Read To Forge a Queen Page 21

  “After your father was deployed along with the Colonel, and Joyce.” Lisa’s voice lost its softness, “Containment and Alignment discovered the mistake and returned me to Holly. They tried to put me into production. Every time they tried to put a developmental in me I miscarried. They couldn’t determine why I kept miscarrying.

  She chuckled before she went on, “they had of course forgotten that I can control my metabolism. It was nothing to convince my body not to be pregnant. Not wanting to lose my medical skills they put me in in a containment team.

  “I was the team medic.” She shuddered, “Patching their wounds up after their escapades. Truthfully they did do some good. There were some company employees and officers, people who caused some harm. Great harm! The team I was on captured people who had stolen from the company or raped and abused clones. Sometimes they killed company officers. The company always wanted to deal with its own problems. They didn’t want the authorities to know what was going on in the company.

  “That was some rewarding work. I helped shut down a smuggling operation that used the company transport system to transport crazy dust. Later I was rewarded by being assigned to a closer team. A team sent out to kill people who the company wanted dead. Hozenbur was the team leader. I didn’t last long. When I found that this team had killed your grandfather, I couldn’t be on the team. I took care of some business and left.” “What did you do,” Jill asked.

  “Let’s just say I rendered justice,” Lisa answered, she wasn’t going to tell her step daughter how she had taken care of the business. “Hozenbur has been chasing me for years because of how I took care of that business. That and because some other stuff I have done to her over the years, she wants me dead.”

  “Is that why Dad is so adamant that you shouldn’t be out where this Hozenbur can get to you?” Jill asked.

  “Yes,” Her stepmother replied. She wasn’t about to tell her step daughter the whole story at this time, “Hozenbur’s been after me ever since. She’s a sociopath among other things.”

  “Mom,” Jill asked her emotions reeling from what she had just been told, “Is there any way I can get this bitch leashed?”

  That got Jill the sternest look she had ever gotten from anyone. “Such language! Jill, the princess was given a confidential message from the CEO of EBio that apologized for not being able to contain this closer team. I wish there was something you could do.”

  Jill wasn’t convinced she couldn’t do something about this team. She was after all the major stock holder of EBio now. She thought maybe she could get a message to EBio headquarters to cease and desist. She had talked to the princess about the closer teams. She was having a hard time understanding why such teams existed. All of the company’s image managers betrayed them as a benign company looking out for the good of humanity.

  “Mom,” Jill said, “I think I am going to talk to the Princess. From what you and the Princess have said, I want the closer operation closed down. I want the Imperial Bureau of

  Justice to find these people and bring them to justice.”

  “Jill,” Her step mother looked at her, “I am pleased that you want to be so responsible and get rid of these people, but there are a lot of former closer’s here on Trena who are trying to do some good! Kellogg for one,” Jill remembered the excitement when Kellogg came to speak with her step mother. “There are others throughout the Empire who are trying to do some good like Kell.”

  “Is there a way to get a message to them for them to talk with IBJ?” Jill asked. “Some way they can help to bring the closer operation to justice?”

  “I don’t know,” Lisa said, “But Jill I don’t want you to go off halfcocked. You shouldn’t even been worrying about this!”

  “How can I not,” Jill responded, “Some agent of my company is trying to kill my family. Has killed my grandfather and I am to ignore it?”

  “Jill,” Lisa said, “I am not telling you to ignore what is going on. I am only suggesting that you be careful not to do any more harm than that’s already being done. I am very proud that you want to deal with this, but don’t be in too much of a hurry to be an adult yet.”

  That just infuriated her. She was not going to let this group of animals kill her family.

  “I know with everything that is going on. That you may be getting over whelmed! That you feel that you have to help.” Lisa said she didn’t want Jill to go off halfcocked. “But you have to help in a constructive way. Not one that causes more harm. I know that we may not prevent you from getting involved; but I would hope that you would let

  Michael, Mylea and Kellogg deal with this.” “But this Hozenbur might kill you!” Jill said.

