Read Too Distracting Page 7

  Kneeling in front of her, I opened her legs and settled myself between them, my eyes on hers as I ran my palms over her calves, up her thighs, and caressed her through her floral, cotton panties.

  Her lids drooped and her head tipped back as I ran my knuckles over the sweet cotton, then she emitted a long, low moan when I slid two fingers beneath the elastic and felt the velvety softness of her slick pussy.

  “Dillon,” Laurel whispered, and my name on her lips, coupled with her heat beneath my hand, cause my dick to jump against my zipper.

  Needing to taste her, I lowered my head and kissed her through her panties, as I slid first one, then the other finger inside.

  She laid back on her elbows, causing her breasts to thrust out against her sheer blouse, and I found myself looking forward to the moment when I’d have Laurel completely naked and beneath me.

  But first … I pulled the cotton away, baring her pussy to me, before nuzzling her clit with my nose and licking her swollen lips. My fingers fucked her as I reveled in her taste.

  As I pumped in and out, curving my fingers until I found the swollen nub inside, I tongued her clit rapidly, not stopping until I heard her breath deepen and little pants begin to escape her lips.

  “Oh my God, don’t stop,” was what I heard as I pulled her clit between my lips and sucked, my tongue still flicking and my fingers moving, as Laurel exploded beneath me.

  I stroked her until she jerked against me, her hand coming to my hair and tugging slightly as she let me know she was done, and sensitive to the touch.

  I pulled my fingers out, put her panties back in place, then kissed her pussy softly, causing her to twitch once more, before standing up and looking down at the gorgeous woman now laying fully back on the bed.

  Her hair was fanned out, her cheeks were flushed, and there was a small smile playing on her lips. Then she opened her eyes and gazed up at me, and licked those lips as she caught my eyes.

  I watched Laurel sit up, unbuttoning her blouse slowly, then taking it, and the tank top beneath off, leaving her clad only in her floral bra and panties. When she was sitting up fully, she reached her hand out and grabbed me by the waistband, tugging softly, before saying, “Your turn.”



  I felt amazing.

  Warm, tingly, sated.

  And as I opened Dillon’s trousers and slid them down his thighs, then reached inside his black boxers and pulled his very hard, and very large, cock free, I felt something else.


  The need to give him even an ounce of the pleasure he’d just given me was all consuming, and I wasted no time taking him into my mouth and getting a taste.

  His groan of pleasure was pure satisfaction, and although I wanted to hear that sound every day for the rest of my life, I’d settle with hearing it as much as possible over the next three days.

  I looked up at him as I slid him in and out of my mouth, sucking as I did, my tongue moving in a swirling motion on the underside of his cock.

  The look on Dillon’s face, and knowing that I was the one making him feel that way, was enough to have my panties getting wet, even though I’d just come under his lips moments before. His eyes were at half mast, his lips parted slightly, and his hand was caressing the back of my head as his hips moved slightly, unable to hold back his involuntary thrust.

  I felt Dillon’s hands move to my face, and he urged me to ease back slowly, then bent down to take my lips with his. His tongue swept inside my mouth as his lips moved against mine. We moved back, me scooting back on the bed as he placed his knees to the mattress and joined me. When I was laying back with my head on the pillow, I lost him as he quickly shucked off the rest of his clothes and resumed his position above me.

  He was beautiful naked, so beautiful I thought it was a shame he didn’t walk around in the buff every day, so the world could enjoy the site of his golden skin, with its smattering of dark, sexy hair.

  Now feeling overdressed, I reached behind myself to unclasp my bra, then pulled it off and threw it to the side. When Dillon’s naked chest brushed against mine, we both groaned, and I pushed up against him, wanting to feel more of our skin-on-skin contact. I closed my eyes, needing to focus only on what I was feeling for a second, wanting to memorize every bit of this night so I could keep it with me forever.

  The whisper of his fingertips on my chin, the way his lips felt full and soft against mine, the smell of his skin when my nose brushed his neck.

  Every little thing that was making me fall further and deeper for Dillon Lewis.

  “Laurel,” he murmured against my lips, and I swear, I melted at the sound. Melted right into the plush hotel mattress.

  I lifted my hips when I felt his hand at the waistband of my panties, and reached down to help him get them off.

  I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper, then lost the feel of his skin as he put it on quickly, then rejoined me, my hands caressing every inch of skin that I could reach. My eyes fluttered open, and I found him gazing down at me, his lips turned up, and his hair rumpled from my fingers. I held his gaze as he slid inside, my legs falling open and my hips thrusting up as he got deeper and deeper.

  When Dillon was fully seated inside me, we both paused, taking the moment to breath, to feel, before he began to move, and I began to match his stride.

  It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever felt. A symphony of movement that I’d remember for the rest of my life. We played each other until we were both gasping, each other’s names on our lips as we came.

  I tried to catch my breath and began to wonder what would happen next. Would he roll off of me and expect me to go back to my room? Would he be a cuddler and want me to stay? Would he want to go for round two?

