Read Together Forever: A Druid's Curse Page 7

  “Well, it would seem that we’ve found the one with the most power or at least the one with the least control…” Lugton reached for Ariana to assure her that everything was okay. “It could be that she is the focus of all of your powers. Gwynn didn’t flinch, Corra screamed, and Ariana seemed to absorb everyone’s pain including her own and she could not control the power that the gods have given her…” Morrigan began. “Yes you could be right, but let us leave that for after the ceremony, when we begin their training.” Lugton wanted to finish so that the sisters could rest from their branding and the rest of the ceremony that would last until morning. “As you wish Lugton. Shall I have the feast brought in?”

  Morrigan himself had been fasting for several days in a personal observance of the new moon and tonight’s feat was to mark its end.

  “Yes have the horn blown to bring in the villagers and their offerings.” During many of the ceremonies the villagers were included in order to provide the food so that the order could concentrate more on prayer, and other ceremonial preparations such as the gathering of the mistletoe or slaughter of the white bulls for other ceremonies.

  A loud trumpeting sound vibrated throughout the forest summoning the villagers. Within minutes blankets were placed around the great bonfires and the food on the blankets. All types could be found… soups, meats, breads, vegetables, fruits, wines and ales. After everything was set and everyone stood back in complete silence…

  “Gods, we your faithful servants have gathered tonight to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring, to honor Belenos, and to pray that this years plantings, herds and even ourselves are as fertile as you would have us to be, for this is the celebration of fertility… Bring forth the first offerings to the gods.” Lugton finished the short prayer shortly after midnight. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the forest and the people feeding the fires that represented the gods…

  “Now let us feast!!!” Lugton bellowed and the feasting began. Torches were lit around the grove so that all could see the various blankest of food and drink. As with most feasts it felt as if it would continue forever. A few days later the cattle were again lead to pasture and the fields were being prepared for the spring planting. This spring Gwynn , Corra, and Ariana would not participate in the planting, this season they would be in training…

  Chapter 30

  “I personally will oversee your training. I feel that although the others are well trained in meditation, prayer, the sacred ceremonial rites, and the history of our people, none of them have powers such as yours. I do not have a power such as yours, mine is but a small power in comparison, yet the gods have seen fit to show me the ways that you must control your powers. My power is only that of moving objects with a thought. This power has been in my clan for generations. Yet I cannot tell you how your powers came to be except that they are blessings of the gods.” Lugton spoke to the sisters as they hiked into the highlands to begin their training. By sunset they had reached the plateau where their training would be undisturbed… “Do you know how far your powers reach? What exactly can you do?” Before beginning the training, Lugton had to know where their limitations lay. So they discussed it over a light supper…

  “We know that when we are scared or facing a threat, things explode, implode and catch on fire. As we have told you the stories of the Roman soldiers, and the sailors, Jauqce and Claude, and as you saw at the ceremony extreme pain can also bring on sudden actions that we are not aware that we are causing them to happen.” Gwynn told of the worst of their uncontrollable powers. “Sometimes we know what is coming before it actually comes, but not very often.” Corra offered a bit of information to help Lugton in deciding how their training would be structured. “No matter how far apart we are, we are always connected. We feel what the others feel, and we can speak to each other without actually talking.” This was the first that Ariana had spoken since the induction ceremony. “We will begin with the last power that you mentioned. I am going to tell Gwynn something. Then, Gwynn, I want you to concentrate and Corra and Ariana I want you to concentrate also and if either one of you think that you know the word or words, come to me and whisper it in my ear, so that the other does not hear it.” Lugton then leaned over to Gwynn. Within moments Corra and Ariana were both at his side with the correct phrase, “Fires of Beli.” They continued at varying distances and each taking turns of being the Asender.” Each time they tried they got the words exactly as Lugton said them and at the exact time.

