Read Too Tempting Page 5

  I’d never been with a man whose body was a work of art, and I didn’t want to waste this opportunity, so I used my hands and lips to worship every inch of him.

  My head came up when I heard him chuckle, eyes heavy with desire and lips swollen.

  “I’m beginning to think you just want me for my body,” he said gruffly, his half grin telling me that he was perfectly okay if that were the case.

  “Not just,” I answered breathlessly. “But I have to say, it doesn’t suck.” I moved back up, brushing his lips sweetly before admitting, “I think you’re kind.” Kiss. “Funny.” Kiss. “Smart.” Kiss. “But it doesn’t hurt that you look like Superman.”

  “Superman?” he asked with a full-on laugh, running his thumb along my lower lip, his eyes a delicious dark chocolate. “I assure you I’m just a man, Zoey.” Kiss. “But … if I was Superman, you would surely be my kryptonite.”

  With a feat of strength that had me gasping, he stood, lifting me with him and wrapping my legs around him as he moved us swiftly to the bed. My head hit the pillow, and my body quivered at the feel of his hard, long length, covering my body completely. He braced himself on his forearms so as not to crush me, then kissed me deeply.

  It registered in the far reaches of my mind that I’d won, that this was really going to happen, so I gave myself a quick mental high five before losing myself in the headiness of his kiss.

  With impressive speed and agility, Gabe took off my shirt and bra, and before I could have a moment of embarrassment or modesty, his dark head lowered and he took my nipple into his mouth.

  Moaning, I arched my back and shoved my fingers into his hair, briefly thinking how soft and silky it felt before my mind shut off totally and I was unable to do anything but feel.

  Feel the sweet tug of desire in my belly.

  Feel Gabe’s hot, wet mouth covering my nipple.

  Feel the gentle scrape of his teeth as he bit me softly.

  Feel the rage of emotion unfurl in me as my need for him grew into a frenzy.

  I bucked my hips, not wanting him to stop what he was doing, but trying to move my hands lower so that I could touch him in all the ways I wanted to.

  I cried out with loss when the cold air hit my breast, and his mouth moved lower, kissing along my stomach as his fingers began to ease my shorts down my thighs.

  My heart rate quickened as I watched Gabe’s focus as he finished undressing me, then dropped his own shorts, before joining me back on the bed. He opened my legs swiftly, kneeling between them as his eyes devoured me in a way I prayed his mouth would next.

  Gabe looked up suddenly, keeping his hot eyes locked on mine as he lowered his head. The sight of his mouth kissing me sweetly, right as I felt his tongue flick out and hit my clit, had me clenching the bedspread beneath my hands.

  It was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced … until he sucked my clit into his mouth and my hips launched up.

  “Ohhhh,” I couldn’t help but moan. “That’s new…”

  Gabe chuckled against me, and I swear, that rumble was nearly my undoing.

  He swept his tongue deftly up and down, and I nearly blacked out at the enormous sensations running through me.

  I wanted him in me, wanted to come when he was moving over me, so I sat up and put my hands under his arms, urging him up.

  “Let me,” he urged, but I shook my head fervently.

  “I want you inside,” I begged, unashamed … just needy.

  His eyes darkened to pitch at my plea, and I fell back with a happy sigh when he rose above me. I don’t know when he got out a condom, or where he pulled it from just then, and I didn’t care. All I cared about was watching as he sheathed his rock-hard cock.

  Oh yeah, I thought, I just said cock in my head. If anything deserved that sexy, erotic-sounding moniker, it’s that beautiful thing Gabe is currently stroking as he brushed the tip against me.

  I urged my inner voice to shut up and let me enjoy the moment, and as Gabe eased himself slowly inside of me, inch by inch by inch, I laid my head back once again and did just that.

  “Oh my god,” I breathed softly as he filled me up, his hard chest brushing against my soft breasts as he moved in and out of me, stopping to tease me with the head of his cock before pushing deeply back inside.

