Read Today Calls Tomorrow: A Love Story Page 9

Mohit said, “Purvi, we are not building our dreams. It is there.” He pointed to the building right ahead. There was a light decorated building standing tall and beautiful. It was decorated with flowers and lights. The sunset made it look magical.

  Mohit took her to the palace. It was dark inside as they stepped towards door. With every step they kept, the lights turned on.  There was a middle path way in the hall with a capacity of 250 to be seated which became visible with every step they kept.

  Every step they kept,

  Life found uplift!

  The glowing lights,

  And the flowery sights,

  Heart almost skipped a beat,

  For Purvi could not believe her feet.

  There was a special arrangement made on stage for Purvi and Mohit. As they both walked towards the stage, the music began and the red and white balloons where dropping down on the floor in controlled pace. Out of three corners on the stage, came out singing “Shree Sisters”. Bhagyashree, Rajashree and Kavyashree were known singers in the state and they began with a love melody. The soothing melody and the chorus from 50 others made the walk of Purvi and Mohit welcoming. As they approached, Mohit took Purvi to the center of the stage and knelt down.

  Slowly all the relatives walked inside the hall from all the corners and doors, occupying the seats. Mohit and Purvis parents were on stage on either side.

  Mohit looked at Purvi and said, “How lucky I am, to be amidst all my friends and family and witness this moment. Purvi, we will not build our dreams. We will live our dreams. I want your support for every phase of my life. Will you help me live my dreams?”

  Purvi was tears, she held Mohit’s hands tight, knelt down too and she said “Mohit, I don’t know the fortune which brings me here, I don’t want a life of riches and luxury, I don’t want a life of complex terms, what I want is, you to be around always, what I want is your love to sink in and around me always, what I want is the love of our parents, what I want is our dance and our school”

  Mohit’s mother and Purvi’s mother both took one hand each of Purvi and put a bangle to her hand, one each. Mohit was hugged by both fathers.  Every one clapped. Almost every one is the hall had tears. It was one witnessed moment which no one would forget in the life time.

  Thirty Six: The Celebration

  The evening had turned everyone emotional. Mohit had a new definition of happiness. Purvi cried out of happiness. Aakash, Anwesha and Sumit had experienced so many heart touching moments that they did not exactly know what was keeping them all smiles. Both the families were spreading the happiness. It was a mini world filled with a positive energy, certainly with everything to its peak.

  Before the day ended, most of the members of the family and close friends got onto the stage and spoke few words about family, Mohit and Purvi. There was a grand dinner arranged with the entire food specialty from the locality.  The menu was too much to count and too very much even to have a taste. The dinner had a perfect ending with variety of Pan’s supplied!

  Just before everyone was about to return back to the room, Mohit’s father had an announcement to make. He went to the center of the dining hall and said,

  “From tomorrow, with two more days left for the wedding, we will have some traditional events as well as family events. Tomorrow there is going to be a food fiesta. Both the families are going to cook. The family which serves the best lunch is going to be the winner. There are more rules, which will be announced tomorrow. However, the best food will be decided by the judges. Now, we are going to decide on who will be the judges.”

  There was a bowl kept and everyone was asked to write their names on sheet of paper, four fold it and put it inside the bowl. Everyone did so. Mohit’s father announced that he and Purvi’s father will pick a sheet each and they will be the judges. Mohit’s father, took his turn, shuffled all the sheets, he picked one, dropped it down again, picked another, dropped it down again, picked another and announced, “The judge from my side is Sumit”. Every one clapped and Sumit was hell excited. He was dancing with fun. He went to Mohit and whispered in his ears, “Bro, we win tomorrow!”

  Next was Purvi’s fathers turn. He shuffled all the sheets and picked up a handful. Dropped a few back, again shuffled them and kept two. Out of two, he randomly dropped one and announced, “The second judge is, Poorna”. Poorna was jumping. You should have seen Sumit’s face when Poorna’s name was announced! Both Sumit and Poorna were called on to the stage and everyone clapped. Sumit was pushing her from his hand to stand far and so was Poorna. Sumit had decided that by any means he has to get Mohit’s family the badge.

