Read Tomb Page 3

  Xiona walks over and grabs him by the arm, “Come on, let’s go.”

  Hack asks her in an almost whisper, “What the hell is he?”

  Xiona shakes her head, “I don’t know”

  Xiona and Hack, the last two to depart, head into the darkness together.

  Chapter Seven

  The expedition, minus Shadow, heads down the poorly lit main hallway connecting the entrance to the ingress of the tomb. Lined up on each side of the corridor are magnificently detailed stone statues of ancient tribesmen and between each is a lit torch.

  Gladiator asks, “How is it that these torches are still lit after so many years? Flames don’t usually last that long.”

  Hack replies, “I think it has something to do with the tomb being sealed in time. Who knows, if that is the case we might even run into a few servants or even the King himself.”

  “So there might be people running around in here unaware of the fact that they are stuck in here and stuck in some horrible time loop?” Bebida asked.

  “Possible but not likely. Foymama was very paranoid and trusted on a select few. After the tomb was completed, anyone found within so many feet of the tomb was executed on sight. You didn’t need to be inside the tomb,” explains Xiona

  “Good, no unexpected greeters.” Rugged adds.

  “Can’t agree with you. I hope there is one particular individual here. Taxa.”

  “Taxa the Weapon-Master?” Zarr asks.

  “The woman-beast?” Razz also asks.

  “So you’ve heard of her?” Xiona queries to the twins.

  “What treasure hunter hasn’t? Story is that this half woman, half Minotaur would go country to country and challenge their best warriors...” Razz said.

  “...and she would fight any opponent with a weapon of their choice. The winner would get the magnificent weapon that had to be put up beforehand...” Zarr added.

  “...and she would only fight if the weapon was mythical or had supernatural powers.” Hack said.

  “Rumor is she never lost,” acknowledges Rugged.

  Xiona states confidently, “And she never fought me.”

  “Ha!” Explode laughed.

  Before Xiona can comment on Explode’s laughter, Bebida asks, “and why would she be here?”

  Hack answers, “Because she was a beast summoned by Foymama to win for him these weapons. She is his servant.”

  Xiona seems impressed that everyone seems to know so much about Taxa.

  Gladiator asks, “So Xiona, you really think you can beat her?”

  “I wouldn’t have taken the invite if I didn’t.”

  “So you’re not the mole.” Explode stated in an unusually calm manner.

  “Why do you finally say that?”

  “Cause you could care less about the damn stone.”

  “Exactly. The closest thing we’ve probably ever had to a mole was probably Kain.”

  “So you don’t think Shadow was either?” Bebida asked.

  “Nope. I think she’s on a mission for the Katsuya Corporation.”

  “You think the Japanese mob is using The Host to find the stone....” Razz said.

  “Or something else?” Zarr added.

  “Wouldn’t be the first time the mob used someone.” Bebida said.

  “So, what about Kain? What the hell is he?” Rugged asked.

  This question seemed to strike a nerve in Explode, who picks up his pace and distances himself from the rest of the group.

  “I don’t know, but you seen what he did to that rock. Do you know how much pressure is needed to do that?” Hack asked.

  “Don't know....” Razz asked.

  “...and don’t care to find out either.” Zarr finished his sentence.

  They both look at each other and laugh.

  “I’ve lived in the wilderness most of my life and have gained a sense of what’s natural and what’s not, good and evil. It’s something I can’t explain. With him, I felt a whole lot of evil,” stated Rugged.

  Gladiator says “You don’t need anything special to sense that about him.”

  “Agreed, but don’t you sense a whole lot of evil in this tomb also?”


  Tripwire warns, “Well guys. I do recommend watching where you step. Otherwise you might accidentally activate a whole lot of evil in the form of traps. We are only in the main corridor, which is not usually known for traps, but as greedy and paranoid as you guys make this King Foymama sound. I do believe we will find our share of them.”

