Read Tomb Page 6

  “Are you seeing the same thing I’m seeing?” asked a stunned Tripwire.

  “Are you seeing beautiful half-naked bitches?”


  “Then yes, I am too.”

  This good size room is elegantly decorated. Purple, blue and golden curtains cover the walls. Expensive Persian like rugs are laid out in an orderly fashion. Torches are placed throughout the room, so that no crack or cranny is hidden in darkness. One of the ladies is playing a musical instrument that hums a comforting and inviting melody. A long sectional like sofa is the centerpiece of the room. Several feet in front of it is a metal stand with a dish on it. It’s burning something scentless. On the couch are several beautiful ladies in belly dancer outfits.

  “What do we have here, a brothel or something?” Explode asked with a huge grin.

  “Naw, probably more like the King’s personal play toys. As you probably already know, it wasn’t uncommon for Kings to have many women on the side.”

  “What you talking about, Poindexter? That’s not uncommon nowadays.”

  The women motion for them to come closer.

  Explode starts walking over toward them. Tripwire cautiously asks, “How do we know this is not a trap?”

  “A trap? Come on now, if we can’t handle a few unarmed women, what kind of men are we? Plus how many traps have you ever came across that were hidden like this room?”

  Two of the women come and grab Tripwire gently by the arm. “Well, that does make sense. That would defeat the purpose of a trap if the intruder couldn’t find it.”

  Already with his shirt off and barely visible underneath three women on the couch, Explode laughs, “Exactly. And if I can’t fuck up King Foymama, I can at least fuck a few of his women right?”

  Lying on the other end of the sectional, Tripwire states, “You’re one weird man.” He starts to make out with one of the ladies while another licks his ear.

  Explode hollers, “Oh baby! So you like it rough too, huh?”

  Tripwire manages to get un-lip locked long enough to say, “You’re truly are a weird one for sure. Hey, we can’t be here long. We’re still on a time schedule.”

  Explode, who is virtually covered by half-naked women, doesn’t respond. Tripwire notices one of the women with her hand down Explode’s unzipped pants. “Oops, sorry never mind. Handle your business big guy.”

  Shadow steps into the room through the same opening leading to the main hallway. Unnoticed by any of the participants in this game of sexual twister, she draws with each hand a dagger from each side of her hips. These daggers are longer than most standard ones. What she sees is not what Explode and Tripwire sees. Shadow is unaffected by the incense and sees the true scenery.

  There are torches but no curtains, no rugs, no sofa and definitely no beautiful women. Instead there is a carved out rock shaped similar to a sofa and hideous humanoid monsters licking, sucking and biting at various parts of their hapless victims.

  Shadow leaps forward at the ones on Explode first. She stabs one in the back of the head killing it instantly. Another one looks at her as she cut its throat like a hot knife through butter. The one who was playing the music earlier, but is now on Explode, jumps up and tries to escape and knocks over the incense stand. Shadow throws one of the daggers at the fleeing she-beast and nails her in the back of her neck. It lets out a terrible shriek.

  This yell grabs the attention of the two on Tripwire and Tripwire himself. “What the hell was that?” He looks over in the direction the noise came from, to see the woman beast looking half woman and half something else not recognizable. As he looks at the ground the carpets seem to disappear right in front of his eyes. “What‘s going on? And what’s up with the carpets?” He looks up at the woman on top of him to find a hideous beast.

  “Aghhhh!” He reaches up to protect himself. That’s when he finds out that he’s missing two of his fingers as blood drips down onto his face. He screams again. This time louder as the reality of that his fingers have been gnawed off sinks in and the anesthetic effect of the incense wears off. The head of the beast on top of him but near his legs, flies off thanks to Shadow’s short sword. Tripwire manages to get the beast directly on top of him off. Shadow slits it up its backside. Most of the creature’s vitals spill out onto the floor.

