Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 24

  Eric also went to the Salvador Dali exposition in Montmartre and even though he took forever to find the place by himself, he had a lot fun wandering around Montmartre. He went to visit the Bastille, he even went to the movies a couple of times by himself, only trying to find things to do during the hours their place was empty.

  He was able to keep that spirit until Sunday night, but even then, with company, he started to feel bored. Monday morning he went to Mike's school with Mike and Marie to check out if he could do anything over there. Aside from his last vacation, it has been years that he hadn't woken up that early and it didn't happen easily. That day, he made sure to wake Gustavo up so he could go to his school on time.

  When the new school got ready, the general feeling was incredible: They had done everything the right way. The schools they'd put together already had a good number of students, they had also made a waiting list for the new culture center, and with the special opening-promotions they had caught another good number of students to join the center. Cultural events, movies sessions, the coffee place...everything was helping to give the impression that they were always full of people, even if they had just a couple of weeks of existence.

  A couple of weeks after its opening, Mike and Marie agreed to take Eric to the meeting's room when they found an available time to have a quick talk. They talked about how the school was working, the projects, the future possibilities....They wanted to make a concert by the end of the summer so that they could raise some money: they wanted to finish the auditorium, fill the office, and finally start paying everything off to finish the school.

  It was really strange to watch them talk about business, because they sounded older, more mature. They needed money, a lot of money, so they could finish everything the way they intended to. They needed ideas. They needed to settle some details about the school's schedule and the whole concept of the school. They needed experienced people to help them. They needed a lot of things.

  Eric was listening, thinking, asking questions: Both Marie and Mike were pretty optimistic, and in the middle of all of that, Marie became the person Mike trusted the most, some kind of director in the center.

  She was about to turn twenty two years old at that point. Mike had just turned twenty three.

  Mike even showed Eric some documents and costs predictions they had made, on the projector. Eric listened patiently for more than one hour while they were giving him that overload of information about the center. It was clear they wanted something with him.

  - And what exactly do you guys want with me? - Eric finally said


  - Guys, come one, I'm here for more than an hour... - Eric smiled

  - We need ideas Eric, We need help, yes. It's a newborn school and most of us don't have much experience...well, with anything, actually. We need ideas, and we'd like to know if you can help us with ideas.....

  - Well, honestly, I think you guys are making an incredible job...

  - Yeah, but we have some serious decisions to make in the near future. And I personally would like to get rid of a bit of my debts soon.... - Mike smiled

  Eric thought for a moment.

  - Well, man I can try to think about something, but you know....I don't work with that. I honestly have no idea how I could possibly help you... But it's a lot of money, man. You know that. You were aware of how much money you were investing and how much money you actually have...

  - I know...

  - ….What time is it by the way?

  - Eleven thirty...

  They kept talking for more fifteen minutes and finally they all had to do their own thing. Soon enough they would go have some lunch, so they needed to leave everything in order to be able to take a break.

  - You guys don't teach in the mornings?

  - Well, not that much....sometimes.... depends on the day, to be honest

  Eventually they got Mike's car and went to grab Isadora and Gustavo.

  It was however, a very weird lunch: Gustavo was trying to study a bit, as Mike, Eric and Marie were definitely busy thinking and talking about the school, and Isadora was worried about a friend, but she didn't want to explain why.

  They had to run back to the school because Mike and Marie had to teach some classes that afternoon.

  Eric stayed by himself in the meeting's room with all the documents Mike had showed him before, with some questions and ideas that he started to write down on a paper. It took everything from him, because he was feeling no pleasure at all doing that. He had an assistant to help him if he ever needed anything, but she seemed very busy, so he didn't dare to bother her. Eventually he decided to go by himself to buy a coke and something to eat when he felt like it. He got tired and/or distracted several times, so he checked his emails, Facebook, YouTube, news websites....and as he also started to get tired of that, he went back to the documents. It was this vicious circle for several hours, until he got exhausted, with a headache, and decided to call Lucas. With the help of the projector and a good camera, they had this really nice conference. He explained what was happening with the school to Lucas and Isabella (who eventually joined the conversation) and during the conversation he was actually walking around the room, without much notice of it.

  Isabella and Lucas didn't quite know what to say in the beginning but soon enough they started to brainstorm ideas. Small ones, some that could actually result in something, some other completely crazy or even stupid. He wrote down everything he could.

