Read Travel in the Outside Page 1

  Travel in the Outside

  Chapter 1

  Kimberly Collins finished her performance with a perfect ending. The audience applauded and she bowed. Kimberly went out of the stage and took a deep breath. She was an 11 year old girl who is a talented violinist. Her parents died in a plane crash and she was left in the care of her only blood relative, Aunty Louisa. Her aunty noticed her niece's talent and determined to make her famous, now Kim is known as one of the youngest famous musicians. With this fame and money, Kim had a feeling her aunty was using her to get money and also Kim was miserable in her fame life. She wanted to have a private life, but everywhere she goes, cameras and her huge fans always crowded her.

  When Kim entered her limo, she saw her aunty dressed in the latest fashion, but to Kim, her aunty looked like a fancy clown. Kim sat beside her aunty with a gloomy face. "What is the matter with you?" Aunty Louisa questioned her niece. Aunty Louisa wore a feather scarf, red dress, purple high heels, green manicured nails, blue eye shadow and a black lipstick. Her auntie’s short orange was dyed violet and was released. Kim just couldn't believe she was related to her. Kim looked at her outfit; she wore a blue and pink knee length dress which was very expensive.

  In the limo, Kim did not reply to her aunty and just stared outside. She wished she could get out of this miserable life and a decent life. The limo drove away towards a high class hotel. There was a party held in the honor of Kimberly, but Kim was displeased. Her aunty had planned it as a surprise, but Kim was rather disappointed. Every time after a concert, parties were always held for her. Kim had told several times to her aunty that she hated the parties, but her aunty was too stubborn to heed to her niece's demand.

  But this time, Kim was really frustrated. She stormed out of the limo when the driver opened it for her. Kim entered the wide hall of famous wealthy people. Before they could greet her, she spoke first. "What the heck is this?!" she shouted out loud. The room became silence and the guests had confused looks. That didn't sound like their talented Kimberly. Aunty Louisa came in and didn't witness her niece's cry. Kimberly furiously turned to her aunty. “How many times should I tell I hate occasions like this?!" Kim exclaimed in anger. Her auntie’s face became pale and the she forced a smile towards her niece. "Come sweetie, these guests are here to celebrate your performance, you should be grateful." her auntie said, sweetly, but Kim glared at her. "I am not your sweetie! You are just deceitful! And I will be happy enough to not be related to you! You are as disgusting as a bird's poop!" Kim finished and went out of the hall, going to her room. Aunty Nancy's face was in shock and alarm. She blindly stared at her furious niece who went out. The guests chattered to themselves about the incident.

  Meanwhile, Kim had reached her room and banged the door. Tears streamed down her face and she knelt down and started weeping. After 10 minutes, she rose up and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had long light brown hair in two piggy tails, gray eyes and a creamy skin which was very pale. Kim turned her face away and went more. She had kept her fake smile for years and enough was enough. "I must run away and no one is going to stop me and it shall be tonight." Kim thought and the idea cheered her up. She started packing her belongings in a lemon bag.


  Chapter 2

  At 11am, Kimberly sneaked out of her room with her lemon bag. She had worn a gray raincoat to disguise herself. Kim expected that people will be asleep by now. She rushed quickly on the staircase and found the wide hall dark and empty. Kim walked to the door and tried it, but it was locked. Kim decided to search for a window. She found one window opened and Kim escaped through it. Outside was dark and very cold, but Kim smiled. She was free and gone. She loved playing her violin, but she didn’t want to be a trapped animal. Kim walked on the path of freedom and a world she wanted to explore.

  Dawn occurred; Kim was both hungry and tired. She had been walking endlessly all night without rest. Kim knew she had to move somewhere before people begin to notice her. Then an idea dawned to her, she could go on a plane and fly to another country, but Kim cannot travel alone without a guardian and passport. Kim thought of a plan whiles she quickly walked towards the nearest airport she knew.