  “It seems that you have already mastered this aspect of your power.” Lugton was not amazed by the strength of their power but he was impressed. “This power has always been with and the strongest one.” Corra offered. “Yes, I can tell. It is growing dark, let us retreat to the camp site and test your power of fire that Ariana has already demonstrated…” Lugton was very curious about this power that he had never seen used by anyone before. Slowly and silently they walked to the plateau from the forest to their campsite. Their tents still stood at the edge of the forest, yet near enough to the forest for firewood and close to the downhill stream to fetch water without delay. They all gathered stacks of wood not only for the campfire but also for the next test…”Gwynn since you are the oldest, why don’t you try to light the fire first?” Lugton offered. Gwynn concentrated alone and at the stack of wood only a small spark flashed, smoldered and then died out. Corra tried next but nothing happened. Ariana stepped forward and a blaze leaped from the wood and just as quickly the flame died away. “Well now, we know for certain who has the most power when it comes to fire. All three of you try it together. Concentrate only on the small branches, then work your way to the logs on the fire.” Lugton stepped several feet back, he knew that they would have a fire quiet soon, and at within moments a fire roared and they began to cook their supper. The girls were so tired from their sessions that they hardly talked, and after cleaning up and extinguishing the fife they went immediately to bed. The next day they awoke and continued training with fire for the next several days. Lugton felt that this deadly power need to be controlled by each one so that no one would ever be hurt by their power unless they intended for such an incident to happen. The sun rose and set many time but by the next full moon Ariana was able to start and control the fire alone. Another week passed and Gwynn and Corra both had learned to produce the fire but not to control it. Two more days passed and by that time they could start the fire and control it on their own. “You have all done well with fire, but it seems that Ariana is the master of it. Ariana I want you to continue working with your sisters to control the flames. Now for the next lesson, Corra see if you can move that rock that is by your hand with only a though. Concentrate solely on the rock let the world become silent. There is only you and the rock…” The rock shook, then began to float at Corra’s head. With only a thought she hurled the stone to the stream and watched it sink in the water.

  “Very good Corra, now Gwynn it is your turn.” Lugton was quite impressed with Corra and only hoped that they others would do as well in his on strength. 1 Gwynn cleared her mind, nothing existed in the entire universe except for that rock, and slowly it shuttered, rose about a foot and then fell to the ground with a loud thump. Ariana then tried but her efforts were futile, it only shimmed on the ground and nothing else. “It appears that Corra holds the strength of movement. But with time I am sure that all of you will be well practiced in this. See that small boulder over by the stream, I want all three of you think only of that boulder and its new destination, over there by the large oak tree.” They all looked at the boulder. The sounds of the birds singing, left them, the sound of the stream gurgling was behind them as if very far away… Slowly the boulder began to shake, then it rose steadily, and slowly it floated to the new destination by the woods. For several days they practiced with movement, as they had with telepathy, and with fire. Soon they had control of fire, movement, and they already had their thoughts and images to each other down pat (that was the easy of all t
o do). Lugton continued to drill them on every aspect of mind control that he could think of. Although quite dangerous he hadthem practice implosion and explosion on apples that he placed very near to each other. Rows upon rows of apples sitting next to each other, and only certain ones that were destine to be exploded or imploded. With each session each girl grew stronger and stronger in her powers given to them by the gods. In just a few short months in which no one had seen any of the other villagers, or priests there was nothing else for Lugton to teach or train them in. “You have all learned quickly and well. There is nothing more that I can do. I have overseen your training to ensure that you can control your powers, but your gifts have surpassed my limited knowledge. Tomorrow your training of the druid ways will begin with Morrigan, tonight sleep well for the knowledgethat you are about to embark on shall seem endless…” Lugton left them in the clearing so that they could have a short time to themselves, not as training Druids, but as sisters…

  Chapter 31

  For months they memorized the ceremonial rites of the festivals, as well as how to prepare the sacrifices, both animal and human, although this secretly repulsed them, yet it was their new duties as Druids to offer up the sacrifices that the gods and goddesses called for. They learned the laws, which they had not learned before being taken by the Roman soldiers. Along with the many festivals and ceremonies that they had to learn, there were many deities that they had never heard of as mere villagers, but as Druids there were many other gods and goddesses that had to be worshipped properly, or else risk the wrath of the gods falling upon the whole village.

  Finally after six full months, when the seasons began to change, their training was completed. With the changing of the season travelers began to journey home from sea voyages for the winter. A “golden rule” of the Druid/Celtic society was that any stranger that asked for food and lodging received it, with no questions asked, until all of his needs were satisfied.

  The sisters welcomed each stranger as a friend and served them only the best that they had to offer. With each new visitor they learned of old friends thought long passed over and family that had moved away. Also with each visitor came a lessening of their supplies…

  The cold had descended and taken a tight grip on the small village, and with the cold snow came one with a heart of ice to the door of the sisters…

  As was customary, they gave him hot water to wash, wine to drink and enough food to satisfy three men and a warm place to rest by the fire. They asked no questions as the man silently ate… he offered no conversation which was unusual, for every one had heard of the Druid Sisters and their adventures in Gaul, and they asked questions and in returned offered news from afar. Yet this stranger did not even offer his name to the sisters.

  Dinner was finished and things were put away in silence. The girls did not even speak to each other, at least not externally… The man’s ominous presence frightened them and his glaring looked warned them to ask no questions.