  “You’re amazing,” he groaned, and I opened my eyes to see his on me, watching the pleasure flit across my face.

  I brought my knees up, and he placed his arms underneath and lifted, titling my hips and causing himself to delve even deeper.

  I know I moaned, groaned, and probably even shouted … his name, God’s, and maybe even my own, as he continuously hit the spot that had my orgasm building until I crashed over the edge and trembled in Gabe’s arms.

  As I pulsed around him, he picked up the pace, rocketing against me as I held on to his shoulders and gave him the resistance he needed. I came out of my stupor just in time to watch his face as he reached his release, and I swore I’d never seen anything so beautiful, or any man look as handsome, as Gabe did in that moment.

  Chapter Thirteen ~ Gabe

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d spent the night with a woman. One of my favorite things about being in a relationship was waking up with a soft warm body next to me. That drowsy, content feeling you’d get as you snuggled next to the woman you were with.

  Anxious for that feeling, I wore a grin before I’d even opened my eyes, and stretched out my hand to draw Zoey to me. When all I found was empty sheets, I tossed back the covers and sat up, searching the small cabin and finding the object of my desire typing away furiously at the desk in the corner.

  I laid back down, turning on my side as I pulled the covers back over me.

  Her dark hair was piled on her head in a messy bun, and she was muttering to herself as she worked. She’d thrown on a Goonies T-shirt and a pair of running shorts, and I was surprised to see she had black horn-rim glasses on her face.

  She was a crazy mix of adorable and sexy, and I settled back into the pillow, content with watching her work.

  I let my mind run through the list of things I needed to get done over the next few days, while mentally planning the things I wanted to do with Zoey before the camp was overrun with teenagers.

  There was a waterfall a few miles away that I’d love to hike with her to, and I needed to talk with Jasmine to see when everyone wanted to do our big campfire, as well as put things in motion for our annual Sports Day competition.

  I’m not sure how long I stayed there, but when I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already almost nine, I knew I had to get up and get moving. Reluctantly, I cleared my throat and rose to sitting, then smiled to myself when I realized clearing my throat hadn’t gotten Zoey’s attention. She was still typing away, oblivious to the fact that I was awake.

  I stood and gathered my clothes from the floor, my eyes on her as I pulled them on. When I was done slipping on my shoes, I crossed the room and bent to press my lips lightly to Zoey’s head.

  She flinched slightly, then tilted her head back to smile sweetly at me.

  “Hey,” she said softly. “I didn’t hear you get up.”

  “Morning,” I responded. “I have to get going. I’m supposed to meet the guys so we can check out the cabin, tents, and yurts on the campers’ side, but I was hoping I could talk you into taking a break this afternoon. Say, one o’clock?”

  Zoey’s nose wrinkled cutely as she did some sort of mental calculation, then nodded.

  “I think I could make that happen.”

  “Great. Wear something you can hike in, with a bathing suit underneath.”


  She was already turning her focus back to her screen, so I kissed her quickly on the cheek, then headed out to meet my cousins, knowing full well they were going to give me shit for being late.

  I was jogging up the path when the razzing began.

  “Walk of shame, is it?”

  I lifted my head to see Re
ardon and Dillon sitting in the rockers on my cabin’s front porch, each of them rocking slightly, giant cups of coffee in their hands.

  “Jealous?” I asked Reardon with a grin as I made my way up the steps.

  “Bet your ass,” he admitted, causing me to chuckle.

  “Let me grab a quick shower and one of those,” I said, indicating his coffee.

  “Take your time,” Dillon said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the chair. “I’m happy right here.”

  True to my word, I was back out on deck seven minutes later with my hair still damp and a steaming mug of java in my hand.

  “Ready?” I asked, already walking down the steps.

  I heard Dillon groan, but knew they were following me when I heard the creak of the wood porch.

  “So, did you have a nice evening?” Reardon asked as he matched his steps to mine.