  At the airport, Kim stared at the doors from a good distance and she still wore her gray raincoat. She studied the people who entered in and her eyes came to a pretty blonde lady with a blue suitcase who was entering the doors. Kim smiled, now her plan could start now. She walked modestly out of her hiding place towards the doors. Nobody stopped her and she was glad. When she entered in, she saw a lot of people inside very busy. She felt happy that she was travelling alone. Kimberly felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see an employee lady with short black hair, blue eyes and a slim figure. “And what are you doing here, plus what is your name?” the lady asked, politely. “Kimberly.” She replied, a bit nervous. “Kimberly what?” the lady questioned.  Kimberly noticed the blonde woman ahead of her. Kim faced the lady and smiled. “I have to go ahead.” Kimberly explained and pointed to the blonde woman. The lady followed Kim’s pointing hand and saw the blonde woman and understood. “I understand, now go ahead and don’t get lost.” The lady said. Kim nodded and the lady went away. Kim breathed a relief.

  For some minutes, Kim kept on following the blonde woman from a good distance. Kim had already made up her mind she was going to travel to New York City and that blonde woman was heading the same way. When the blonde woman had entered the path to the plane, Kim waited for the rest of the people to go. When the lady was about to close the door, Kim rushed to her. Kim put on a panicked and sacred face. “What do you want, sweetie?” the lady asked in a sweet voice. The lady had fair hair in a bun, green eyes and delicate features. “I cannot find her when I got lost. I know she is going to New York City so I came here.” Kim whined in a childish tone. “You can’t find who?” the lady asked. “The person I was supposed to be travelling with.” Kim cried in reply. “Can you describe her?” the lady questioned. Kim sniffed and replied, “She is blonde with a blue suitcase.” The lady exclaimed, “Well, she just happened to have just entered this very plane. Well do you have your ticket?” Kim shook her head and stared at the lady with sad eyes.  “Adults are supposed to keep the children’s tickets, not the children themselves. They might be careless with it that is why it is the responsibility of the adults.” Kim spoke, sensibly. The lady nodded and was impressed. “Good, very good.” The lady commented. Then Kim began to cry, uncontrollably. “I want to go to her or she will leave me.” Kim cried out. The lady held Kim’s hand, opened the door and led her inside. “Don’t cry, Go after her, the plane only has 15 minutes to depart. I am sure your ticket will be no problem for such a clever girl.” The lady told Kim and she nodded. She rushed away towards the plane and got a seat. The air hostess didn’t need to question Kim after she saw the tear-stained face of Kim. The air-hostess was used to these problems and just smiled and directed Kim to her seat. Kim relaxed and replaced her fake crying face with a cheerful grinning face which shows that her scheme had worked perfectly. Kim closed her eyes and decided to take a nap.


  Chapter 3

  The plane landed and the passengers got out. Kimberly still followed the blonde woman from a distance. When she was out of the airport, she quickly scurried away and went on her way.

  Kimberly studied the tall buildings and surroundings of New York. She marveled. "I wish I had traveled here on my last tour", Kim thought. Soon her hungry stomach interrupted her amusement. She held her stomach and wondered how to get food to eat. Kimberly walked on and came to an exclusive restaurant. She peered at the glass and watched people eating delicious meals. Kim started to drool. A waiter inside the restaurant spotted Kim and shooed her away. Kimberly
obeyed without a complain. She walked on and thought. "How do people get good to eat when you are poor?" she thought. Her eyes noticed a blind rough poor dirty looking man, begging for money. An idea came to her mind. She went slowly towards the man and quietly sat beside him.

  Kimberly laid out her jacket and started begging for money, but anybody gave a single penny and only gave the blind man. Kimberly wondered and looked at the man. His clothes were torn and dirty. Kimberly rose up and started turning her clothes into rags and putting mud to stain her dress. She also put some on her face. She loosed her ponytails a bit.

  After her new makeover, she went back to sit beside the man and begged for money. Soon many people started giving their money to Kimberly and the man. Kimberly put on a perfect performance of being a beggar.

  As the sun was setting, Kim rose up and stretched. Her work for the day was done. Whiles she counted her money, the blind man could hear that someone was beside him. "Who's there?" he called. Kimberly froze in fright and replied, "I am Kimberly. I was begging with you for the whole day and I am 11 years old". "Did you steal my money?" the old man asked. "No, I have my own money." Kimberly replied, truthfully.

