Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 48

"Says we're called Drainers who suck essences from manoids to survive. We admit we don't like the High Council. Their part of our enemy species the Highlanders and we will do what it takes to spite the group period. Ask the High Council for an example of us feeding on manoids for we're not going to demonstrate onto you anyway. We Drainers are known for translating various languages except there's few that are untranslatable so Ramses transport this manoid out now."

  He found himself in the High Council's meeting room. He got up and stood facing the High Council to feel his mind scanned. Tom folded his arms and stood staring at the group lengthy till they stopped scanning him he assumed and saw them went into a discussion.

  Tom frowned as the speaker was heard after the discussion appeared to have stopped "Says Ramses, talk on why the Drainers appeared to have a speaker in their hands you refusing to transport to us despite ordered to do it."

  Tom heard from Ramses "Sorry High Council but this speaker in question from mind scanned before kicked out doesn't have the proper mind set to speak for you. The speaker's mind is similar to a First One when it comes to thinking from mind scans of him. It's something you told us servants that speakers shouldn't have when meeting your requirements for speaking for you. You specified very clearly that speakers should be a bit on the gonoid side when it comes to their thinking for you to have them in the job of speaking for you. Sorry for balking your order despite detecting both speakers for you who don't currently meet your requirements at the moment and that's from mind scanning them."

  Tom frowned as Ramses became silent.

  Tom eyed the High Council to hear from the speaker "Says Ramses admit it that Mindbender can hear you broadcasting. It doesn't matter if your talking to him or not."

  He formed a frown on his lips as he heard from Ramses "Yah I saw what you saw in Mindbender's mind and figured out what you told me. Besides didn't you make it clear that you didn't want to hear of non Highlander manoids having the ability to hear us Meritanians broadcasting all over the place on your home base?"

  Tom eyed the speaker who bowed his head followed by eyeing the High Council who he saw went into a discussion.

  Tom wound up eyeing the Highlander who raised his head and spoke "Says transport Mindbender to Fingers now."

  He found the scene changed to find Thura seated on the bed eating from a tray holding dishware of food. Tom wound up noticing a female Highlander standing nearby wearing some dress on her form that made him think it was for covering her femininity but figured on what gender she was. He went to Thura to kneel in front of her as she noticed him picked up one of the two cups from the tray and held it towards him.

  He heard from the female Highlander unexpectedly "Drinks for you Mindbender as insisted by Fingers when I brought her the nourishment."

  He didn't comment a response took the cup from Thura. Tom sipped the drink noticing it was orange colored taking his time sipping it. She he saw resumed eating the food by using utensils in her hands to manipulate the nourishment from a plate. He eyed Thura who ate the food and saw her pick up a cup to sip it while staring at him back as he stared at her. Tom once done with the cup placed it on the tray on Thura's lap who finished her drink to put the cup down. Thura he saw handed the female the tray who took it and walked out of sight while hearing the sound of a door sliding open and closed behind him. Tom eyed Thura to reach forwards taking one of her hands who shook it out of his grip making him annoyed.

  He found his annoyance was for nothing as Thura finger spelled "They told me not to lie down so soon after eating. Their medical doctor says so which I suspect that order goes to you anyway."

  Tom didn't comment a response to get up and sat next to Thura gently putting an arm around her. Tom felt her lean against him with form still which he sensed she had fallen asleep from his senses telling him of it. He adjusted Thura till she was completely onto his lap sideways leaning against him. Tom wrapped his arms around her as she didn't stir but remained sleeping. Tom held Thura lengthy till the Banshee was thrown forwards unexpectedly.

  He heard a male voice of a Highlander sounding in his mind "Medical doctor says that she can lie down now for the appropriate time has passed. I also warn you that the medical doctor is still testing you on how your body will react to having nourishment after not taking it via mouth use for too much time. This is ordered by the High Council who wants clearly detailed medical records done on you due to you serving them."