  “Yeah,” I replied vaguely.

  “Was everything okay? With Zoey, I mean…” Dillon asked, falling in on my other side. “The girls said she wasn’t mad or anything.”

  “No, she wasn’t mad, just got some inspiration for her writing and had to go get it down on paper,” I replied, smiling at the memory of Zoey’s abrupt exit.

  “She’s a little nutty,” Reardon said, but just as I was about to reply he added, “I like that about her.”

  Rather than taking offense, I agreed, “Yeah, me too.”

  “She’s pretty cool,” Dillon put in. “I’m kind of pissed I didn’t arrive sooner.”

  I turned to my cousin, one eyebrow raised, and asked, “You think that would have made a difference?”

  He looked me up and down, face expressionless, before he grinned and shrugged. “No, probably not. You two seemed to hit it off straight away. I’m happy for you, man.”

  “Whoa,” Reardon said, stopping in his tracks. “Happy for him about what? They just met for crying out loud, I wouldn’t be congratulating him just yet.”

  “I don’t know,” Dillon responded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve never seen him act like this around other women. I think Zoey’s something special.”

  They both turned their eyes to me.

  “Oh, are you done talking about me like I’m not here?” I asked sardonically.

  Neither of them answered.

  I took a deep breath and shrugged.

  “I’m not about to go out ring shopping,” I replied, looking the men I trusted most in the eyes. “But Dillon’s right, there’s something different about Zoey. I really like her, and I’d like to get to know her better.”

  “So, you think you will see her after she and her nephew leave camp?” Reardon asked. I knew he was only looking out for my best interest, but his disbelief that Zoey and I could have something real was grating my nerves.

  “I don’t know, Rear, we haven’t discussed it yet, but … yeah, I’d like to see what we’d be like outside of camp. In the real world.”

  “I hope it happens then, Gabe,” Reardon said. “You know I want what you want.”

  “I know, man,” I replied, then asked, “Are we done with the heart to heart now?” When they both nodded and we resumed walking I added, “Then let’s get some work done, I have a date this afternoon.”

  Chapter Fourteen ~ Zoey

  “Ohhhh, that’s good,” I muttered, then giggled softly.

  Lifting my eyes from the screen, I stared across the room, unseeing, as I stretched my arms above my head. My mind was full of magic, mystery, and mythical creatures as I lifted my coffee cup to my lips to take a sip, and realized that the cup was empty.

  “Hmmm, when did that happen?” I asked myself out loud, the groaned when I tried to stand and my muscles protested.

  I heard the sound of footsteps, and turned my head to see Gabe through the screened porch. I swiveled my head around, searching for the clock, and gasped when I saw it was one o’clock on the nose.


  I was about to start apologizing, but when Gabe opened the door and peeked his head around, a large sexy grin on his face, all words left me.

  He was impossibly handsome. No, really. Those lips…

  “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang…” That’s what came tumbling out when my words came back, causing Gabe’s grin to widen.


  “Nothing,” I answered quickly.

  “Are you just now finishing up?” he asked, coming fully into the room.

  “Yeah,” I said, leaning to the side in an effort to stretch my aching back. “I got caught up, but I can be ready in two minutes.”

  “If you aren’t done, we can reschedule.”

  “No,” I said, in a louder-than-necessary voice. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Gabe’s face softened at my admission and he took a few steps toward me, pausing to brush the back of his hand against my cheek.

  “Have you eaten anything?”


  Gabe chuckled. “Coffee isn’t food.”

  “It should be,” I replied softly, mesmerized by his gentle touch.

  He brushed a loose tendril back and said, “Get ready, Zoey. It’ll do you good to stretch your legs and get some food in you.”


  I rifled through my things until I found a bathing suit, running shorts, and a tank top, then hurried into the bathroom to get changed. I felt bad about not being ready when he arrived, but was relieved that it didn’t seem to bother him in the least. In fact, I hadn’t seen him get riled up about anything in the admittedly short amount of time that we knew each other.