  The old man smiled. "Okay, Kimberly. I am Uncle Dick. I will take care of you, if you can also help me. I can tell you are a nice girl from your voice" Uncle Dick said. Kimberly grinned and took the old man's hand. "Come on and let's go to sleep. You can show me where you live." Kimberly said. "I sleep in that old box, but you can use a smaller box for your bed." The old man said.


  Chapter 4

  Several weeks passed, Kim loved to stay with Uncle Dick. Later on, one day, she was begging on the streets and she watched on the headlines on a television v at a window saying that a famous violinist was missing. Kim knew it was her. Aunty Louisa came on view saying that they should help her find Kimberly. Kim felt disgusted. One of the viewers spotted Kim and cried out in alarm. Soon the whole crowd attention was on Kim. They recognized her. Kim started to run and the crowd chased after her. Kim hid from there behind a wall and managed to sneak into a truck. The truck drove away from its former surroundings. Kim slept all the way and when it stopped. She got out and started to run before anyone could spot her. Kim bumped into a dangerous looking dirty guy at the age of 17. He smoked and glared at Kim. "What's a little kid doing here?" he puffed out with a smoke. Kim shivered and out of shock she fainted. The guy looked everywhere and picked up Kim and walked off.

  When Kim woke up, she found herself on a flat dirty mat near the dumpster. Kim wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Don't do that. You even smell yourself." said a male voice. Kim turned to her right and saw a bald guy in dirty clothes and smoking heavily. "Who are you?" she asked. "None of your business, girl. The gang wants to see you now and no questions." The bald man replied, sternly. Kim nodded obediently. He gestured her him and she obeyed.

  Kim and the bald guy walked across an empty street towards another dumpster corner which was filled with four dirty looking dangerous guys. Kim felt frightened and she was in the center. The guy she had bumped into spoke up first. "This is Kimberly from the news, the famous violinist. She bumped into me today." He explained. The gang applauded. "Good, she is our way to get more money." said another member. "Girl, we are going to keep you here for a while. Just obey us and we will look after you for some time. Understand?" another guy spoke up. Kim nodded without a word. "Good, now take her back." the guy ordered. The bald man gestured her to follow him. She obeyed and left.

  Kim was forced to sit on a mat for some hours.

  The bald guy came back and threw a crust of bread and a bottle of water. Kim ate hungrily without another word. The bald guy advised her to sleep early. Kimberly laid on her at and felt so miserable.


  Chapter 5

  As days passed, Kim was forced to do errands for the gangsters and was requested to attend their demands. The gangsters enjoyed their new maid and forced her to wash their dirty smelly clothes and Kim was almost to tears. She had to escape, but she didn't know where to go.

  In an afternoon, when Kimberly was on her way back to the gangsters after doing an errand they requested, she met a young woman at the age of 24 who was holding a basket full of apples."Stop there, dear. You look so miserable and unhappy. What is the problem?" the woman asked kindly. With tears, Kim told her about the gangsters. The woman was horrified. "Don't go back to them. Come with me, child. You can stay with me. I am sure my mistress can you a job." the woman said. Kimberly nodded and followed the woman.

  Kimberly and the young woman named as Nancy chatted all the way to a nice looking house where Nancy works.

  Kim followed Nancy inside and met a angry, but beautiful young lady. And Nancy looked much younger than her mistress. Nancy had short curly dark hair, green eyes and a slender figure. Her mistress had long brown hair, blue eyes and a slim figure. Both women were in their forties, but comparing them, Nancy looked much prettier even though her mistress also had beauty."Where have you been?!" the lady demanded. Nancy sighed. "Miss Sarah, I had to rescue a poor girl from a couple of gangsters. Her name is Kim." Nancy replied and pointed at Kim, who was scared. Sarah studied the girl and spoke, "Well, I always wanted a little maid. Get her washed and dried. Her bad smell will affect the whole house". Then Sarah left the room. Nancy hurried the girl to the bathroom.

  Later on, Kim was bathed and dressed into new clothes and she beamed. Kim loved to see her clean self again. Sarah was pleased about the new clean maid had made Kimberly work from morning to midnight. And always, Nancy made sure Km had her meals every day. Sometimes the chores Kim couldn't perform, Nancy did it for her. Kim was grateful.

