Read Transmutation Page 12


  Larry was buried and his funeral rites were performed. His family did theirs and the cult did their own too. After Larry’s death, a big party was thrown for all the members and non-members alike. It was two days after Larry’s burial that the party took place. I refused to go as I still mourn Larry’s death. However, my revenge draws closer every second.

  I never ceased to be Dark Eyes until the last straw broke the camel’s back. I was in my room reading a book— its being more than two months I read any book last; in fact, I don’t attend lectures again. My future has been taken away so their lives, I’m also going to take away. The best justice Larry said, lies in what you can do with your revenge— when suddenly my phone began to ring. The caller has no name. I decided not to pick it but on a second thought, I picked it. The voice over the phone was feminine—

  “Hello, is that Dayo?” The caller asked. “Yes! And who I’m I speaking with?” I asked.

  “Look, you don’t need to know me but now, you must hurry to John Williams lodge!” And the caller dropped the call.

  “John Williams lodge?” I thought aloud. Just then it came to me that, Kate’s lodge bears that name. I was shocked to the marrow. What could have happened? Is Kate ill or what? Or has Bobby finally carried out his wicked plans? I quickly forbade the thought. Next, I jumped to my feet and opened my wardrobe to take a shirt. I wore a white round-neck shirt and a black hood on it. I quickly reached out for my gun, checked the bullet and seeing that its loaded, I dipped it into my trouser as usual. I did not take with me the green beret… damn the beret!

  The time was around eleven in the night and the moon has decided to stay back and rest in the clouds. Everywhere was dark. Damn darkness! I’m now a member of that same darkness. I ran through the darkness damning the distance, I kept running till I reached Kate’s lodge. I was panting heavily and loudly. I got to the entrance of the lodge and the look on everybody’s face didn’t tell of something good. Kate’s co-tenants were all outside with tears rolling down their eyes but where on earth is Kate? I quickly ran in… and opening Kate’s room door, I was not shocked, I wasn’t surprised or frightened and I wasn’t furious… I was emptied! I felt like I’m dead. Kate was lying on the floor in the pool of her blood.

  I walked gently from the door to where Kate’s body was laying helplessly. I excused the ladies in the room. I knelt down, raised Kate’s head up and she opened her eyes though half closed. Kate was stabbed severally in her stomach and her face also has swollen. She has been beaten to pulp before they stabbed her as if that was not enough, she was also raped.

  Smiling, she said—

  “Bobby has finally gotten me! He raped and stabbed me together with his boys” Kate said slowly as she gasped to catch breath. “Baby… Remember I told you… you won’t be able to protect me…” that word set me aflame with anger.

  “Now, it’s peaceful to die in your hand… promise me… you’ll avenge my death…” she said as she gasped again.

  “Yes… I will… but you’re not dead yet, we can still make it to the hospital…”

  “It’s late already…” she gasped again as blood gushed from her mouth. She nods her head remorsefully and said—

  “What goes around must surely come around!” And her head slowly slumps as her skin went cold.

  At that moment, I became nothing. Bobby has emptied me completely. He has taken away my career, my friend and my love. What then am I living for? Revenge! The reason for my living is now revenge. I’m now living for nobody, for nothing but to kill. Bobby has carried out his threat, now it’s my turn to carry out my own.

  Just then, a friend of Kate came in and gave me a note saying it’s from Kate. I tore it open and it reads—

  “Silver knife—the death that kills all Dark Eyes even their godfather. Open my drawer and you’ll see two of that silver knife. It’s yours to use if you must kill Bobby and the Vice Chancellor. Against this knife, their charm works not.”

  I opened the drawer as she instructed and I found these two silver knives. I took them and also dipped them into my trouser. I looked at Kate’s body on the floor but tears refused me. I was surprised that I didn’t cry at both Larry’s and Kate’s death. My pity has gone so is my conscience. It’s not going to be an understatement if I say I had lost my scruple at this juncture! If at the death of these two important people in my life, I didn’t cry, then, I’d be more than brutal at killing my targets.

  Picking up my phone, I dialled Bobby’s number. It rang and he picked it—

  “Jaydee… Why didn’t you?” I cut in.

  “Spare me those trashes! A wolf seeks after your soul tonight… prepare for the war you’ve being asking for!” I said calmly but with terror-filled voice.

  “Who the hell do you think you’re? Tonight, you’ll join your poor parents in hell. At the usual place; main theatre hall road. There, your fate awaits you!” He said as his voice sounds like a thunder and he ended the call but I wasn’t afraid. Not after all I’ve being through in the last two months. But I’m sure of one thing; I’m going to end Bobby’s life tonight no matter what!

  I left the room and out of the lodge without uttering a word. As I got out of the gate, I made for the main theatre hall road. I started running even in deep darkness, I could make my way. Soon enough, I was close by, so I stopped running and I started walking. As I got closer, I could feel the thumping of Bobby’s heart. He’s being expecting me anxiously. I got to the place but things were rather unusual. The men didn’t form a circle; rather, they formed themselves in rows—five on a line, twenty in total. Bobby stood at the back of the last row. The men were masked and they all held knives, cutlasses and daggers.