  I really liked that about him.

  “Ready,” I said as I rushed out. I crossed to the room as he opened the door for me and then followed me outside.

  “Here, a little something to tide you over,” Gabe said, handing me a granola bar.

  I stilled, my hand out, each of us holding an end of the bar, and lifted my eyes to his.

  “That’s so thoughtful.” And it was … As silly as it may sound, it was the most thoughtful thing I could remember a guy doing for me.

  Gabe released his end of the bar and swung to the side, showing me the backpack he was carrying.

  “Don’t worry, I have a full lunch in here. Once we make it to the waterfall, we can set it up and take our time.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, then raised his head and said, “Let’s go.”

  We started off in the opposite direction of the camp, so we passed his cousins, who were all sitting on Jasmine’s porch eating their lunch and talking. When she noticed us, she raised her hand and said, “Have fun, you two,” causing everyone to turn and wave.

  I couldn’t hear what Reardon said, but I heard Dillon laugh in response, so I figured they were ribbing Gabe, even though he wasn’t there to hear it.

  As we walked through the woods, the sweet smell of wildflowers and budding bushes filled the air, and I could feel my mind and body loosen with each step. It was a beautiful day, and I was excited to see where Gabe was taking me.

  “It’s funny,” I began, my thoughts jumbling out of my mouth. “I never imagined I’d be here when I told my sister I’d take her place at camp. I mean, obviously I knew I’d be here, as in at the camp, but the thought of meeting someone, and having the connection that I have with you, never even crossed my mind.”

  When I realized what I’d said out loud, I stumbled. Literally.

  Gabe’s hand reached out to catch me and we stopped, turning toward each other. I kept my head down, afraid that I’d been presumptuous and said too much.

  Our connection … What if he didn’t see it that way? Gosh, sometimes I wondered how it was possible I was in my thirties, when I often felt like an awkward teen.

  “Hey,” Gabe prodded, bringing his finger under my chin and lifting, so I was forced to face him. “I feel the same way.”

  I felt the smile bloom across my face at his words, and the tension in my gut eased. Gabe lowered his head and kissed me again, but this time it was m
ore than a simple brush of the lips. He was firm, insistent, so I opened my mouth to him and allowed us both to be swept away by the budding emotions we were feeling.

  I clutched his hips as he deepened the kiss, worried my knees were going to buckle and I’d tumble to the ground.

  “Mmmm,” he groaned deliciously as he pulled away. He made sure I was steady, then took my hand and asked, “All good?”

  I nodded, still a little dazzled by the effective lip lock, and we turned to continue down the path, my hand still secured in his.

  Chapter Fifteen ~ Gabe

  I was in unchartered territory.

  There was a warmth in my chest, a fire in my belly, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

  If the guys were with us, I knew they’d be eating this shit up, but after Zoey’s admission, I doubt even they could ruin this feeling.

  Was it contentment?



  I wasn’t sure. Maybe it was a combination of all three.

  I did know, though, that with the way I was feeling, and things were progressing, that I had to tell Zoey the truth about who I was and what I’d done in the past. The omission was beginning to feel like a lie, and I wasn’t comfortable with that. I wanted this feeling to last, and in order for that to happen, I figured I needed to be completely honest. I just hope she’d understand my reasons and not feel betrayed in some way.

  I’d been with plenty of women who’d react badly … loudly … violently, if I kept anything from them, but for some reason, I thought Zoey was different.

  I guess I’d find out soon.

  We were about to break through the trees and get our first glimpse of the waterfall, so I trained my eyes on Zoey, eager to see her reaction. She didn’t disappoint.

  Her eyes widened as she gasped, and pure pleasure spread across her face. The hand I wasn’t holding came to her chest to rest over her heart and she murmured, “It’s amazing.”

  “This is one of my favorite places in the world,” I admitted, causing her attention to turn to me.