  I had no idea, and felt nerves start creeping in as my heart rate returned to normal and the lust-induced haze started to lift.

  I was starting to panic, and opened my mouth to make some awkward remark, when Dillon shifted and I felt his lips brush against mine. Then they brushed against my cheek, then my neck, before he landed on the bed next to me and pulled me up against him.

  I waited, like an opossum afraid to give away my position, as he got comfortable and snuggled against me.

  “Are you cold?” I managed, when it became apparent that I wouldn’t be kicked out of the bed just yet. “We could get under the covers.”

  “Yeah, a bit actually,” Dillon replied, his voice drowsy.

  We shifted and maneuvered until we had the covers over us and were snuggled back with each other, this time with Dillon on his back and me flush against his side, my head on his chest.

  He ran his fingertips gently along the length of my arm, then back up again, and I heard his breathing even out.

  “You good?” Dillon asked softly, and I could tell from his tone that he was about to drift off.

  “Perfect,” I replied, smiling against his chest.

  Dillon’s arm around me tightened slightly, then went lax as his breathing deepened.

  I laid there, in Dillon’s arms, my cheek to his chest, the memory of him inside me still so fresh that I could feel it, and I did exactly what I knew I shouldn’t do.

  I began to dream.

  And hope.

  I imagined sleeping in his arms every night. Waking up to him every day. Making love to him, marrying him, having children with him.

  And, even though I knew it was all a fantasy, when I fell asleep, it was with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.



  A knock on the door is what pulled me from a deep, dreamless sleep. Then I felt the warm body next to mine, felt the silky hair beneath my fingertips, and felt the lips kiss my chest, and I caught the scent that was distinctly Laurel.

  “Morning,” I whispered, my voice gruff with sleep.

  “Mmmm, morning,” came her reply.

  That’s when the knocking registered and I realized someone was at the door.

I said, remembering that when I called concierge about the wine last night, I’d also put in a breakfast order.

  I untangled myself from Laurel, and the covers, and crossed to my still-open suitcase to pull on a pair basketball shorts.

  “Coming,” I called out to the persistent knocker, then opened the door with a grin and said, “Sorry about that. You can just put it right over there.”

  I looked over my shoulder as the server crossed the room to put the breakfast tray on the table, to find Laurel hiding in the bed with the blankets over her head. I bit back a chuckle as I turned back to the server and thanked him for dropping the tray and clearing the glasses from the night before.

  I signed the check, leaving him a generous tip for his wait and hopefully his discretion, then closed the door behind him.

  “All clear,” I told Laurel, smiling as she peeked over the top of the comforter.

  She looked amazing.

  Rumpled from sleep but grinning sheepishly, a sexy pink tinge to her cheeks, indicating she was embarrassed about being in bed naked with a stranger in the room. Or, maybe she was feeling unsure about being naked under those covers with me standing half-dressed and watching her.

  Thinking that might be it, I asked, “Are you shy? ‘Cause I don’t mind getting naked if it’ll make you feel better.”

  That said, I dropped my shorts and stepped out of them, then walked over to the bed and sat on her side.

  “Good morning, Laurel,” I said again, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips, before pulling back and asking, “Are you hungry?”

  “Starved,” she admitted, but still didn’t make a move to get out of bed.

  “Do you want one of my shirts?” I offered.

  “Yes, please.”

  Nodding, I dropped one more kiss on her lips, got up and picked my shorts up off of the floor. I rifled through my bag until I found my favorite green T-shirt and tossed it on the bed. Then, figuring Laurel needed some privacy, I went to the bathroom to take care of my morning business.

  Once I came back out, once again in my shorts, I found Laurel pouring us coffee, wearing only my t-shirt.

  In all honesty, her wearing my shirt and nothing else, was almost sexier than her being naked. I could see the outline of her breasts, her puckered nipples, and a hint of her bare cheeks peeking out from beneath the shirt.

  It was sensual, yet taunting, and unbelievable hot.

  I accepted the coffee gratefully and took a sip, then we both sat in the chairs and uncovered the food. The mingled smell of bacon, eggs, and buttery toast wafted out, causing Laurel’s stomach to grumble.

  She blushed prettily, but I ignored the grumble and said, “Let’s eat.”

  We both piled up our plates and dug in to our breakfast.

  “I’d like to leave in an hour, if that’s enough time,” I began, my mind shifting to the reason we were here, the convention. There were a few contacts that I needed to make, and booths I wanted to hit straight away.

  “That works for me,” Laurel replied. “What time is the dinner tonight?”

  “Drinks at six, dinner at seven, and the ballet at eight. I figured we’d head back here around four-thirty to get ready, if that works for you.”

  Throwing on my tux would take no time at all, but having grown up with Jazzy, I knew women tended to like a little more time to prepare when going to an event like we’d be attending that night.

  “Sounds good,” Laurel said agreeably, digging into her eggs with a gusto.

  I felt a niggle of pride at the memory of last night, and hoped her energy needed to be restored, in part, because of me.

