Read Tough Love: Episode 3 Page 2

the room as Esau enters from the kitchen.)


  It was nice of you to drop by Mistress. Or should I refer to you by your real name?


  (Menacingly) I wouldn’t.

  (Esau walks over to one of the empty tables. Cut to a one shot of him as he pulls up a chair and sits down. He then smirks condescendingly.)


  You know I knew that you were coming for me.

  (Cut back to the full shot as the Mistress steps closer.)


  And yet you didn’t run?


  You would have tracked me down. Besides even though it’s not how I usually do things sometimes it’s best to face your problems head on.

  (Cut to a close-up of the kitchen door as a few henchmen walk out of it. Cut back to the full shot as more henchmen appear from various rooms, closets and even a couple from outside the restaurant. Ten appear in total and surround the Mistress who barely acknowledges them.)


  Where is the heart Esau?


  You’re surrounded by the most expensive body guards in Greece and given what you’re wearing, (Looks the Mistress up and down.) I seriously doubt that you’re hiding any of those fancy knives of yours. What I’m trying to say is that you are really not in a position to be asking me questions.

  (Cut to a one shot of the Mistress. She looks around the room confidentially as the henchmen pull out their handguns.)


  Ten men? That’s cute.

  (Cut to a one shot of the first henchman standing near the kitchen door as he fires his gun at the Mistress. Cut to a close-up tracking shot of the bullet as it travels across the room in slow motion then suddenly gets cut in half by a throwing knife. Cut back to normal speed and a shot of the first three henchmen as the two shards of the bullet strike henchmen two and three. Henchmen two and three fall to the ground as the knife whizzes past the first henchman’s head and cuts the tip of his ear before striking the wall behind him. Henchman one touches his ear and has just enough time to notice that it left blood on his hand before the Mistress dashes in from off-screen and hits him with two quick jabs in the chest. Then she grabs him by the arm and throws him across the room to where henchmen four and five are standing by the restaurant entrance. Cut to a medium shot of henchmen four and five as henchman one crashes into henchmen four and both fall to the ground. Henchman five tries to fire his gun but a throwing knife comes in from off-screen and knocks the gun out of his hand. A second knife then comes in and strikes him in the chest. Cut back to the Mistress who still has her arm extended from throwing the last knife. Henchman 6 comes in on her right wearing brass knuckles and tries to hit her. She blocks with her right arm as henchman 7 comes at her from the left. The Mistress punches henchman 6 in the face with her left arm causing him to step back in pain. Then she brings her elbow back striking henchman 7 in the stomach, then brings her wrist up and strikes him again in the face. Henchman 6 tries to punch her again but she ducks out of the way and he hits henchman 7 instead. Henchman 7 falls. The Mistress then raises her leg in preparation for an axe kick. Cut to a point-of-view shot from henchman 6 staring at her crotch as she continues to raise her leg in slow motion. Cut to a medium shot of henchman 6 and the Mistress. Henchman 6 continues staring as normal speed returns and the Mistress brings her heel down on top of his head sending him plummeting to the ground. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress. Gunfire is heard from off-screen. The Mistress flicks her wrist and a knife appears as if from nowhere and she uses it to deflect the bullet. She glares in the direction of henchman 8 who fired at her. Close-up on henchman 8.)


  Hurry up! Shoot her! Shoot her! SHOOT HER!

  (Cut to an aerial view of the room looking down on everyone. Henchmen 8, 9, and 10 all frantically fire at the Mistress from all sides. She pulls out a second knife and dodges or blocks all of the bullets until they run out of ammo and the pathetic clicks of an empty gun are heard. Cut to a one shot of henchman 8 as he fumbles with his gun while trying to reload. Meanwhile the screams of henchmen 9 and 10 can be heard off-screen. Henchman 8 finally loads his gun and points it out to where the Mistress was but looks confused. Cut to a point-of-view shot from Henchman 8 as he looks at the empty spot where she was. He turns to the left then the right and still sees nothing. He looks back to the left and sees the Mistress’s breasts pressed together in her tight bikini top right in from of him. He gasps and the Mistress’s arm reaches out and grasps his throat. The sound of him choking is heard as his gaze pans up to her face. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress as she drops the last henchman and turns to look back at Esau. Then cut to a medium shot of the Mistress and Esau.)


