Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 29

his body in a very slow maneuver. Tom laid his head back and stared at the white cylinder mentally ordering himself not to resists to the scanner’s scanning bringing pain each time it hit him. He grimaced when the scanner hit his sensitive part and gritted his teeth as it traveled up its entire length then sighed once the device bypassed the area.

  He mentally thought as if compelled “Restraints off.”

  He heard click sounds and felt the restraints restraining him break apart but kept himself lying on the bed in a still position. The scanner he assumed was the red tube like was felt travelling up his upper body then hit his neck. He groaned loudly from the pain as it began to hit his face. Tom forced his face to remain in a blank position while inwardly grimacing from the pain as the scanner traveled the entire length of his head. He sighed as the pain stopped once it reached the end of him. Tom saw the device slid by his entire body and back into its former spot with no red light shown from it. He sighed and didn’t comment as the bed was moved out from underneath the cylinder. Tom got ordered by the Highlander there to get up and put on his clothes. He obeyed to feel sleepiness hitting him went to the chair seeing it had wheels on it and sat with arms folded shutting his eyes. Tom blinked his eyes abruptly from feeling a hand patting his cheek. He opened his eyes raising his head finding himself in the High Council’s throne room while restrained in a chair. He saw he had chain manacles on his form as Anubis he saw removed his hand.

  He frowned finding the familiar Highlander speaker was there that spoke “Says free yourself from the restraints of the chair now.”

  He felt a headache of his mind scanned. Tom felt himself confused to recall the scanner test and freeing himself from the manacles of the scanner’s bed.

  Tom mentally spoke “Restraints off.”

  He found his order obeyed by the restraints of the chair breaking apart into two pieces. Tom sighed seeing that there was room for him to pull himself out and get up from the chair where he stood folding his arms.

  He spoke “The results of the test you did on me? I like to know.”

  He got from the Highlander speaker “Says all in good time is when you’ll be revealed the results. We have to analysis the results first to be sure that their accurate then will share it with you as soonest as possible.”

  He frowned but refrained from commenting a remark as the scene changed to find himself in a bedroom facing Barry seated on the bed.

  Barry spoke “What the High Council said is speak for ‘We’ll tell you when we think you should know’ period.”

  Tom felt his mood flattened hearing Barry’s words as the male continued talking “Some time ago the High Council used to share various things with their servants and their motives for what they wanted for their orders. This stopped when their wants were sabotaged repeatedly over and over by their own servants and their enemies as well. So now they don’t share various information related to their wants and orders. The information the group shares, is on a need to know basis only. That’s related to their orders and their motives as well.”

  Tom frowned hearing that as Barry continued “It’s up to you to get yourself the needed sleep and nourishment while between orders by the High Council. Don’t expect further help from me on this area. I can only answer certain questions you ask. The group says I can answer on but off subject questions I can’t answer them.”

  He exhaled a breath through his mouth then inhaled through his nose to speak as Barry became silent recalling something “How tuned are the Highlanders towards the Meritanians in the area near their base anyway?”

  He frowned as Barry spoke “Ah what the Meritanians say every single Highlander on the base can hear their words. So can some non Highlander individuals including myself as well. Just don’t blab the fact that I can hear them to the High Council. They already know of this. They don’t like being reminded that non Highlanders can hear the Meritanians while living on their home base.”

  He frowned to hear a male voice sounding in his mind abruptly “High Council I would advise you against having Mindbender teaching your servants Combative Art training. There are Freeloaders detected hanging around who are still set on having a First One do the teaching. The Freeloaders will do what it takes to keep other species from taking the job period. Sorry High Council, think of something else anyway.”

  He heard from Barry as Ramses he assumed became silent “Freeloader is the High Council’s name for the species you refer as Keo.”