  Hack agrees, “Yes, let’s keep our eyes peeled because once we’ve rounded this corner ahead, we should come to the fork in the path, and the fun begins.”

  Out of sight and already around the corner, Explode yells, “what the fuck is this shit?”

  The group starts to run immediately to catch up to him around the bend. When they arrive, to their collective surprise the path splits into three instead of two like the maps had shown.

  “What’s this? I thought you said there were going to be two paths?” Bebida demanded.

  Having no answer readily available, Hack stands speechless.

  Rugged says, “Looks like the fun has already begun.”

  Venting frustration Bebida yells at Rugged, “Shut the hell up old man, this shit ain’t funny!”

  Grabbing his crotch, Rugged fires back “I got your old man right here, you fucking freak!”


  Xiona tries to calm everyone down. Explode yells at her. “Shut up bitch!”

  Luckily for Explode, Xiona is about ten feet away and with Zarr and Razz in her way, because the look on her face is extremely serious, “I’ve told you about that.”

  Hack screams at the top of his lungs, “Damn it everyone! This is not the time for this bullshit. We are on a time schedule. And unless any of you had planned on spending eternity in here, calm the fuck down!”

  This gathers everyone attention but the scene is still amped. Red faced from yelling, Hack continues, “We are all professionals, some more than others but never the less, we need to work together. Please.”

  The atmosphere seemed to lighten somewhat.

  Hack continues. “The Host was right when he said that our unique individual abilities would help this mission. Razz. Zarr. Is there a certain distance in which you two lose your abilities to read each other’s thoughts?”

  Razz and Zarr both simply answer at the same time, “No.”

  “Good. You two will be split up, so that way you two can keep the other one’s group informed of your progress. This will also help everyone figure out how much time you have left before the Tomb re-seals itself.”

  They both nod in agreement.

  “Rugged, I believe you can tell how much time has passed without a watch right?”

  “Yes, you are correct. No need to be trapped by technology”

  “Good. You’re with me, so I don’t lose track of time. Explode and Tripwire, you two are with Zarr 'cause I can’t image you and Xiona teaming up.”

  Explode agrees, “You got that right.” He starts down the far right path.

  Hack speeds up realizing Explode’s not going to stick around to hear all of his improv directions. “Gladiator, you’re with me. Xiona and Bebida you’re with Razz. If any of you haven’t found the stone by roughly ten to eleven hours, meet back here and then we’ll get the hell out of here.”

  Everyone that is left agrees, grabbing their gear and heading their separate ways.

  Chapter Eight

  Explode, Tripwire and Zarr walk down the path chosen by Hack. It’s a cave tunnel. A contrast to the smooth, well-manicured main hallway they traveled earlier. This ten-foot high walkway is laced with jagged rock formations that are lined on the top and bottom of this cave. The rocks lined up resemble teeth and added to the already creepy atmosphere of the tomb.

  “This place is creepy and odd. It’s nothing like where we were just moments ago. I wonder who desi
gned this place.” Zarr says.

  “It’s probably an additional path that was built out of necessity or convenience after the tomb was already completed. We should be coming to a room that was part of the original design real soon.” Tripwire said.

  “I sure hope so. My back is starting to cramp up.” Explode said with a hint of humor, his first attempt this whole trip. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “So big guy, can I ask you a question without the fear of bodily harm?” Zarr asked.


  Zarr decides that it might not be best to upset this man, “Uh.... nevermind then.”

  With a smile that seemed to light up the whole tunnel and catching his traveling companions completely off-guard, “Ok, I won’t hurt you. Ask.”

  Stunned by Explode’s smile and pleasant mood, Zarr pauses for a second in both movement and thought.


  Mustering the courage, “Do you have a problem with Xiona, women in general or are you just plain angry?” Zarr instinctually assumes a defensive stance.

  Explode stops walking. Zarr tenses up more and moves into a more defensive position.

  Explode bursts out laughing, “Hahahaha, It’s ok little man, I’m not gonna hurt you. So you can calm down.”

