Read Touch of Power Page 13

  We all walked to an area that had a long thin line of sight. At the end, a square piece of wood with a red circle on it hung down from the trees. Quain wrapped his arms and legs around a tree’s trunk and climbed into the lower limbs.

  “Ready,” Quain said.

  “Start slow,” Belen ordered. “Side-to-side motion.”

  Quain yanked on the ropes, causing the board to sway.

  “It’s all in the timing,” Belen said to me. “The aim and throw are the same, but now you need to release the knife at just the right moment.”

  Flea and Loren watched. Guess I would have an audience. Yippee. Gripping the blade, I counted beats as the board swung one full circuit. No real reason why, just seemed like the thing to do. It didn’t work. After a few misses, I clipped the wood. I adjusted my timing and had another near hit.

  When the knife’s tip stuck inside the circle, the guys cheered. Quain increased the pace of the swing. Again, I struggled to find the right release point. Eventually, I hit the mark. Then Quain became creative with the motion. Pulling on the ropes, he resembled a puppeteer. The board moved up and down and side to side. Once I hit the target, he changed the speed or the motion or both.

  I hated to admit this, but I enjoyed the challenge. Belen no longer offered advice. Either that, or I didn’t hear him. My world shrank to me, the knives and the moving red circle.

  When the light faded, Belen stopped the session. “That’s a good start.” He clapped me on the back and almost knocked me to the ground. “Kerrick was right. You are a fast learner. Soon, you’ll be dangerous with those knives.”

  “As long as my opponent stands forty feet away,” I said.

  “One thing at a time. After you mastered the art of throwing, I can teach you how to fight with and defend against a knife.”

  We returned to the cave. My arms ached from the exertion. My stomach grumbled for the first time in days, although my appetite soured when Kerrick entered. Mr. Ghost of the Forest. He could run circles around that training camp with no one the wiser, yet he wouldn’t. Bitter? Who me?

  I forced half a bowl of Loren’s stew down my throat before crawling under my blanket.

  Voices whispering intently woke me sometime later. I guessed by the low light that the fire had burned down to embers. After a few minutes, I identified the voices as Kerrick’s and Belen’s. No surprise.

  “…never agree to heal Ryne if you don’t show her some kindness,” Belen said.

  “What do you call teaching her how to move through the forest, or how to throw knives?”

  “Survival skills because we put her in danger.”

  “And locked in a jail awaiting execution wasn’t dangerous?” Despite the whispering, his sarcasm rang clear.

  “You know what Tohon’s capable of. I’d rather she go to the guillotine than be captured by him.”

  A flurry of fear swirled at his words. That didn’t sound good. Not at all. No answer from Kerrick, which made it worse. I wished I could see his face.

  “I helped her find that girl,” Kerrick said in a more subdued tone.

  “Doesn’t count since Avry made a deal with you.”

  “But she’s being so stubborn. And we’re running out of time. Every day he’s trapped in stasis is another day Tohon and Estrid have to strengthen their armies.”

  “Even if we reached him tomorrow, it won’t matter. She’ll refuse to heal him and then what do we do?” Belen asked.


  “It’d be better to take the time and show her what happens to the people under Tohon’s rule.”

  “No. Too dangerous.” Kerrick sighed. “There has to be another way. She’s too smart to believe those rumors about Ryne, but I don’t know why she won’t agree.”

  “There’s another reason why. We need to find out, but she won’t open up with you being all stony silence and brooding anger. Jael’s been gone for four years…she’s not—”

  “Don’t start.” Boots scraped on the ground. Footsteps faded.

  Belen settled into his blankets with a muttered curse. It didn’t take him long to fall asleep. I wish I could say the same thing. Their conversation replayed in my mind.

  I wondered who Jael was. Although it was better for me if Kerrick kept being a cold heartless bastard. He made refusing to help Ryne easy. Belen had been right; I had many other reasons to hate Ryne besides the rumors.

  When I’d apprenticed with Tara, she told us about the time when Queen Alvena had requested her to heal King Micah. After traveling across the Nine Mountains, Prince Ryne blocked Tara from seeing his father, claiming healers were unnatural and upset the world’s balance. Disease and sicknesses were nature’s way to regulate our population.

  Ryne’s reasons had sounded like bullshit to me. Ryne wanted his father’s throne, not natural order. Tara had said he’d been nasty, rude and had his guards escort her from the castle even though it was late at night. He hadn’t allowed her to talk to his mother, either.

  It was pointless to share this story with Belen. He’d been countering all my objections about Ryne, explaining away all his bad behavior. I wondered if he knew about Ryne’s dislike of healers even before the plague. But, if I thought about it, it wasn’t up to Belen or the others to change my mind about Ryne. That was Ryne’s job. Too bad he couldn’t speak for himself.

  My thoughts blurred until sleep took over. Images of Noelle at various ages haunted my dreams. I tried to reach her, but giant flowers kept blocking my path. She yelled for me to save her. Shoving petals out of the way, I muscled closer to her. When I was about to grab her, vines circled my wrists, stopping me. I struggled but they tightened, pulling me back. The vines grew from Kerrick’s arms and twisted around me until I couldn’t move.