  He stiffened hearing Barry’s words as the male continued talking “They’ve been detected hanging around in Shadan one hundred First One years ago. The Freeloaders have been responsible for acts of sabotage done to the High Council. The Keo species as you called them wound up dubbed Freeloader. That's from the Freeloaders detected stealing various things from the High Council’s home base. The Freeloaders has kept up the behavior despite the group’s attempts to get them to stop. I suspect that their responsible for the High Council having a need to know policy around here when it comes to sharing information among their own servants.”

  Tom continued to stiffen as Barry continued to talk “I suggest you go get some nourishment and sleep now. You never know when the High Council will call you into service. They don’t give out any warnings period. Excuse me I have to go get some nourishment for myself as well.”

  He watched as Barry got up and left the room. He figured he’ll follow and followed him to the familiar room holding a bar and chairs he figured he’ll refer as bar room. Tom went to sit on a stool next to Barry. He was handed the syringe by the bartender. He with careful maneuvering got the thing into his injector. He rolled his eyes sighing loudly as the syringe’s liquid went into his injector. He felt his strength reaching another level but still felt it wasn’t enough. He opened his eyes and handed the bartender the syringe.

  Tom spoke hearing his voice sounding of pleading “More, what I had wasn’t enough.”

  He got handed a cup holding white liquid in it and told “I was ordered to give you this and don’t ask me what I think about the order.”

  He didn’t comment in response reached the cup towards his lips. He stiffened feeling the cup knocked out of his hand's grip. Tom felt a stinging pain in his neck and his form knocked off the stool onto the floor. He quickly rolled around and swung himself up with an acrobatic move to see a Banshee nearby fade from view. Tom felt rage hitting him gave up a loud growling sound. He brought hands to his face rubbing it while rubbing his hands through his hair yanking at the strains.

  He heard Ramses’ voice abruptly sounding in his mind “High Council, the Freeloaders are demanding me to transport Mindbender to them. They claim that they injected him with poison. They will keep on injecting him with that substance till you agree to their demands.”

  Tom felt his mood become fouler as he felt his arms grabbed by familiar hands of Keos. He felt his hands wretched from his face along with his mask thrust onto his face. He felt a female Keo’s hand was felt on his cheek along with the mental command of scanning her mind. His eyes focused on a female Keo standing in front of him that made his senses blare warning. He was insisted again on scanning her mind which he obeyed to discover that she was the Queen. Tom felt his scans of her manipulated by the female Keos’ links in her mind to see what they wanted him to see angering him. He saw clearly in her mind identifying her as Alesia with scattered memories of himself being raised by her which he stiffened realizing that she was his Keo Mother. He continued to scan her mind realizing that the female Keo wasn't his Keo Mother Alesia herself. He kept on doing the scan as compelled to see from Alesia's point of view of her seated in the throne room chair. He growled a soft sound seeing Alesia attacked by Banshees one her mind identified as Geelley. He saw Alesia to come to discovering herself no longer their Queen while contained in a cell in the asylum wearing restraints on her arms. He continued to see her being hauled out and brought to a window of a cell. Tom saw himself lying in there asleep while wearing restraints on his arms. He wou
nd up hearing Peter's familiar words yelling at himself to wake up. He recalled Peter's yelling included saying that Thura was there seeing him and he would miss her if he didn’t do it. Tom saw from Alesia's eyes sight of view of himself getting up walking towards the window and leaning against it. He growled angrily to see some look on his face he recognized it as happiness. Then she was yanked away and hauled to a gate her mind identified as a travel gate. Alesia he saw thrust through it finding herself falling onto ground and felt minds of female Keos linking with her abruptly. He kept scanning her mind as if still compelled that the Queen learned from her mind link with the female Keos that the Keos living on Shadan the planet was called were descendants of exiled Keos sent through the travel gate. None of their offspring they had produced a Pishon with mind powerful enough to take the Queen leadership duties due to acting insane when the Pishons tried to pick one of the position.

  Tom heard from Alesia abruptly speaking through the female Keo “We’re watching you. So be careful of what you do and say around the High Council who we have declared an enemy of us.”

  He felt the oxygen mask off his face and the Keos’ holds off of him along with the female's hand off. Tom