  A look of relief covers Zarr’s face.

  “Xiona is just a bitch, like most women. No, I don't have any problems with her or any woman. Actually, throwing two stars with that much accuracy kinda impressed me.”

  Explode’s smile disappeared as fast it first appeared, “Now if you tell her that or anyone else. I’ll hurt you bad, real bad!”

  Zarr is once again visibly nervous until Explode explodes with laughter again. “Oh man, this is fun.”

  Tripwire, who had started to walk ahead, yells back, “Yo, I’ve found a room.”

  Zarr and Explode start walking again, when they catch up with Tripwire, they both are laughing.

  “Did I miss something?”

  Removing the smile from his face Explode says in his typical loud manner, “Nope.”

  Zarr surveys the room and says. “Wow. Now this is more like it.”

  The room is massive and appears to have been used as a meeting place of some sort. On each side are huge stone steps probably used for seating and enjoying the happenings. To the front is an elevated balcony, which probably was used for seating some people of importance, such as the King and his personal guests.

  “So what do you think this room was used for? Gladiator sports or something similar?” Explode asked.

  “Naw, probably used for performing shows or maybe executions. Gladiator style arenas are usually enclosed.” Zarr explained.

  “Yeah this place was probably used for executions. Remember, no one was allowed in the tomb because the King was rumored to be extremely paranoid. So I doubt that he would let entertainers in here.”

  They continue across the huge courtyard. Tripwire is out pacing them as he continues to talk. “We are probably still really far away from any real treasures, considering this place was made for some sort of spectating.”

  As he walks and looks around for any evidence to prove his theory, he steps on something and immediately stops. “Shit!”

  “What’s the hell wrong with you?” Explode yelled.

  Embarrassed but knowing that this is more likely a life and death situation that he put himself in, he answers truthfully, “I stepped on a trap.”

  Zarr starts laughing and Explode follows suit, “I thought you were the so-called ancient trap expert?”

  Frustrated Tripwire yells, “This is not funny. This trap is going to affect all of us. Look above you.”

  Standing next to Tripwire, they both look upward. Their collective laughter stops. Above them is ceiling of spikes spanning in almost a thousand square feet.

  “What the fuck? That’s almost the size of this arena.” Observes Explode, as they all stand under the dead center of the spiked ceiling.

  “So this is how the King got his kick. Watching people getting squished.”

  Tripwire explains, “He probably made the person stand here on the spot that I’m standing on and watched them as they tried to run for the edge. As you can see from the various bones stuck between the spikes near the outskirts of this contraption, most of them didn‘t make it”

  He continues, “What we need is something to slide over this damn box I’ve stepped on. Something to take my place, like a huge rock or something.”

  “Well this ain’t our problem. We can just walk away now.” Explode stated with an emphasis on the word “we”.

  Shocked and trying to reason, “But without me, you won’t be able to disable other traps like this one.”

  Zarr smiles and agrees, “He’s got a point, big guy.”

  “Yeah, but he’s the dumb-ass who didn’t even see this trap!” Stated Explode in his fiery temper.

  Zarr is still smiling, “Now he has a point, I guess you guys are even.”

  “C’mon guys, this is serious!”

  Explode and Zarr look at each other, Zarr says, “Okay I don’t see why not? But you owe us one.”

  A weary legged Tripwire says, “Okay, sure, whatever guys. Just find a good size rock, please.”

  Explode turns to his left to look for a rock and notices a good size one nearby. “Hey this should work.” As he leans forward to hoist it up, Tripwire yells, “No!”

  “What the fuck? First you want us to get you a fucking rock and now you don’t? Make up your fucking mind!”

  “That rock is too convenient to reach; it’s more than likely part of this trap also.”

  “For crying out loud, then what the hell do you want us to do?”

  “Just find a different rock that’s outside the area of the spikes. That’s all.”

  Explode complains, “And bring it all the way back over here?”