  I finished my breakfast and made a mental note to check with the hotel about having flowers delivered to Laurel’s room today. I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her being here with me, and how much I was enjoying spending this time with her. It was crazy, but I hadn’t thought about how she’d always bothered me when we were younger, or even thought about the old Laurel at all.

  I was fully enjoying Laurel now, and couldn’t wait to see what else the weekend would hold.

  I pushed back from the table and said, “I’m going to grab a shower, feel free to get ready here, if you’d like.”

  “I think I’ll get ready in my room, since that’s where all my stuff is.”

  Acting on impulse, I suggested, “Why not move your things in here and we can cancel your room. If we’re going to spend the weekend together, there’s no point in having two rooms.”

  Laurel looked up at me in surprise, then a beautiful smile filled her face.

  “Okay,” she said softly. “I’ll get ready down there, then pack and be back here within the hour.”

  I reached out to brush the hair off of her forehead and said, “No need to rush, we can take the extra time. The convention isn’t going anywhere.” Then, I leaned down and kissed her upturned lips.

  I walked to the shower with a spring in my step, excited about what was to come.



  I was on cloud nine.

  This morning I’d woken up in Dillon’s arms, was blessed with the sight of him in all his naked glory in the light of day, and had moved into his room before we left for the convention.

  Since we’d arrived at the convention, I’d put in an order for custom business cards, post cards, and a menu of offered services. That last one I’d had Chloe take a picture of and text me, since I couldn’t remember everything off the cuff.

  Luckily, Chloe kept copious notes and was happy to answer my gazillion messages throughout the day. She assured me that everything was running smoothly back home, and told me to enjoy myself.

  Little did she know, I was enjoying myself … immensely.

  In addition to the print items, I’d gathered contact information for two PR companies and had a long chat with a marketing company that specialized in social media. She’d given me great ideas as well as a pamphlet to take home with me.

  Dillon and I had split up when he’d been called away to an impromptu meeting. We’d met up for lunch, then had gone our separate ways again when I’d started talking to the marketing company.

  All in all, it had been a very fast, very productive day, and I was so happy that I’d come. Just the few contacts I’d made had me dancing in my seat over Party with Laurel becoming a reality.

  “You good?” Dillon asked with a chuckle, and I realized he’d noticed my little uber jig.

  “So good,” I gushed, not even a little embarrassed. I was too happy. “Thanks so much for bringing me here with you. The contacts I made today are priceless … I can’t thank you enough.”

  “No need to keep thanking me, you’re helping me out by being here, remember?” Dillon paid the driver once we pulled up in front of the hotel, and we both got out.

  “I know, I know, but still, it was such a great day,” I said, thanking him when he held the door open for me, then stating, “Oh, I need to pick up my dress from the front desk.”

  We changed course and headed for the desk, then Dillon gallantly carried my package to the room.

  “I’m so excited to see this dress on, I hope it looks good,” I fretted as we entered the room.

  “This is your dress for tonight? You haven’t tried it on?” he asked, holding up the box and looking it over.

  “No, it’s from this great company, Rent the Runway, which rents out designer dresses for a great price. They send two sizes, so one is sure to fit. I’ve used them a couple of times and have always been happy,” I informed him as I took the box from his hands and placed it on the bed to open it.

  I was opening the flaps when Dillon came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he looked over my shoulder to see the dress being unveiled.

  “It’s going to look gorgeous on you,” he said when the sparkly gold material came to light.

  Then he kissed my shoulder, causing me to shiver in response.

  I’d been thinking of him all day… of our night together, and
longing to feel him again. So just that, the feel of his lips against my skin, had my body warming and my knees weakening.

  I leaned back, into his embrace, turning my head slightly to catch his lips with mine.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned when I felt his hard cock press against me.

  I let go of the flaps, no longer interested in the dress. My hands came up, over my head to grasp his in them, but before I could reach, he grabbed my wrists in one hand and held them tight.

  Dillon’s other hand was at the hem of my skirt, lifting it and sliding underneath to stroke my ass, then dip under my panties and palm the swell of my cheek, just rough enough to have my breasts get heavy and desire to pool in my belly.

  I arched against him, brushing my ass against his cock teasingly.

  His teeth hit my throat as he moaned and reached around to stroke my clit.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned, straining against him. Needing more.

  “Open for me,” Dillon whispered gruffly, and I parted my legs to give him better access to what we both wanted.

  My panties slid down my legs and I heard him fumbling with his fly. Seconds later he was ripping open a condom with his teeth and then, finally, bending me over. No longer able to hold my hands in that position, he freed them and grasped me by the hips instead, and I used them to brace myself on the bed as he entered me from behind.

  “You feel so good,” Dillon growled as he thrust inside of me. “God, Laurel…”

  His words, and the fact that it was him behind me, had me so turned on that I was already panting with need. I needed to come, so I lifted one hand off of the bed and moved it under my dress until I found my clit.

  Rolling my hips, I pushed back to meet Dillon’s thrusts as I moved my fingers in the way that I knew guaranteed my imminent orgasm.