  My dreamworld melded with reality when I woke.

  Kerrick knelt next to me, holding my flailing wrists. “Easy. It’s just a dream.”

  I stopped fighting.

  He let go and sat back on his heels. “Nightmare?”

  “Something like that,” I mumbled, still half-asleep.

  “Is your sister’s name Noelle?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “You were yelling her name.”

  “Oh.” What else could I say to that?

  “Who is Allyn?”

  “My younger brother. Did I shout his name, too?”

  “Not tonight, but sometimes you mutter his name when you’re sleeping.”

  Wonderful, I thought sourly.

  “Did he survive the plague?” Kerrick asked.

  “I don’t know. He disappeared with my sister and mother.”

  “Do you have any other siblings?”

  I caught on. “If you think you can use my family as a way to get me to agree to heal Ryne, it won’t work. I’ve been on the run for three years, and during that entire time I hadn’t discovered a single clue to where my family might be. Learning that my sister might be alive and in some training camp is astounding. But even that didn’t work for you, so I’d suggest you find another way.”

  “You really have a low opinion of me, don’t you?”

  “No one else has backhanded me, starved me, manacled me to a tree and let me freeze each night. Therefore, I don’t have anyone else to compare you to.”

  “And what about the rescues from jail, the mercs and the lessons?”

  “All for Prince Ryne. Not me. You made that perfectly clear. Ryne is your priority.”

  “Fair enough. Consider this. It’s obvious you care for Noelle. What if she was sick, and I was the only one who could save her life? And you knew if she lived, she would do great things for thousands of people. What would you do after I refused to cure her because I heard she punched her brother?”

g a sibling wasn’t quite the same. “I wouldn’t resort to violence or intimidation. But I understand your point and, yes, I would put every effort into changing your mind about Noelle. I don’t object to the stories, the lessons or being a prisoner—not like my life before was any better. What I don’t like is being treated as a means to an end. That what I think or feel doesn’t matter at all as long as I agree with you. That might work for your gentlemen who choose to be here, but it won’t for me.”

  Kerrick gaze grew distant, and I wondered if he would finally understand. Which would complicate my life since his bully tactics only strengthened my resolve not to heal Ryne. But, as usual, he didn’t give me any indication that I had gotten through to him.

  “Belen was whittling knives from branches tonight. He has a busy day planned for you tomorrow. Go back to sleep, Avry,” Kerrick said.

  Shock rolled through me. Kerrick had said my name, and I suspected things between us would change. But would it be in a good way or bad?

  Even warned, I didn’t think Belen would work me quite so hard. He had me repeat the knife throwing with both stationary and moving targets until he was satisfied. Then he drew smaller circles and asked me to aim for them. Once I managed to hit the smaller targets, we started with basic knife defense, using the wooden knives he had carved.

  Bruised, sore and tired, I had no trouble falling into a deep sleep that night. No nightmares disturbed my rest, but Kerrick shook me awake, anyway. I blinked at him in confusion.

  “Come on,” he said.

  “Why? Did they discover our hiding spot?”

  “No. But we need to leave now if we’re going to make it back by daylight.”

  “Leave for where?” My thoughts felt as if they’d been dipped in honey.

  “To visit your sister.”

  Chapter 12

  I snapped awake. Did Kerrick just say…? “Visit my sister?” I repeated.


  “And what do I have to promise you in exchange?”


  I stared at him, seeking the real truth. But he returned my gaze with a rare open expression. Belen stood behind him with a wide smile on his face. Interesting. Not one to waste a golden opportunity, I threw back my covers, yanked on my boots and wrapped my cloak around my shoulders.

  “You’re in charge until we get back,” Kerrick said to Belen.

  “And if you don’t arrive by morning?”

  “Come find Avry at the training camp. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Kerrick muttered under his breath.

  I gave Belen a quick hug. “Thanks,” I whispered in his ear.

  He tried to act innocent. “For what?”

  “Belen, promise me you won’t ever play poker.”

  “Too late. The monkeys cleaned me out months ago.”

  “Oh, Belen.”

  “It’s only money, Avry. Get moving or Kerrick’ll leave without you.” He waved me off.

  Now it was my turn to mutter as I followed Kerrick from the cave and into the dark forest. No moon hung in the cloudless night sky.

  Kerrick turned to me. “Do you want to…?” He held his hand out. “We can move faster if…”

  I blinked a few times. Kerrick being shy? Normally, he would just grab my wrist and drag me along. Nice Kerrick was scarier than Mean Kerrick.

  In answer to his unfinished question, I laced my cold fingers in his warm ones. Magic buzzed up my arm and the objects in the forest became clear as if the sun had just risen.

  He set a quick pace. For the first time, keeping up was easy. Through his magic, I sensed we were alone in this part of the woods, and I had a number of questions. “How do you know she’s my sister?”

  “I’ve been watching the camp.” He glanced at me. “She resembles you, and she fights with a familiar tenacity. I’ve seen her take on bigger opponents and win. If she isn’t your sister, then I’ll relinquish command to Flea.”

