

  The consommé was magnificent as usual, clear and shining, but the fleshy sole was even more special.

  ‘I have to send my compliments to the chef again and also to the fisherman because this is probably the best fish I have ever tasted.

  It seems like I may be staying here a while so perhaps I will be partaking of the fisherman’s market every morning if this is the outcome.’

  ‘Thank you Sir I will pass on your compliments.’

  As Sylvanus settled down to sleep that night the day’s events and Annie went through his mind again. He wondered if this is some pay back for the slavery element in his family fortune. He wondered if he would sleep tonight or spend another night tossing and turning with the ghosts and ghouls of Halloween.

  Would his world ever be the same?