  Tripwire is hysterically screaming and trying to take in everything that just happened. Shadow walks over to the dead beast by the turned over pedestal and removes her dagger from its head. She wipes it off with the rags the beast wore. She replaces the dagger back in its resting place. She repeats this cleaning routine until all her weapons are back into place.

  Tripwire has finally stopped screaming. He looks over at Explode and starts screaming again as he finds he’s faired a lot better than Explode, the top of his head had been eaten away. Tripwire has been reduced to an infant like stage as he sits crying and talking incoherently.

  Shadow walks over and visually inspects Explode’s body. She does the same to Tripwire. Afterwards, she exits the way she entered, leaving Tripwire by himself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “How’s your arm?”

  “Considering there’s two chunks missing? Not too bad.”

  “So you think anyone else has died?”

  “Yes. I’m sure of it.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Cause if it weren’t for luck, you would be walking this path alone right now.”

  Hack stops walking as he realizes just how correct Rugged is.

  “Hey Hack. I bet you this is why The Host sent us in the first place. He knew this was a death trap. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was paid to gather us and kill us.”

  “What? Why would anyone want us dead? That’s absurd.”

  “Is it? Then can you explain why he didn’t send Kain with us? You’ve seen with your own two eyes what that guy is capable of. His creepiness rivals this tomb.”

  “Maybe Kain is just what he appears to be. Hired muscle. Hired creepy muscle, but just that and not an adventurer.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Believe what you want.”

  “Well, I do believe that someone does want us dead and that someone is King Foymama.”

  The villager sits down as these two continue to talk.

  “No, he needs to get back up. We need to pick the pace.” Hack stated.

  Rugged motions for their captive to get back up. He does.

  As soon as they start walking, Bebida leaps out of the darkness of a side tunnel. He’s wielding a knife. “Die, Motherfuckers!” He lunges toward the villager who was up ahead of them. Bebida cuts a slight gash across his exposed stomach. The villager screams and once again is on the floor, balled up in fright. Bebida doesn’t seem to recognize him as a non-threat. Bebida readies himself for another lunge.

  “Bebida, what the hell is wrong with you, man?” Hack demanded at the top of his lungs.

  The familiarity of Hack’s voice grabs his attention. Rugged pulls out his machete and readies himself for possible combat.

  Bebida looks up at Hack, then back down at the scared villager. He looks back at Hack, then over at the poised Rugged.

  Bebida came back to his senses, “You better put that away before you get hurt...” He notices Rugged’s wound and continues, “...again.”

  Rugged stands his ground and keeps his weapon out. Bebida puts his away.

  Hack asks Bebida, “What was all that for?”

  “They’re all dead.”

  “Who? Xiona and Razz both?”


  “But how?”

  Rugged says as he puts away his machete, “Let me guess, you drank their blood?”

  Bebida fires back, “Nope, I like my blood like I like my wine, old man...aged!”

  They both glare at each other.

  Hack interrupts, “No, seriously, what happened to them?”

  Bebida explains, “Xiona got her wish. She found T
axa and that’s the end of that story.”

  Hack used the cavern wall to brace himself as he sulks in disbelief.

  “And I believe both of the twins are dead. I know Razz is. He drowned by one of these fucking traps. I believe Zarr drowned too or was eaten by something.”

  Rugged is now curious, “Eaten?”

  “Yes, Razz was saying something about something in the water and to get them off his brother. That they were everywhere.”


  “Tell me about it. So where’s the rest? Are they alive? Any sign of them?”

  Hack answers, “We don’t know. We haven’t seen anyone besides you.”

  Bebida notices Gladiator is missing, “And Gladiator?”

  Their faces answered his question.

  “Damn it! Something really strange is going on in here. Well, have you seen Shadow?”

  “Nope. You?”

  “Yeah, she came and did some amazing acrobatic flips across a pit of lava. Nothing too big.”


  “Yeah, you heard me right. She’s some kind of super woman or something but she did help us cross the lava.”