  Hope mixed with pride. A dangerous combination, but I couldn’t suppress those feelings anymore. “How am I going to talk to her?”

  “The security around the barracks is lax. I’ve gotten inside without trouble, encountering no one. It’s an old facility that used to house thousands of soldiers so all the recruits have their own rooms.”

  He’d been busy. I considered. Being able to talk to her would be unbelievable, but what if she was unhappy? How could I leave her there? “What if she wants to come with us?” I braced for his answer.

  “Then we’ll come back for her.”

  I skidded to a halt. “What’s going on?” I demanded. “I told you before, I won’t promise—”

  “I know. Despite what you think, I wouldn’t be that cruel.” He drew in a deep breath. “My behavior has been…inexcusable. This is a way I can show you that you’re more than a means to an end.”

  Even though I remained suspicious, I couldn’t refuse his help. “You’ll let her travel with us?”

  “No.” He held up a hand to stop my protest. “It’s too dangerous for her. Hell, it’s too dangerous for us. I thought we’d leave her with Mom.”

  He’d thought this through! Going back to Mom’s would add weeks onto our journey. I should be terrified about how he might use this act of kindness in my future, but Noelle’s safety was all that mattered.

  “What should I tell her, then?” I asked.

  “To pack a bag and hide it. When we leave this area, we’ll come for her. Warn her, it’ll be in the middle of the night again, and it may be a couple weeks before we can leave.”

  We continued to the training camp, slowing as we drew closer. As Kerrick had said, only a few security guards patrolled the dilapidated wooden fence. When two of them disappeared around a corner, we climbed through a gap between boards. Just inside the fence, a ring of torches burned, creating pools of light. We sprinted into the shadows hugging the barracks. Sliding along the wall, we reached one of the side doors.

  Kerrick used his lock picks and popped the lock. He slipped inside and I followed, closing the door behind us. He headed straight to a door halfway down the corridor. I didn’t bother to ask how he knew where Noelle’s room was located.

  “I’ll wait here,” he whispered. “Don’t be long.”

  Suddenly nervous, I turned the knob, entering the room. Kerrick shut the door. A single bed, night table and desk decorated the small space. A weak yellow glow shone through the window, illuminating black hair spilled over the pillow. Stepping closer, I worried. What if she wasn’t Noelle? What if the girl screamed? Not wanting to scare her, I stopped about two feet away.

  “Noelle,” I whispered.


  Some things never changed. We had shared a room, and I used to wake her up in the middle of the night to discuss a matter that, at the time, seemed so important it couldn’t wait for morning. I sank to my knees at the familiar response.

  “Noelle,” I said a little louder.

  She jerked up with a yelp.

  “It’s okay. It’s me.”

  “Me who?”


  Shock replaced fear as she met my gaze. “You’re alive?”

  A silly question, but considering the circumstances… “Yes. I’ve been searching for my little shadow for years.”

  She lunged. For a split second, I thought she meant to attack me, but she wrapped me in her arms and squeezed so hard, I feared for my ribs. Noelle buried her face in my neck. I held her, drinking in her scent as a flood of emotions overwhelmed me.

  Aware of Kerrick waiting outside, I reluctantly pulled her away. Her eyes glittered, but, unlike me, she hadn’t cried.

  “How did you—?” she started.

I cut her off. “What happened to Mom and Allyn?”

  She stiffened as her gaze turned icy. “Dead.”

  I jerked as if she had punched me. Suspecting they were dead felt far better than the truth. The confirmation cut through me, rendering me unable to draw a breath.

  “Why didn’t you come home?” Noelle demanded.

  In that moment she no longer resembled my little shadow, but acted like a stranger.

  I gazed at her in confusion. “I did come home, but you were gone.”

  “Why did you wait so long? I sent you a dozen letters as soon as they got sick, begging you to come home.”


  “Don’t pretend you didn’t get them. I described their symptoms in detail. You knew they had the plague before we did. I can’t believe you’d listen to the Guild. Nothing’s more important than your family.”

  It took a long moment, but I realized Tara must have hidden or destroyed Noelle’s letters. She knew I would run home to help my family despite the Guild’s directive about the plague.

  “Noelle, I don’t have time to explain right now. But give me the chance.” Talking fast, I outlined our plan to rescue her, giving her a brief summary of Kerrick and his men.

  “Prince Kerrick of Alga?” she asked.

  “He’s no prince. Believe me.” I took her hands in mine. “Please come with us. We’ll have lots of time together and I can tell you everything.”

  “Of course I’ll come. I hate it here.”

  I hugged her as relief melted my heart. “I missed you so much.”

  The door opened. Noelle pulled away as Kerrick poked his head in.

  “We need to go,” he said, then ducked back out.

  I relayed his instructions to her. “It could be a couple weeks, but I promise we’ll be back for you.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be ready.”

  We returned to the cave an hour before dawn. The guys had waited up for us. To me, everything had changed even though nothing had changed. Lying in their bedrolls around the fire, Loren and Quain still argued, Flea greeted me with his lopsided grin and Belen was still Poppa Bear, smiling as he followed us in. He had been on watch.