Read Transmutation Page 4


  For more than a week, I could not lay my hand on any useful fact about the Dark Eyes. Many people did I consulted; persuading them to tell me what they know about this cult—the place where reality lies if I have to believe Larry—but a lot of them couldn’t tell me what I wanted to hear. They either tell you that the cult is too sacred to be talked about or some flimsy excuses that insinuates the false truth that the cult doesn’t exists here in the campus.

  Confusions and complications set in as the weeks progresses. Larry rarely talks to me again. Most times, we don’t even see each other for three to four days. I can’t even explain my situation to myself anymore. The picture of the killing still traumatizes me and even sometimes, I found myself dreaming about it.

  After a month of total confusion and utter perplexity, I made a decision to accept Larry’s offer… but there’s one person I’ve being hiding things from; I’ve kept her in the shadows and pretending all is well with me. She’s the angel that has replaced Larry in so many ways. She’s Kate—my girlfriend.

  One major reason I haven’t joined the cult is her. If it were to be me; I would have because, I want to get rid of all the confusions and traumatisation very fast.

  Kate is in the same level as I; studying Biochemistry. She’s fatherless but she doesn’t act as if she has lost him, even though his death is still fresh—three months ago—in her heart. Her father was assassinated by some presumed position seekers who won’t go through the right protocols. She was left with her mother to enjoy the wealth of their late father and husband. Her father was the commissioner of Police of the state. A position that has taken him almost his entire life to attain; Striving through hard-work, diligence, honesty and loyalty. Maintaining his integrity and upholding patriotism. He was sent into the world of shadows when the state ‘kleptos’ could not cope with his integrity and principles; something that stands as obstacles in claiming some positions within the state.

  All of these are what I knew about Kate’s father and his death. Those who killed him and did not care about how patriotic he has been; I don’t know about. This and many reasons have kept me from telling Kate what I’m passing through. I don’t want to hurt her and I always want to protect her even though little or nothing can I really do if such days should come. Now, I have the chance, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t still be able to protect her. But I must tell her, I must let her know that it wasn’t intentional, it wasn’t on a personal decision; I’ve being manipulated to choose this decision. For a month, I’ve being too perplexed and confused to choose on my own, I’ve being driven to the point where their wants overshadowed my needs; a point where my will power has gone nought and now, I just have to say ‘yes I do!’

  “You must be out of your mind Dayo! What did you just say? Join cult?” Kate shouted sweating profusely. This would be the first time of me seeing her so furious. Her eyes were bulging, flashing red all over. It signifies anger and I know that.

  I felt the whole campus screening on me as Kate took her anger to the very peek—

  “What do you want that I can’t give you? Do you want to jeopardize your future? Do you think you can protect me with that?” Kate said with tears now forming in her eyes.

  I was dumb-folded. I couldn’t even say anything. I was just looking at her as she finally broke down in tears. I couldn’t console her to stop crying. And all I could do was to turn to the door and walk out. I know that wasn’t the right thing to do, at least I should have calmed her and explained better to her and see if she would understand but instead, I was filled with anger. Seeing her crying was something I couldn’t stand and that anger I’m filled with would be vested on Larry and so… I walked out.

  Defying the weather—a heavy rain—I stormed out of Kate’s lodge and dashed straight to my lodge. As I walked in the rain not minding the heavy drops on my body; only one thought kept flashing through my mind—kill Larry! And I was ready to carry it out. Nothing is going to stop me. No! Not even my conscience.

  I got to my lodge late in the night, drenched with anger and water. For the first time, I didn’t knock. I tried the knob but the door has been locked. I banged the door with annoyance shouting ‘Larry’

  “Who the heck is that?” was the voice that came out of the room.

  “And who the hell are you expecting? I shouted back clinching my fist. “Oh Dayo! You are back!” he said. After some few seconds that seems like hours to me; the door gently opened. As Larry peeped through the door trying to say welcome I guess; I grabbed him by the neck and pushed him back into the room. I closed the door and locked it with the key—I was determined.

