Read Too Tempting Page 2

Dillon had a deep laugh that made me smile, and when I turned my head, I was surprised to see Gabe watching us with a frown.

  “Hi, Zoey, I’m Jasmine,” the perky redhead said, bouncing over and shocking me when, rather than shaking my hand, she threw her arms around me and gave me a quick, but firm, hug. “Are you staying with us?”

  I looked around at the group of freakishly gorgeous, but really nice people, and decided that my earlier worries were due to my wild imagination. I decided to trust that these people were who they said they were, and stay the week to get some work done … but just in case, I’d text my sister to let her know where I was and that if I didn’t check in every night at nine, to send the police.

  “Yup, I’m staying.”

  Chapter Three ~ Gabe

  I fell behind the group as we made our way back to the cabins. Jasmine was talking Zoey’s ear off as they trailed after Reardon and Dillon, who were chatting and laughing as they led the pack.

  I’d been surprised when Reardon invited Zoey to stay the week with us, rather than allowing her to head into town. We’d always had a strict policy about bringing dates with us to camp – we didn’t do it. This was the only time we got to be away from our hectic lives and enjoy catching up, and we’d all agreed that until we met the people we wanted to marry, we’d enjoy our time together solo.

  Not that having Zoey around would be a hardship. She wasn’t classically beautiful, her face was a little too long, her mouth a little too wide, and the way she kept muttering under her breath and talking to herself made her come off a little zany, but somehow, it all worked for her. And when we’d touched … Bam, I’d felt the sizzle of chemistry run through me.

  I usually had a hands-off rule about anyone involved with the camp. Being an ex-pro ballplayer, and the owner of the camp, I’d had plenty of counselors, and mothers, make a play over the years. I wasn’t naïve enough to think their advances had anything to do with me, or the man that I was; all they were worried about was status and dollar signs.

  In the past, I’d had no problem taking women up on their offers and showing them a good time, but I didn’t want anything like that touching my camp. This place meant a great deal to me, and I wasn’t going to do anything that would take away from what I was trying to do with the kids.

  Technically, however, camp wasn’t in session until next week. And Zoey didn’t seem to have any idea who I was, which was a nice bonus for someone who lived the bulk of their adult life in the spotlight.

  I wasn’t sure if anything would happen between us or not, but I needed to have a talk with my cousins and let them know that she was off-limits. We had that spark, and I’d felt a flash of jealousy when I’d seen her laughing with Dillon, so I needed to lay it out in a way that they’d understand.

  Besides … I saw her first.

  “Do you want to put Zoey in with Serena and I?” Jasmine asked when we got to the cabin she and our cousin always shared, preferring to be together.

  I noticed a flash of concern pass over Zoey’s face, and figured she’d been hoping to have a spot to herself, so that she could get her work done. Assuming she wouldn’t want to chance hurting Jasmine’s feelings, I decided to save her by answering, “No, she can have number five. She mentioned needing to get some stuff done, and would probably have a better chance of that without dealing with yours and Serena’s all-night gossip sessions.” I turned to her and felt my chest tighten at her answering smile. “If that’s all right with you…”

  “That would be perfect, thanks,” she responded in that sexy, throaty voice, then turned to Jasmine and added, “But I’d love to hang out when I’m not working.”

  “Sounds good,” Jasmine responded, not offended in the least. “I can drive you back to your car so that you can bring it over here and get yourself unpacked.”


  I watched the women walk off toward Dillon’s SUV, then drive away.

  “How does it feel, living a charmed life?”

  I turned my head toward Dillon and cocked an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Only you, Mr. NFL, MVP, Super Bowl Champion, turned upstanding citizen with a camp for teens, would have a woman like that stumble across your path.”

  I felt the grin take over my face.

  “Just lucky I guess…”

  “My ass,” Dillon grumbled good-naturedly. “I’m going to spend the rest of the week scanning the woods, hoping for a buxom blonde to come trampling out.”

  “She’s here for her nephew,” I explained. “Got her weeks mixed up.”

  “That’s what Rear said,” he replied, following me around back to the grill. “You gonna make a play, or what?”

  I pulled the cover off and crouched down to turn the gas on, then straightened and looked into his green eyes.

  “I’m taking it into consideration, and I’d appreciate if both you and Reardon kept things on a strictly friendly level.”

  “Yeah, I kinda figured that when you nearly shot daggers out of your eyes when I did nothing more than introduce myself to the woman,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” I replied, although I was pretty sure he was accurate on that account. “You want to start on the potatoes while I season the meat?”

  “I can do that.”

  “I was also hoping I could talk you into making your beans. I think I remembered everything for them.”

  “Anything else? An amuse bouche perhaps?” Dillon asked sarcastically.

  “Nah, I think we’ll go a little more rustic tonight, but thanks,” I replied with a chuckle, then asked. “Where’d Reardon disappear to?”

  “He said he had to check in with the office real quick.”

  “Well tell him work is off-limits, and to get his ass out here and help if he wants to eat.”

  “Aye, aye, captain.”

