Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 14

  No matter how long this madness lasts”


  He got in shock. They had watched Into the Wild a couple of days before.

  He closed his eyes, as his life was depending on that, turned around on his bed again and passed out for fifteen long hours. His birthday and Isadora's would be completely different.


  When he finally called Richard, his manager got... Pissed. Two weeks of vacations and the band had literally fell apart: Eric would need months without playing guitar because of his hand (which was way worse than anyone could've imaged) for one. Jack and Liam had no idea what was happening and they probably were not very happy to hear, less than a week later, that Mike was leaving the band to … No, not to go back to San Francisco, but to stay a while longer in France. With his new girlfriend... Eric's sister. Everything was just too messed up. By the way things were going, they probably would have quitted the band too if Mike had decided to settle back in San Francisco. But in France? No, they had no reason to be there, and Richard simply convinced them to stay. Eric's label and even Tom, were very unhappy at all with that situation.

  Probably just because of the self-destructive moment he had put himself into, Eric told Richard he had an idea to fix the problem: He knew Marie was a decent guitar player and he definitely could use her around now that things had gone south with Alice. After days and days of indecision, he also decided to call the person he least wanted to speak to in the world, because he knew he could count on her to be a guitar player too in his band, and because... Somehow, Eric didn't care anymore. Something had switched inside of him and he didn't care on seeing her again. She would be the only one who wouldn't judge him and the only one that could possibly be by his side at that moment, with the anger, pain and frustration he had inside of him. He knew she had been living in Berlin for a while – She had tried to reach him a couple of times over the years – and he just knew she was going to accept the invitation. It was insane, but the two people he wanted most by his side, were probably the ones he should have kept his distance from at that moment. But as I said, he just didn't care anymore.

  He called both of them and arranged meetings in Paris. He had absolutely nothing to do those days, and was feeling completely mad about being in Paris, because now he didn't want to run into Alice on the street. Pretty small chance, but still.

  Mike got into a lot of troubles for just quitting the band like that, but Eric just didn't care to help him at all. If he didn't want to be in his band, there was a lot of people who would die for that chance. Let him have fun with that lovely family. He hoped their mask would fall off soon enough, Mike realizing the mistake he had done with his life.

  When the time came, he went to the bar where they would meet, and Marie appeared not long after, gorgeous as always. Eric noticed though, that something in her eyes had changed.

  - Hi - Eric

  - Hey

  - Sit, please...

  - Ok.

  They didn't say a word.

  - Another beer, please

  - One for me too, please - Marie

  They looked at each other.

  - So... Hi Eric, I'm surprised you called me... So soon, it's been what? Three, four months?

  - ...How are you, Marie?

  She seemed not to fully understand the question.

  - I'm ok... thanks... How are you?

  - I'm great.

  She nodded, smiling, trying to make fun of the situation.

  - Great, great... I'm happy to see you, Eric.

  - Awesome...

  - So what's up with you? - Marie tried to smile

  Eric went silent for a few seconds before saying:

  - Not much...Here's the thing, I need two guitar players for my band, Marie. For yesterday. I remember that you told me you know how to play the guitar too, so I was wondering if you could be up to the job.

  Marie got surprised. She was not expecting that at all. She finally sat straight on her chair.

  - I need to know, Marie. And I need to know it really quickly. If you don't give me a definitive answer until tomorrow, Richard will find someone else...

  - Wow... Wait, Eric. What happened? What happened to Mike? Are you starting another band?

  - No, same band. Same songs. I need someone that can play my songs in concerts in less than a week. Could you do that?

  Marie didn't know what to answer.

  - I don't know Eric, I guess... But what happened to Mike?

  “It’s none of your fucking business”

  - He's not part of the band anymore. That's all you need to know.

  She slowly nodded.

  - Ok... what about the second one?

  - It's to play my part.

  - Why, what happened?

  Eric shrugged his shoulders and then lied to her.

  - I just don't feel like playing anymore...

  - Hmm...Ok

  Eric kept drinking his beer and looking at the window. The hand that was hurt was hidden in his pocket.

  - So what's up with you, Marie?

  - Hmm, not much. It's been forever since we saw each other, hun?

  - I guess...

  - Yeah, like...was it three months? Maybe four?

  - Yeah, sound about right.... Not that long, really

  - Uhum... Yeah …. Well actually a lot of things happened since, you know.

  - Oh yeah?

  - Yeah... Things got ugly with my parents for a moment there, and even with my friends and everything. Things got pretty hard. But they seem to be getting better, I got a part-time job, and I started taking some classes and making music again... so yeah.

  - Hmm. I see...

  - Yeah...

  - And how's that treating you?

