Read Transmutation Page 9


  I woke up yelling. I have being dreaming. My breath rate was very fast and loud, it could wake up a sleeping child. I then tried to move but my body aches. Just then, I noticed that I have being in the hospital. My head, my chest and my stomach were all bandaged. Blood was being passed into my body through a drip. I guess I lost a lot of blood in my dream… wait… if I dreamt of being initiated and now, I’m in the hospital being bandaged all over… there must be a connection! “I hope the dream is not real… I hope I was being hospitalized for malaria”—those were my illusory thoughts. I was soon to know the truth proved beyond the shadow of doubt.

  Everything in this room is totally different. I can’t seem to remember anything save for my dream… as a matter of fact, my head aches badly … maybe it’s because of the head ache—I hope so! The drawer beside my bed was filled with all kinds of beverages, fruits and medicines… “Who the heck is eating all these?” I thought to myself again.

  I tried to think of some things—of which I don’t know—but nothing came into my mind except the dream that woke me up. The dream brought a lot of questions running in my mind. “So does it mean I have being initiated into this deadly cult?” Finally I tried to come in terms with the reality—as ugly as it is. “Larry? So he’s alive?” I thought again and right there the door opened and my body was transfixed… “Could this be Larry?” No! It was the doctor that walked in beaming with smile with his stethoscope around his neck and a note pad in his hand together with his pen.

  “Welcome back Mister Dayo! Its good you’re awake.” The doctor said inspecting my two eyes. This time, my left eye has healed and I can see with it very well. This—among many—added to my worries. Why would the doctor say it’s good to have me back when it all seems I was admitted into this place just last night. And again, my left eye was still swollen last night, what kind of balm then did they use? I was perplexed. As the doctor made to leave, my confusion forced me to ask him a question—

  “Doctor, for how long have I being here?” The doctor turned his face back and looked me in the eyes. He gave a faint smile and said—

  “For two weeks; you’ve being in a coma. You’re just waking up now.” He said and was about to leave when I asked him again.

  “How? Two weeks! I thought I was been admitted here just last night and again, what prompt me into going into coma?” I asked looking curious.

  “Mister Dayo, you’re still very weak now. Save your strength okay. But, you were not admitted last night—if that’s what it seems to you—and you going into coma was as a result of numerous injuries you had… I have to leave now!” And he started going. Just as he was about to turn the knob I asked again another question—

  “Who brought me here?”

  The question was something he was not expecting now. He was shocked to hear me asked the question. But just then, the door opened and a voice came through—

  “We did!” The voice sounds familiar but I’ve not being able to see the face. “Thank you doctor… you can now go!” The doctor left and the owner of the voice emerged.

  If my left eye hasn’t healed, I would have said it’s because of the partial blindness I’m experiencing but the two eyes—as at this moment—are working perfectly. That robust and tall figure, that man with pale-gold hair. That fair man with reddish lips. The man I thought I had killed; the man I stabbed but was laughing. The man whose blood has given power rise in the Dark Eyes; that man called Larry owns the voice.

  I was too bewildered to talk. I could only look at him as he strides gently from the door to where I was. He picked a chair and sat close to me. For a long moment, we were both looking at each other. I wanted to talk but I don’t know what to say, whether to say I’m sorry or just walk him out of my sight. But I was filled with remorse than revenge. What my mouth couldn’t do, my eyes took over—tears rolled down from my eyes. He removed his handkerchief and wiped off my tears. He also cleaned his eyes.

  “Am sorry Dayo!” Larry finally said. I wanted to talk but he signalled to me to keep quiet.

  “Sometimes…” Larry began what I called orientations and facts coupled with secrets of secrets. He opened my eyes to things I wasn’t seeing before. He broadened my perspective and he changed together, my view and mindset.

  “Fate does have its way against our destiny, sometimes ahead of our destiny. Each ever one that comes our way, we just have to accept it as our own life and we must live it.” He paused, touched his head and that’s when I noticed the injury he has from the result of my breaking of bottle on his head. It was stitched and plastered I later learnt.

  “The journey of us men started with a struggle and it ends also with a struggle. Throughout, we’re made to strive and strive until we bid this life goodbye. What we become while still living is determined by our parents, ourselves, our associates and even our environment. Of all these, circumstances is the biggest and most deadly determinant of destiny. Most people on earth today, are mere victims of circumstances. I’m one so also are you…?” I cut in—

  “How?” I asked re-adjusting myself on the bed. He stood up, walked to the window and opened the curtain and holding the bars of the burglary, he began again—

  “The sunlight is meant to bring brightness to the world, to chase away darkness and shine light to our way. It baffles us that this same sunlight doesn’t last all day. Soon, it fades away and darkness comes in. the darkness on its own part supports the evil and the wicked. During this period, many are victimized. The darkness represents to an extent our ignorance, innocence and naivety. Your ignorance, my ignorance gave way for them to victimize us.” He paused, wiped his forehead and continued—

  “Dark Eyes is the evil in darkness. It’s the Lucifer of this campus. It eats into our morality, innocence and purity and it turns us into a guilty beast with no morality. And that’s why; when we kill, we don’t feel bad. Life to us, is not precious. It’s an instrument—a weapon—for acquiring power and wealth. When you can’t acquire these things then, you’re no good living on this earth. Hence, the reason why you have to belong somewhere and stand for something. To us, life is meant for fun, exploit and now. We don’t care about the future. The future of yesterday is today. The future of today is going to be tomorrow, thus, our reason for care-freeness.” He sighed loudly and turned to me.

