Read Tough Love: Episode 6 Page 2

me such a migraine.

  (Cut to a close-up tracking shot of her heels being thrown across the floor. Fade into next scene.)


  (Scene opens on an establishing shot going down an empty hallway in the Disciples Lair. Jasmine opens one of the doors in the hallway and walks out into the shot. Cut to a shot of Jasmine as the disciple, Kim, walks past her in the hallway.)


  Good morning, sister.

  (Jasmine nods back at Kim and watches her walk away. Once she is gone cut to a tracking shot of Jasmine as she walks down the hallway. She stops at the door to the Mistress’s room. She looks both ways before opening the door and walking inside. Cut to a full shot of the Mistress’s room as Jasmine steps inside and closes the door behind her. Jasmine looks around for a moment until she finds the Mistress’s nightstand. Jasmine walks over to it. Cut to a close up of the nightstand as Jasmine’s hands are seen opening the top drawer. She fiddles with the drawer until the sound of the false bottom lifting free is heard. Cut to a one shot of Jasmine. She pulls a black notebook out of the drawer and stares at it. Cut to next scene.)


  (Cut back to City Hall and a shot of three of the mayor’s guards talking in a circle back down in the lobby which has been evacuated.)


  Does anyone know what’s going on up there?

  (Cut to a one shot of the Mistress entering the room. She throws two knives and then sprints off-screen. Cut back to the guards as the knives hit Mayor’s Guard 2 and 3. Guard 1 turns around to look in the direction that the knives came from only to have the Mistress fly on-screen and kick him in the face with both feet. Cut to a shot of the Mistress as she flips backwards and lands on her hands causing her skirt to rise and her panties to momentarily become visible. She flips again to land on her feet then cut to a full shot of the room as the three guards fall and she adjusts her skirt.)


  (From off-screen) That’s her! Everyone get in formation!

  (The camera turns as the doors burst open and Guards 4 through 15 enter the room. They all stand in a line and point their guns at the Mistress. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress as she throws a knife over at the wall. Cut to a tracking shot of the knife as it ricochets off of a wall decoration and slices through all of the guard’s guns at once. Cut to a full shot of the room as all of the guns crumble to pieces on the floor. The Mistress takes a Kung Fu stance.

  All of the guards run at her in a bowling pin like formation. The first to reach her is Guard 4. Cut to a shot of the Mistress as she sweeps Guard 4’s leg, spins around, and strikes him with both palms while he is still falling through the air so that he crashes horizontally into some of the guards behind him. Cut to a full shot as about six of the guards closest to her get knocked down by Guard 4’s body.

  Cut to a tracking shot of the Mistress. Guards 5 and 6 attack her from each side. She blocks both punches simultaneously. They try to strike again but she jumps backward to dodge and then grabs their heads and smacks them together causing them to become disoriented. Guard 7 reaches her and throws a punch. The Mistress ducks under his arm and strikes his armpit then steps behind him while grabbing hold of his arm. She quickly breaks the arm then kicks Guard 7 in the back of the head causing him to get knocked into Guard 5. They both fall, unconscious. The Mistress then grabs the disoriented Guard 6 by his shirt collar and pulls him forward into her oncoming fist. This causes him to spin through the air before landing unconscious on the floor.

  Guards 8 and 9 try to gang up on her. She wraps her arm around the back of Guard 8’s neck and pulls him around so that he is hunched over and standing in between the Mistress and Guard 9. She rapidly knees Guard 8 in the groin, stomach, and face before pushing him aside where he collapses. Guard 9 throws a punch at her with one arm but she catches it. She squeezes his fist and the sound of his bones popping is heard. Guard 9 grits his teeth from the pain and tries to swing the other arm at her but she catches that as well. With both of his arms restrained the Mistress violently head-butts Guard 9 in the face and he drops immediately. Guard 4, as well as the rest of the guards that he accidently knocked over, finally get up off of the floor. Cut to a full shot of the room. The Mistress makes her way to the center of the room as the remaining seven guards surround her.)


  You know, you might have been able to get through this without a broken leg if you didn’t keep trying to look up my skirt.


  What are you talking about? You’ve barely touched my leg.


  (Sigh) There I go again. Always getting ahead of myself.

