Read Together Forever: A Druid's Curse Page 9

  “We are not sick so why are we here?” Sara silently asked her sisters. “Who knows why any of us are here at this camp, let alone this set of buildings…”

  Anna could tell that her sisters were becoming scared. Part from the unfamiliar surroundings and happenings and part from being around so many scared people. They were in essence pickup and amplifying the fear from the other children…

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  France Spring 1096 A. D.

  The sun was setting and the halls were beginning to fill as the guest arrived and the servants set out the beginning of the nights feast. On the balconies over looking the main dining hall the ladies stood chatting and the men lounged on the main floor discussing what they would do as just a few short months before Pope Urban II at Cleremont had given a moving speech…

  “…I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ’s heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot soldiers, and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends.” Many in the great hall murmured that they had also heard that the Pope had offered Papal indulgences, which promised the immediate remission of all sins for those who chose to join the Crusade against the Seljuk Turks. Other conversations across the room where asking if it was for Christendom that they would be fighting, or perhaps it was a way to combine the forces of the aristocracy against a common enemy, and therefore since the constant bickering among the nobility. Others believed that it is Gods will that they fight to expel the Turks for the Christian Holy Lands. They felt that the Seljuks had already taken parts of Romania and it would only be a matter of time before they turned their eyes to Italy and then to France. Now was the time it strike with a deadly force, a time to gather the men into armies and quelch the Infidels before they headed for the men’s home lands. Soon the cry within the hall could be heard throughout the entire house… “Dieu li volt!” (God wills it!) A light sound began as the troubadour began the first of his many performances for the night. The servants distributed the mead and those who did not want mead had a never-ending supply of wine from the Duke’s own vineyards. Someone banged on the table with a goblet and the crowd became silent…

  “I propose a toast… To our magnificent host, Monsieur Dupree` for having all of us here as his guest and for presenting us with such a wonderful fare in wine from his own vineyards and the excellent feast soon to be before us… “The crowd responded with loud, enthusiastic cheers as everyone raised their goblets in salute to their host, Duke Jacques Dupree`. From the balcony the Duke’s daughter peered down at the men as the women continued their conversations. “I don’t believe we’ve ever seen him before,”

  Amanda whispered to her sisters.

  “He is quite handsome, perhaps papa will introduce us to him,” Rebecca commented as she sipped her wine. “I hope he has some friends, or perhaps brothers that are as handsome as he is, otherwise we may have to fight over him,” Marie` laughed as they stared at the stranger that had given a toast to their father and held them enthralled merely, by the sight of him.

  The bells rang letting everyone know that the main meal was about to be served. Ready for the chance to meet this stranger the ladies went down and joined their father, while the other ladies joined their families. “Girls, allow me to introduce you to Monsieur Monticello from Venice, Italy. Monsieur Monticello my daughters – Rebecca, Amanda, and Marie`.”

  “A great pleasure to meet you ladies…” Philipe` Monticello said as he took their hands and kissed them. “If you will wait one moment, I will find my brother and cousin…” Monticello said as he went in search of his family. “Perhaps we will not have to fight over him.”

  Amanda said as he was returning to them with two men just as handsome as himself. “Ladies, my brother Carlton, and my cousin Antonio.” The men lead the ladies to their seats beside the Duke and their brother, Edward. The bard began playing his lyre and singing of amore`. The servants brought out the main course, which was composed of but not limited to roast beef, boar, and venison. An abundant array of boiled and roasted vegetables ranging from potatoes, carrots, asparagus, onions, etc. Other servants made their way through the throng with pitchers full of mead and wine, keeping all the guest goblets filled. As people filled their stomachs, some began to dance as the troubadours played. The Italians came to the Duke’s daughters and in unison asked … “Ladies may we have the honor of this dance.” Delighted they arose as the gentlemen took their hands and led them to the dance area…

  “Look father, did I not tell you that they would all like each other?” Edward inquired of his father. Edward had met them in Venice while studying art in that area. “You were right, Edward. I don’t think I have ever seen your sisters so happy. There are so few noblemen in this area with which we are not constantly bickering over land rights. If the Lord wills it…Oh who knows what will happen, after all the night is still young, and this only their first dance together. Let us just wait to see what will happen without getting our hopes up to high.” The Duke was sad that he had not been able to arrange marriages for his daughters in the area, but times among the aristocracy was complicated. No longer were the nobility a brotherhood. Noblemen had adhered to their own agenda of greed. Perhaps, if things went well something could be worked out with the Monticello family, and his daughters could leave France before things grew worse. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and conversation and dancing. Around 12:30 folk began to drift, making their way to their carriages…some to rooms that the Duke had prepared for them earlier… Others simply slept in the dining hall where they had passed out from the drink and merriment. “Ladies, it appears that the night is coming to a conclusion. Your father has already retired, and even your brother Edward is retiring.” Philipe` said as he waved to Edward who was ascending the stairs.

  “Has father prepared a room for you or are you staying in town at the Inn?”

