Read Traitor, Book 1 of The Turner Chronicles Page 38

  Chapter 20

  Perk was disgusted by the sight of a ten year-old cranberry red Husky in her driveway. As a driver, she had nothing but contempt for any vehicle that handled like a cardboard box on wheels. Besides, the maintenance record on those things was appalling. Only an idiot would buy one in the first place, and no one short of an imbecile would even contemplate driving a Husky that was ten years old. Between the cost of maintenance and frequent towing, a person would be better off buying a new vehicle and making payments. Perk chuckled to herself and wondered if the unknown owner qualified for frequent towing miles yet.

  Now the big question really revolved around which of Derrick's many friends was the idiot who had driven that thing here. Too many qualified for the title, but she did not have much of an idea what most of them drove since she mostly only met them when she went to the strip bars with Derrick. George Evens was a possibility. He was a large lump of nothing waiting to happen who did not have a license to drive. Of course that did not stop him from driving, but not being insurable was probably some sort of deterrent to his actually buying a car because he would have to pay cash. Paul Harbor liked to ride on two wheels, and that Sprocket fellow had more money, if not as much sense, than the Husky required. Ah well. These little mysteries made life worth living.

  She had her key ready for the lock when she reached the front door, but there was no need for it. The door was not only unlocked, it was ajar. Pushing it further open, she entered her home and went looking for unwanted company. Derrick and his buddy were not in the living room or the kitchen. The bathroom door was open, and she had no basement, so that sort of narrowed down the possibilities of where they were and what kind of friend Derrick was entertaining.

  Sure enough, an ear pressed gently to the bedroom door gave her all the sounds needed to prove her theory. She heard a few moans intermixed with the faint slosh of water because Derrick had not bled the air out of her waterbed like he had promised several weeks earlier.

  Straightening, she gently turned the knob and silently swung the door open. Taking a step forward, Perk leaned her shoulder against the doorframe and watched the action with a jaundiced eye.

  The girl might or might not have qualified as being good in bed. Perk was more than willing to let Derrick make that judgment call since she did not have and never wanted to have any experience in the same sex department. Good or not, the girl was certainly enthusiastic and athletic about the entire endeavor. Perk saw her assume more positions in the next five minutes than a ballerina took during an entire performance. Poor Derrick was up against more than he could handle. He sweated up a storm, and his breath sounded like a leaky steam engine.

  A shame, really. His respiratory system had not been nearly that out of shape when he moved in with her. Just goes to show how quickly a life of leisure could ruin a person's conditioning. It also showed the difference between thirty-five and--Perk gave the girl a calculating look--maybe seventeen if a gal was generous. Truthfully, the young thing was probably a year younger than that.

  Derrick finished up with a jungle yell. The little miss yelled along with him, but her face told of her deceit, and her body could not hold up her lie. Derrick knew instantly that he had been remiss in his duties. Perk had to smile at his stricken look. Strangely, Derrick's one truly redeeming feature was the pride he took in pleasing his partner. In this case he had somewhat--fallen down on the job.

  "I'll give it a nine point seven for enthusiasm but only a six for technique," Perk said calmly. This was a scene she had lived through too many times for it to upset her again.

  Derrick instantly schooled his expression and lazily rolled his head to get a look at Perk while the girl let out a small surprised scream and dove for the covers. Despite the promise shown by her earlier performance, she proved to not be very good at the diving under the covers part of the home wrecker routine. It took her two attempts to get the blankets completely over her head.

  "You're home early," Derrick said nonchalantly. He acted as if he were totally oblivious to the fact that an under-aged naked girl hid under the covers of his girlfriend's bed. If the facts had not been so obvious, Perk would not have been able to tell from his attitude whether he had been screwing around on her or had just finished reading a good novel--not that Derrick could read all that well.

  "You've been complaining because I work late," Perk told him calmly. She wondered what it would be like to sleep by herself once more. Peaceful, she decided. It would be decidedly peaceful. "I thought I'd surprise you. Thought we might play a little bumpy bump tonight."

  She walked over to the bed and gave him a once over. He still looked damned good. Despite his newly acquired sedentary lifestyle there was only about five pounds of unneeded fat on his body. He had rug of hair on his chest, a day's growth on his face, and his eyes still had that confident, commanding look she found attractive in men. On top of that he was half a foot taller than her and had muscles in all the right places. All in all, he was a good-looking piece of eye candy. It was just his integrity and most of the hair on his head that were lacking.

  Derrick smiled and pointed toward his groin. "You're too late. I won't be ready for another hour."

  Ignoring him, Perk pulled back the covers. Green eyes stared up at her. The poor dear was shaking. Her eyes were wet, and the look she gave Perk held abject fear. The little darling must be quite new at this, but then she did not have the appearance of a practiced home wrecker. She looked like she was somebody's darling girl trying to go bad.

  "Hon," Perk told the girl, "you had best go and get yourself cleaned up 'cause you're leaking all over my clean sheets. I won't have it girl. I don't mind you screwing my guy all that much, but I will not have you messing up my sheets."

  The frightened girl pulled herself out of the bed and scurried for the bathroom. Appreciative, Perk watched her run. Say what you will, Derrick did have good taste. The gal was good looking flesh. She had the tight skin of youth, a nice firm butt, and her boobs had no droop at all. They were so firm that they hardly bounced when she ran. Then again, Derrick tended to go for young and fresh. He liked brainless and no self-esteem, too--but that was only because brainless, no esteem girls made for an easier conquest.

  The girl did not stay in the bathroom long. Within moments she sidled out, and then she rushed to gather up her clothes before running toward the door without bothering to put all her clothing on. Perk stopped her to hand over a dropped bra before the girl bolted out the door. It was the decent thing to do. Bras cost good money, and this one was not Perk's size.

  Once the door closed Perk went back to the bedroom. Wearing a snidely victorious smirk, Derrick sat up and pulled on his pants.

  Perk shook her head. "Derrick, you know I don't say anything about your other lays. Truth is, I never cared enough about you for it to bother me. I do have a problem with this one though. You brought her into my home."

  Derrick shrugged. "So? What does it matter where I do them? Here. There. It's all the same in the end." He chuckled and picked up his discarded tee shirt, gingerly sniffing it before holding it out to her. "Do you think this stinks too much for a third wearing?"

  Perk sighed and ignored the offering. "The difference is a matter of respect. I knew you had very little respect for me. This shows you don't have any respect at all. It's time you left."

  Eyes narrowing, Derrick's face changed from amused to mean. "You ain't kicking me out of my home. You don't have the balls for it."

  "I don't have any balls at all, but you're still leaving."

  He raised a fist. "Make me."