Read Touch of Power Page 29

  Imagining traveling into the softness, I projected my awareness toward the bed. Nothing happened. I guessed I would remain an intangible being until the toxin’s effects wore off. Yippee.

  Winter arrived a few hours later. She called my name, but my body didn’t stir. Perhaps I wouldn’t have to go to the party, after all. The young lady touched my hand and I flowed into her consciousness.

  Worry for me dominated her thoughts. Nice to know she genuinely liked me. Concern over King Tohon’s reaction if she didn’t have me ready in time pulsed at the back of her mind. She debated if she should report my condition to the king.

  Can you hear me, Winter?

  No reaction.

  I didn’t feel right hearing her thoughts when she couldn’t hear mine. However, I did learn a few things. One, she was terrified of Tohon. Two, she had been ordered to tell Tohon everything I did. Three, Winter would never deliver a message to Sepp for me.

  She removed her hand and I floated up like a bubble released underwater. I stayed an invisible ghost for ages; at least, it seemed as if time had stopped. When I had been inside the plant, my body and soul had reconnected as soon as I’d been spat out, but Tohon’s injection lasted much longer. At least it didn’t kill me.

  Without warning, I snapped back into my body. I kept my eyes closed until the strange feeling of weighing a thousand pounds dissipated. Then I sat up and stretched.

  Winter returned while I soaked in the tub.

  “Thank the maker you’re awake!” She bustled around, gathering brushes and combs. “The king was getting impatient. Come on, miss. We have lots to do.”

  The desire to drag my feet and make Tohon wait surged. But I knew he would direct his ire at Winter so I cooperated with the girl, letting her arrange my hair and apply makeup. But when it came time to dress, I balked.

  The plunging neckline aside, the silk gown’s straps tied behind my neck so no material covered my back or my sides until my waist. I felt almost naked. Instead of putting the green one on, I found a yellow gown with layers of silk that wasn’t as revealing.

  Winter fretted over my decision, but she finished with my hair without saying a word. She had pulled it back with two combs and then curled the ends. It had grown past my shoulders.

  As Winter was applying the finishing touches of my makeup, Tohon barged in.

  “What’s taking so—?” He stared at me. “Why aren’t you wearing the gown I picked?” he demanded. A crazed fury filled his eyes.

  I stepped back automatically. “It didn’t fit.”

  “Don’t lie.” He closed the distance between us. “You will change now.”

  “No. I was uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t care. Change now.”


  He grabbed my forearms. Intense pain shot up them and spread all over as if I had caught on fire. I yelped, yanking my arms in an attempt to dislodge his grip. Stronger than me, Tohon held tight. Waves and waves of fire boiled my blood. He stared at me as I yelled.

  The attack stopped as quick as it started. With his fingers still clamped on me, Tohon leaned close to my ear. “The green gown. And if you give me trouble again, you’ll be thrown into a cell below the castle for three weeks. Understand?”

  Unable to control my ragged breathing, I nodded. He released me and watched as I fumbled to change. I turned my back on him to finish. Winter helped me tie the straps. When she moved away, Tohon came up behind me.

  He touched one of the scars crisscrossing my skin. I stiffened.

  “Is this why you didn’t want to wear this gown?”


  “Who did this to you? Kerrick?” Anger spiked his words.

  “No one. I healed a man who had been whipped.”

  “Then you should be proud of them. The healers I worked with were always showing me their scars. The women especially enjoyed revealing all of them. They appreciated the intoxicating link between us.”

  Unlike me. I stepped away.

  “Come on, then. We’re late.” His clipped tone warned that he remained unhappy.

  I followed him to a carriage that had been brought to the main courtyard. The cold air sent goose bumps along my skin. Tohon helped me into the carriage and I flinched as he draped a blanket around my shoulders.

  As the horses pulled us through the gates and toward the city, Tohon chatted as if he hadn’t just attacked or threatened me. His mood swings made Kerrick’s seem tame in comparison. If something as minor as a gown set him off, what would he do if he discovered the real reason I was here? I swallowed as fear bubbled up my throat. At least that incident provided me with more incentive to find a way to send a message to Sepp. My time here was limited.

  The sun had set by the time we reached town. We stopped outside an impressive mansion that had been built with thick wooden beams and river stones. Gardens surrounded the structure and one side wall was covered in ivy. Bright firelight flickered behind the windows and music drifted through the open doors.

  Tohon made a grand entrance. A room full of well-dressed people bowed before him and fawned over him. Their piercing gazes raked over me. I stifled the desire to hide within the folds of the heavy drapes. At least the house was warm.

  Three rooms had been decorated for the event. A string quartet played in a corner of the ballroom. Food and wine filled the dining room. Laughter echoed and couples danced. Despite his claims of another dreaded party, Tohon enjoyed the attention. He introduced me as Avry of Kazan to a number of lords and ladies. They nodded politely, then ignored me while Tohon was with me. Which was fine until they aimed snide comments at me when he wasn’t close enough to hear.

  At one point in the evening Tohon abandoned me. I found an empty seat in a dark corner, glad to no longer be eyed as if I were dessert.

