Read Transmutation Page 6


  I woke up sweating! My heart was thumping very fast. It was a dream—a nightmare. I sighed heavily and then for the very first time became aware of where I was. I was on a bed; a drip was injected to my right wrist. My head was bandaged, so does my left eye. All my body ached. It all looked like I’ve being bed-ridden for days.

  Just then, I was about to lay back on my bed when I noticed someone sitting adjacent to me. He wore a black T-shirt, a black trouser, a black sun-shade and a black beret. He sat down crossing his leg. I was frightened. The attire looks exactly like the one I saw in my dream. The T-shirt has a big eyes ‘gocked*’ out of its socket and under it an inscription that reads “WE SEE EVERYTHING”. I tried to remember the place where I first saw the inscription and my instinct tells me that I’ve heard that slogan once somewhere but I couldn’t recollect as my mind was not been able to be fixed at a particular thought. My mind jumped from one thought to another. Words failed me and I was speechless.

  The picture in my front looks horrifying. I was just starring into the sun-shade trying to identify the person who has decided to hide himself in it. The thought of him being Larry sent shiver running down my spine. That very thought brought flashback of yesterday’s incidence. Just then, he removed his sun-shade as if he knew what I was thinking. Looking at his face, he doesn’t look familiar so I sighed and re-sat even though I wasn’t sure if this person is not danger himself.

  “We brought you here!” The guy said looking rogue. His face is rough, with stitches on his left brow, his jaw and his cheek. I guess that’s why he wears a very dark sun-shade; to hide his ugliness. His voice isn’t friendly neither his face. I wonder what then could be friendly about him—his character? I’m definitely going to hate it.

  “And we know who you are!” He said trying to smile but he looked uglier. His beards are not just helping his facial attitude. All I could `make of his face is this ‘killer-with-no-conscience-face.’

  I tried to talk but words kept failing me. I could only open my mouth and close it again.

  “You don’t need to talk. We know everything. You are Larry’s friend, your name is Dayo. You are an orphan, a sophomore in this camp!” He re-sat himself putting his two legs on the ground and sitting forward. Now, I’m more than scared. Beads of sweat are now forming on my forehead. He continued—

  “We know that recently, you’ve being requested to join a particular society—the most powerful one and that you took part in the ritual killing…” I cut him short and for the first time, I found my words.

  “Ritual killing? How? When?” I asked trying to get all the answers at once.

  “Keep calm and listen. The killing of the White Eagles is not a vain killing. It has connection with you. Something you can’t keep running from” He paused then he wore his shade again standing up from his seat and coming closer to my side.

  “We know how obstinate you could be. Take this and have a look!” He handed over to me my phone and gave me a paper that was neatly wrapped.

  I unwrapped the paper and I was shocked to my marrow. What I saw was something I wouldn’t believe if I was told. My picture was scanned on the paper and a bold “WANTED” was printed on the top. It contains my information even my lodge address and a price tag was fixed for anybody that can give correct information about my whereabouts and that can lead to my arrest. As if that wasn’t enough, I opened my phone and I saw the video of last night incidence. I saw myself holding Larry and punching him. The video also shows where I broke the bottle on his head. I felt something wrong with the video. Those scenes where he was punching me were excluded and there were no audible voices to at least caught what was been said in the process. This must definitely be a set up. But by who? His voice interrupted my thought.

  “Dayo, you’re a murderer!”

  His last statement set me aflame with anger and I was about to pull off the drip from my hand when he added—

  “The best place to show your anger is not here. Remember you’re wanted…” I cut him short.

  “Wanted for what? I did not commit any crime. This is a set-up and am going to prove my innocence” I said with my voice getting louder.

  “You think so?” he asked rather sarcastically than curiously. He started making for the door.

  “I don’t care who you are. I don’t want to know! Just tell me where Larry is, I need to talk to him…” his laughter cut me short. He was laughing madly. He didn’t say a word as he turned the knob of the door; he looked back and said—

  “Larry is dead and you are the killer. That video is evidence. And less I forget, my name is Bobby because you’ll still need to know me…”

  “And how do you expect me to believe that Larry is dead?” I countered.

  “Tonight, at your lodge, his funeral rite as a member of Dark Eyes would be carried out. There you can get to see your beloved friend whom you murdered!” He said and started laughing sarcastically as he walked out and locked the door.

  Against all medical advices given to me by the doctor, I insisted on being discharged that afternoon. I requested for my bill and I was surprised to be told that my bill has been taken care of by some people who faked to be my family members. I knew Bobby was the one. I also asked if another person was admitted last night together with me who has injuries on his head. But again, I was told that I was the last patient that got admitted last night. This made me to believe that the Dark Eyes has taken away Larry. Whether he’s dead or alive, tonight; I will confirm it. But before then, I need to see Kate.