Read Tom Willoughby's Scouts: A Story of the War in German East Africa Page 22



  The Air Patrol

  A story of the North-West Frontier.

  Illustrated in colour by CYRUS CUNEO.

  In this hook Mr. Strang looks ahead--and other books have already provedhim a prophet of surprising skill--to a time when there is a greatMongolian Empire whose army sweeps down on the North-West Frontier ofIndia. His two heroes luckily have an aeroplane, and with the help of afew Pathan miners they hold a pass in the Hindu Kush against a swarm ofMongols, long enough to prevent the cutting of the communications of theIndian army operating in Afghanistan. The qualities which marked Mr.Strang's story, "The Air Scout," and won extraordinarily highcommendation from Lord Roberts, Lord Curzon, and others, as well as fromthe _Spectator_ and other great journals, are again strikinglydisplayed; and the combination of thrilling adventure with an Imperialproblem and excellent writing, adds one more to this author's long listof successes.

  "An exceptionally good book, written moreover in excellentstyle."--_Times_.

  "'The Air Patrol' is really a masterpiece."--_Morning Post_.