  “Dayo, Dark Eyes is evil. I regret ever being part of it. You may want to ask, why joining them then? Well, you were set up, so was I. I didn’t join on a personal decision. I did more than what you did to escape them. I ran away from the campus and I killed two of them but here I am today, a sub-alpha of Dark Eyes. Now, you must listen to me more carefully; you need to have a plan B concerning this evil society. Mine is to kill Bobby and run away completely.” He drew closer to me.

  “They will certainly demand for a sacrifice as time goes on. Your closest person would be demanded. Mine was my only brother. Against my wish, Bobby sacrificed him. Yours might be me or Kate.” I cut in—

  “Why? You… you are a member! And Kate? Certainly no!” I said looking worried, curious and furious. I was filled with angst.

  “Listen carefully. I shouldn’t be telling you all these but we’re now brothers; brothers in victim. Bobby never wants anybody to attain the position of alpha. Hence, his killing of every sub-alpha after a while. He wants to get rid of you quickly and that’s why you’re also a sub-alpha. Our godfather requested your membership and that’s why you are a member now.” I cut him short again—

  “A godfather? Who is he? I was more than perplexed. I was in utter confusion.

  “We have a godfather but now, you can’t know. As I was saying, every sub-alpha Bobby kills, he adds to his power, you must be able to kill every member of Dark Eyes including the godfather.” Larry looked at his wrist watch and his countenance changed.

  “Look J.D, that’s your new name; I gave it to you as part of my process in issuing you a full membership and because, you drank my blood. Henceforth, you w
on’t be seeing me again as Bobby now haunts for my soul desperately. For now, you’re safe. And for this reason, you must start devising your plan.” He paused, sighing and looked around. He went back to the window and drew back the curtain. He came to my side touching my finger—

  “It might interest you to know that, this same Bobby killed Kate’s father. The assignment was given to him by our godfather. Kate, henceforth, is yours to protect. Killing Bobby would avenge Kate’s father’s death.

  I was shocked to hear the words coming out from Larry’s mouth. It was hard to believe. “But who the hell is that godfather?” I thought. “Is he a spirit or a kind of ghost or an invincible god?” Larry interrupted my thought—

  “I have to go now. I’ve given you enough facts—ones that are true; proved beyond the shadow of doubt—and now, you must use your brain. Always watch your back. I have completed my mission and that’s why Bobby is now after my soul.” I held Larry’s hand as if telling him to stay with me because, more than before, I’m scared.

  “We are still going to see. But the lodge belongs to you now. I’ll be hiding out till I’m able to kill Bobby or he kills me. J.D, you must strive to get out of that darkness if it means drenching yourself with guilt. Because; here, the best justice lies with what you do with your revenge. The only person that can justify you is you. Violence breeds violence but here, violence brings victory and justice. Take care of yourself.”

  Larry dropped some money on the drawer and immediately made for the door. He turned the knob and looked back; he nodded in affirmation—trying to say ‘all is true’—and went out closing the door behind him.

  I was filled with darkness. I was covered in nought. I felt void and my soul crawls in the abyss of fear eventhough Bobby said I’ve killed my worst fear—death—but I’m afraid, there’s a fear greater than the fear of death. That fear is the fear of unknown. Death is known—it’s inevitable—but the unknown, nobody knows. What next?—I don’t know. What are going to be missions as the new sub-alpha? How many lives would Bobby send me to ruin? How many am I going to kill? How many bloods am I going to shed? Within myself, I know I’m going to be brutal. But how many innocent lives are going to suffer for my guilt? How many is going to taste of my brutality? How am I going to administer justice through violence?

  My answer came rather fast than I expected. As the weeks progress, things unfolded. There were changes; a total evolution. I became a murderer in no time. I wore the cloth of brutality and I was filled with no pity but violence; with no conscience or morality… my soul was filled with evil to the brim—all in the cause of justice.

  But all these didn’t start until I was drained of hope, my reason for living was taken away and my future punctured. Until I was given a reason to become a beast; all the opportunities of becoming a dare-devil, until I was made to go wild. Thus my transmutation tale began… from a sheep to a wolf!