  Before Larry could stand up, I grabbed him again, holding him tight with my two hands by the neck. Larry was shirtless, that gave me the advantage of strangling him better. Larry’s two hands were on my arms as he chokes trying to free himself.

  “You think you can ruin me and go scot free huh?” I said with anger and this killer instinct overshadowing my mind.

  I let loose one of my hand from his neck just to return it with hard punch on Larry’s face. I released the second hand as Larry fell to the ground. Quickly I made for the knife at the corner of the room.

  Larry rose up with his nose bleeding already. He was staggering trying to maintain his balance. I quickly grabbed him again holding one of his arms as I pushed the knife through his stomach. The sharp thrust of the knife made Larry to look up—starring into my eyes; his eyes full of sarcasm of ‘is this the worst you can do?’

  Still holding the knife in his stomach and placing my left arm on his shoulder, I said—

  “Now you can go rest in peace and let me face my future! Say hello to my Dad…” Larry cut me short. He started laughing hysterically. His laugh became so irritating, I have to remove the knife and stand back. Larry didn’t fall down as I expected, he only bend over holding the point where I had stabbed him.

  For few seconds, the room was dead silent. I was terrified. After a while, he stood up; his eyes bloodshot. I knew right there that the end has finally come. Then, he started coming close to me, his fingers transforming into a punch. I was scanning him—his face, his eyes, his hand, his robotic movement. Larry was shirtless so I could see the build up of his body. His veins were already rising as I could see again the fast thumping of his heart. Every of the step he made, makes me feel closer to death. I could only say my last prayer.

  I wanted to talk but my fears suppressed my speech. I could only murmur words that I don’t know. I couldn’t even hear my murmurs. The thunder clapped and there were lightning. Larry was like the thunder god. Running is useless so I was transfixed unable to make a move. The only thing I was able to think of is throwing away the knife and of which I did—that could means my fast ride to death’s island.

  “No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper!” And there was another lightning and thunder clap. Larry’s voice was like thousands of bees buzzing. Then he grabbed my neck with one of his hand with the other hanging in the air with a punch. Now, it was his own turn. I tried to set myself free but his one hand was far stronger then my two hands. I gave up trying!

  His punch landed on my forehead and immediately, there were blood stains on my face, dripping from my forehead, passing through the isle of my eyes to the nose and finally stopping on my lips. I tasted my own blood and it wasn’t sweet. Still holding my neck; he formed another punch and in no time, landed on my left eye! I went blind! I wanted to cry but tears refused me. I wanted to die but I was still breathing.

  Larry released his hand from my neck and I went sprawling on the floor. This time, my forehead is now bleeding profusely with my left eye shut; I could only wish for one thing and that was death. I was down groaning, holding my left eye when Larry came upon me again. He jerked me up, holding the collar of my shirt—

  “How dare you try to kill me? Have you forgotten who I am? You bastard and useless orphan…”

  I found my strength.

  I jerked off Larry’s hand from my collar
and gave him a punch on his cheek. I was infuriated by his last words. He called me a bastard; a useless orphan, and I was ready to prove to him the bastard spirit in me. I was transformed psychologically and I went psycho.

  Now it became clear to both of us that one person is going to die in this room. I scanned round the room looking for a weapon and I found a bottle of bear lying close to the reading table. I picked it up breathing heavily, waiting for Larry to stand up. I bent down, beckoning on Larry to get up—

  “C’mon! You son of a bitch! Let me show you how useless and ruthless an orphan like me can be!” I said gritting my teeth. Larry unaware of the weapon in my hand stood up to face me and I quickly administered to him. I sent the bottle crashing on his head.

  There was outpour of blood as Larry went back to the floor this time crashing heavily and not uttering a word. I dropped the half broken bottle in my hand, breathing as loud as the clapping of the thunder. Larry was lying on the floor in the pool of his blood.

  I stood there looking at him and for a very long moment, I thought I had conquered my worst enemy. The candle in the room gradually went dim so does my eyes and my spirit. I fell on Larry and went unconscious.