  - It's been hard... I basically lost everyone around me, you know. Friends... And my family is definitely treating me differently...

  Eric nodded, slowly. He should ask what happened. She wanted to be asked. But he didn't want to know, he didn't want to care. Not again.

  - Well, I'm sure you're better off without them.

  She didn't say anything.

  - So... do you have any idea for the second guitar player you need?

  - Yeah

  - Is it another friend? Where he's from?

  - It's another girl. I'll meet with her tomorrow.

  - Oh, she's from Paris too?

  - No, coming from Berlin, she'll only be here tomorrow.

  - Hm...German?

  - No, she's Brazilian...

  - Hmmm

  - Yeah...

  - I'm just trying to make some conversation Eric.

  Eric, a bit melancholic and tired said:

  - Yeah, I know... So, hey, how's your boyfriend?

  Marie didn't react for a second. She seemed to be a bit embarrassed.

  - Hmm... It didn't work out. It's been a couple of months now...

  - Hmm don't say... - He had to smile, probably in a very douche-y way

  She shr
ugged her shoulders.

  - What do you want me to say, Eric? That I should've listened to you? Yeah, maybe I did... But I'm glad I tried... I... you know, stepped up. And it didn't work, so I moved on with my life. Like I told everyone I would.

  - It's ok. I don't want you to tell me anything...

  Eric turned his head to Marie one more time and just said:

  - So... do you want to get out of here or what?

  They spent twenty four hours in Eric's hotel room and it went by pretty fast. They ended up going back to the same pub to eat something and relax for a while. Marie wasn't working that day and because Eric needed to meet up with his old friend. Eric and Marie's relationship had changed a lot and they couldn't say why. In a space of less than twenty four hours, they were definitely not dating... they were just lovers. Eric was not treating Marie that well anymore and was constantly thinking about Alice. Ironic?

  They ordered some food and some drinks and they had almost finished everything when Eric saw a ghost walking outside, on the street. She found the address and entered the pub. Eric stomach turned inside out. He was not sure at all about what that would mean.

  - Eric! Now that's been a long time – She said in Portuguese

  Eric took a deep breath

  - Hey Bella

  - How are you? Wow... - She just sat beside Marie

  - I'm good... - He pointed Marie – This is Marie...

  - Montini, right? - She spoke in French with Marie now

  - …. Yeaah... But how...?

  - I worked for your dad, believe it or not...

  - Oh... Ok

  - Yeah, I still work for the company, but in Berlin now

  - Oh ok, cool...

  - Yeah, what a tiny world, right? … So tell me Eric, what could possibly have made you call me, darling?

  - Hmm, it's been a while, right? Can't I just have missed your lovely company?

  - Ha, of course. I'd like to believe you...

  - …What have you been doing with your life, Bella?

  - Not much, not much. - Isabella – Same old story. Old habits never die...

  - Oh that seems boring...

  - Yeah, well. When you have an ex-boyfriend that is travelling around the world with a rock band, I guess most things in life would indeed sound boring – Marie didn't know they dated, and Isabella noticed it – Oh, you didn't know that, sweetie? Ops... Yeah, me and Mr. happy face here used to date back in Brazil.

  - Oh...ok

  - What about you guys? Are you guys a couple now or anything? - Isabella

  Marie looked at Eric as he gave Bella a quick, very cynic smile.

  - Auch, ok, I stepped in another …. Hmm I don't know the French word for that – Isabella smiled and started to talk to Marie - Never mind. Its ok, sweetheart, I get it. It's not like your dad would've approved it right?

  - Hmm... Actu-... Actually my dad really liked Eric. At first...

  - Oh, that's something! So you've met Big Boss Montini! Interesting... Well, I guess not everyone knows you like I do, right, Eric?

  - So, why I called you Isabella... – Eric changed the subject, in a very rude way, as Bella said “oh ok, that's a good answer'” – I'm having openings in my band, that I would like to bring people I know, instead of some creepy old dudes my manager would find. I talked to Marie, and she got very interested in the idea, so I was wondering if you'd like to join in. I remember you used to play guitar well enough...

  - Wow.... And wait, well enough? Sweetie, I know you want to impress Marie and all, but you should also put in the table who taught you to play guitar in the first place...

  - Ha, yeah right

  - No, no I admit, you were already playing a little bit, but I don't think your neighbors were enjoying it until I stepped in the scene, right? - She turned to Marie – I don't think he wants that in his biography, that he learned to play from a girl, you know … Boys, Hun?

  Eric was looking at her, as if he was asking if she was done with her jokes.

  - So, ok... Yeah, why not right? It's not like I have my dream job at the moment. What's the schedule we'd have?