  My peace didn’t last long. Tohon sought me out. And for the first time he didn’t have a group of admirers surrounding him.

  “You have them all atwitter, my dear. The theories and rumors about you are quite amusing. Because of the scars on your back, some believe you’re a prisoner of war, others say you’re a lady for hire who likes it rough.” He huffed. “As if I’d need to hire someone. And I’ve heard a few speculate that you’re a bastard child of Sultan Kazan.”

  “What would they do if you told them the truth about me? Would they turn into a lynch mob?”

  “No. They would smile politely.”

  “So, no change. Why didn’t you tell them?”

  “I like to keep them guessing. But I do want them to know you’re special to me.” He held out his hand. “Come dance with me.” He wasn’t asking.

  “I don’t know how.”

  “It’s easy. Just follow my lead.”

  I wouldn’t touch him until we were in the ballroom. With one hand on my hip and the other holding my hand, we joined the flow of dancers. At first, I couldn’t match his steps and it felt as if everyone stared at me as I stumbled along. I ignored the people around me and concentrated on the moves. After a few turns around the floor, I caught on.

  Once I found the rhythm, I relaxed. Big mistake. The heat of his touch ignited my magic and other things left unmentioned. He smiled. Moving his hand from my hip to my bare back, he pulled me close.

  “I knew you’d look fabulous in that gown, my dear.”

  Intent on changing the direction of the conversation, I said, “As per our contract, this counts as an event. Correct?”

  His good humor faded. “Asking for a favor already?”

  “A small request.”

  He gave me a wry smile. “Go on.”

  “I’d like a shopping trip to town.”

  “Really? You don’t seem the type.”

  “I need a few personal things.”

nbsp; “Winter will fetch anything you need, my dear.”

  “Yes, she will. She’s wonderful, but I need a day away from the castle.”

  “And from me?”

  A rush of desire flooded my senses. I closed my eyes for a moment, pushing the sensation away. “Stop.”

  He chuckled. “I’m just encouraging your own emotions. Besides, you’ll give in eventually, my dear.”

  Probably, but not tonight. “The trip—”

  “You can go, but Winter and half a dozen bodyguards will go with you.”

  Not good. “I don’t want to attract attention,” I tried.

  “After tonight, there may be a few people who will try to get to me through you.”

  Wonderful. “Then I’ll take Winter and Cellina. She can use that sword, right?”

  “She learned at school with the rest of us.” His gaze grew distant. “She considers you a threat. Do you really want to spend time with her?”

  “Why would I be a threat to her?”

  “Because, you’re here with me instead of her.”

  “Oh.” That explained a number of things.

  “Growing up, I was a prince in name only. Once my father learned of my magic, he appointed my cousin as his heir. These young noble ladies had no interest in me then. Now that I’m king, they’re tripping over themselves to get my attention. I knew Cellina in school. We became very close and I know I can trust her.”

  “Why am I here? You can’t trust me.”

  “Such honesty, my dear. You’re here because you’re a challenge.”

  “When I’m no longer a challenge, will you be here with another lady?”


  “No. Hopeful.”

  His grip tightened. I gasped as every inch of my skin tingled. Light-headed, I swayed. He supported me. “Those comments try my patience, and you know what I’m capable of.” We danced for a while in silence. Instead of clearing, my head felt fuzzy, as if I’d had too much wine to drink. Overheated, I glanced at the doors to the garden with longing.

  “Something wrong?” Tohon asked.

  “I need some fresh air.”

  He pulled us from the dance. Releasing his grip, he kept his hand on my back as we headed toward the exit. Right before the open doors, he swung around in front of me and kissed me.

  Overwhelmed with sensations, I wrapped my arms around him to keep from falling. His hands stroked my bare arms and back. I was soon lost and the music and ballroom full of dancers faded to nothing.

  “Er, excuse me, Your Highness.” A voice pierced the haze. “Hate to bother you…but it’s an urgent matter.”

  Logic returned to me when Tohon pulled away. “It better be an emergency, Dewan.” Tohon’s tone held a dangerous edge.

  The man cleared his throat. “We’ve gotten some intelligence on Estrid that we need to discuss.”

  Tohon still didn’t look happy, but he nodded. “I’ll be right there.” He gazed at me. “Sorry, my dear. Business. Should I return you to your corner?”

  “No. I still need that fresh air.”

  “Stay in the gardens. And just in case you get any ideas, there are guards all around the perimeter.”

  “Too bad ’cause I’d probably get really far in this gown.”

  “Sarcasm is another one of those things that try my patience.”

  I bit down on my next comment, equally sarcastic. Satisfied, he followed Dewan and I hurried into the garden.

  I pulled in deep lung-filling breaths of the night air. My head cleared as my body cooled. A few more of Tohon’s kisses and I would be a drooling mess and unable to help anyone. Walking around the garden, I planned a way to contact Sepp during my shopping trip with Winter and Cellina. I hoped he’d be waiting in a public place so I could give him the signal. He’d been in town for two weeks and should know about the Death Lilys around the wall. Maybe he would arrange a distraction so I could talk to him. Not the best plan, and I was at a loss if I didn’t see him at all, but it was all I had.