  “She and her team are going to have to work at it,” Lisa said, “Between the likes of Georgia and the protective team you father has built around us and all the cops that will be at the port. I should be safe.”

  Jill was quiet for a bit lost in her thoughts. She didn’t like the situation; but her step mother was right she could do some harm by going off halfcocked. Finally she said. “Mom, I am worried about you. I don’t know what I can do to help. But I don’t want to cause more problems.”

  “Just be yourself Jill.” Lisa said, “Let’s go see what the rest of this mob is doing.”

  “You know mom,” Jill said getting off the bed, “I have to remember something grand mom said years ago.”

  “What’s that?” Lisa asked as Jill helped her off the bed.

  “If you can’t be part of the solution, don’t be part of the problem.” Jill said as they walked to her door, “the other part I have added, and don’t make the problem worse. I guess by going off halfcocked I could make things worse.”

  Lisa opened the door and let her daughter walk through. Not saying a word. Just nodding.

  Jill would remember their conversation when all hell broke loose the next day.


  She had just gotten home from school, and was going through her after school routine, tablet on her desk, holo set on, and started to change out of her school clothes when the Holo got her attention.

  “Trenaport News Channel with breaking news,” an anchor woman’s voice cut into the program she normally watched, “TNC is on the scene of an attempted assassination of

  Lady Wilson. The incident is still ongoing…”

  Jenny Alkire the head of her personal productive detail burst into her room.

  “You heard?” Jenny asked seeing the holo. Jill nodded. She wanted to ask Jenny what she knew, but she waited. Jenny tilted her head and sighed.

  “She’s okay,” Jenny told her, “Georgia got her to safety. But not before she was


  “Is she …” Jill was afraid that Georgia had been killed.

  “Don’t know,” Jenny said as the scene changed to show an armored personnel carrier roar up the alley between the two hangars and moved a car out of its way. Before the carrier stopped, the scene changed to show a one man air car from the Trenaport Mounted Patrol was firing at the roof of a hangar. The scene changed to the armored personnel carrier rolling toward as a landing craft. It loaded aboard the landing craft which launched even before the front ramp closed.

  “Runaway’s detail copies all,” Jenny spoke out loud, then spoke to Jill, “Everyone’s okay. Georgia has been injured but it’s a minor wound. They’ll be at the Evac Hospital well they’re landing now. Your dad is on his way. He’ll be there soon.”

  “Has anyone told Maggie yet?” Jill knew how close her mother’s house keeper was to her mother.

  “Yes,” Jenny answered, “Tom just told her.”

  It was then that Jill realized that they hadn’t gone to a Mountain Event. She wondered why?

  An hour or so later she was sitting in the family room waiting for her parents to come home watching the news coverage of the event.

  “This is live from the IRS Evacuation Hospital,” The anchor said as the scene shifted. The scene showed
her father approaching a hastily set up press area. Her mother looked tired. Georgia, her mother’s principle agent, looked ashen. She normally was very well groomed with not a hair out place, now looked rough around the edges. She also looked a little sleepy.

  “Lord Wilson!” one of the reporters asked as they approached the press area, “is your wife okay?”

  “Lady Wilson!” another yelled, “what happened!”

  “Settle down!” Pete Vornic called. They all knew that Pete would not make another statement until they settled down. When they did he said, “The Marshal has a short statement, but will not take any questions at this time. Marshal Wilson?”

  “Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen,” her father spoke, “I would like to thank the Royal Protective service, the Trenaport Mounted Patrol, the Space Port Police, the Imperial Interstellar Rescue Service, and other agencies who ensured that the two beautiful ladies at my side are able to be with me this afternoon. In particular to Georgia Lancaster, Lady Wilson’s principle agent risked her life so that my wife can be here with me this afternoon. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to take my lady home and give her a chance to decompress. Like any incident like this, it is charged with emotion and stress it takes its toll on the soul. Both these ladies need time to get past what they have experienced today.

  Good afternoon.”