  Amanda queried Carlton, hoping that he would be staying. “Unfortunately, no. We are at the Inn. I do not know how Antonio and Philipe` feel about your sisters,” he pointed to the fireplace where the other couples had gathered and were chatting, “but I would very much like to see you again.” Carlton looked bashfully away, fearing that she would show no further interest than that night’s event.

  “Well least find out. Philipe`, Antonio—”

  Amanda called them over to the table where she and Carlton had returned after their last dance. Marie` and Rebecca followed close behind them. “Yes Amanda.”

  Antonio asked but continued to gaze at Rebecca, as though if he dared look away she would disappear. “How would you, Philipe` and Antonio like to return tomorrow night for supper? Of course it will only be father, Edward, and us.”

  Amanda made no pretenses about wanting them to come back. “If I may answer for my brother and cousin,” Philipe` began, “we would be more than honored to return to the company of such exquisite women!”

  “Then it is agreed – Tomorrow night at 8:00.” Rebecca said as they began walking their new ‘friends’ to the door. “Yes, tomorrow night,” Carlton said as he kissed each one on the cheek. “It will be an eternity until tomorrow,” commented Antonio. “Thank you ladies for a wonderful evening. The opportunity to return to your home tomorrow.” Philipe` said as the servant helped him with his cape. With a thud the door was shut and bolted, as the Monticello’s were the last guests, still awake, to leave. Thus ending a night of unexpected joy for the Dupree` sisters…

  The servants busied themselves cleaning the Dining hall and Dance areas and made those that had fallen asleep downstairs more comfortable. The girls headed upstairs to their rooms where their maids had already prepared their baths. As they undressed they talked about that nights events…

  “Can you believe what happened tonight?”

  Amanda almost squealed as she stepped out of her skirt. “I don’t believe I have ever met anyone as charming as Antonio,” Rebecca
said as Sally helped her off with her blouse.

  “I do believe that I could spend the rest of eternity in Philipe`s arms,” Marie said with utter delight in her voice…

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  It seemed like an eternity before the day turned into night for the Dupree` sisters who were anxiously awaiting there guest in the atrium. The sun had set and they sat in silence staring at the stars and contemplating what the night might possibly bring, not just for themselves, but also for each other. The sound of horses approaching brought them out of their reverie…

  As much as they wanted to run to the door to meet Philipe`, Carlton, and Antonio, they remained in the garden waiting for the Henry to let them in and escort them to the garden. They could here the knock at the door and Henry speaking to them and taking their capes. “The ladies are in the atrium, gentlemen, if you will follow me.”

  Henry placed the wraps in the closet to the left of the front door, and called for Justin to take the men’s horses to the stables. With each footstep the sister’s anticipation grew. “Ladies, I do believe that your beauty has increased ten fold, since last we met.” Philipe` had no qualms about flattering the ladies in such a manner, for he truly felt that if he traveled for a hundred years, he would never again find women that were as beautiful both inside and out as the Dupree` sisters.

  “Thank you Philipe` and may I say that you, Carlton and Antonio seem quite handsome as well.” Marie` commented, as she took Philipe`’s hand and led him to the bench. Rebecca and Amanda also arose from their seats, making room for Carlton and Antonio. The sun had set and the fullness of the moon lit the garden as if they were sitting inside with lamps. A clanging came from the entrance way as Melanie brought glasses and a bottle of wine, and Teresa followed behind with a tray of freshly baked bread, crackers, and an assortment of cheeses. “Do you want supper in the dining hall or would you prefer it to be brought here to the garden Ms. Rebecca?” Melanie inquired. “If it is alright with everyone,” Rebecca looked to everyone, “I think it would be quite romantic to have a night picnic.” Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

  “Very well Madame.” Melanie and Teresa left to prepare the evening meal to be brought outside. “Will your father and Edward not be joining us this evening?”

  Antonio asked Rebecca. “No, father had business with Monsieur Grey and Edward went with him. So we have you all to ourselves, no business tonight only pleasure…” Rebecca replied adding this last piece of information so that only Antonio could hear it. “Wonderful, there is always time for business and so little time for true pleasures,” commented Carlton, for he had overheard Rebecca’s whispered remarks.

  The night was spent in quite conversation as opposed to the previous nights loud and crowded festivities. The group talked of hopes and dreams, of adventures that the men had in pursuit of business ventures, and of trips yet to come. The food arrived and it was a repeat of last nights feast, only on a smaller scale.

  As everyone finished with glasses of wine in their hands each couple separated to different areas of the garden….

  “Amanda, I know we haven’t known each other but a few hours, but I feel as though God created us for one another,” Carlton turned his face towards the water fountain to his left to keep Amanda from seeing him blush.

  On the East side of the garden near the exit to the vineyards a similar conversation was taking place…

  “Rebecca, may I ask a question of you? If it is none of my business just tell me so.”

  Antonio gripped Rebecca’s hands as though he were a drowning man and she the life preserve.

