Read Tough Love: Episode 2 Page 3

just keep letting you make all of the decisions? (Wilt closes the newly packed suitcase and turns to stumble out of the room but stops when Duke talks.)


  Well, yeah. (Chasing after Wilt.) Calm down. I thought we were friends.


  (Turning to face Duke.) Friends!?! People like you don’t have “Friends”; you have people who put up with you. And now you don’t even have that. Have fun dying!

  (Cut to a full shot of the room as Wilt walks back over towards the door leaving Duke standing alone. Wilt stops when he hears Duke say please.)


  (Unnaturally serious.) C’mon, you’re too wasted to go anywhere right now. Please, (Pause) stay here and sleep it off.

  (Close up on Wilt’s face. He looks confused as though he had never heard the word please before.)


  Did you just say “please”?

  (Cut back to the full shot of the room. Duke snaps back into his overconfident, mood breaking demeanor.)


  You can continue your bitch fit in the morning. We get up at seven tomorrow.


  Sure, I’ll crash here just for tonight.

  (Scene fades out as Wilt drops his suitcase and starts getting into his bed.)


  (Scene opens on an establishing shot of a beach on the coast of Lágnos. Then cut to a tracking shot of Duke and Wilt walking on a crowded boardwalk on that beach. Wilt is holding his forehead in discomfort.)


  Uugh. There isn’t enough Greek Aspirin in the world.


  Exactly how much do you remember from last night?


  I’m pretty sure I went to check out that bar that the obnoxious airport salesman told us about… Then I was talked into drinking… something strong.


  And then?


  Then I woke up and have been in hangover hell ever since.


  (Laughing) This is so much more fun when it happens to you.

  (Duke and Wilt suddenly stop with the camera facing them. The camera turns to show the Mistress standing in front of them then focuses on the Mistress. Most of the crowd is gone now and there are only a few people off in the background.)


  Duke Butchmann. We need to talk.

  (There is an awkward pause as the camera cuts to a full shot to show all three of them.)


  Who are you?


  You may address me as Mistress just as my subordinates do.


  (Recognizing the purple cloak.) What do you want?

  (Cut to a point of view shot from the roof of a nearby building. The Mistress can be heard talking from far off as all three are being observed.)


  It has come to my attention that you are looking for something that my organization desires. If you continue to pursue this artifact then I’m afraid that would make you something of, (Pause) an obstacle.

  (The person watching sets his sights on Duke. A gunshot is heard. Cut to a shot of Duke gripping his shoulder and crying out in pain.)



  (Cut back to the full shot that shows Duke, Wilt, and the Mistress. Duke drops down to his knees and Wilt rushes to help him up.)


  Hmm. It would appear that this conversation is no longer necessary. (Turns to walk away.) Farewell, Cursed One. (Exits)


  Duke! Are you ok!?!

  (Cut a medium shot of Duke and Wilt.)


  I have a piece of lead, INSIDE OF ME!


  C’mon. You have to get up. We have to get out of here.

  (Wilt helps Duke up and they run off. Cut to a nearby empty alleyway as Duke and Wilt run onscreen and stop to catch their breath. Duke leans against the wall. His shoulder is bleeding noticeably.)


  Who was that asshole?


  I don’t know but I don’t think we’re too far from the police station. It should just be to the right and down a couple of blocks.


  Good. I’ll go ahead since they’ll obviously want to speak to me first. (Duke hurries around the corner. The sound of him being punched is heard and he falls back onscreen clutching his face.) Ow! My beautiful nose.

  (The sound of spurs is heard. Cut to the feet of a shadowy figure. The camera quickly pans up and the figure steps into to light revealing that it is Burt. Cut to a full shot of the alley as Wilt runs up to punch Burt. Burt grabs Wilt’s wrist just before the fist can make contact with his face then he swiftly punches him in the stomach. Wilt falls down on the ground next to Duke.)


  You bastard! Not only do you defile my wife but you actually have to nerve to film it and leave it in the DVD player!


  Oh shit. Did I forget to take that with me?


  (Pulling out his handgun.) You’ll forget a lotta things after I blow out a nice chuck of your brain.


  I told you not to sleep with her!


  (Sarcastically) I’m sorry. Is it a crime to have a thing for Russian chi-

  (Burt cuts Duke off by kicking him in the stomach. Cut to a close up of Duke as he struggles to get up. He looks over at Wilt. Cut to a close up of Wilt as he looks back at Duke and starts to crawl behind Burt. Close up of Duke as he nods at Wilt. Close up of Wilt as he nods back. Cut to a full shot of the alleyway.)


  Is that really what you want your last words to be?

  (Duke stands up and Wilt sneaks behind Burt and gets on his hands and knees.)


  Are you really willing to be put away for murder just because I banged your chick?


  I love my wife more then anything and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for her.

  (Cut to a medium shot of Duke and Burt. Duke walks up close to Burt and looks him in the eye.)


  In that case I’ve got something to say to you.


  (Lowering his gun to get up close in Duke’s face.) Yeah? And what’s that?

  (Duke pushes Burt with both hands. Cut to a full shot as Burt stumbles backward and trips over Wilt. Cut to a close up, slow motion shot of Wilt as he snatches the gun away from Burt and Burt falls to the ground. Cut back to a normal motion, full shot as Wilt stands back up and shoots Burt in the leg.)


  You’re wife said that I’m bigger than you. (Runs off-screen.)



  (Wilt runs off-screen. Cut to a one-shot of Burt as he screams after them.)


  You’ll never escape me Butchmann! Do you hear me!?! No matter what I will hunt you down for the rest of your miserable life!


  (Cut to one of the sidewalks in downtown Lágnos. A tracking shot follows Duke and Wilt as they run down the sidewalk. Duke now has a bruised and slightly bloody nose. They stop and Duke grabs his shoulder and leans against a nearby building.)


  Ok, I think we’re safe now. All we have to do is find a hospital. (Walks toward an old woman on the street.) Excuse me. Can you point me in the direction of the hospital?


  Fýgete. Eímai pára polý apascholi̱ménos gia na ascholi̱theíte me sas tó̱ra!

  (The woman shoos Wilt away. Wilt starts going up to other people on the street trying to get directions from them but no one understands or helps him.)


  Ah, fuck it. Does anyone here speak English!


  (From off-screen.) You’ve gotta be shitting me!

  (Duke turns to see who just spoke. Close up on Lana standing on the other side of the street. Cut
to black.)

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