  Where the hell do you keep those things?


  I’m the one who will be asking the questions now. Why did you hide the fact that you knew where to find the Heart of Aphrodite?


  Maybe I found out what you plan on doing with it.


  You mean create a perfect world without war or destruction? A world without pain or suffering?


  Is that what you tell the other disciples?

  (The Mistress gets offended and dashes up close to Esau. The camera cuts to a close-up showing the upper bodies of the Mistress and Esau. The Mistress has a knife pressed up against Esau’s throat. Esau shows true fear for the first time as the knife grazes his neck and a drop of blood falls.)


  I tell them what they need to know. Now tell me what I need to know.


  I don’t actually know where the heart is!


  Wrong answer.


  There’s a map! In the museum they’re holding an artifact that’s supposed to reveal the location of the heart. At first I thought it was a fake. No one has been able to decipher it completely but I recognized the craftsmanship. It was made by the god Hephaestus himself!

  (Cut back to a medium shot as the Mistress lowers her knife away from Esau’s throat. Esau breathes a sigh of relief.)


  That’s better.


  (Scene opens on a shot of the changing tent from earlier. Wilt walks inside carrying a backpack. Cut to a full shot inside of the tent as Wilt enters. He sets the backpack down on a nearby bench, opens it, and pulls out a pair of swimming trunks. He puts the trunks back down on the bench then starts to unbutton his shirt. Cut to a one shot showing him from the waist up as he undresses. As he lowers his pants the camera turns to show Jasmine standing behind him.)


  You shouldn’t have come here.

  (Wilt jumps from being startled and spins around to see who’s behind him. Cut to a medium shot of Wilt and Jasmine.)


  Is this going to be a regular thing with you!


  Relax. I wasn’t, (Lowers her gaze downward and bits her lip a little.) looking.

  (Wilt follows her gaze and then remembering that he is naked quickly grabs his trunks off of the bench and holds them in front of him.)


  Who are you? Why do we keep running into women in purple cloaks?


  We are the disciples of Aphrodite and we are tasked with spreading peace and love throughout the world. The woman that you saw this morning was our leader.


  You didn’t answer either of my questions.


  (Sigh) You’ve crossed paths with us because you refused to listen to me. If you get in the Mistress’s way I won’t be able to protect you.


  Protect me? What the hell happened to peace and love?


  The world isn’t as black and white as you seem to think it is. (Turns to walk away.) I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

/>   WILT

  Wait! (Pause) What is your name?

  (Cut to a close-up of Jasmine as she stops.)


  It’s Jasmine.

  (Jasmine whips her cloak around her body obstructing the camera’s view. Cut to a close-up of Wilt who turns his head and blinks because of the cloak in his face. Cut to a full shot of the tent where Wilt is now standing alone.)


  (Scene opens on an establishing shot of the Lágnos Museum that slowly zooms in on the sign with its name on it. Cut to a full shot of the inside of the museum where a female tour guide is escorting a group of tourists along with Wilt and Duke around.)


  Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Hera, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, and Aphrodite. These are the twelve gods that sit atop Mount Olympus.

  (Cut to a slow pan across the tour group as the tour guide speaks. Most of the tourists are overweight and wearing novelty T-shirts or carrying cheep souvenirs. There is also a young couple acting “lovey dovey” with each other and not really listening.)


  They seldom interfere with the affairs of mankind however they have been known to come down disguised as regular people like you or me.

  (Cut to a full shot of the tour guide and her group. The young couple starts getting loud enough to disturb the others.)


  No, I love you the most.


  Well that’s impossible because I love you the most.


  Quiet down please. Now where was I, um… (Sees Duke at the front of the group looking disinterested.) Well hello there.

  (Cut to a medium shot of Duke and Wilt as Duke smiles back at the tour guide and looks like he is about to approach her. Wilt pushes him to the side and steps forward.)


  Do you know anything about