  “I hope you’re prepared for this Jaydee. I’ve tolerated you enough. Now, I’m afraid I’ve to declare you an outlaw; a betrayal of this frat. Death is your judgement…”

  “Save your words. You’ll need to explain to Larry and Kate when you get to heaven. I’m here to kill not to talk!” I said as I drew my two knives silently.

  “Take him down!” Bobby shouted and the first row started coming towards me.

  An unusual spirit came over me. I felt extra-ordinarily powerful. My eyes went bloodshot and my muscle rose. I brought out the two knives bending down a bit and looking up at the men as they rush towards me. My stance was like that of a were-wolf ready to pounce on his prey. Two of them rushed towards me with their cutlass but I was too fast to be cut by their cutlasses. I sliced their neck both. The three drew back and I rushed towards them; stabbing one right in his forehead, the other at his heart and the last one at his Adam’s apple.

  I fought and I killed. I stabbed and I sliced. To the earth I toasted all Dark Eyes member’s blood that night. I killed with passion as I screamed at every strike of my silver knives. I removed my hood but my white has turn to red—I don’t care! I’m now facing Bobby eyebrow to eyebrow.

  “You’re a beast Jaydee… one that I’m not scared of! Wherever you got those silver knives from; I don’t care but you’ll never understand why…” I cut in.

  “Why what? Why you killed Larry and Kate? Why you murdered Kate’s father? Why you sacrificed Larry’s only brother and the reason why you ruined my life and my career…” Bobby cuts in.

  “You’re but an ignorant fool; whose passion has blindfolded him from reality. Who told you Larry has a brother? Kate father killed my father, he also aid in sending the V.C to jail some years back. That bitch you called Kate jilted my brother Henry, millions of naira and also sent killers to eliminate him. Your worthless friend Larry raped my only sister and killed her also. She was Kate’s friend. Kate aided Larry in doing so. Do you know about that? Do you know that it was Larry that requested your membership and he had always wanted to oust me and become the alpha of this frat? He has manipulated you into believing him and turning me to the devil. If you’ve not heard… the Vice Chancellor is dead! Larry sent assassins after him or why do you think we killed him now? He committed the highest treason eve
r by killing the godfather. And you never took your time to know why Larry and Kate were that close? They were lovers before…”

  “And how do I believe you? You’ve taken away my future and I have vowed and sworn to take your life…” Bobby cuts in.

  “Knock it off Jaydee… I’m a god. I can’t die. On this, I offer you a way of escape…” just then, the siren started wailing. The police are here.

  “And that’s the escape Jaydee! The police net…” I cut in. “I don’t want to escape! I want to die!” I said. “But before then, I must kill you; it’s a mandate!”

  I drew Bobby to myself unexpectedly and thrust the knife into his stomach.

  “You justified yourself and I have to justify myself also. It’s all about revenge. Goodnight bro. Tell Kate and Larry, mission accomplished!” I said and I withdrew the knife.

  Bobby fell on his knees holding the point I had stabbed him and said what I called his last words—

  “You’ll never understand Jaydee… you’ll never… you’re now the evil in this campus!” He gasped and gave up the ghost.

  I knew I had to kill Bobby but I’m now worried if I haven’t killed for the wrong reason if I would have to believe what he has said. It means I had being living with evil without me knowing. I had been treading in darkness all this while even when I thought I was still pure and I haven’t lost my sense of morality. The life I lived in this camp has been a planned one with me having no control over my actions—I swallowed the bait so easily due to my ignorance. That ignorance was my darkest darkness! But then, am I guilty?

  “You’re under arrest young man!” The police men said and pointing their gun at me. I dropped my knives and raised my hands and said—

  “Oh you’re here. I’m ready to go. I’ve being expecting you guys but where the hell have you being since these killings have started…”


  “Bobby was never wrong about what he said before you killed him. He was right!” A voice from my behind interrupted. He was one of our inmates and he has kept quiet all through the time I was narrating my ordeal.

  “How did you know? I asked looking back.

  “I used to be a member of that cult and I was the second sub-alpha to Bobby. Larry is the devil in the darkness. I’m a prisoner because of him. He sent me to kill Bobby with those same silver knives but I failed and Bobby got to know… then, I was on the death row of Dark Eyes… I surrendered myself to the police to escape the hands of these people. Police net, no doubt is an escape net for the evil ones.” He paused and came closer placing his hand on my shoulder.

  “All members of Dark Eyes were victims even Bobby… nobody wants to be evil not even the bad guys but then we’ve being victimized and so the choice is no longer ours… the decisions we make is theirs! You are a hero for the feat you were able to carry out. I therefore advise you as a fellow ‘victim-man’ to transmute not the beast in you as you have said earlier. There is peace in the campus now that all Dark Eyes are gone because we are the evil in that camp and you know that.” He concluded and went back.

  There and then, I decided to die with the beast in me. A great sacrifice I’m about to make. But just as he has said, I’m a hero. I saved the university with my ignorance. If I had known all before now, I would still be in the campus and Dark Eyes will continue in its existence—and day after day, the evil would grow stronger and stronger!

  I’m not guilty after all… I only brought peace through violence and ignorance with the aid of my transmutation to a wolf and a beast. A hero I would say I am!


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  New Word:

  Gock: As used in the book—Gocked (Past tense). Verb: An extrusion of a body part from its position in a way that looks funny. His eyes were gocked out of its socket.

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