  - We have to leave soon, first concert is by the end of next week if I'm not mistaken. Do you think you can learn all the songs before then?

  - Most of them, yeah. Just tell me which ones you're playing in the next concerts.

  - Sure, that can be arranged...

  - So I'd have to go to Berlin and I'd be back in a couple of days. I need to deal with somethings before we leave. Besides, I need to pack all my gorgeous clothes and buy stuff. I mean, I'm gonna be a rock star, I need better rock star clothes, don't you think, honey? - She asked Marie, who quickly nodded her head, probably because she didn't know what else she could've done. - See, Eric? Even your girlfriend agrees with me.

  Eric, again, gave her a quick smile, a bit cynical, a bit because he was enjoying it. That's what she did. That's what she would do. He was sure he would get fed up at some point, but god, he missed that.

  - So... I really need a beer, maybe some shots?! Let's drink to celebrate it guys! Come on man... Christ, that's some good news!

  They drank, they talked, and they ate. Isabella, as Eric remembered, still had the same basic personality: in moments she would dominate the conversation, talking non-stop, another times she would get very quiet and just analyze other people’s conversations and gestures. She had a very analytical stare sometimes, with her make-up and clothes helping to make this look of a girl that just doesn't give a shit because she's just too smart for you. That she can take everything, and no one, no one could ever intimidate her. That's what you loved about her, and that's what you'd hate about her: Her capacity of eventually getting to you, usually in a cynical, annoying and hurtful way.

  - So Eric, when did you start fucking the big boss's daughter? - She asked in Portuguese, when Marie went to the washroom.

  - … We've met through a friend, hmm, a bit more than six months ago...I think something like eight months now, I guess.

  - I see, well she's hot, dude, I'll give you that... I'd tap that ass if she was on my bed...

  - Yeah, yeah she is....

  - And its cute the way she looks at you – Isabella smirked – She totally has the hots for you...

  - ...

  - Auch, just saying…It's cute. So yeah, how are you planning to take the Big Boss Montini's daughter on a tour? You know he's not going to like it, hun?

  - Well, that's something she'll have to deal with, not me... - “Yeah, right” Bella said – And please, what's this story with big boss Montini?

  - Hmm.... I don't know... Someone told me that when I started working with them here in Paris. Apparently it's been going on for more than two decades now... Funny thing is, I got to Berlin and the nickname was already there for a long time too... He's … he can be a difficult person sometimes, Eric. Don't think he won't come after you...That guy has money... and I mean, a lot of money. They own half of Europe man... He...He is the type of guy who supports right and left so he can always have his people on power, you know. I'm talking Illuminati shit...

  Eric smirked to the Illuminati reference joke

  - Noted...

  - Hun, she's back...


  The three of them, with a bit more than just a sui
tcase each, took a flight to Boston only three days later. Marie and Isabella would have to be tested by Richard, sign up contracts and everything, but as soon as Eric put Tom in the situation to help them, everything got done. The fact that Tom and Marie were super close probably helped too. Eric was sure that Tom would have flipped his shit with that situation, but he never said anything, which made Eric ask himself if he knew what had happened between him and Marie at all.

  As soon as they landed at the airport, someone was waiting for them with a car. They were taken to a hotel and the two girls passed the next hours talking to Richard and some other people. Soon after they would be joining tours with a “very, very famous band” and that would bring more people to their concerts and would mean more money in their pockets. They had concert in less than a week, and the girls had to learn the songs until there.

  Obviously, Frederic Montini was completely against it. He kept calling Marie several times a day, he tried to talk to Richard and convince him it was a bad idea, trying to pressure everyone he could. He threatened to put his lawyers in the middle of the story and tried to buy hir daughter back. It was useless. He wasn't able to do anything about it, and Marie was pretty determined to do that. Even though Tom told him that Mr. Montini almost got the `whole thing cancelled`, nothing happened in the end and Eric got even a bit disappointed with all the fuss about his name and his influence. Didn't matter. Weeks went by and Marie and Isabella fitted perfectly into the band.

  A few days before Eric's band would start his tour with this new band, Mike and Isadora called them. They've been a bit afraid of getting in touch, but it has already been a couple of months. They seemed very happy. They were trying to make some conversation, saying Eric should go check their new place in Paris (Mike and Isadora were somehow moving to live in Paris because of Isadora's university). Eric felt something he had never felt before when, for the first time, he felt bad for lying to get away from a family meeting. Maybe he really couldn't go, but the fact is that he didn't even tried. Maybe he wanted to. Maybe he didn't want to face what he did on their farewell. Their happiness was too cruel for him, and he definitely didn't want to get caught in the middle of all of that, having to deal with embarrassed looks and awkward moments. He knew he would feel miserable.