Read To the crusher Page 1

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  Claudia Del Prete

  To the crusher

  To the crusher

  Copyright © 2012

  Zerounoundici Edizioni

  Cover: image


  It was late June and the sultriness of the first afternoon it made the walk fatiguing in slope, or it was only perhaps the advanced age that made that more binding run to Carmine than you/he/she had been in the preceding years. Advancing along the path that divided in two the uliveto, it held the hands in the pockets of the job overall.

  It was the mechanic of the country and down there all knew him/it but at that time, while it was climbing him along the uneven path that conducted from his/her house to the old crusher, that was situated really on top of the hill, nobody could see him/it neither to recognize him/it.

  You/he/she had fought for a long time against his/her own conscience before taking that decision, dopodiché you/he/she had told his/her wife: «Niné, goes to buy some pieces of exchange!» and, with the gun inserted in the right pocket of the overall, was gone out.

  On top of the hill it attended him a woman: it dealt with a woman of the east, on the about forty, with the blonde hair and the very clear complexion; Carmine didn't even remember of what color they were his/her eyes, since it generally limited him to quadrate her/it from head to toe and to shake the head trying to send away from his/her mind the misogynous thoughts from which you/he/she was punctually invaded.

  The only bond that there had been never among the two you/he/she had come to miss: Charles, the child of the elderly gentleman, had lost the life in an accident I domesticate few weeks before. The old Carmine was convinced that the person responsible pits the blonde woman, that had astutely encircled and maneuvered Charles, dissuading even it from his/her duties of father towards Paul, fruit of his/her precedent marriage with a woman by now dead.

  Joint behind the crusher, Carmine stopped him and at he looked around. Indignant, he/she thought that the woman had decided not to present himself/herself/themselves to the appointment.

  Before the man could start to orally inveigh, turning insults to colei that he believed absent, Sonya you/he/she made capolino among the trees under which you/he/she was sheltered for not leaving but the sun you/he/she burned her the white skin.

  The old one hardly saw her/it, she stopped him. It was to his/her left, with the hands in the pockets of the jeans and the fixed eyes on him. It had a green shirt, soaked of sweat: to testify him/it, two great dark stains under the breasts, other two under the armpits and a wide vertical strip behind the back. A lukewarm gust of wind offered her an appearance of relief, immediately supplanted by the tension.

  «You you/he/she has brought what I have asked?» he/she asked the foreigner.

  Its words played as the noise that a dagger would have provoked tearing the veil of the silence, fixed in low to the earth and aloft directly to the sky.

  «And' here, in my pocket.» he lied, moving the right hand that now, rather than to tighten the handle, covered the weapon, so that through the fabric she didn't understand of thing him it treated. With the left hand it dried the forehead, moist of sweat, then if it polished up her/it rubbing her/it on the job overall it, faded by the continuous washings and dirty of fat and dust to the height of the knees.

  «Well!» she exclaimed, then it ordered him: «to Make to see, now» making some footsteps in his/her direction and turning upward the palms of the hands, ready to receive what it was up to her.

  «Not yet» he responded «First you have to tell me the truth».

  «You thing wants to know?» churches her, stopping himself/herself/itself and nailing the hands on the sides.

  He thought of us some: now that that woman had to few meters of distance, in a place in which nobody would have arrived at least up to the next day, you/he/she was inserted among the rational demand to ask her explanations and the irrational impulse to grasp the gun and to aim her/it to him against to put elegant, once and for all, to his/her insipid life, made of predicaments, jewels and subterfuges.

  The birds, with their chirruping, they seemed to want to suggest him something to say for breaking that silence, again become oppressive, but Carmine had the dry mouth and a knot to the throat. That woman, come by the east to bring away Charles all of this that of value he had been able to offer her, you/he/she had also brought away finally his life. The man that was at that time her before it didn't have doubts around what she deserved for what you/he/she had done but first he/she wanted to know how you/he/she had succeeded in putting his/her malefic plan into effect.

  «Thing you have done him?» the churches finally, after having so for a long time hesitated.

  You responded with an interrogative look; it didn't perhaps understand to thing the old man it referred.

  The man kept on staring at her/it waiting for the confession that that woman had not had the dignity to do in front of the police.

  «Me done nothing!» it said her, that evidently found in the look of the man the explanations of which it had need «Only found your child to earth and called doctors».

  Carmine shook the right hand to feel himself/herself/themselves master of the weapon, but above all to unload the anger that that woman shifted in him with that way of speaking of his and with the conceitedness to give to also drink to him the version of the facts as that the police had accepted true.

  Put under pressure by the insistent look of the man, that footstep after footstep the he was approaching, Sonya howled him against, as if with the voice he/she wanted to stop his to advance:

  «My husband to change light bulb and him fallen. Me done nothing! Now give me my money and me it goes away!».

  He didn't stop drawing near.

  «You will have your filthy alone check when you will have told me the truth» it told her when it was nearby sufficiently, grabbing her/it for the smooth and thin hair.

  The oral insults that the woman started to turn were appeased only him when him, more and more irritated by its words and by his/her tone of voice, you/he/she extracted the gun from the pocket of the overall and you/he/she pushed her/it to him against the chin. Eyes in the eyes, the two looked him for some second. Grey, they were: two grey eyes, framed by a green pencil that made to jump the intensity of the look. The dilated pupils howled its fear and a veil of tears him you/he/she was interposing between its jailer and she, to want to prevent her from clearly seeing what was almost happening her.