  Chapter Four ~ Zoey

  “So, you guys are all cousins, huh?” I asked Jasmine when we were alone in the car. Being naturally curious, I wasn’t shy about asking questions or getting to know people. It helped me a lot in my work.

  “Yup,” she answered with a smile. “Dillon and my mom, Reardon’s mom, Gabe’s dad, and Serena’s dad, are all siblings. We were all born in a small town called Cherry Springs, and for the most part, grew up together.”

  “That must have been nice,” I replied, thinking that it really did. I had my sister, Chloe, but we hadn’t really gotten along much as kids. She’d been a girly girl, loving to dress up and be social, whereas I tended to keep my head in a book and stay more to myself. We hadn’t had any family nearby, so the idea of being close to my cousins was a foreign one.

  “It was. Serena moved away when she was in middle school, but every summer we all went camping together.”

  “And you still do,” I muttered, thinking it more to myself than meaning to say it out loud. “That’s really wonderful.”

  “Yeah, it is. There were many years where we were all so caught up in our own lives that we were lucky to see each other every year at Christmas, but a few years ago, Gabe had the idea for us to meet here every summer, to reconnect, and we’ve been making it a priority ever since.”

  “Wow, that’s really cool. I envy you that closeness with your family,” I admitted, without really meaning too. Jasmine was just such an open and receptive person, that it was almost impossible not to share with her.

  “Aren’t you close with your family?” she asked, swerving to miss a fallen branch.

  “I’m pretty close with my sister now, but we weren’t growing up, and I love my nephew to pieces. Other than that, I don’t really have anyone.” My lips turned down at the realization. Had I gotten so used to being alone with my words that I’d lost the friendships I’d formed over the years?

  Jasmine didn’t say anything, but I could feel her pity. Okay, maybe pity was a strong word, but I could definitely feel her sadness at the thought of not having a tight-knit family. I’m sure it was hard for her to co
mprehend, what with her being part of the Swiss Family Robinson and all, but I didn’t want her to feel sorry for me.

  I had a great life.

  “As a writer, I guess I tend to keep to myself,” I explained, for some reason needing her to understand. “Not that I’m a hermit or anything … I love people. Watching them, talking to them, studying their characteristics … but I spend most of my time alone, writing, so I guess I haven’t made the effort to be close to anyone other than my sister and her son.”

  “That makes sense,” Jasmine replied, her tone gentle. “Dillon and I work in the family business, retail, so I’m surrounded by people constantly. I feel like I’m always on display, and have to present a positive and enthusiastic image at all times. It can get exhausting. Working in solitude sounds nice.”

  I smiled at her attempt to make me feel better. She was obviously a very sweet person, and I was beginning to feel happy about getting the dates of camp wrong. Maybe I’d have the opportunity to have meaningful conversations and make friends with these people. Maybe it would be good for me to get out of my cave and interact with real live people…

  “Well, working in a family business sounds nice too. Do all of you work there?”

  Jasmine shook her head as she pulled up next to my car and parked, then turned to me.

  “No, just Dillon and I. Gabe was always more interested in sports, and Serena was more creative. She’s an artist and creates the most beautiful pieces … Ass followed his father’s footsteps and studied law. He’s the only one, along with Dillon and I, who are still in Cherry Springs full time.”

  Curious, I asked her the question that had been on my mind since she first burst onto the scene, “Why do you call Reardon, ass? Is he a real jerk or something?”

  Jasmine’s laugh was soft and sweet.

  “No, Reardon’s the nicest guy I know, certainly more so than Gabe, or even Dillon. It started when we were kids … We gave him the nickname, Rear. Once we got a little older, it morphed into Ass. I’m sure the one of the guys started it, but it caught on, and we’ve been teasing him with it ever since.”

  I laughed as she told the story, picturing them all as kids, running around and teasing each other affectionately. It made a nice picture.

  “Well,” I said hesitantly, for some reason not wanting to get into the solitude of my own car. “I guess I’ll follow you back.”

  As I did just that, I thought about the dynamic of the group I was about to be a part of for the next few days. They would be interesting to be around, to study, as they’d all probably make fascinating characters. Not that I’d be so bold as to model one of my characters out of the people who were so kind as to let me stay, but I was sure to find some unique characteristics to explore.

  There was also that flash of sexual awareness that I felt around Gabe. It would be interesting to see if it was still there throughout the week, or if it was just a flash in the pan, so to speak.

  He had no idea who I was, none of them did, which was a nice change. Not that as an author I was usually recognized on site, but I’d be surprised if they hadn’t at least heard my name before. It would be nice to have a little anonymity.

  Being famous made it hard to judge whether people were interested in me for me, or if they were more interested in my name and paycheck.

  I liked the thought of just being a woman for a little while … seeing where things could go naturally.

  Of course, I had no idea if he was single, or even remotely interested, but I was curious enough to find out…

  Chapter Five ~ Gabe

  Dinner had been a festive affair, with my cousins and me laughing and joking as we caught up with each other after a few months apart.

  Zoey hadn’t seemed uncomfortable. She’d been quiet, but had watched our interaction with rapt attention, a small smile on her lips as she took it all in.

