Read Together Again Page 3

  Chapter 3


  Leaving the Park was terrible. They couldn't bear to tear away from each other, but it was time to go. Walking toward the parking lot they traded little kisses, but nothing like the one at the top of the Ferris Wheel. They were both dizzy with the emotions they felt. Ray had never felt this way about anyone before. Lori was floating on clouds, almost not seeing where she was walking. These feelings were the most intense she had ever experienced.

  The time together had been so brief. Ray had wanted to kiss her more... so much more, but like a fool lacked the nerve, then ran out of time. And she had even been receptive to his advances. Oh, her lips… They were naturally pink, even without gloss. The feel of their softness against his own lips now burned in his memory. Her skin... oh, my... It was like the softness of velvet, no... softer. There had been so much left unsaid, so many kisses lacking, so many things left undone.

  That night they talked on the phone, but it had to be careful and brief due to the restrictions put on by Lillian's mom on phone use. But what could they say? How could they describe the intensity of their feelings? They could hardly put into words what they each had experienced that night. It would have to wait until they saw each other in person.

  Lori was about to explode with exhilaration... she almost could not contain it. She had experienced boy-crushes before, but this… THIS was altogether different, especially how her body responded. This was the sweetest, the purest emotion she had ever experienced. How could possibly be wrong? She wanted so much to share it with her cousin. But she was afraid to share too many of her feelings and experiences with her in case it got back to her family in Cuba. If they caught wind of it, how would THEY react? Would they come get her, take her back to Cuba and put her in an all-girl school, or worse, a convent?

  Ray had made up his mind to give Lori his new high school ring, but would she take this heavy clunky thing? What if going on a date with him had been a passing fancy for her, and maybe change her mind about Ray? Did she really say she loved him? Had he REALLY heard those words? Maybe he’s misunderstood. Maybe he was just entertainment for her. The doubts kept piling on and tormenting him. It was Friday and he would have to wait until Monday to decide about the ring. He knew it would be to be a long weekend.

  On Monday he got to school early and waited near the area where Lori and Lillian were usually dropped off. He played with his recently acquired class ring on his finger as he paced around waiting for her. Ray just HAD to do something to show his feelings. He had made his decision – he was going to give her his ring today. He had pushed aside the doubts that had clouded his thinking and knew this was the right thing to do.

  She arrived and beamed her brilliant smile at seeing him. She had hoped he would be there... and there he was! After saying goodbye to Lillian they walked off to where there were fewer people and held hands. After a few minutes, he couldn't stand it any longer and stole a kiss from here. Once again he experienced the incredible softness of her lips, and her eyes sparkled amazingly.

  After some affectionate small talk, he looked into her soft eyes and got up the nerve. "Lori, um, would you, um, wear my ring? It's brand new, and a little heavy, and maybe a little ugly..."

  She lit up immediately. "What? Are you 'chure'... me? To me?" Smiling at her accent he slid it off his finger and put it in her open hand. She squealed and held it up to her eyes. "But this is jur NEW ring. Are you me?"

  "Of course, I'm sure! More than I've ever been about anything. I would love for you to wear it, to remind you of me and how I feel about you." She appeared to be breathing hard then threw her arms around my neck. Her scent and touch of her skin made him dizzy. She pulled away and looked around for others watching, but no one took an interest. She clutched the ring in her closed hand and held it against her chest, with the biggest grin I've ever seen.

  "I see other girls with a big ring, ju know, on a chain. Now I have one!"

  "I guess you are my girl now," Ray said, his heart pounding.

  "And you are my boy, yes? For chure?" The bell rang and they had to go their separate ways. She ran off, looking for Aleci... she had some huge news to share with her. The rest of the week went by fast. They would touch each other as they passed in the halls, sending secret love messages from the heart through their eyes. Ray had never been happier.

  Several days later Lori showed up at school, eyes red and swollen. She had been crying all night. "Ray," she said choking, "I have to tell ju something."

  He was not prepared for the heartache that was coming so unexpectedly...