  With that he walked with Lisa and Georgia to the LC 4 Space and Air Executive Mission landing craft that had brought him to the hospital and would take them to the palace.

  Jill was waiting with Maggie and the Queen for her parents when they arrived at the residence. Lisa saw Abby and picked her up hugging her fiercely. She then hugged Jill as she walked into the residence. She didn’t quite ignore the others but it was obvious where her mind was; she wanted to be with her family. It wasn’t lost on the Queen that Lisa held Mike’s hand all the way into the house.

  “Lady Wilson,” Maggie said, “Do you want me to bring you anything?”

  “No, I’ll be alright.” Lisa said and seeing the concerned look on everyone’s face said, “Guys, I know you are concerned, I am okay. I am going to lay down a while and try to get my head straight a bit.”

  “Okay Mom,” Jill said, “we’ll let you alone. Come on Abby let’s go help Maggie make dinner.”

  “Come on kids,” Maggie called and Lisa nodded to her step daughter. They went into the kitchen while her father escorted Lisa to their room. When he came into the kitchen to check things Jill asked, “Dad may I speak with you in the dining room?”

  “Huh huh,” He said carefully, suspecting what she wanted to talk to him about.

  “I heard they got the guy Dad,” Jill stated once they were in the dining room.

  “Yeah one of the air units got him.” Mike replied.

  “Dad when are you going to get this bitch,” Jill roared, she was upset and needed to vent. Her father was the closest one she could get away with venting at.

  “Settle Down!” Mike snapped. His patience was pulled if not to the breaking point it was getting close. “We’re doing the best we can. I’ve got enough people on it that we should be able to get the job done! I am already talking with the port police trying to find out how this guy got through the system.”

  “We almost lost Mom today!” Jill snapped.

  “Don’t you think I know that?” Mike snapped back. He counted to ten and said, “Jill we can’t do this. I know you are upset, so am I! But we can’t roar at each other! Lisa would kill us both.”

  “She would at that!” Jill calmed down a bit. “She would at that. What does Kellogg say?”

  “Not much,” Mike said, “He’s on top of it; but not even the ex-closer community can find this beast.”

  “Dad is there anything, I can do?” Jill asked.

  “Yes,” her father said, “Keep cool. I know you are upset. But yelling at me doesn’t help the situation. We are doing everything we can do. Kellogg knew the shooter; but because we took him out we can’t talk with him. Right now I need you to be cool and help keep the others calm. We have to get through this. We have to set the example. The cooler we are the better everyone else will be. Besides we don’t want Lisa to kill us!”

  “No we don’t. And she would!” Jill said, “Sorry dad. But I was so worried!”

  “Mike?” the Queen came in the dining room, “How is she?”

  “Shaken up a bit,” Mike said, “A little pissed. She is concerned about Georgia.”

  “I talked to Mac,” The Queen said, “He said she did it by the numbers. She wouldn’t have seen that assassin at any rate.”

  “Yes I read Mac’s, and Kellogg’s report they both said she couldn’t have stopped the attempt. But they both say that her instincts were right on. She got them both into the car and under cover. She even managed to return a couple of shots. I am very pleased with her response.” Mike said.

  “She’s very good isn’t she,” The Queen asked.

  “Very,” Mike agreed, “She is one of the most professional protective agents I have worked with. I think I’ll wander by her place tonight.”

  “She would like that,” the Queen replied, “She feels that she didn’t do her job.”

  “You work fast Aggie!” Jill said, “I mean they’ve been home only a little while and you’ve already talked to Georgia."

  Aggie shrugged. Mike chuckled.

  “Marshal,” Maggie came in holding a plate of sandwiches, “Would you want to take this to Lady Wilson?”

  “Yes,” Mike said and took the plate and left the dining room.

  “Are you okay Miss Wilson?” Maggie asked. “We heard you in the kitchen.”

  “Sorry Maggie,” Jill feeling a little embarrassed replied and saw the look on Aggie’s face, “Thank you both. Now how can I help you Maggie?”