  Reardon, Dillon, and I had hung out, drinking beer and talking shit, while Jasmine went off to take a shower and turn in, and Zoey begged off to get some writing done.

  I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her, not more than casual, group conversation, and I hoped to remedy that today. She intrigued me. The way her big eyes watched each of us, seeming to crave the dynamic that we naturally shared after growing up together. I sensed a sadness there, and longed to find out what was going on in that obviously churning brain of hers.

  I woke refreshed, as I always did when I was at camp.

  I don’t know what it was … the fresh air, the lack of technology, or just the knowledge that I would be surrounded by people I loved, doing the thing that meant the most. Probably a combination of everything. Add to that the knowledge that there was an intriguing woman on the premises, made waking up all the more joyful.

  I brushed my teeth, threw on my running shorts, and laced up my sneakers, eager to get out and enjoy the morning before my cousins began to wake and search out breakfast.

  I’d been running every morning since I was a freshman in high school. I knew I had to be fast and tough to make the football team, so I’d started my routine at an early age. That dedication and drive had gotten me far in the sport I loved, and even though I no longer played the game, that routine was still a part of me. There was nothing like starting the day with the fresh morning light on my face and the sound of my feet hitting the ground.

  I was about a half mile in when I heard it … not the sounds of the birds chirping, or the twigs crackling as they fell to the ground, but the high strains of someone who could not carry a tune.

  I didn’t like to run with headphones on, preferring the sounds of nature as I let my head clear, but when I broke through the trees, I saw that Zoey liked to listen to music as she ran.

  She was a few feet ahead of me, but running at much slower pace, so I throttled back a bit, not ready to pass her.

  She was wearing hot-pink running shorts with a matching tank, her long sable hair pulled back into another ponytail, which swished back and forth as she ran. Her voice cracked as she sang along with her music, loudly, obviously expecting to be alone out on the trail.

  When Zoey raised her arm and started bumping her fist along to the music, I couldn’t hold back my laughter any longer.

  “Ahhhh!” she yelled when my laugh penetrated her ear buds, causing her to turn in surprise. She yanked the buds out of her ears and placed a hand against her chest as she came to an abrupt stop. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry,” I said, holding my hands up and trying to sound contrite.

  “I didn’t know anyone else was out here…” Her eyes were wide as she took me in.

  “I try to run every morning. I’m usually alone, since my cousins wouldn’t get up and run unless they were being chased.”

  Zoey laughed softly, pushing a few strands of hair off of her slightly sweaty face.

  “I don’t run every day, but when I woke up and saw what a beautiful day it was, it seemed like a waste not to get out and enjoy it.”

  “Care if I join you?” I asked, gesturing toward the trail.

  She didn’t need makeup, her face was interesting and beautiful without it, but the slight flush to her cheeks made her even more so. I felt a stirring in my blood as my eyes wandered, registering just how nice and tight her body looked in her running clothes.

  We need to get moving…

  “Sure,” Zoey replied, turning to start a slow jog.

  I matched my cadence with hers, and was pleased when she left the ear buds out, letting me know she was open to talking as we jogged.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked, suddenly unsure what to say to this woman without scaring her off.

  “Yes, wonderfully, actually. I usually have a tough time getting to sleep, but it must have been the fresh air or something, because I crashed almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.”

  “I find that I always sleep better when I’m here.” Jeez, I sounded like an uptight idiot.

  Get it together, Gabe…

  “Uh,” I cleared my throat
. “What are your plans for today?”

  “I have some writing to do,” she said, then paused before adding, “But if you need help with anything for the camp opening, just let me know. I want to repay you for your hospitality.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I assured her, not wanting her to feel like she owed me anything. “But, we were planning to head to the lake a little later. Check out the paddleboats, canoes, and the docks. Make sure everything’s safe and ready for use. Of course, that means we’ll have to play around a little bit at the lake, if you’re up for it.”

  Zoey turned her head toward me, her teeth flashing as she smiled.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “Great, I’ll come by and get you, let you know when we’re ready to go.”

  We jogged the rest of the way in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts as the morning sounds filled the air.

  It was nice. Easy. And I found myself looking forward to the sight of Zoey in her bathing suit.

  Chapter Six ~ Zoey

  I tried to focus on my characters, truly I did, but my mind kept drifting back to running into Gabe on the trail. Shirtless and sweaty…

  I almost had a heart attack!

  Good gravy boat … the man didn’t have an ounce of fat on his body. Tanned skin pulled tightly over lean, hard muscles … I was lucky my face had already been sweating, because the drool just blended right in.

  He’d startled me. I’d been enjoying a light jog, the music filling me up as I prepped for another day, and when I heard that deep, delicious laugh, I’d thought I was willing Gabe into existence. If I was honest, I’d thought of little else since Jasmine and I had gotten back to the camp the evening before … but when I’d turned and seen him, his handsome face alive with laughter, and that tall, delicious form half naked before me, I’d clutched my chest like an Eighteenth Century maiden in need of vapors.

  So, I’d been sitting here, anxiously waiting for him to come and pick me up to go to the lake. Embarrassing as it was, I’d come back to my cabin after the run, showered, and put my bathing suit on. That was three hours ago.