  The room glowed a pale orange overhead as they turned into their rooms for prayer before bed. Prayers finished they laid down to sleep, and the mysterious man sat on his pallet gazing into the fire. Late into the night when all were asleep all except for the man, he stood and stared into Gwynn’s room for a long time and slowly he began to walk towards it, without making a sound…

  Before he could reach the door Ariana was awake and watching his every move. Silently she called out to her sisters to awaken for there was danger from their visitor. Immediately they awoke, but did not move. He entered Gwynn’s room, and she sat up as did the others. “Is there something more that we can do for you sir?” Gwynn asked quite politely, all the while he came closer to her bed. “Yes, there is something that you can do for me.” He whispered into her hear as he grabbed her by the arm and began to force her down. “I’m sorry but that is one thing that I do not offer to any visitor, especially one so secretive that he will not tell us his name, his homeland, or even his business in this area…” Gwynn continued as she wrestled away from his grasp, and her sister’s rose from their beds and came to theirs sisters room. “You dare to deny me what I would have? Do you really not know who I am?” He asked as if he were the most important person in the universe. “I’m quite sorry, but we do not.” Gwynn said with the confidence that this man was not as important as he would have them to think. “I am the Highest priest in your precious Order of Druids, I am Teautinwada of the Sameneanesus. Now that you have defied the Celtic law of hospitality to me you will be taken to your elders. I will see to it that none of you survive until the next moon…”

  They had heard of this man, of his evilness, but never had they imagined that he would come to their small village. To their very home and try to take from them that which only belong to the them and whomever that gods had chosen for them. “We can take care of him right now, and no one will ever have to know that he was here.” Corra screamed silently to her sisters…

  “You are wrong, the entire high council knows that I have come here to posses that which the gods have created for me. And yes I know who you are, and yes I know of your powers, and yes I can read your thoughts just as you can read each others thoughts as you wish…” His green eyes seemed to glow red with the fire lit as he began to laugh a hideous laugh that said in its sound that he is the one and only who has all power.

  Chapter 32

  There was no trail, there was no judgment by their peers, there was only the sentence by the council…

  Because the High Priest has brought charges against you that your hospitality was not satisfactory, you are hear by sentenced to death by his command…

  The fire burned with the intensity of the noon sun in the deserts of Africa. The wood crackled and Ariana remained silent as the flames that she had at one time controlled so effectively now consumed her flesh…

  The icy water gurgled over Gwynn as she was repeatedly forced down into the frozen river… Corra screamed as the silver blades were placed at her heart and at her throat…

  Slowly death began to overtake them, but not before the highest pries Teautinwada cursed them… “Because you denied me what I rightfully deserve as high priest of the gods, I not only sentence you to a painful death, but I curse you that you may not find peace for thousands of years, your lives shall continue for ages, and each life will end early and in great tragedy…”

  Epilogue Part Two

  And so ends what began the beginning of their journeys throughout the centuries. We can only ponder if there are more like them in existence. For unless they come to us there is no true way to discover what others may know, or may in fact not know, for it may be buried so deep that they can no longer reach the memories without our help…

  Dr. Alfred Cline


  Dr. Samuel Skinner

  Part Three

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The pages that follow are mere glimpses into what the three sisters went through. None of the following are complete accounts of their lives down through the ages. They are merely summaries of the most important events that occurred in each life. We present them to you as they were presented to us. In no order, or none that we have been able to determine.

  To the girls, Katherine, Victoria, and Annabelle, there may very well be a subconscious reason why they told their stories in the order that they did, but when asked directly, without hypnosis they barely remember the events that they described to us, let alone a reason why they tell them in the arrangement that they do.

  As you read each life, you may think back to their present lives, or you may recall their adventures in the time of the ancient Romans and Celtics… We can only wonder if this cycle will ever end… But this we will never know…

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Western United States 1833

  A searing pain shot though her shoulder as she ran to the edge of the clearing. She dared not look back for if she did they would surely catch her and that she would not let happen. She would die by her own
hand before she would be taken by the white men that followed her…

  For days she had been kept bound and forced to watch the beatings, and the rapes of her friends, and eventually their deaths. Finally when the others were all dead, they turned to her, but as soon as her ties were undone, she ran with all of her might.

  Darkness was falling as they pursued her through the woods. She knew that if she could elude them until complete darkness, they would tire and return to their camp. The moon was covered by the storm clouds that threatened the first snow of the season. As the darkness continued to worsen the men indeed returned to their camps and left the cold, injured woman alone in the wilderness…

  She hid in a fallen tree that had been hollowed out by the years of weather and animals… The woods finally became silent with the retreat of her pursuers and she eased up from the ground, her shoulder burning with pain and slowly dripping blood from the bullet that had pierced her body…