  There were hugs and good night wishes marking the end of the day.

  Thirty Seven: The Heart Beats

  Nothing could have been any better or special to Purvi that night! She called Mohit, Aakash, Anwesha, Poorna, Sumit and expressed her joy.

  This is the night,

  Beyond my sight.

  I see my love every where,

  And his shower of universal care.

  When he is around, I fell like a little puppy,

  And then i go out wild like a dancing hippe.

  My prince charming is not the frog,

  i have not even waited too long.

  Our family with power blessings,

  I’m witnessing all dil-dance happenings.

  My friends are my support, they are my love,

  My family is my heart and i beat for them!

  My life , my love, My Mohit,

  Being with you is super-hit!

  Thirty Eight: Food Fiesta

  Everyone was up and ready by morning 8.00. It was the day to treat self and others exhibiting the cooking skills. The climate blew chilled wind. Everyone was packed with warm clothes. Both the families were ready to cook and were hyper excited to win the game. Sumit was all geared up to be the judge. Aakash and Anwesha had taken oath to Purvi that they would win. Poorna was still standing apart clueless on what she would do or was supposed to do.

  Mohit’s father announced the rules.

  The cooking hall had every possible ingredient decked up

  From each family 25 members can cook

  The judgment will be based on number of items as well on the taste

  The time would be 3 hours

  Both family needs to cook for 500 people

  The competition begins at 9.00

  There was an hour remaining to plan and decide. Both the families teamed up with 25 and began with the plan. Mohits’ family decided to cook as many items as possible. Purvi’s famly decided to cook with best taste and worry least about number of dishes prepared. Sumit and Poorna were both taken to different room. They were not made known on what is being cooked at each end.

  Mohit’s family decided to cook the traditional dish “Dham ”. It is usually cooked during wedding ceremonies. It often includes rice, sweetened rice, curry, curd and other things. They also decided to use red rice which is locally grown.

  Purvi’s family decided to go with delicious masala omelette. As they were not very much aware of traditional manali dishes, they decided to go for north Indian dishes and as well cook momo’s.

  The music was on with loud beats and both the families enjoyed cooking.  The three hours time limit passed at rocket speed. As the zeroth hour approached, dishes were arranged on the table and Sumit and Poorna were called to decide on which dishes were cooked the best. Purvi was signaling Poorna on which dishes to select. Poorna grabbed a spoon and she started tasting the dishes. She was way too hungry and irritated sitting idle in the room and looking at Sumit. She tasted all and said, “It’s time for results!”

  Sumit interrupted and said, “I have an idea! We have lot of food cooked here. Let’s go to charity or some organization and feed the hunger and needy! Let them decide.” Mohit’s father was impressed. He said, “Son, That’s brave. Let’s do it.”

  Bus was called and all food was packed in. All the family members carried the food to an ol
d and children care center. They all together served the food. There were even physically disabled kids. Mohit and Purvi took the opportunity to feed them. They took the small kids in their arms and spoon fed them. Everyone was busy treating others and looking them smile. People at center thanked them for the good food. Everyone was so happy that they forgot it was competition and while on the return journey they were all thanking Sumit for the idea. It turned to be super overwhelming.  All through the journey, Poorna was looking at Sumit with crooked eyes trying to say something!

  Thirty Nine: The Unusual Conversation

  That day afternoon post lunch Sumit went to his room to rest for a while. As he reached his room, Purvi and Poorna were already inside. As he entered the room, Purvi said in loud voice, “Poorna, ask him sorry. That’s not how you treat my friends!”

  Poorna had told everything about what she had done to Sumit. Sisters generally share everything. The incidents were also among the shared stories. Purvi looked at Sumit and said, “Am sorry that am fixing this late. She only told me this morning.”

  Sumit was like, “That’s okay, That’s okay. She is still small. I understand.”

  Purvi replied, “Small? Is she small? She is four years younger to us. That’s not small. That’s more like a grownup donkey, with little brains. Whatever!”

  Sumit started laughing. He said, “Let’s not make this an issue.  It’s not