  “Yes, Antonio. Ask what you will…” In her heart and Mind Rebecca knew…

  “Oh yes, Philipe`! I know that father has not made any arrangements and I thought perhaps that is why Edward invited you here. And if Edward thinks enough of you to bring you here from Italy, then I am sure father will approve.” Marie` exclaimed as Philipe` held her tight.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  The next day before noon Philipe`, Carlton, and Antonio stood awaiting the Duke and his son in the library.

  “Do you think that there will be any problems Philipe`?” Carlton asked. “Now why would there be any problems. After all, is this not why Edward invited us here?”

  Antonio said before Philipe` had a chance to answer. “So gentlemen, you are here again.” The Duke and Edward shook each of their hands. “Yes sir. May I say that we have enjoyed our time here,” Carlton began. “And might I add, the fine company of your beautiful daughters.”

  Antonio said. “We have enjoyed your company also. But let us do away with these pleasantries and get to business.” The Duke was a man of immediacy, whether it is the business of his vineyards, or family affairs.

  “We would like to ask for your daughters’ hands in marriage. As I am sure Edward has told you our father’s are dead, being the eldest Monticello, it is left to me to negotiate the marriage arrangements.” Philipe` commented as he handed the Duke a new pipe filled with fresh tobacco and Carlton the Duke’s pipe as well as Philipe`’s. “Very well. I am willing to grant you each 10 acres to build a home and to farm if you choose to live permanently in France, or 200 pieces of gold each if you choose to return to Italy with my daughters.” Duke Dupree` puffed with pleasure on the pipe.

  “We sir, are willing to remain in France and work with your vineyards to sell your fine wines to our merchants in Italy.” Philipe` offered, knowing that this would benefit not only the duke but his holdings in Italy as well.

  “Gentlemen, I believe we have reached a mutual arrangement.” The Duke shook Philipe`s hand again as Edward rang for Henry. “Henry would you ask my sisters to come in?” Edward asked. The ladies entered and acted surprised to see the Monticellos so soon.

  “You wanted to see us papa?”

  Amanda hugged her father, followed by Rebecca and Marie’s hugs.

  “Yes dears. I assume that you remember the Monticellos from your evening meal last night? I will also assume that, considering the fact that they were your guests, that you like them. They have returned today for a very specific purpose, of which I am sure you know.” The daughters remained silent, awaiting the words that were sure to come. “That purpose, my daughters, was to request your hands in marriage.”

  “And?” Rebecca asked with anticipation.

  “I said yes, and they have also agreed to build your homes here in France, and help with the distribution of the wine.” They jumped to their feet and jointly embraced their father. They immediately began planning their weddings…

  Being sisters who were now engaged to brothers and a cousin, they planned one large wedding for the group on June 11 of that year.

  Chapter Forty

  Every nobleman in France and many from Italy along with their families arrived the night before the wedding. Agan as on the night that the Dupree` sisters met the Monticellos, the castle’s halls resounded with voices and laughter from the crowds. The servants kept every goblet filled. “The armies are forming to march on Nicea. Bishop Adhe`mar of Le Puy has been able to reach the heads of all the fiefdoms in France and a great many in Italy, and requested them to send any able bodied man to fight.” Earl Ferdinand said with enthusiasm. “I myself will both be able to attend, but four of my sons are leaving next week, as well as twenty of my finest and strongest servants.”

  “Edward and I will be leaving next week also,” the Duke looked towards the stairs where his 3 beautiful daughters stood with their fiancées, greeting every guest. “And what of you’re soon to be son-in-laws?” The Earl also turned to look at them. “They look to be in fine shape. Mighty fine soldiers they will make I’ll wager.”

  “That will be their decision. They may stay and run the vineyards, or fight as they choose. Rebecca, Amanda, and Marie` all know how to run the affairs of the house and the vineyards.” The Duke did not like the Earl, but it was wise to “keep your enemies closer than your friends.”

  “If you will excuse me Duke I
believe I see Sir Woodruff and I need to get to him before the mead does.” The Earl laughed as he began making his way through the crowd.

  Throughout the evening there was much talk of the “Holy War” against the Turks. The celebration ended early so that everyone would be rested for the wedding festivities. St. Luke’s Cathedral was filled with aromatic and colorful flowers and candles. There was not enough room in the sanctuary, so many guests stood outside in the churchyard, while others returned to the Duke’s estate outside of town. After all, many only attended the wedding to have an excuse to be at the reception afterwards.

  The choir sang as the wedding procession prepared and again sang several hymns after the ceremony was completed. After the ceremony Duke Dupree` invited everyone to the estate for festivities. As on previous occasions the food was divine and the wine heaven sent. Still the topic of conversation for everyone was the Turks. Even the Bards had written songs about the men who were to leave their homes…

  “Her eyes welled up beside the fountain, and she sighed from the depths of her heart. ‘Jesus’ she said ‘King of the world, because of you my grief increases, I am undone by your humiliation, for the best men of the whole world are going off to serve you, nothing matters now,’ for he has gone so far away….” That was one of many ballads that were being performed. That night in France and Italy and other countries as well, ballads were being song in there own languages.

  Chapter Forty-One