  Tripwire says as he walks up an adjacent corridor toward them. “And she saved me!”

  The party now turns their attention to the other lone survivor who has just arrived. Bebida asks, “So you the only survivor too?”

  “Unfortunately, and you?”


  “What happened to them?”

  Bebida re-explains their deaths, “So what happened to Explode and Zarr?”

  “Both eaten. One by piranhas in a lake and the other by some indescribable beast like women.”

  “So you were the lucky one?” Hack asked.

  “Not too lucky.” He then shows the group his missing fingers.


  Bebida asks, “So you saw Shadow too?”

  “Yeah, she saved my life.”


  “Please don’t ask.”

  The other three men look at each other and have no clue why not, but they all let the subject drop.

  Tripwire asks the group, “So...any treasure yet?”

  Everyone shakes their head no. “What about you?”

  He responded with the same answer.

  Frustrated and in pain, Rugged vents, “This is a wild goose chase!”

  “Naw, I don’t think so. Shadow is looking for something real hard. You should have seen the way she looked us up and down back at the lava room.”

  “Come to think of it. She did look at me and what remained of Explode, up and down pretty good also. Like she was trying to see if we had something.”

  Hack deducts, “Well, whatever she’s looking for, she hasn’t found it yet. Otherwise she would have left by now. I know I would have.”

  Out of nowhere and off the subject, Bebida asks Tripwire, “Hey, didn’t you say there was a lake in here?

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Don’t you find it kinda odd that in a man-made tomb there’s a lake and a deep ass lava pit?”

  Rugged answers, “It’s possible, but highly unlikely considering that this area has never been known for volcanic activity.”

  “My point exactly. So what is really going on in here?”

  As each assess in their own minds this unlikelihood, all eyes slowly turn toward the only descendant of the King in their presence. He’s been sitting on the floor quietly during their conversation.

  Hack looks at Rugged, “He mentioned something earlier about a curse. Ask him about it in more detail. Something isn’t right in here.”

  Rugged leans down toward the villager and starts speaking in his native tongue. They exchange words several times. Rugged raises suddenly, “Shit, so that’s what’s going on. I should’ve known it.”


  “The story about the demon sealing the tomb is only partially correct. It seems that the demon also agreed to help protect the King’s treasure from outsiders forever.”

  Bebida asks, “So, we are going up against a demon?”

  Tripwire is visibly upset, “I knew we were going up against something supernatural and not just traps. It makes so much more sense now. Damn it! We’re screwed.”

  Rugged agrees. “How are we supposed to beat a demon with the power to seal a whole damn tomb in time?”

  Hack calmly states. “I truly doubt the demon is still here.”

  Tripwire holds up his hand where two fingers used to be, “His damn traps are!”

  “That’s why we need to stay together. So it’s good that we found each other. Now we can get our shit together and find some treasure.”

  They all agree, but seemingly half-heartedly. They start back down the hallway deeper into the tunnel. As they make their way around a bend, a dark figure leaps out of the darkness ahead of them. Rugged yanks out his machete with his good limb. Tripwire pulls out his knife. Everyone’s stopped.

  Hack notices first. “It’s Shadow!”

  She was poised and ready to attack until she noticed it was them. She puts her sword away and walks toward them. The party stands like they expect her to stop and start up a conversation. She doesn’t. She walks past them like they didn’t even exist.

  “What’s going on? Are we invisible now? She didn’t even look us over.”

  Tripwire agrees with Bebida. “You’re right. She must have found what she was looking for.” He decided to show his appreciation for her saving his life. “Thank you!”

  She’s far enough down the hallway that she’s starting to fade in with the shadows.

  It dawned on Rugged that their quest might be over. “Hey, did you find the stone?”

  She kept on walking until she finally disappeared into the darkness.

  Hack yells a heart-filled, “Isn’t this a mission for you? Shadow we need you! We can’t do this without you! Please!”

