Read To Slay a Dragon Page 4

loneliness. The door’s latch locked behind me.

  “It’s for our privacy,” holding out his hand, I know he expects an introduction.

  Clearing my throat, I extend my open hand and introduce myself,

  “I’m Lieu…” nearly saying Lieutenant, but “James” instead.

  “You look like a man of military background,” the crooked toothed evangelist persuades.

  Shamefully, I admit, “Sorry. I never served.” Knowing the answer will be further sought after I offer, “It’s why I got this fresh burn mark. Several gentlemen learned I ran from the draft, and branded my face to symbolize I’m an “Absentee.”

  His eyes widen with concern, the pale gaze of his thin complexion is skin chilling.

  “This happened just recently?” the greasy-haired man questions softly.

  Abashment lessens. My troubles fade as I bask in his pampering affection.

  “They have no right doing this,” his cold hand coddling the chin of my face.

  “I too was greatly wronged in the past. But I have severed that hurt from my life.

  “Prepare yourself for the way ahead. Set things proper to start anew in the life to come. There you will begin with a clean slate, with all the knowledge you’ve gathered from this earth, taking it with you to prosper as one given a second chance.” Handing me a glass beaker filled with a clear liquid, taken from a fancy refrigerator, he explains, “This is an extract, holding an opportunity exclusive to few individuals. There is a world that exists all around us. In this hidden spectrum reside guardians that protect us. The hidden will be revealed, in your courage to embrace alteration.”

  “What are the side effects?” I question.

  Studying the clear solution closely, I wonder if this is a test of faith. Waiting to hear his response, I’ll ask, “If this elixir is so wonderful, why give it to an average man such as myself?”

  “I know what you’re thinking. If this elixir is so wonderful, why give it to an average man such as you.” Chills crawl along my neck and arms.

  “I would take it myself, though I have enough voices in my head. I don’t know what the abilities are, that this tonic offers, as each one differs, based on the remnants inside the solution. There could be any number of consequences which result. Schizophrenia. Autism. Memory Loss. Blackouts. Brain Damage. Seizures. Fatality.

  “Most people struggle with depression. This enhancement heightens negative emotion. It takes an individual with a strong will to handle the influences. I see your mind is resilient. This is why you shine beyond a crowd of people. I could have brought in any one of those people walking around you. You stand here with a sole opportunity. Never will it be presented to you, ever again. Through this you will gain fulfillment.” I fear him reaching to take the vile back, leaving me to wonder for the rest of my life what it is I missed out on. He continues…

  “There’s one final detail. You will be sharing your body with another spirit. I let you know this now, so you’re not confused by the side effects, and to understand that you’re not going crazy in the process. The change influences perception of your environment. More than just a stimulant, to better your focus and physical attributes, it’s a partnership. You’ll be joining with an assistant, for as long as you both shall live. Consider your spouse keen as a dragon.”

  “This all sounds so outrageous. But what have I to lose? Either you’re an extremist intent to drug and abduct me, to push my fortitude and test my faith in your words, or all is how you say it is. If you speak truth, I welcome the development.”

  Tilting the contents into my mouth, I swallow the shockingly thick solution. Reality distorts. Black parasites squirm in the residue. Hidden symbols materialize, carved into the walls, floor, and ceiling of the private sanctuary. Some of the images are enticing. Others spark horrifying visions and spawn twisted emotions. Dragon-like arms embrace my body. Claws dig in to the back of my flesh. My skin is removed and dropped as though loose clothing. A new shell, purple in appearance, replaces the discarded flesh. Empty portions span along the surface of my body. In time these divots will fill in by completing the duties I’m expected to perform. As a further testament of the unique abilities I share, I dart outside through the back door of the sanctuary and continue without the use of my legs, to a waste yard beyond the city limits. There I find byproducts amassed in piles of living sludge, made of spineless creatures without character or form. It’s a garbage dump harboring vile waste that people in this city have given up. The piles are feed with the renderings of repentance discarded by angelic caterers.