  Kim felt better at Sarah's house until one day, Sarah's fiancé came to stay for some time.

  The door bell had rang, Kim opened to see a young handsome man smiling holding a bunch of roses.


  Chapter 6

  The young man introduced himself as Dave. Kim nodded and introduced herself. Dave nodded and asked, "Is miss Sarah home?” Before Kim could answer, Nancy came in and a shock came on her face. Nancy blushed and bowed. "Welcome, Dave. Sarah is upstairs. I will call her." Nancy said, politely. Dave stopped her and held Nancy's arm. Nancy turned to face Dave. "Nancy, don't leave." Dave pleaded. Kim watched this scene with curiosity. Miss Sarah entered and Dave released his grip and smiled at his fiancée. The couple hugged and departed. Kim and Nancy exchanged looks.

  For the past weeks, Dave spent his time with Sarah, but Kim noticed that Dave was more interested in Nancy who tried to avoid him. Since Dave stayed there, Sarah became nice to Nancy and Kim. Dave was also fond of Kim and chatted with her freely. On a Saturday afternoon, Kim spotted Nancy and Dave talking secretly among them. Kim saw they were both happy.

  That night, when Dave was having a chat with Kim, she brought up the subject. "Do you like Nancy more than Sarah?" Kim asked. Dave laughed and replied, "You shouldn't ask these questions for a small kid". Kim nodded and excused herself to sleep.

  The next day, Kim questioned Nancy whether she liked Dave, but Nancy only smiled and went on with her chores. Nancy and Dave's secret togetherness went for many days. Kim kept her thoughts to herself, but Sarah suspected something was going wrong and studied everybody which made Kim very frightened.


  Chapter 7

  The mysteries went on for many weeks till Sarah demanded explanation. Her first suspect was Kim who didn't answer to any of her questions. When she asked Nancy, Nancy felt embarrassed and won't say a word. Sarah talked to Dave and accused him. Dave became angry. In the night, Nancy and Kim could hear their argument. Dave shouted that their engagement is over, because he is in love with Nancy. Kim saw Nancy's face pale and in shock. Sarah could be shouting and screaming of him being a deceiver. Dave just got out and went out of the house.

  Nancy rushed to her room and locked the door. Kim continued her chores. Kim could also hear Sarah's loud sobs and Kim pitied her. That evening, Nancy said she couldn'
t serve dinner, so Kim had to do it. Sarah had stayed in her room for the whole day. When Kim had entered with Sarah's dinner. Sarah rose up with a angry tear-stained face and took the food tray and threw it at Kim. Kim fell down and started weeping. Sarah ordered her to get out and demanded that Nancy should come.

  Weeping, Kim cleared the food mess and left the room to call Nancy.

  Nancy immediately came out of fright. Kim left the room and went to do the dishes. Later in the night, Kim could hear Sarah's shouts and beatings of Nancy who screamed and cried. Kim felt scared and wept herself to sleep.

  At Dawn, Kim heard Nancy enter her bed room.


  Chapter 8

  Dave heard of what happened and instructed that Nancy and Kim should leave the house and move with him. Sarah ordered that they shouldn't dare, but Nancy and Kim packed their stuff and followed Dave, leaving Sarah shocked.

  Kimberly stayed in Dave's house which was much nicer than Sarah's own. Some weeks later, Nancy and Dave got married. Kim felt happy about it. They were traveling to abroad for their honeymoon. Kim was sad because she couldn't go with them, but Dave had called his mother to take care of Kim.

  When the couple left on Sunday evening, Dave's mother true colors were revealed. For the past weeks, Dave's mother will maltreat Kim until she cries from day to night. She also made Kim do the impossible chores for a child her age. Kim never felt so miserable in her life. Later, Dave had called to check up on Kim and Dave's mother lied that Kim was disrespectful. When Kim heard this, she began to weep. Dave's mother made sure Kim never talked to her son when he calls.

  One day, the couple returned. Nancy was happy to see Kim again. Dave noticed the pale face and the scars on her hands. He became angry and demanded an explanation from his mother. His mom tried to lie to her son, but he didn't believe her and sent her back to her own home. Kim was happy Dave's mom was out of the house, but she still felt lonely.