  All three of the other men look at him as if he’s lost his mind. He explains, “Didn’t you hear Bebida say something about her being able to do all kinds of amazing flips? And she saved Tripwire from something that easily killed Explode while eating your fingers. And did any of you notice that she didn’t even have one scratch on her? Not even dirt? While we look like the remains of some horror movie.”

  He paused for this to sink in. He continues, “Bebida almost lost his mind, Tripwire lost two fingers, Rugged almost lost his life and arm twice and the villager loses his balance almost every time something happens.

  Bebida adds. “And you can’t fight.”

  “Exactly my point. We truly do need her to help us. We probably won’t survive this without her.”

  The party was so deep into their discussion that none of them had noticed that Shadow had come back and was standing only a few feet away.

  The villager was the first one to notice and he stumbles backward and falls. They all turn quickly to find her standing behind them. The men get a good laugh at the villager falling once again.

  “So, I take it this means, yes you will join us?” Hack asked Shadow who is standing face to face with him. He stares into where he thinks her eyes are behind the mask. She says nothing and starts walking toward the inner part of the tomb again.

  Bebida says, “I guess that means yes, ‘Mr. Smooth’ talker.” They all head deeper into the tomb.

  Chapter Seventeen

  For the first time, Shadow walks with the others and they are exploring as a group. Rugged and Hack lead with the villager; Shadow, Tripwire, and Bebida make up the rear.

  Tripwire tries to make small talk with her. “So, you found what you were looking for, didn’t you?”

  Shadow doesn’t respond.

  Tripwire tries again, “So was it that the trap you saved me from didn’t affect you?”

  Again nothing. She keeps walking.

  Already thin on patience and growing tired of Tripwire’s persistence, Bebida says “Damn it! Haven??
?t you realize that she’s not going to answer you? Shit, she probably can’t even answer you.”

  “Can’t answer me? What are you talking about?”

  Frustrated and in no mood to explain, Bebida decides to respond with the hope that this will shut him up. “It’s rumored that the Japanese Mafia cut out the tongues of their ninja spies and assassins so they can’t talk about the family.”

  “That’s so stupid.”

  Shadow suddenly stops and turns toward Bebida. Even though he can’t see her face, he knows when he’s being stared down.

  “See, even she can’t believe the dumb shit you just said.”

  Hack and Rugged notice that they had stopped. “What’s going on back there?”

  Shadow turns back forward and starts walking again.

  Bebida is confused on exactly what happened. “What was that all about?”

  “You probably pissed her off.”

  “Oh well.”

  Everyone starts walking again.

  Hack asks Rugged, “What do you think that was all about back there?”

  “No clue and don’t care.”

  They enter what appears to be a new room.

  Hack says, “There you have it. A room finally.”

  Rugged looks around, “Not exactly a room, more like a bigger hallway.”

  “You’re never happy, are you?”

  “I’m happy there are no statues in here.”

  Hack laughs out loud.

  Shadow, Bebida, and Tripwire are just now entering the same room. They are about 100 feet behind them. After they are about twenty feet inside, the ceiling behind collapses and a huge smoothly rounded boulder drops down. It’s several tons and shaped like a giant marble. This rock is almost a perfect fit to the room.

  Bebida yells “Shit! And we’re on a slope too!”

  Rugged says to Hack, “There’s a door ahead. We can make it, let’s go!” Along with the captive they head toward the doorway.

  Shadow and company are running toward the door also, but the boulder is gaining on them and scraping against the walls as it approaches. Bebida notices recesses along the wall that the stone didn’t rub up against and each are just big enough to hold one person. “We aren’t going to make it to the door but see those spots along the wall. I think those are the room’s fail-safe spots. The rock can’t hit them. They’re too deep.”

  When they approach the next series of recesses, each one of them settles into different spots. As the massive rock rolls past them, it doesn’t touch them but the weight of the rock activates the trap door in the recesses. All three fall backwards and slide down long and winding chutes.