  Tom heard nothing more willed aside the Banshee to gently adjust the both of them. He was completely lying on the bed still holding Thura with his arms around her who remained sleeping. He eyed the ceiling as if drawn to sense someone staring at him. The staring ceased followed by shutting his eyes due to feeling sleepiness hitting him and passing out unconscious.

  Tom grimaced from the memory running through his mind as he stood in the High Council's throne room. He called it instead of meeting room while eyeing the group seemingly in some discussion again. He sighed recalling Barry got a hold of him one day while in the barroom drinking his Vodka drink and ordered him to finish the drink. Barry he recalled wanted to show him something which he obeyed and followed him to the hallway. He stood as Barry spoke foreign language in a compelling voice tone and found himself with the Builder in some all white room. Tom recalled the room had a figure wearing white clothes lying on the bed wearing some oxygen mask while asleep.

  Tom frowned recognizing the figure as Jinks as Barry spoke to him "Scan his mind and see what's going on. I've been seeing something suspicious going on in various locations involving manoids. Mostly acting like they were possessed by some entity form that form Osiris's familiar eye color change ability before its willed away and doing something that favors Osiris himself. Besides the Meritanians have balked my requests on scanning his mind by refusing to answer to me giving them that request in question. Highlander servants when asked have refused to do that mind scanning job by acting too scared to do that job which I figured that you'll do it."

  Tom frowned but obeyed to will forwards the Banshee to mentally speak while eyeing Jinks "Mind reveal."

  Tom saw clearly in Jinks' mind that Jinks had some ability to transport his mind to manoids. Jinks had the ability to possess taking control of them and their bodies and saw that the male didn't seem aware of the ability. Tom discovered that the possession was some entity form that made him think it was sinister.

  Tom felt himself cut off from scanning Jinks' mind sensing it was the Meritanians doing it which he mentally spoke "Mind reveal stop."

  He willed aside the Banshee and spoke to Barry what he saw in Jinks' mind entirely seeing the Builder form a glare on his face.

  This was followed by the male snarling in some angry tone in Basic "It figures on what's going on with Osiris anyway. Excuse me Mindbender while I transport you back. I have business to attend.

  Tom grimaced from the memory hitting him recalling that he got transported to Thura. He felt a compulsion to mate with her proceeded to do it despite she not in the mood to it. He grimaced that he got the upper hand using his size to overpower her and got her to submit to his mating urge.

  He eyed the High Council seemingly lengthy while shaking himself of the memories as the group stopped their discussion.

  Their speaker he noticed raised his head speaking "Says have you scanned the offspring of yours that Fingers is reportedly carrying?"

  He sighed at the question recalling that Thura was expecting his child. Thura was showing that status in some fast timely manner. That included along with seemingly going through a phase of being angry at him despite going through that while she carried Thurin for a lengthier time period.

  He spoke from memory of Thura's carrying status became known to him as confirmed by the medical doctor "I haven't scanned yet not since Fingers threw up in front of me repeatedly while acting sick. I having to scan her mind for telling the medical doctor how she was feeling. The medical doctor wound up diagnosed her carrying status. I confirmed
that after sensing a mind inside her."

  He folded his arms Thura styled to hear from the speaker "Says what's gotten you upset? You're arms folded that style is indicating it."

  He eyed his arms and then adjusted them till they were at his sides and spoke "I was copying Fingers' arm folding habit. I had an arm folding style that someone told me was Freeloader styled."

  He frowned eyeing the speaker who spoke "Says copy the arm folding position the speaker will demonstrate that is common among First Ones to have while hiding their feelings towards others."

  He saw the speaker fold his arms copied the arm gesture and got told "Says don't forget the arm folding style you were taught that your to use in front of First Ones only but not in front of us. We don't like arm folding habits from servants period."

  Tom spoke as the speaker stopped folding his arms as he copied "I get it your talk High Council."

  He hears growling noises from the Falcons as Anubis's loud whisper was heard "Do not address the High Council with their actual titled name in their presence. It's not necessary to speak it in front of them. You can refer that titled name to other servants but not to them period."

  Tom exhaled a breath and spoke "Excuse me for the inappropriate wording."

  He clamped his