  “This is the treatment center,” a monotone voice shares. Choose one specimen. Consume it. A portion shall fill on your surface. There are three to choose from: Defensive Power, Physical Enhancement, or Mental Improvement. Decide on what to continually train.”

  There are three massive piles. The green: Dark Magic. Red: Physical Capabilities. And Blue: Mental Stamina. The initial portion I consumed at sanctuary was only part of the spirit. To complete it I must choose a characteristic, becoming of my desire. It dawns on me how distant I have strayed from righteousness. And though I have wandered into a scenario that’s indicative of a dark cavern, there’s still a limited amount of time for me to escape. But in my cold heart I embrace defiance, and favor wrongfulness. I deny turning back.

  I’m drifting from the earth spectrum, into an area where dark spirits reside. Here I’m looked upon with resentment when I travel without the cover of my accomplice. Before I am allowed into the library of ages, to develop the trait I’ve chosen, as knowledge, I must commit the most tragic of crimes against humanity. The evangelist’s instruction for me to move on with a fresh start echoes in my head. The burn of hot steel ignites against my face. I choose to seek out the old man that set me up and played a part in brutalizing me. His death will be justified.

  A week has passed. Canvassing as a well dressed missionary I walk the path to Banner’s terraced townhome doorstep. Landscape features are indifferent, as though I were looking at a negative photograph of the area, when I focus intently during these scenarios involving significant moments. The seeping stench in this man’s yard is peculiar. I tap on his door while a nosy neighbor spies. Using clever devices their phone rings, pulling them away from the window. I slip loose the locks and enter Banner’s home. Waiting for his return, I’ll prove my worth by taking his life. The sun sets, allowing my greater skin to release. Turning from my seat on the couch, to go upstairs, I flinch, seeing a bright light. The inner voice urges I go.

  Reaching the second flight atop the stairs, a blinding radiance catches me off guard as it flashes on brightly before me. In one fell swoop I regret not choosing Defense. The name of the light (which has appeared before me) casts into my mind, showing as the word Shane. He is a man with the traits of an angel. I have wrongfully chosen which spiritual side to serve, imaging the time in the metaphoric cave, and the wayward choice I made to continue rather than back out.

  There’s a grip inside me that tugs. Then a snap! The matter I swallowed at the vile process center (outside the city) is torn away. Looking down blood is spilling, and my strength depletes. If I move forward he’ll finish me off. Retreating, I grab a towel from the downstairs bathroom and pack it over my open wound. Stumbling to a cab, I’m hurried to the hospital.

  The closeness to death in my weakness of life allows for clarity. In my final hours I reflect. The evil presence that was inside me, is still absent from my body. I imagine Shane will banish my immature partner, which had begun to take the form of a young dragon. Analyzing the cult I was persuaded to join, disappointment sets in from my ability to become so easily misled by Jahova, the false minister. I make the decision that it’s better to believe in nothing.

  What is it about religion that draws people to it, making them gullible to man’s absurd testimony? This burdening dilemma is lifted by a divine presence previously hidden in the

  “Man is influenced by supernatural powers, at work, within any religion, differing from God’s Word. Man’s twisted sermon casts dark spirits, influencing negative powers. The demon of false benefit speaks to your heart, susceptibly you offer yourself, eager to consume the lies.”

  Another spirit enters the hospital room. This one slinks in the shadows, its eyes focused on mine. It is the source of Jahova’s power, the demon which I served.

  Looking at the patient adjacent from me, I see the boy has an unusual visitor.

  “Why do you not call on one of your brethren to aid me also?” I speak in thought to the guardian angel, secretly tending to the boy’s health. My continued seclusion instills animosity.

  “It is because you have had your chance, and squandered it, you of the wretched.” I fight from slipping out of this world’s cradle, into a dark abyss that draws open to consume me.

  “What were you kids thinking?” The boy’s mother sobs to the two boys beside their brother’s bedside. “You’re lucky all three of you aren’t sick. Look what you’ve done to your brother. Blood Poisoning! Did you hear his doctor? It’ll take a miracle to save him.”

  She howls another cry. Her despair becomes my only sense of being as my vitals monitor screeches in a