  One particular idea, that he already had considered, got the center of the discussion and they discussed it for a long time, but Eric would need to talk to Tom about it.

  Eventually, he even got fed up with that conversation. They finished the call and he ended up going for a walk, he bought another drink and just waited for some time while Marie e Mike were still busy, Isadora at school, and Gustavo nowhere to be found.

  There was this small but really nice public square (with nice benches and trees) near the school and he decided to stay there for a while, reading a book.

  He got back to the school almost an hour later, made a couple of phone calls and at last he started looking at the classes (some of them you could see the classes going on through a glass) and talked to people in the school. Truth is he felt lost just waiting so long for them: Almost six hours and a half after they had their lunch together Marie and Mike were finally done for the day. They got the car and headed home. After a bit (a lot) of traffic, they got there.

  The dinner happened pretty late that night, and everyone seemed tired. He asked Mike if they could have a meeting soon and they decided to give Eric some time to talk in this meeting that was planned to happen in two days. That way, he would have enough time to talk to Tom before that.



  “Dear Eric,


  I'm glad to know you're back in France, getting better and with your family. I'm sure there were some pretty hard times you had to face, and maybe still are, but I'm sure it's normal the lack of prospect you're facing right now.

  But I wouldn't worry that much: I'm pretty sure you'll know what to do when the right time comes.

  As for me, as I mentioned before, I'm back to my academic life, finishing my program, working and dancing on a ballroom dance school, as some sort of assistant for the classes (believe it or not). Even though my schedule has been a bit crazy, my life is going pretty well. I do miss France like crazy though and I also miss spending time with you and your family.

  I imagine we should talk soon - there were too many things we left … unfinished, Hun?

  About my writing essays, I'm afraid to say nothing so far has shown itself publishable, but for sure I can send you some of them in case you really feel like reading it and helping me with some critics.

  I really don't know when I'll be able to go back to Paris... I would like to be there with you guys right now, but in any case what I can tell you is that my house will always be here for you. If you really don't know what to do with your time, I would suggest you to take some time off and travel by yourself: that could do you some good, don't you think? I strongly recommend the Giverny Gardens, where Monet used to live and Rocamadour, a pretty cool city, from where I bought you a small pingent, which is probably arriving soon by mail. I think I mentioned both of those places to you already, didn't I? Anyways...

  I wish you the best.

  Send my love to your family and everyone around you.

  Keep your faith in people and in life, man. Wish me luck, I will keep doing the same to you.





  Alice Martins”

  The pingent arrived two days later and it was some kind of Celtic coin with this Celtic sign that was supposed to be related to Eric's birthday. He didn't find it that compatible with his personality, but he found it quite pretty and started to wear it anyways.

  It was a really cold Tuesday and Eric couldn't help to think that it was probably starting to get a bit where Alice was.

  The only thing he could think about in the days that followed was her and the several messages they would exchange.


  - Hey, is everyone here, Mike? - The meeting started with Eric speaking.

  Marie was seating by his side with this huge cup of coffee (smoking hot) in front of her. She was visibly tired.

  They started a video conferences, one with Isabella and Lucas, one with Tom, and the documents, graphics and costs in the other projector, on the other side of the room.

  - Please, bring us some water and make sure we are not disturbed.

  They were seven in that room at that point, until Eric's dad and an incredibly attractive young woman got into the room. They quickly said hi to everyone and sat down.

  - Morning...

  - So, we are here to talk about some projects...

  - You wanna start Eric?

  Eric looked to Marie and then to Isabella.

  - Well, basically what I'd like to talk about is the idea of organizing not just a concert in the summer for the school, but a whole festival. Cultural Festival... I mean, we are a culture center.

  Silence in the room

  - You know, renting a big place, make dance performances one day, competitions in the other...Music performances, competitions, we can call some people to perform know.... The students could help to sell the tickets, for the competitions we can ask for a small fee to select the participants and register them all... you know, I think there are several good details we could use to make this happen.... But it's just a small idea, I'd need to talk to you guys about that for more details, you know. - He spoke really quickly. He felt a bit stupid for saying you know ten times in ten seconds.

  - … How big are we talking about, Eric?

  - Like, freakkin big... let's dream about it...

  - Hmm...