  “Help Abby make some sandwiches.” Maggie said following the girl into the kitchen. Aggie followed them in and helped also.


  “It’s been years since someone took a shot at me.” Lisa said hours later joining the family in the family room, “Not since Hozenbur took that shot at me on the developmental ship. I didn’t even have a gun I could fire back at the closer with. Even if I did, I haven’t had any range time in years. I doubt I could have been effective with it anyways. Poor Georgia,” Lisa felt extremely guilty that someone had gotten hurt because of her.

  “Don’t worry about Georgia,” Mike consoled his wife. He was sitting next to her on the sofa. “She’s not that hurt, and you did more for her than anyone could have done.” “I know Mike,” Lisa said, “But damn it! She shouldn’t have to be a target for me.

  Why is my life any more important than hers?”

  Wilson thought for a moment then said, “In the scheme of things one life is not more important than someone else’s. Sometimes certain people are blessed with positions of responsibility that makes what they do important to all us. So they get the benefits of body guards, and such.”

  “But surely that young lady’s life isn’t to be thrown away.” Lisa said at a lost to understand why Georgia would do what she did. She had known instinctively the men and women around her had sworn an oath to let no harm come to her or her family, and to possibly give their lives so her family might live. She had never thought that it would ever happen.

  “Mom,” Jill over hearing what her parents were talking about interrupted, “I’ve gotten to know Jenny well. She’s like an aunt in some ways. We got to talking about this protective business. I wanted to understand what it was about and why she would put herself in harm’s way for me. I don’t know if I can explain it, mostly because Jenny said it much more elegantly than maybe I can.”

  Jill had her step mother’s full attention. “It isn’t that they want to die, or that they are ready to die. It’s that they know if they can make it harder to kill you or me or Abby, then they have done their jobs, and they look at dying for one of us as an honor. An honor they hope and pray and train all
their days not to have to fulfill. Jenny saw how much it bothered me, and she said that some of their protectees should be thrown in the dung heap. They are a pain and they treat the details as so much furniture. If you pin Mac or Georgia down, they will say that they much prefer us than they do some of the others. Jenny told me she has had on occasion to escort a nobleman’s children. The children were spoiled and caused more problems than she was too professional to discuss. But they like us.”

  That sobered Lisa some more. She was now bound and determined that she would make it up to Georgia for taking fire for her.

  Jenny was standing post just outside the family room where the family was lounging. The door was open and she heard everything the family was discussing. She thought about saying something. Then decided not to, the girl had mostly gotten it right.

  “Francine,” Lisa called softly.

  “Yes my lady,” Francine entered the family room a few minutes later.

  “Would you see to it that an invitation is extended to the detail, their wives, husbands, and families to dine with us on the terrace this Saturday afternoon?” Lisa said, “I assume that their girlfriends and boyfriends have been cleared?” Francine nodded. “Maggie!”

  “Here Mistress,” Maggie stepped into the family room carrying a carafe of tea and glasses for all present.

  “I want to have an old fashioned cook out for the detail this Saturday afternoon.” She turned to her aide, “And Francine, this is just for us, but that includes Mylea and

  Lamile, and the Queen. I want this to be a family affair. The theme is thank you.” “Yes ma’am,” Francine said approvingly.

  “Also would you ask Georgia to meet me in the study if she feels up to it sometime tomorrow, morning or afternoon? I don’t care. We have some photos to go over.” Lisa said. As the servants left and they were alone again. “Jill, thank you!”


  “We almost lost mom today,” Jill Wilson’s diary spoke from centuries before. “They got the idiot that tried to kill her. I don’t know how I really feel about that. Even though I told Dad, good! As I thought about it later, I shouldn’t have gloated over the death of that assassin. It was the second time in less than two months someone had tried to kill my family. Several weeks ago the Theology tried to assassinate Dad, Aggie, and Aunt Mylea, and now an assassin tried to kill Mom. I am glad Dad let me vent. It helped. I am finally cooling out. I hope this is the last time someone tries to harm my family. I hope they find this Hozenbur.”