  Carmine had the sweaty hands and grasped the so strong gun to succeed in feeling the small prominences that gave roughness to the handle. Sonya had the short breath and the terror on the face.
br />   «Me he/she doesn't want money; you leave alone and me it goes away» it started to implore him/it «Me he/she wants only to go away. No money if you he/she doesn't want to give.»

  «Self-acknowledged:» insistette the old one «thing you have done to my child?»

  In tears, the woman kept on begging him/it: «I pray You, she lets me go. Me it won't make to see anymore!»

  «You won't go from any part until you won't have told me what you have done him!»

  «It is all right» her been decided «I dictate: Charles, to change light bulb please. Him climbed on staircase and then me pushed so him fallen with head on marble of the table and lifted anymore not.»

  The old one pushed her/it holding her/it for the hair and it threw her/it to earth. Turning her defamatory words, it started to strike her/it, repeatedly. His/her child was dead and his/her nephew had lost the only parent that had remained him: a hit for the one, a hit for the other and then anchor and anchor.

  «Me you/he/she has done that because he beat me» Sonya howled between a kick and the other «He beat me as you you/he/she is doing, then it gave money and gifts not to call police.»

  Carmine didn't stop him.

  «He also beat his/her Paul child!» it added, hoping that the man stopped crushing her/it.

  «You are a liar!» it howled her. It struck her once more, dopodiché he stopped.

  The woman threw on the bust and, exhausted, she sat him in front of him.

  «You allow to go now, please» it begged him/it, panting «Me it goes away. If you it gives money, me he/she catches train and it doesn't make to see anymore.»

  Dopotutto was this the accord: Sonya would have returned in his/her Country in exchange for a notable figure in money and you/he/she would not have had anything pretend on the real estate ownerships of the dead husband.

  The old one looked at her/it, indignant:

  «A woman prepared to put on the dignity under the feet for a check doesn't deserve to live!» it said an instant before shooting four hits in her breast.

  Sonya shelled the eyes. It had only the time to go himself/herself/themselves the hands to the abdomen and to send forth a moan, collapsed then to earth and stirred anymore not. New stains appeared on the green shirt, but these would not have disappeared when the breeze had succeeded in drying the others.


  Two days later, the body of Sonya was found by a farmer. In to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident, the enquirers hypothesized that the woman had reacted to an attempt of rape, victim of he who remaining, not having succeeded in getting the contact that desired, you/he/she had still given outlet in more incisive way to his/her need to appropriate some woman.

  When the dead body was submitted to the autopsy, he discovered that Sonya was pregnant.

  The woman, having probably discovered to expect a child, you/he/she had contrived a plan that annulled any possibilities that his/her child suffered the violences that the child of his/her husband and she daily had to bear. If you/he/she had escaped and her husband had found her, coming to know that meanwhile you/he/she had become mother, you/he/she would have been able to recover himself/herself/themselves his/her child but Sonya he didn't want that destiny for his/her child. Even if herself had not been happy, you/he/she would have given at least to his/her child the possibility to be him/it, even at the cost to get soiled himself/herself/themselves of a crime that in other circumstances you/he/she would not have committed. And then of certain he/she didn't want to end as the first wife of Charles: it was dead for a fall from the staircases; «it distractedly Stumbled while the staircases and the fall it went down it was her fatal» you/he/she had been her said but, after the first days of cohabitation with Charles, Sonya had understood that down from the staircases the poor girl there had probably been inclined.

  In the moment in which Carmine knew about the pregnancy of the woman, it realized to not only have killed the daughter-in-law that had never accepted but also to that that of there to a few months his/her nephew would have become: the child of his/her dead child and therefore the blood of the blood of his/her blood.


  It was late June and the sultriness of the first afternoon it made the walk fatiguing in slope, or it was only perhaps the advanced age that made that more binding run to Carmine than you/he/she had been in the preceding years. Advancing along the path that divided in two the uliveto, it held the hands in the pockets of the job overall.

  It was the mechanic of the country and down there all knew him/it, but at that time, while it was climbing him along the uneven path that conducted from his/her house to the old crusher, that was situated really on top of the hill, nobody could see him/it neither to recognize him/it.

  You/he/she had fought for a long time against his/her own conscience before taking that decision, dopodiché you/he/she had told his/her wife: «Niné, goes to buy some pieces of exchange!» and, with the gun inserted in the right pocket of the overall, was gone out.

  Carmine was behind the crusher, again.

  You sat on a trunk lain down on the lawn. Its eyes were placed on the grass transennata, still bloodstained; then him risollevarono and they caressed for the last time the decrepit boundaries of the place in which the old man had spent the infancy.

  A hit of gun served volar by the birdies as the surrounding trees. The chestnut eyes of he who unconsciously you/he/she had destroyed an innocent life they got up to the sky and then they were closed. Forever.


  The author

  Claudia Di the Priest is born to Caserta in 1987. It achieves the diploma of scientific maturity with the maximum one of the votes in 2005, year when it participates in the XIII Olimpiade of Philosophy qualifying himself/herself/itself to the 1° place in Campania and to the 3° place in Italy. It frequents the Master" Gestalt Counseling" near the ASPIC of Caserta and the Faculty of Sciences and Psychological Techniques near the university Fred II of Naples. It collaborates with Coffee News Magazine and it autonomously manages the page Facebook" Testanuda."

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