Read Tough Love: Episode 6 Page 4



  Alright then, why can’t both of us enter the temple? Does the legend specify that only one person gets to use the Heart?


  I’m not sure. We know that it has been used at least once before and that it can be used again. If I had to guess I’d say that it can only be used once each year at the end of the Festival of Love.


  So what if we used it to break Duke’s curse this year and then give it to you so you can use it the next year?


  Why do you get to use it the first year?


  Well Duke will probably be dead by next year if we don’t.


  (Mildly angry) I don’t wish to sound rude but the Disciples of Aphrodite are operating on a higher scale than you are.


  (Mildly angry) So what? Because you’re on this “Holy Quest” it doesn’t matter who gets stepped on along the way?

  (Jasmine stands up.)


  (Angrily) It is just selfish to prolong the life of one idiot when the rest of humanity is at stake.

  (Wilt stands up.)


  (Angrily) I already know what the Mistress would say! Now why don’t you tell me what you really think for once!

  (Jasmine, taken aback by Wilt’s statement, sits back down and crosses her arms.)


  (Softly) Just forget it.

  (Wilt sits back down and they ignore each other in silence for a moment. Wilt calms down and tries to lighten the mood. Jasmine steadily grows more comfortable as he talks.)


  You know, this reminds me of a fight that Duke and I had back when we were in high school. We both really liked this new girl but we each called dibs at the same time. Duke actually suggested that we take turns dating her.


  What’d you say?


  I said no… at first. Then I saw her in a mini skirt. So instead we decided that he’d take her during the week and I’d have her on the weekends. I swear, Duke took this girl out on one date and she broke up with us before Friday!

  (Both laugh.)


  Wow! Did he at least take her somewhere nice?


  I’m pretty sure that it was dinner at the drive-through and then a lovely tour of the parking lot followed by some light fondling.

  (Both laugh again.)


  So, if you don’t mind me asking. Why do you follow Duke around all of the time?


  I don’t really like to talk about it.


  I’m sorry. I was just-


  Don’t be. It’s a fair question.


  It’s just confusing that’s all. You don’t act anything like him.


  (Sigh) For most of my life I’ve had a rather intimate relationship with failure and disappointment. It’s gotten to the point where I have a hard time getting excited about anything anymore. Time after time I’ve gotten my hopes up and then been cut down before my life could build any momentum. But no matter how often I hit rock bottom, Duke has always been right down there next to me. It may not be the healthiest relationship but at the end of the day, he’s my only friend.


  Have you ever considered that maybe Duke is the one holding you back?


  That may be true, but I still can’t abandon him.



  You know, we in the Order of Aphrodite are very devout. If you give us the Heart we might be able to commune with the goddess and persuade her to lessen Duke’s punishment. At the very least we should be able to shield him from some of her power.


  If you really think that you can do that then I guess I trust you.

  (Wilt holds out his hand to shake. Jasmine cautiously grasps the hand but does not shake it.)


  Come on. Let’s go save your friend.

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