  - But Eric, I don't think we have a name to do something like this yet. Nor money or people that understand how to do something like that.

  - I know....But hey, Jan can help, I can help....We can hire people, call for volunteers, friends...

  - … What about the money?

  - Well, I guess you have enough money for the beginning of it...

  - But what then? You know these things usually end up costing more than planned... -

  - I know but...Mike, We are here. We have three people from the band here. Two in the States that I imagine are not that busy right now...

  As Mike didn't say anything, Eric kept talking.

  - Come on man, of course you thought about something like this. We can call students to play with us in some songs, we can make money with the video recordings, pictures, t-shirts, souvenirs, parties, alcohol...- He paused – And hey man, you know Chad and Taylor?

  Mike got visibly surprised

  - They agreed to help us out, without getting the official deal. Even with some of the kids if we assure the kids will play it right... I talked to them already, they're cool about it.

  A different kind of silence reigned in that room.

  - Eric...

  - Man, it would be in like...six months, maybe more...After winter, you know? We just have to find good dates for Chad and Taylor... but I’m sure we can figure it out easily. We can announce it will be our, you know...back to road shit. We would have time to write new material until there... And we will have people coming all the way from Portugal to Russia for a cool festival. We sell the tickets in advance, we re-structure the festival as the money gets in.... Alice has contacts with some super cool journalists here, they can help us with spreading the info.... You know, I'm really talking about a cool festival, with several days of performances and things to do around town... It's an amazing opportunity for profit... To do something big.

  - Yeah, but we're still talking about a huge amount of money, Eric. Something that I don't have.

  - Well, you alone, but with me … and I dunno, maybe Tom and Marie can get into this as investors with you... We can go after some sponsors...


  - Come on man, you need the money. The potential profit can help finish this school, or just help it to have a better budget...

  Marie was looking at Eric's eyes. His father slowly started to smile across the room. Mike stayed in silence for a moment.

  - Vincent

  - Yeah...

  - I want you, Eric and Marie to have a meeting later on and write down all of this in the most detailed way as possible. Research as many details as you can so we can have an idea how much it would cost.

  - Alright, Mike

  - Then we'll meet again in, let's say in three or four weeks, and it will be shared with everyone. We'll discuss it, modify it, and so on... Then we'll see from there. Tom? Would you mind giving it a look to guide us a bit?

  - Of course not, Mike – Tom smiled

  Eric smiled, confident. His father smiled at him in approval, as Isabella, Lucas and Tom. Marie actually winked at him, proudly smiling.

  - Ok, let's keep going guys, about the assistants...



  “Dear Alice,



  I'm sorry for any mistakes, but it's been a while that I don't write a letter in Portuguese...actually it's been a while I don't write anything at all in Portuguese.

  On this side of the Atlantic everything is going well, except for the fact that you are not here and we can't have our
conversations about love, life and everything else....

  Mike's school is doing great, and I feel that he's going to accept my idea about the festival. You should see how cool his school is becoming.

  Thanks a lot for the advice about travelling and the pingent: I'm probably going to visit those places this weekend.

  I don't know why, but I really feel that I need to be alone for a while... I'm not sure I can just dive into all of this without being a bit more... prepared.

  I got really happy to know things are going well for you too. I wish you all the luck in the world with everything. You deserve it.

  If you care to accept one advice (out of pure experience): Enjoy while you are free. While your creations are yours, and only yours. Enjoy being unknown, the silence, your own perspectives, your peaceful bed, your true feelings and lucid intuitions. Enjoy the possibility of sleeping eight hours at night. One day, maybe only this small detail will be very appealing to you...

  Living the way I live seems and always seemed very natural to me and even if it wasn't easy to get here, it was indeed pretty fast. So when I see the way you believe in your dreams and how you're fighting for them, I truly believe that you'll find your way to make them happen soon enough.

  I just wish you'd know that I do miss you a lot, and even after the way we let each other go, I still feel your thoughts around my life. I hope you can forgive me for what happened and realize that you don't have to apologize for anything. I was stupid for letting you go, and I won't make that same mistake again, even if just as friends.

  I hope you stay well, that you have fun and that you're able to live fully.

  I wish you the world.

  See you soon.



  Eric Meirelles

  PS: I attached a piece of my writings for you. I hope you like it.”