Read To Whom Much Is Given-A Short Christmas Story Page 2

  After school, Chase made his way to Emily’s locker. He only had a few more steps to go when Victoria rounded the corner, and this time she was on his trail. He knew what was coming.

  “I’m sorry in advance!” he whispered to Emily.

  “For what?” she asked.

  “For her!” Chase said as he closed his eyes bracing for the abuse to come.

  “Chase!” she shouted. “Why haven’t you been returning my calls?” she asked.

  “Victoria, I’m done with you. I’m sorry, but we’re just two different people.” A crowd of students had begun to encircle them as if a fight were going to break out.

  “Oh, and I suppose more your speed?” asked Victoria as she turned her nose up at Emily.

  “This is my friend from church, Victoria. I’m helping her with her latest project,” he said. Chase took a look at all of the spectators that had gathered. “A little privacy please?” he asked. The students stood there, ogling. “Hey!” Chase shouted. Disperse!” The grumbling students finally began to move—some of them running away.

  “You are?” Emily asked.

  “Yes, I am,” Chase said to Emily with a nod and a wink. He then directed his attention back to Victoria. “When was the last time you did anything to help anyone but yourself?” Victoria couldn’t answer. “That’s what I thought. Look, go buy yourself another boyfriend for Christmas. We’re done,” Chase said as he took Emily by the hand and led her away to the picnic tables in the courtyard. There were still a few students lingering there, and when they saw Chase leading Emily to the table by the hand, jaws dropped across the grid.

  “Chase,” Emily began as she let go of his hand. “I don’t want any of this. And what’s all this about you working with me on a project?”

  Chase glanced around at the stunned audience and simply raised his eyebrows. They got the message and scurried away.

  “Right...” he started. “...I’m sorry about all of that. I didn’t mean to get you the middle, but I was on my way to speak with you about getting involved,” Chase said as he looked at Emily with intensity.

  Emily’s eyes widened. She began to fidget about nervously. “Um...”

  Chase realized his error. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry...I didn’t mean that way...I’m mean not that you’re not pretty...because, you know, you are...” he fumbled.

  Emily realized his blunder and laughed it off. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “So, I figured that you’re working on some project or cause, because you’re always doing that sort of thing, and I really do want to help someone this Christmas. So, what’s the latest drive?” he asked.

  “Well, right now I’m volunteering at the gift wrap center at the mall. People bring gifts to donate to the kids at the homeless shelter, and we wrap them. Other people come by and pay for our gift-wrapping services. All of those proceeds go straight to the homeless shelter as well. We could use another set of hands,” she offered.

  The homeless shelter...“Count me in,” Chase said with a smile. “When are you going?”

  “Well, I was going to grab a quick snack at the Peanut Shack and then I was heading right over,” she answered.

  “The snacks are on me,” he said with a smile as he grabbed her backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.