  (Guard 4 runs at the Mistress. She sidesteps out of the way and gets behind him. She wraps both of her arms around his waist and lifts him up in the air. Then she suplexes him down to the floor. This positions the rest of the guards on one side of her, making them easier to fight while also making them hesitant to attack for fear of hitting Guard 4 by mistake. While they are both still on the floor she gets Guard 4 in a submission hold and twists his leg, causing it to snap loudly.

  Guard 10 tries to kick the Mistress in the head but she combat rolls out of the way and over to where Guard 11 is standing. She grabs Guard 11’s ankle then stands straight up lifting his leg up over her head and causing him to fall over. Guard 10 catches back up to her. She curls her fingers to make her hand into the shape of a claw and then thrusts her palm upwards into Guard 10’s nose which can be heard breaking. She then grabs his head with both hands and pulls it down so she can knee him in the face. Guard 10 falls as Guard 12 tries to rush the Mistress from behind. She spins and delivers a roundhouse kick right to the side of his head which disorients him.

  Guard 13 runs up to the Mistress and throws a punch with his right arm. She uses her left hand redirect the punch then chops him in the neck with her right hand. She pulls her left arm back and strikes Guard 13 with her palm, knocking him into a few other guards. Guard 11 gets back up and runs at her from behind. The Mistress backflips over Guard 11 and once behind, kicks him in the back of the head while still in midair which knocks him out. She lands on her hands just as she did before then keeps flipping backwards until she is standing by the wall. She takes another Kung Fu stance and waits for the remaining four Guards to attack her.

  They all charge with Guards 12 and 13 taking the lead. Guard 12 is the first to reach her. The Mistress sidesteps out of the way, grabs the back of Guard 12’s head, and slams it into the wall behind her, knocking him out. This leaves her in a position facing the wall. She turns her torso and takes a step forward with her left foot to punch Guard 13 in the face with a left hook while pulling back her right arm. She moves straight into her next attack which is a jab with her right arm into Guard 13’s stomach followed by another step forward with her right foot. Guard 13 hunches over and the Mistress brings her left knee up to knock him out. Guard 14 tries to rush her from the side so she turns and moves from the upward knee position directly into a sidekick with her left leg which knocks Guard 14 back several feet.

  Guard 15 tries to rush her from the other side. The Mistress blocks his punch with her forearm then delivers several rapid Wing Chun punches to his chest. She finishes the combo by sweeping his leg, causing him to fall on the floor. She then lifts her leg high in the air to prepare for an axe kick. Cut to a point-of-view shot from Guard 15 as he watches the Mistress’s leg go up in slow motion and stares at her panties. Cut to a medium shot of the Mistress and Guard 15 as normal speed returns and she brings her leg down on his head. Cut to a full shot as the Mistress’s leg connects with Guard 15’s head and Guard 15 gets knocked out. The Mistress turns to face Guards 14. Guard 14 stares back for a second before turning and running the other direction.

  Cut to a tracking shot of Guard 14 running where the Mistress is not in view. He reaches a door that leads out of the room and frantically fiddles with the doorknob but cannot get the door t
o open. Zoom out to show the Mistress casually leaning on the door, keeping it shut. Cut to a shot from the other side of the door where a loud thud is heard and the door buckles and cracks from the impact of something. Cut back to a shot of the Mistress and Guard 14 as Guard 14 slides down the door, unconscious.

  Cut to an aerial view of the room showing all fifteen guards laying on the floor and the Mistress standing in the middle of it all. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress as she yawns and stretches before turning to walk out of the room. Cut to black.)


  (Scene opens in darkness with only the sound of a crowd cheering. Cut to a tracking shot of a man in a red jogging suit running down a closed-off street. He has two other joggers behind him, threatening to take the lead. Cut to a close-up of the man as he takes a deep breath, grits his teeth, and sprints for the finish line. As the front-runners cross the finish line cut to a side view that shows the man crossing just a foot or two ahead of the others. He stops running and leans against the nearest object he can find. Cut to a medium shot as an announcer approaches him.)


  This year’s winner is the Crimson Blur himself, Alekos!

  (The announcer grabs Alekos’s arm and raises it in the air to signal his victory.