  Torches blazed, casting a warm glow on early-spring blooms that swayed in the slight breeze. I marveled at the delicate plants nestled between evergreen bushes, ornamental trees and willows fuzzy with velvet catkins. Memories of my childhood flooded. Collecting the willow branches for my mother had been a rite of spring for my siblings. I touched one of the soft white buds. A little zip of magic tingled along my fingers. Odd. I glanced behind me, searching for Tohon. No one.

  Then a hand clamped over my mouth as an arm wrapped around my waist. Yanked off the path and into a dense clump of greenery, I didn’t have time to resist.

  A familiar voice whispered in my ear. “Easy.”

  Various emotions swirled around my heart. From relief to anger to annoyance to fear, to…delight and back. I settled on annoyance as he released me.

  I spun around. “Kerrick, what…?” The rest of my question fizzled in my throat as I looked at him. Anger hardened his expression. He must have seen Tohon kissing me. “I can’t avoid his touch altogether. A couple of kisses in two weeks is pretty damn good.”

  Kerrick studied me, taking in my green gown in the weak moonlight. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, feeling very exposed.

  “Have you been following me since the Nine Mountains?” I asked.


  It explained a few things. “That’s why Belen settled down. Are the guys—?”

  “With Estrid. Or they should be by now. They follow my orders.”

  I ignored the comment. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s too dangerous. Tohon hates you. He even has a glass coffin ready for you.”

  Kerrick failed to show the proper concern over his own welfare. “Have you found Ryne?”

  “Yes. He’s in one of those coffins. Along with King Zavier and another man.”

  “Who is he?”

  “I don’t know. Big blond guy. Young. Dead. Has a scar on his forehead.”


  “Could be. He hated him, too.”

  “But he’s quite taken with you,” Kerrick said.

  “Only because of you.” Ha. I’d surprised him.

  His anger slipped a bit.

  I told him why Tohon had attempted to lure Jael away. “He’s under the mistaken impression that luring me away from you would hurt you. Which works for now. Once Ryne is healed and this is over, he won’t consider me a challenge and hopefully leave me alone.” I suppressed a shiver and rubbed my hands along my arms. The night air had turned cold. Or was it due to Kerrick’s gaze?

  Kerrick didn’t respond so I asked, “Have you seen Sepp?”


  Relief puddled in my stomach. Finally something going right. “I heard one of Tohon’s men talking about Estrid. Hopefully in the next week, Tohon will leave the castle to deal with the attack. Tell Sepp to come after midnight the first night Tohon is gone.”

  “What if Tohon doesn’t leave?”

  “Then tell him to come one week from tonight. Sepp can climb over the outer east wall at the midpoint—the Death Lilys won’t bother him. And if he heads straight west, he’ll see the infirmary. I’ll be waiting there.”

  “All right. Do you need me inside?”

  “No. Stay near the wall. We should be able to get Ryne past the Lilys.” I explained as fast as I could about the Lilys and Tohon’s experiments. Ryne would need to know. “And his dead soldiers are located in the barracks—”

  “Avry,” Tohon called from a distance.

  I jerked. “You need to disappear. If he finds you…” I shooed him away, then turned to find the path.

  “Avry,” Kerrick said.

  I stopped. He stepped behind me. I felt his warmth on my bare ba
ck and I resisted the urge to lean against him.

  “Tohon isn’t mistaken.” Kerrick traced one of the scars along my shoulder blade. “I would be…upset if he succeeded in luring you away.”

  Chapter 24

  Kerrick had lousy timing. And what exactly had he meant by being upset? Upset as in, too bad I’ve lost another soldier for our side? Or upset as in, I’ve lost someone I care for?

  “Avry,” Tohon called, louder this time and more annoyed.

  I turned to Kerrick to ask him, but he had disappeared. Typical. “Keep out of Tohon’s sight,” I said to the bushes, then hurried to the path. Maybe it was better I didn’t know what he’d meant. I couldn’t allow myself to fall in love with him or with anyone else since I had no future if I healed Ryne. A little voice in the back of my mind said, Too late. I squashed it.

  When I reached the path, I tripped over the edge on purpose. Hitting the stones hard with my hands and knees, I grunted as the sharp edges cut into skin.

  “Over here,” I yelled to Tohon. I sat on the ground and yanked off my left shoe, breaking the heel.

  When Tohon strode into view, his scowled transformed into concern. “My dear, what happened?” He crouched down.

  “I caught my heel. I think I twisted my ankle.”

  He helped me to stand. I wobbled.

  Tohon cupped my elbow to support me. “Can you walk?”

  “Yes.” I limped beside him.

  “I’ll call for the carriage.”

  “You don’t have to leave for me. I’ll be better in a couple hours.”


  Within fifteen minutes the horses and carriage pulled up to the entrance. Tohon helped me up the steps, but before I entered, I glanced back at the garden. Was Kerrick still there?

  “Something wrong?” Tohon asked.

  Yes. Damn Kerrick. “Just a twinge.” I sucked in a breath and settled into the seat.

  Once again he wrapped a blanket around me. “Looks like you’ll have to postpone your shopping trip a few days.”