  “Explode please; this is life and death we are talking about. Shit, I’ll give you first dibs on the treasure when we find any, okay?”

  “Shit, I had first dibs whether you gave it to me or not.” Explode and Zarr walk back up toward the tunnel they originally came from.

  Tripwire feels his leg going numb from standing in the same stance. “Damn it! What’s taking them so long? I bet they found another path and said to hell with me.” He continues to wait patiently for a few more minutes.

  With no sign of them, frustration and also leg numbness all bothering him, Tripwire starts to have a panic attack. “Damn. All the traps that I’ve barely escaped, all the missions and adventures I’ve been on, and I’m gonna die like this?” Venting he yells, “Well, fuck you too!”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch, you little bitch!” Explode yelled as they appear at the tunnel entrance. Explode is carrying a massive rock.

  “So this is how you thank your heroes?” Asks Zarr.

  “What took you so long?”

  “Do you realize how heavy that rock is?”

  Explode answers, “Not like you know either. Shit, I’ve been the one carrying it all the way back here. So where do you want it, Trip?”

  “Put it down next to my foot and when I slide my foot off slowly, you’ll push it onto the square.”

  Explode places the rock next to Tripwire’s foot, then slides it slowly as told. Once Tripwire’s foot is completely removed, all three look up instinctively to see if there’s any movement. There is none.

  “Whew, that was a close one.” Zarr stated.

  “Naw. I knew everything would be okay, 'cause I’m that lucky. Thirty plus expeditions prove that.” Says a now confident Tripwire.

  “Is that so? Then why were you whining like a little bitch when we were coming back here?”

  “No comment.”

  Explode erupts in laughter, and Zarr and Tripwire follow suit.

  They walk toward a doorway leading to another room.

  Chapter Nine

  As Xiona, Razz and Bebida walk toward their pre-cho
sen path, they come up to a tunnel similar to the one Explode’s group had found.

  “Talk about cheap,” stated Bebida as he surveyed the walkway, “How could one part of the tomb look so nice and this look like this? At least they could have added extra spots for torches.” The only light in this tunnel is from the torches they are carrying.

  “Maybe the day that is repeating itself is the day before they had a chance to finish the tunnel.” Xiona guessed.

  “Could be. But do you think that they really have no clue that this day is repeating itself?”

  “If there’s anyone in here besides the King, they probably have no clue.”

  Changing the subject, Razz asks, “So why in the world would you want to risk your life fighting an unbeatable legend like Taxa if she does exist? I’m pretty sure that you know that legends state that she only fights to the death. If she’s still alive, do I need say more?”

  “I am fighting her for the Sword of Benskin. I only collect weapons used by great female warriors and heroes throughout history. A common villager named Leonna Benskin used the Sword of Benskin. The village in which she lived was in between two wealthy and powerful kingdoms. Some travelers between the two empires would stop there for rest, relaxation and rape. During the average week, at least one or two small bands of thieves, marauders and/or rapists would rage havoc on the helpless village. After her daughter was raped and killed, Leonna left on a journey to find a powerful mage named Gilica to help her protect the town and extract revenge. He enchanted the light sword she carried with her. The enchantment gave any female user the power of ten men and the speed and alertness of the most skilled warriors. She was able to successfully defend the town single-handedly, even in her later years. Until Taxa came along.”

  Bebida asks, “Let me get this story straight. This sword gave the lady incredible strength, agility and awareness?”


  “Taxa beat her?”


  “So why in the hell do you think you can beat her? When she fought Taxa, she used the sword right?”

  “I’m fully confident I can beat her and yes she did use the sword.”

  Razz exclaims, “I can’t believe he asked that!”

  “Why not? It’s a valid question that I asked her.”

  Realizing that he thought out loud about what his brother just asked Explode and that he wasn’t paying one bit of attention to what Bebida and Xiona were talking about. “Oh, I’m sorry. It was something that my brother just asked. Please go ahead.”